Carving in the Field

Taboo Phone Sex Reagan

I love pumpkin carving season. There are so many evil things I can associate with Halloween. Hunting, capturing, snuffing, and than turning the flesh to art has to be one of my favorite activities. Have you ever looked up the many missing person cases that accumulate right around the harvest season?

Taboo Phone Sex Reagan

Pumpkin patches can be so much fun. Have you ever gotten lost in the corn maze? Well, if you have than you probably felt the stare of something you can’t quite see? You walk and walk, soon you can not seem to find your way back. I especially love when you enter at dusk and by the time the sun sets you really are lost. No one around to hear you scream when I take you. Drag you into the corn, and off of the maze. You’re grabbing at the corn trying to stop the abduction.  I love watching as you are almost unconscious, and you feel the first cut into your skin. I laugh cause I watch that fear take over you as you can now see the other ones. Precious fear cut into their faces for eternity. Such beauty! All around us an army of bloody scarecrows. Your fate has been sealed.

You finally take your last few raspy breathes as you see me drag one, two, maybe three more to my outside art studio. All ages can have so much fun here! I love a variety of carvings. From the young to the old. I do not discriminate.

Taboo Phone Sex Reagan

Kill Yourself Already!

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Hello there, My name is Jade. I am your suicide prevention hotline specialist. I specialize in suicide fantasy phone sex. Whatever your problem is, we can solve it. Life is an option. I know it may feel like no one loves you. But trust me when I say I do. You have so much to live for love. I would hate to see you off yourself. You feel alone, useless, pathetic right? Like no one would give a damn if you died? You feel like the world would be a less fucked up place if you remove yourself from it? Come on sweetie, I need you. I love you! Don’t you dare think of awful things like that! Don’t think about, you being a pathetic wimp. To even think of killing yourself is foolishness. I mean, if you really wanted to do it… you would have done it already right? I mean what’s the fucking use of complaining about your stupid life. Stop fucking whining about it. I mean, I know it’s hard feeling like you’re less of a man. I understand. You don’t compare to your wonderful friends who’s life is complete and fulfilled. Damn love, I just don’t want to see you go. But if I was in your position I would see why you have thoughts of suicide. You know what, just die already! Oh shit, I shouldn’t have said that. Just wrap that rope around your neck and kick the chair, or put all the bullets in, load up and shoot. Fuck, I did it again. Life is an option!! But no one said Death wasn’t an option either. Awww Fuck it, No one fucking cares! Kill yourself already. 


violent phonesex flatlineI have a friend that is a doctor and he got his hands on a cardiac monitor. I just had to have it. He dropped it off last week and showed me how to hook up the leads. I got so fucking wet when he hooked it up to me and I watched the screen with the line going up and down in time to my heart beat. I knew that I would use it soon, but not to enjoy the steady rhythm of the heart beating. Instead I wanted to cum as the line goes flat, knowing that the life has gone out of the body that I am torturing. I know that the thrill is going to be over the top hot for me. As soon as he left I dragged it down to the basement and grabbed her dirty little body, dragging her kicking and screaming to the table where she has watched me torture so many before her. I strapped her down while I laughed, rubbing my cunt. I ripped her already tattered dress off and shoved her soiled panties in her mouth making her gag but preventing her from screaming. Carefully I hooked up the leads in just the right places and turned on the machine. The screen lite up and the rhythmic beeping was so hard and fast from her fear that it made my nipples stand straight up. I felt it fitting to use my medical supplies for this torture, shoving a speculum up her ass and gaping it open I began to cut her ass from the inside. I was going to drag this out as I listened to the sound of the cardiac monitor.  Slowly I used the scalpel that was covered in the shit from her ass on her dirty skin. Watching her skin change from dirt black to blood red was exhilarating. All the while listening to the monitor, cutting deeper and watching her bleed out, until finally I couldn’t take it any more and I made that final cut, cumming as the machine flat lined and her body went limp. violent phonesex angie

Another Barbie for You

I brought you the blonde you wanted. I am never enough. I am so pathetic and too skinny. You pick out who you want and I get them for you. Why do you keep choosing girls who are nothing like me? They are always so pretty and have huge breasts and blonde hair. Fucking barbie dolls. I am such a piece of shit, I know I can never be everything you desire. I am stuck in this nightmare of sharing you with these sluts who don’t even need another man.

I know thats the only reason you keep me alive. You know how good I have gotten at tricking them into coming with me. You see the surprise in their eyes when you grab them, and you know I did a good job. I hate it. I hate watching you take their bodies against their will, and force them to suck your gorgeous cock. Then you tie us together, and you fuck her while my sickly body just gets jerked around from the pumping motion. I feel every thrust, but not the way I want to feel it.

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These ungrateful bitches get your cock in their pussies and all they do is cry and beg for you to stop. They are so lucky and they don’t know it. I am just a ragdoll tied to their back to watch. Just a piece of shit. No good for you anymore. I would do anything to be them in those moments. To feel your lust and your cock and have your attention.

The only joy I get is when you are finally finished with them. You fuck them until they stop begging, until they give in to you. They trust you and believe they are going to be okay. Thats when I get untied. Thats when I trick them one last time and tell them that they, like me, will be okay. I hug them as they tremble in fear and relief and I feel their hearts pounding. You come up behind them, finally look at ME, and shoot a bullet through their pretty head.

I have a mess to clean up, but at least the barbie is gone. I watch you fuck the hole in her skull, and know that you will need another very soon. Your taste for the pretty ones has become insatiable.

Cut in Half

I blink awake and I can’t figure out where I am. I am tied to a tree and I hurt all over. Only my ars are tied, but I can’t seem to move my legs? In fact, I can’t even feel them. Nothing makes sense. Its daylight, and I am covered in blood. Then I see it – I am sliced directly across my stomach – split in half, top and bottom. There is too much blood to see how deep the wound is, but I know its the reason I can’t feel my legs.

Its so surreal to look down and see me standing on my legs and feet, but have no sensation at all. Its like floating. Most of the blood has dried – so I must have been here awhile. And I must have survived this? How is that possible? My legs are covered in blood from the wound on my stomach, but otherwise I don’t see any other cuts.

Then you appear. You seem happy to see me awake. You come over and kiss me, and as you pull away I see blood on your face. It must have come from mine – my face must be bleeding but I cannot know for sure how or why. You lick my blood off your lips like its candy, and begin to take off your jeans. Your cock is hard and you slide it up between my legs. I watch in horror as you fuck my numb pussy. You have taken away my ability to feel pleasure!

You fuck me even harder and tell me that I will get fucked every day for the rest of my life, and I will never get to feel it. You rub my clit with your thumb while you fuck me. I can SEE you doing it and I want to FEEL it so fucking bad and I can’t. You are a fucking monster! You have taken away the only thing I had left – the sick perverted pleasure I got when my wet pussy would throb from your tortures.

Night Visits

torture phonesex georgiaHe’s started watching me more closely, making sure that I know who I belong to. He watches me when I’m with my boyfriend probably planning on how to get him out of the picture. I wake up three nights a week to his hands around my throat and his engorged cock inside me. He takes my dirty panties and jams them into my mouth so no one can hear me scream during his late night visits. The way I suffer and squirm only makes his dick harder, he has little regraud for my comfort. Yet sometimes he holds me close after these visits whispering in my ear what a good little slut I’ll be for him.
Part of me never wants this to end, but the other part of me is so very afraid. What will happen to me if he goes too far? Will he end up killing me by mistake or would it be on purpose?! What about my boyfriend, would he really kill him? Maybe this is all some twisted and exciting game. None of my friends have told anyone about him peeping in on us at our sleep over, so it must not be serious. I just don’t know.
I like that he has this power over me, I just don’t understand it. I hope he can help me understand or even make me understand if he has to. I just want to know what he wants from me also why the fear he sparks inside me turns me on more than I ever thought possible before.

Snuffing out a Bimbo

There’s this new guy in my building and he looks super yummy. I have run into him a time or two at the mail boxes or in the convenience store across the road. He seems to be a bit on the nocturnal side also. Well one night I was unloading some bags out of my car and noticed him with what looked like a real lame blonde bimbo. Oh well, I thought to myself, he’s obviously lamer than I hoped.

Later that night I was getting on my bike to head out to the bar when I saw him again, alone this time. He actually approached me and commented on my ride. Thanking him and after a brief intro I revved up to go when he put his hand on my arm, and asked if I was in a hurry to be somewhere. Giving him a questioning look as I idled the engine he asked if I would be interested in coming up to his place he had a proposition for me. Now I was a little intrigued and a little on the what the fuck side.

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Shutting off the engine and dismounting my bike I grabbed my bag and pulled my gun out of the storage spot and slipped it in my jacket. He didn’t seem to worried or freaked that I was toting a firearm. I tossed back at him how I never go anywhere without it unless it’s locked in my gun safe, and that I’m licensed. He still just appeared indifferent like it was a normal thing, he’s getting a few points, almost flushing that he appears to like blonde bimbos.

Up at his place he opened the door and I was surprised by how immaculately clean and was nicely decorated on a darker side. Lots of red, black and deep purples with sculls and knives. “So, what’s this big proposition Greg?” He leads me to a back bedroom and opens the door. There’s the bimbo, tied up, gagged and passed out. He watched me for an expression. Glancing at him I just stated “well that’s a relief”, and “so… you still haven’t clued me in on this big proposition”. As he still kind of looked at questioningly, “well when I saw you with this bimbo it was a little of a disappointment is all”.   

   I looked around the room and noticed it was sound proofed which made me smile a little more. “So, where’s your bass?” he started saying something then “wait, how’d you know…?” The sound proofing, professional acoustic sound proofing that assists in recording acoustics on top of sound proofing..” then “never mind all that  what’s the big deal”?  So, his response was “I need an accomplice”, and “ok, I have a confession, I have seen you around and even followed you one night, and well… I have seen what I needed to confirm that you would be the perfect partner for this..” He continued on as I leaned against the door frame, “I have this fantasy of having a brutal fucking female accomplice to assist in fucking up some annoying bimbo, maybe even snuffing her out”. He continued that he then wanted to brutally fuck her as she nears her death and as a finally we snuff her out putting a plastic bag over head while you penetrate her from behind with a strap on and I fuck you from behind vaginally and cum inside you as her last breath leaves her body life enters yours”. 

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He continued “as I further think about it that gun of yours would be a hot addition fucking her with it while she’s alive and lucid, and then forcing her to suck it clean threatening with finger on trigger, and I also think taking that hunting knife of yours to her neck while she’s on her back and I fuck her asking if it’s what she wanted, to be fucked by me..” As I consider and respond I mention that I would find more pleasure in it if I could draw the blade across her flesh bleeding her pathetic body…” We both look to her and smile, “Dusty meet Stephanie…” she was coming to and her eyes got so big.

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Torture Phone Sex with Cassandra: Arachnophobia

torture phone sex bondage punishmentI have new master. He is Australian; fancies himself a Crocodile Dundee type. Very rugged, very manly, very outdoorsy.  I thought he was just in spanking. I love being whipped and abused, especially my tits. But my new Master is a twisted fuck. After an hour of whipping me all over my body with a paddle, he dragged my red swollen body to a bedroom in the basement. He tied me to the bed spread eagle. I thought he was going to force himself on me or fuck me with a dildo. He just looked at me and said, “I hope you are afraid of spiders.” Then he closed the door and left. I was laying there on the bed not knowing what was going to happen when I started seeing things crawl across the ceiling. Before long the ceiling was infested with spiders: big hairy creepy ass spiders. It was like I was in a bad SyFy Channel movie.

I struggled to get myself free but he had me tied well to that bed. I started to hyperventilate. I would not say I have arachnophobia, but thousands of spiders above me makes it reasonable to panic. They were so many of them they started to fall on my body. Spiders began to swarm my breasts. The feeling of all those legs on me freaked me out. I was scared. I was panicky. They started biting me. I could feel the stings, the pain. It was worse than being paddled. I had no idea what kind of spiders were covering my body. I wanted to scream bloody murder but feared a spider would get in my mouth. I tried to escape in my head, but no such luck. I could not escape my fear. I had this vision that they would encase my body in a web. I was really starting to panic.

torture phone sex blonde big titsI started to cry. Deep sobbing kind of crying. My body was shaking. Master came in wearing some sort of body suit to keep the spiders off him. I begged him to let me go. Said I would do anything he wanted; that I would be the best submissive pet he ever had if he just let me go. I could hear him say, “Be careful what you ask for Cassandra, you might just get it.” But I was serious. This was torture. I would do anything to get these fucking spiders off my body. He let me go. He said it was a form of breaking me. In his world, spiders, snakes and rats are often all a stubborn bitch needs to be compliant. Well, it worked. I will fucking do anything he wants now. Anything is better than being helpless with a hoard of spiders covering your body.

Well, at least I hoped…..


Evil Phone Sex with Venus: The Devil Made Me Do It

evil phone sex goth girlI was home alone, in bed. Not even out of school yet. I had only been getting my period for about a year. I felt him climb into bed with him. Half asleep, I opened my eyes and what I saw was not my father, but a monster of sorts. Half man, half serpent. The man part looked oddly familiar. Like my dead grandpa. Surely I was having a nightmare. Then I felt it on top of my body. My hands were pinned behind my head and then I felt it enter me. It was ice cold. I was a virgin; I had never felt one inside me before, but I didn’t think it was suppose to feel cold as ice. And it was pronged,  like a fork. I still thought I was dreaming. Having my first wet dream.

It hurt but at the same time felt good. When I think back to my first time, I am still perplexed by what penetrated me that night. It honestly felt like a cold knife going in and out of me. I felt wetness between my legs. A cold milky substance was running out of me.  But what was it? Semen was suppose to be warm not ice cold. It was all over quickly, and who  or what ever fucked me just disappeared into thin air. I convinced myself that it was all some dream. But when I woke up the next morning my sheets were covered in blood and semen. My pussy was raw and swollen.

evil phone sex knife playMy door was still locked from the inside. My bedroom window still locked too. Yet I was clearly no longer a virgin. Something or someone had entered my room in the middle of the night and fucked me, taken my virginity. I became obsessed with the occult, with demons and witches. I did all sorts of research and was certain that I had been violated by the devil. I tried to tell my parents, but of course they thought I was crazy. My mom accused me of fucking my dad, taking advantage of him. He was the only man in the house. If someone fucked me, it had to be him.

I missed my next period. When I told my father  I was certain I was pregnant and carrying the devil’s spawn, he slapped me and called me a whore. That was the night I started cutting myself; the night I became obsessed with knives and blades and blood. The night I knew I had to get rid of my parents.  Parents are supposed to protect their offspring, believe them, support them…. They were worthless. I didn’t need them.  I prayed and prayed and prayed not to be pregnant and for my parents to disappear.  Then, I heard a voice tell me I had to get rid of my parents if I didn’t want to have the son of Satan.  That was an easy choice. Just like in the Amityville Horror, I went in my  parents’ bedroom and stabbed them repeatedly. The blood spraying on my body felt intoxicating. That was my first kill, but far from my last. Guess you could say the Devil made me do it.

My period came the next day. I moved in with my grandmother and the death of my parents to this day remains an unsolved homicide, likely just a “random, senseless act of murder.”  I didn’t need to have the Devil’s spawn; I was evil incarnate. I still am. The Devil still speaks to me. Maybe he will tell me to castrate or kill you next.

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Accomplice Phone Sex with Ivy

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She was tons of fun. She complimented me on the very gloves that held her down and invaded her sweet private parts. And very sweet they were. I stalked her for quite some time. She was shopping with her mommy. Like all bad ass young ones, she got distracted by some girly toys. Her mommy kept walking into the next aisle over so I made my move. No one heard a thing because, well I have a way with words and I always keep candy in my purse. I love being an accomplice phone sex slut. I love the kidnapping fantasies and getting you off while I’m snuffing a young tiny whore. Her squirming body under mine as I wrapped one hand around her neck and stuffed the other hand inside her fuck hole. Come and join now daddy. I think she’s all ready. Her mouth is wide open as she gasps for air. Perfect time to shove your cock in. I love the way her eyes express so much fear. She can’t scream because I’ll just cause her more pain. The sounds of her gagging is making my pussy cream. Speaking of pussy, I’ll shove my fingers deeper into her cunt. Glove and all she’s getting fisted tonight. It’s so beautiful how her pussy rips open when you force things in it. Now I want you to take your cock and rip her ass open just like I did to her cunt. You know I have no mercy for young sluts like this one. All I want to do torture her, make my rape phone sex fantasies come to life, and snuff the bitch when I’m good and ready. All I need is your help. I couldn’t be the devious accomplice if I didn’t have you. I love your evil twisted ways. We are a perfect team. And tonight we will tag team torture this little whore til the life leaves her precious eyes.

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