Watch Me Hunt

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Watch Me Hunt

When you come home from work you find me in the kitchen laying out my tools…my cell phone, three chloroform soaked rags in plastic baggies, a couple roofies, an opaque sack bag, duct tape.  “Hunting again?  So soon?  You just went last week.”  I nod and give you a kiss on the corner of your mouth.  “I know but this is the best time of year.  They are all out in masses and distracted.  I’ll take a break after Christmas. Can you clean out cage 6 for me while I’m gone?”

You don’t usually try to stop me or disapprove of what I bring home to us; Young, pretty girls at the peak of their beauty and health for us to play with and discover the limits of our humanity with (spoiler alert, we don’t seem to have many limits).  We have a few cages in the subbasement that you call “The Barn”, eight of them.  Right now only five of those cages are occupied and by the end of this weekend we will only have three left.  You don’t like it when we have too many girls, but I like having options.  Some nights I feel like Asian, school girl, waitress, drunk data entry temp that got separated from the bachelorette party she was enjoying, ect.   Before I leave I suggest you work on Girl 2, a cute whimpering nursing assistant that begs us to stop in the sweetest of voices, like a hurt little doll.  She’s still has too much spirit and needs it broken, her meat has to be tenderized.

While you watch me get dressed in my hunting clothes; nice but non descriptive little black dress, blonde wig, stylish boots that I’ve had customized with a steel toe, and my “poison” ring with the powdered roofies, you get a loving and appreciative look in your eyes.  “I would like to follow you one night.  Watch you hunt.  See how you do this.”  I giggle and jump into your arms “Really?  You want to watch me hunt?  Stalk the hunter if you will?”

You walk me to my van, with tinted windows and built in hidden floor compartment large enough to hold three human beings.  “So Girl 2, what should I do with her while you are gone?” you ask as I toss my duffle bag in the passenger seat.  “Well if you don’t want to work on her tonight then can you make a few more accounts for me on Tinder so I can start prospecting,” I get in the van and start it up.  “Actually I want you and I to both play with Girl 2 together when you get home and we prep the new girl you bring home.  But I’ll give her a quick cleaning and feeding, and then tie her to the guest bed.” You give me one more kiss good bye and I head out.  I’m so lucky to have a man like you support my hunting habits!


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Watching Ass Rape Porn with Reagan

Ass Rape Porn Reagan

He emailed me and said he had a special ass rape porn movie he wanted me to watch. This was his tribute for me. I love his gifts, he knows how badly I love to watch his movie collection. Only a few people in this evil world really knew how to make me cum like he does, and watching his snuff porn, really made me wet.

I clicked on his file and opened up the most delicious torture sex scene I had ever laid my eyes on. He had her bound and gagged on the floor of a basement. Three masked men hovered over her naked with hard and thick cocks. They were yelling and kicking at her helpless bruised body. They told her she was a slut and had to pay the price for having a wet cunt. I started to rub my wet snatch and fuck my hand as I saw all three men pick her up and use her like a fuck toy. She was crying and they just laughed at her, telling her it’s what she wanted, she needed to be violated and punished hard and punished raw. These men were so brutal and I found myself wishing I was there to help this cunt get used. I wanted nothing more than to take my special toys with me and play with this whore. I would love to pound her wet snatch till it bled, anduse my knife to slowly carve into her flesh as these men dumped loads of dirty semen up deep inside her.

After what seemed like hours of torture sex, a new set of men joined the room. But they had other things in mind other then just fucking our little cunt. They wanted to watch her suffer in a whole new violent way. I watched them tie a rope around her neck and hook the rope to a pulley. They slowly pulled her body up as they fucked her. Her body reacted with panic as they laughed. She was shaking and convulsing as the rope got tighter and tighter. She was such a good little fuck doll. And of course once she was no longer breathing, they got to enjoy a whole new delicacy of dead cunt to fuck!

Oh yes, a movie worth watching to satisfy your snuff sex desires!

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Tracy’s Quest.

Taboo phone sex MAkaylaTracy came to me wanting to buy my clothes.

I giggled when he told me what size he was…

Dress size 14, Mine is a size 2.

He is 5’10” 188lbs!!

Such a fucking gross fatty!

He is now on a quest to fit into my clothes.

His first test is to be on a completely liquid diet until he loses 8.5 pounds.

He can do it, if he doesn’t want to be a gross fat fuck any more.

He has to send me pictures of himself on the scale.

He is starting off by purging all that he has eaten today. I want him to take laxatives and only have liquids.

If Tracy eats solid food before I tell him He will be punished.

His cock will be tortured and abused and he will be giving a enema until he is completely cleaned out.

He will be my pretty skinny princess.

Tracy, If You haven’t lost 8.5 pounds I will be very angry.

Your body will take the pain and I will have all the pleasure of beating the fat out of you.

I don’t want a fat slob trying to fit into my clothes.

I am no doctor, but I know how to make you skinny!

TAboo Phonesex MAkaylaPlease me Tracy and you will be as slim as me one day, or you will suffer. 

Dinner is ready

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Do you like my table setting? I have tried it a few times but these stupid sluts start to cry as the wick gets hotter and starts to burn closer to their skin. As if. They are just scared little bitches. Worthless in my eyes. They don’t need to eat. They can suck on the candle wax. I set my Holiday table like this because well, Its the holidays and I don’t want to end up fat and ugly like this bitch. I eat until I am full. 

But this bitch. She doesn’t get to eat food. She gets to eat me. She has to lick my pussy until I come all over her face. If during that time I have to use the bathroom. I just go on her. If she doesn’t get me off Ill just kick her with my heels until she does. Ill take the melted wax off by ripping it off her skin. hopefully there will be some pain and blood!! Oh… Its time for her meal! 

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4 Fucking A.M.

Babysitter phone sex with BlazeI cant believe the NERVE of some people. I mean this BITCH wants me to get to her house at 3 fucking am in the fucking morning…To babysit so this bitch can go shopping! I mean what the fuck was she expecting. If I have to put up with fucking little whores so early. I am gonna make those sluts … PAY. I couldn’t wait for their mother to LEAVE. Then I set up my camera in those sleeping sluts room. And I called over my friends! They woke those whores up by ripping their fucking clothes off! I loved the sound of them screaming begging for mommy to cum help them! Of course mommy had other priorities! I came in long enough to give the little sluts a shot in their toes. They wont know what the fuck happened to them! I loved the sounds of them getting fucked and used like the sluts they are! And this video is gonna make me a TON! It really serves their mother right! Fucking 4 am!

Tricked By You

My doorbell rang and when I answered, there was nothing but a vase of flowers and a note. The note said to meet you at an address I had never heard of. I know you have been watching me for some time now, but this is the first communication you have really made, other than the late night phone calls where you say nothing.  I decided to go, even though my gut was telling me I shouldn’t. But I had to know who you were and what was going on, and the flowers seemed nice, so I went.

The address was an old run down building, but I wasn’t scared because it was daylight, so I got out of my car and tried to find an open door. The back door was cracked, so I went inside. It was musty and no electricity seemed to be on. I called out, “hello?” and no one answered. The hair on the back of my neck stood up, and I somehow knew you were there. Just then, you came up behind me and put your hand over my mouth and your arm around my neck. I started kicking, but was unable to scream. That is all I remember until waking up just now, tied up, with you standing above me.

You are not what I expected, and even though I am scared, my pussy begins to throb because I know exactly what you want to do to me. I can see your hard cock through your jeans and my clothes have already been ripped. Had you already done things to me while I was passed out? I had no idea, but it felt that way. Now that I was awake, you grabbed me by the hair and shoved your cock in my mouth and told me to suck it. I did as I was told, terrified, but secretly loving how hard you were.

Then you threw me over on my side, and the way I was tied I couldn’t even move or try to stop you. You began slapping my ass so hard that it felt like I was bleeding. You spanked my tight ass for at least 20 minutes before shoving your cock deep inside my dripping wet cunt. You told me what a stupid whore I was for coming today, and I knew you were right.  I tried to tell you I wouldn’t tell anyone if you let me go, but you weren’t listening. The way you were fucking me, I know you have no intention of ever letting me go.

You made me an insatiable pain slut

bloody phone sex georgia 00You always like to remind me how helpless I am. Last night you even tied up my wrists and ankles with rope. I waited that way until morning, struggling to fall asleep because I knew a severe beating was coming. This time I want to feel the pain from every blow, I know I earned it. Didn’t you notice how I kept my eyes open until they swelled shut? I know how much you enjoy hurting me and I’m really scared now because I like it too. Every time you choke me I know it might be the last time, I could easily black out and never wake up. It gets me excited too, it’s actually the only thing that does now. Nothing will ever be the same.
Although you probably think I’m lying its the truth. While you were beating me this morning I felt ashamed of how wet it made me. My cum was gushing out and running down my thighs, you must have been too distracted by all the blood to notice. After you left me untied and alone in my room, I pressed hard into my swollen clit until I squiredt into a puddle of my own blood. I was so disgusted with myself I nearly puked. Maybe this was what you wanted all along or maybe you wanted me to always hate it. Obviously I’ll never ask, you rarely let me speak anyway. Most days I’m gagged when your pricks not stuffed deep inside my throat or I’m just locked away in my room. Sadly, all I did this week was rub my slippery pussy while I day dreamed about all the torture that awaits me. That’s how sick I am now, I can’t control it anymore

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Deadly Desire

It was a dark night full of excitement and insanity as rogues of shoppers were fighting their way into the store as they opened for the special shopping event. I agreed – fuck knows why – to bring my brother a dinner plate to him since he had to work. I made it through the mess and was headed out to my car. 

As I walked back to my car I was suddenly grabbed from behind. Black leather gloved hands grabbing my arms. There was a second set of hands on me pulling me into a dark van and shoving a cloth in my face. There was something on the cloth I must have inhaled it as I was feeling woozy and blacked out.

Awaking in a sleazy sex club I found myself naked and bound. I was shackled to a bed and awoke to being triple penetrated. I felt my cunt throb as two big cocks stretch my pussy. My ass was feeling as though I had been banged over and over again with fat cocks.

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As soon as they noticed I was coming to I felt a hard blow on my head. Slowly falling back out of consciousness I felt the blood trickling, and heard them say they were promised a dead girl.

Bad Girl Again

I tried to clean the house like you said, but its never good enough. And I know I am going to be beaten anyway, so today I decided to really try to get back at you. I was washing the dishes, and decided to leave one dirty plate in the sink. I knew it would make you furious, and I love the pain you inflict on me so much that I just couldn’t stop myself. I waited for you to get home, watched as you checked the shelves for dust. Then you spotted it – the one dish in the sink.

You walked over, and picked it up, almost in disbelief. You turned around towards me holding it in your hand. The fury in your eyes was so intense that my pussy began to tingle at the mere thought of what you were going to do. You walked over and grabbed me by the hair and made me lick the dirty garbage off the dish with my tongue. Telling me what a dirty fucking cumwhore I was and that I was going to pay for my insolence.  I licked the slime from the plate and then you dragged me to couch and tied me up.

You picked the plate back up, and began beating me with it until it broke into pieces. The bruises on my face and arms were throbbing, but my pussy was still wet. I am a pathetic waste of space, and I know you need me for your stress relief. Once the plate broke, you took a shard of the porcelain and began slicing into my bare chest with it. You pressed hard enough so that I bled, and you scratched the words “filthy whore” over my tits. The pain release was incredible, and I loved every pull of the jagged plate edge.

Once you had finished your writing, you took your cock out, dragged it through my fresh blood, and than began fucking my mouth. You fucked my face so hard I couldn’t breath, and your cock was covered in my fresh blood, making it taste coppery and so delicious. You were screaming at me that I will obey you from now on, and that I will be a good slave or else. I came down my legs as you came down my throat. I think tomorrow I will fold your socks the wrong way and wait in anticipation of your hard hands until you find them….

Santa’s Evil Accomplice Venus

knife play phone sex goth bitchSo I was stupid enough to think I could run to the mall to get a pair of boots on Black Friday. I wasn’t bargain shopping or anything. I just wanted some fucking boots to go with my new goth outfit for this underground club. It was a mob scene and bitches were going crazy. I had my boots in hand, tried them on  and everything. While I was in line waiting patiently to check out, this stupid cunt stole the boots right out of my hands, while her whore friend held me so I could not chase her.

They fucked with the wrong bitch. I had my knife collection in the car, but my favorite one was in my purse. I’m not the kind of chick who lets things like that slide. I’m no doormat.  But I am no hot head either. My ability to remain calm, and exact my revenge in due time is what makes me a perfect accomplice. I don’t get caught because I am smart and patient. I let the bitch steal the shoes. I then followed the cunts around the mall until they headed to their car. I walked right up to them, held my knife to the thief’s kidney and demanded the return of my boots. When she laughed and called me Wednesday Addams, I sliced her flesh. Her friend insisted I take the boots and leave.

knife play phone butcher girlI took the boots. Thank you stupid worthless cunt for giving me what was mine in the first place. I looked around, parking lot crowded as hell, broad day light, but no one paying attention and we were near the back of the lot by a Holiday display. I knifed each of them in the gut, twisted it up, causing a slow painful bleed out. I pushed them under their car temporarily, waited till the crowds died down a bit and the blood stopped flowing. Then I dumped their lifeless bodies in a big Christmas box that was being prepared for the Holiday decor. Some Macy’s worker would get a nice surprise when he or she finished  decorating.

Perhaps not too festive of me to snuff two cunts at the start of the holiday season, but they had no manners. I’m not sorry, but if you going to be thieving bullying whores, well you going to get taken out . I guess I am Santa’s evil accomplice. If you on that naughty list, beware. I have to no tolerance for stupid worthless people. And I am always packing the kitchen cutlery in my purse.

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