Snuff Phone Sex ~ Bloody Cyber Text Sessions

Snuff Phone Sex Reagan

Everyone loves a good story. But I love a good horror story, don’t you? Would you like to be a part of my own personal bloody story? So much I can do with my fingers, my hands, my mouth, my teeth. When you call me and ask me for my stories of blood and gore, we have such a good time. I become your accomplice, you become my victim.. we hunt together and prey on the weak and lost. We kidnap and violate the young ones. We even violate the dead, and eat our masterpieces for dinner.

Can you imagine after all we have done, there is actually a way we can do more? Instead of just a phone call, you and I can spend time together in a world so sick and twisted it will make your stomach turn. For the same price of a phone call, we can sit very comfortably in our own quiet little world and chat to each other. Yahoo, Skype.. I am sure you have a mobile app for either. Text me from the comfort of work.. or hiding quietly from the Misses. or from the comfort of your computer desktop or laptop. I offer you a way you can be more than one person in our horror story.. you can be the young weak one, or even another gender.. how far do your sick twisted desires go? Mine go further than you can ever imagine. If you have ever had that urge and felt a phone call was not convenient.. give me a heads up and we can move to our own sick world and write our way to blood and gore. See you on the twisted side of life!

~Reagan, your Maiden of Malice~

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