Torture sex is the only sex I like

torture sexI have a mean streak, I may as well admit that right up front because it definitely shows itself in everything that I do. I truly enjoy watching people suffer unimaginable pain, I love to see the agony in their eyes as I torture them slowly and unmercifully end their pathetic lives. These whores are worthless garbage, they exist only to pleasure us with their screams of agony until they breathe their last breath. I want them to suffer as I break their bones and slice their skin. I want to be covered in their blood, absolutely drenched in it from head to toe! After all, everything is more fun when it’s messy isn’t it? I will never be some boring vanilla sex loving bitch so if that’s what you’re looking for you should move on to the next bitch. But if you are a sick sadistic son of a bitch like me, we’ll get along just fine…

Snuff Porn Sends Geneva to Her Grave

The day was just another day as I followed my usual routine, and headed out on my run. Usual route and a normal day, except for what follows.

Snuff Porn Geneva 00

I stopped to answer a text and do some stretches before continuing on my run. As I was kneeling down to fix my shoe laces a shadow fell over me. I quickly stood to find a large statured man standing over me. I tried pardoning myself and getting by this man as he grabbed my arm. Alarmed I tried yanking away and he pulled a gun on me. As I froze I could barely breath and I’m certain the color left my face.

Lured into a dark SUV with tinted windows I was shoved in the backseat. I was then blind folded and my wrists and ankles were bound. I was then given something to drink which knocked me out. The driver was already pulling out into traffic as I fought to keep from passing out.

snuff porn Geneva grave 0

The whole time I was out they drug me into an old farm house where I was beaten, and fucked to near death. I was completely knocked out so had no recollection of what happened to me. I just know I was sore, bruised, bloody and my ass and cunt ached. I was in so much pain I wished they had killed me. My pussy and asshole were stretched ass gaping and filled with cum.

Snuff Porn

When I came to I found myself in a large dirt hole, a shallow grave and started screaming. I was still bound and couldn’t move. I could barely talk or breathe and don’t know how I mustered up the ability to call out and eventually someone found me. Later I received a copy of the snuff porn that was made that day and I nearly orgasmed right then.

Torture Sex with Blair

torture sex anal torture mommyI answered an ad in the Backpages for a mommy model. Sounded innocent enough. Pay was good. Would help me buy party supplies. I meet this young guy at his family cabin. When I arrived, he looked normal, but the cabin was obviously abandoned, as were all the cabins nearby. I was in the middle of nowhere. No one would hear me scream.  “What had I gotten myself into,” I thought.

I ignored my gut, second mistake. First mistake was agreeing to meet a total stranger in an abandoned cabin. When I entered with him, it was set up as a studio, but rest of the place was creepy and dilapidated. He gave me $1000 upfront and told me to undress. I thought to myself since he paid me I was probably safe. We began taking a few soft core pics. He excused himself to get some more film. I waited on the bed for him. I felt a blunt instrument hit me from behind. I fell forward on the ground.  He grabbed me by the throat and dragged me into another room. Strung me up and started whipping me.

He whipped me suspended for hours. When he cut me down, he dragged me by the hair back into the other room, blindfolded me and told me I better be ready for some ass rape porn, because he hired me for torture sex . I did not sign on for this. He had camera equipment set up to film him violating my ass. He started off just fucking me, but made sure I understood that he was just priming my ass for more torture. I guess I was screaming too much and he put a gag in my mouth. Turns out the gag was because he knew that I would really be screaming for the next phase.

torture sex bondage mommyHe started fisting me, double fisting me actually, A fist in my cunt and ass at same time to stretch me out further. He said his audience loves a gaping asshole. I was tight and he needed to change that. When his hands didn’t result in the gaping ass he wanted, he shoved his foot up my ass. That hurt more than anything he had done yet. I’d never had a foot in my ass. His foot was way bigger than his cock. I was crying , screaming. When he was done, my ass was gaping open. He seemed pleased with his work. He got the camera right up to my ass to show off my hole. Then I felt cold metal against my ass. I gulped in fear. A steel hook in my ass. I felt blood trickling down my thighs. The pain was awful. He fucked me with a cold metal hook. Mutilated my ass. The longer he fucked me, the more I bled. I saw the blood pooling underneath me; I started to shake, get light headed. Next thing I knew, I passed out.

I woke up covered in blood, in excruciating pain, gagged, with a metal hook in my ass. Like the cabin I was in, I had been abandoned. Left to die in the woods.  My cell phone was in front of me, so I could call for help, if I could only get a signal….

Venus’s Super Virus to Cleanse the World of Assholes

evil phone sex taboo goth girlEvery day I hear something about some self entitled asshole shooting an innocent person, or taking his family with him because he is too much of a sorry ass loser to just take his own worthless life. I hate people, not all, but most. It’s because most of society thinks the world revolves around them; that they are entitled to shit without working for it; that they can do whatever the fuck they want to whomever they want and the rules don’t apply to them. These are the useless folks I want to snuff out. Hitler was on to something with his gas chambers and ovens to eradicate big groups of people. He just targeted the wrong people.

medical fetish phone sex evil sexSo my evil mind has been thinking up super viruses. Much like Nazi pseudo science, my virus would be torturous and deadly, and designed to eradicate large populations of people, namely worthless pricks and useless cunts, otherwise known as assholes . I have an evil accomplice who is a biologist. We have been playing in his lab, creating the perfect super virus, one that recognizes folks with the “arsehole gene” which leads to the creation of an asshole. Our super virus will only kill folks who carry the arsehole gene. When this virus finds a host  carrying the gene, it will attach itself, mutate and kill. And not kill as in a heart attack, but kill as in completely exterminate. Carriers of the areshole gene will  be infected with a deadly virus that literally eats their bodies from the inside out. Internal organs will eviscerate; skin will turn carcinogenic;  and before long the asshole or future asshole, will be a pile of melted flesh and bones. Because it is a designer virus, it will resemble Ebola or Bird Flu, making it hard for the medical community to recognize that this is a man made virus designed for a sort of ethnic cleansing.

medical fetish phone sex snuffThe only way to ensure the well being of everyone is to rid the world of assholes. If you are an asshole, get your affairs together now, because you won’t be able to hide from my virus. Or just call me and have me snuff you out before hand in a swifter, less agonizing way. If you know an asshole and you need them gone before my super virus is perfected, call me to be your nasty accomplice. Killing assholes is much more fun with a sick twisted bitch. Let’s just say I really enjoy getting rid of garbage.

Clowning Around Town

accomplice phone sex clownDon’t you love taking a sweet and endearing symbol and twisting it into the most evil and sadistic thing you can imagine? Who doesn’t like clowns? Not many people. Sure there are a few that have a phobia but most younger people love clowns and thus the idea was born. We got a van. On the out side it looks like a regular clown van. It’s painted in fancy colors and even has a clown nose on the bumper. The inside is lined with sound proof panels and there is a divider behind the front seats for privacy.  This isn’t your average clown van. You won’t find one of these in the circus and my friend and I are not your every day clowns. This van is a mobile torture chamber. We have almost anything you would want to inflict pain upon another. We are not here to make you laugh and smile. Our goal is to make you cry and scream and beg for mercy. Screams that no one will ever hear. Mercy that you will never see. Unlike the clown mobiles in the circus where all the clowns pile in and then pile out. In our van once you come in, you will never get out. We are just clowning around town and introducing all the wee ones that are curious enough to get close to their nightmares. Won’t you join us? accomplice phone sex clown van

A tortured night

 Nothing is drive my desire than unbridled sex. I get off more with a good dead stiff.  I used to cruise the scanner looking for perfect accident scenes where I could catch a glimpse of a dead fuck.  As time passed my mind became more creative and  needed my own fix .  I wanted to see what it was like to have someone die by my own hands.  So I plotted and thought out the most despicable plan to torture my with dead bodies

 it started off I would cruise around looking for lost souls that needed warmth and guidance. When I had them in my grasp I through my plan into action.  I would drug them till they were floating in and out of conciseness where they were just of the brink of going into the light.  That’s when I could just push them over the edge with a injection of sodium chloride and continue on my feat.  

Do you think you can hold up to my desires of drunken dead men and rough sex?  Come join me in my journey of sex with dead bodies. 

Gangbang Rape Porn with Cassandra

Gangbang rape porn bondageGangbang rape porn is what was in store for me today. I was at a party, sipping on fruity drinks, dancing with a bunch of studs . That was what I last remembered. I woke up in a dungeon.  At first I saw no one, heard nothing. It was dark and damp. I was tied up with a gag in my mouth. Then suddenly there was a white strobe light flashing. I could see shapes. Then out of nowhere, a creepy mother fucking clown reared its ugly head right in front of me. Scared the crap out of me. I HATE clowns. He grabbed me by my throat, dragged me to another part of the dungeon. Forced me to look at the dead bodies hanging from the ceiling like sides of beef. He looked at me, lifted me up off the ground where I was trembling, and said, “This is what happens to bad little whores who don’t do what I say.”

I still had no clue what was in store for me, but at this point I would have done anything to not end up dead, mutilated and hung upside, wrapped in plastic in some unknown dungeon where no one would ever find me.  “Do I have your attention now, Slut?” he quipped at me. “Yes, I will be a good whore, just let me live,” I replied. He then dragged me to yet another part of this huge ass dungeon that looked like a studio. There were cameras everywhere. Bondage equipment. A about 100 naked well hung men. One chick and a 100 men. This did not look good for me, or my ass and cunt.

Gangbang rape porn evil snuffCreepy clown fancied himself a porn director. Director of Bound Gangbangs Productions. I guess it was a disguise so I would not be able to identify him. He told me he hoped I liked things rough because he was going to make me the hottest thing in ass rape porn. He tied me spread eagle to a work out bench. The men gathered around me, cocks out.  They just shoved them in my mouth. I was gagging. So many cocks, I could barely breath. I was being choked by cocks, skull fucked. My mouth was being gangbanged. When they started cumming, I was choking on cum. Drowning in it actually. They didn’t care that I couldn’t breathe. They started fucking my cunt and ass. Sometimes shoving 6 or 8 cocks in a hole at a time. I felt so humiliated. I was in pain. Could feel my ass gaping open, cum running out of me. The camera was rolling. Pennywise behind the camera. I felt like I was being anally tortured by the Insane Clown Posse.

My holes were cum drenched, gaping open, swollen, even bloody. My ass was prolapsed. I had been bound and gangbanged for an underground porno. But I survived. Creepy clown director let me live. Dumped my battered, cum filled body in an alley like garbage. “Garbage belongs in alleys,” is the last thing that clown said to me.

Kidnapping phone sex with Georgia: Murder Van

kidnapping phone sex georgia duo

Kidnapping those girls for you was more fun than would I ever admit and it was easy too. Normally a creepy van would make anyone feel anxious, but I was close to their age so they trusted me. Also, it’s so cold outside that no one wants to walk anywhere. Eventually they figured out what was happening and started to freak out, but it was fun watching them squirm.ageorgia
When they started to scream you only had to pull your gun out to silence them. The girl with the red hair was so scared that she pissed her pants after you pointed it at her head. After you slapped her across the face she started cry too! Then, we both just laughed and told her how disgusting she was.
Her slutty brunette friend Julia was shaking and covering her eyes, but you forced her to open them. Once we parked the van, you tied them both up with rope and started rubbing your gun over both their bodies. After you fucked the red head’s cunt with it, you walked over to her friend and made her clean your gun with her mouth. Julia’s crying was annoying you so much that you pulled the trigger, causing her brains to splatter all over the van. Both of us were covered with it and chunks of her skull too.
The red head started screaming and causing a commotion so you had to shoot her. It was a disappointing that we didn’t get to use her more, but I understood. It actually turned out to be a good thing because then we just fucked next to their dead bodies, watching them bleed out. I never squirt that hard before!

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No One Expects The Spanish Inquistion

Mutilation phone sexOh those crazy, crazy Spanish in the middle ages.  Using all sorts of delicious sharp objects to help the Heretics find Jesus.  All in the name of the Church and God.  Imagine sitting in your little mud hut, just feeling miserable because you have nothing to eat, lice are biting your body and head, you smell like piss and shit and in comes one of the King’s guards.  They snatch you and your wifey up and you are taken to the center of town.  There in all their pompous glory are Bishops from the almighty Catholic Church.  You just know you are fucked.

They read the charges, you deny them, they say you are not telling the truth so they take you to a dungeon.  Do they sit you down, offer you tea, read a few passages from the Bible and have you pray for forgiveness? Oh no.  They get right to the torture, because what is the Catholic Church without some sort of torture?  They take your wife, rip her dress off and expose her milky white breasts and push her up against the wall, tits first.  You cannot quite see what they are doing, but you can tell by her screams that they aren’t showing her the scenic views.

They step away from her and they ask you one more time if you are guilty.  You adamantly deny any charges, because you didn’t do anything wrong.  Of course you are wrong, everyone sins, so everyone must repent for something.  They pull her shoulders and she screams even louder.  You plead with them to stop but they continue.  Then the Bishop holds up his hand and says with a sickeningly sweet affect in his voice, “All you have to do is repent then your soul will be saved and you will be absolved of any and all sin.”  You cannot bare to hear any more pain filled noises from your wife, so you lie, admit to what ever wrong doing they insist you did and ask for forgiveness.

The Bishop nods at the dungeon guards who begin to push your wife forward then yank her back.  It only takes a few minutes for your wife to pass out from the pain.  They take her from the wall and turn her around, her breasts are ripped to shreds, the meat is hanging loosely from her chest.  Blood is dripping down to the floor in thick drops.

You are yanked up from your seat quickly and your head is placed on an oak block.  Before you can tell your wife you are sorry, your head is disconnected from your body.  Praise Jesus!  Your wife is left to return to your village as a warning, nobody will speak to her, or go near her.  She is forever ruined, she is forever marred by one of the instruments of torture used called the Breast Ripper, and your soul gets to spend eternity in hell for lying.  Seems legit.

Torture sex



I was in need of some pain today! I’m not sure had taken over me but I need a hard spanking and an even harder fuck! I wanted my pussy to be puffy by the time I let go of my last nut. I needed nothing but pain today, I can take it! I was past due for my monthly pain session anyway. My regular hadn’t bothered to come satisfy me and I was almost stuck in a rut until he finally showed up whip in hand ready to torture me! Desire was running all through me the moment I saw him. I just knew he was going to punish me good and put me right on my back. what

He started by kissing me hard, he must have known I missed him because he grabbed my throbbing pussy and twisted my clit, IT HURT SO GOOOOD! He wasted no time, immediately opening his bag and pulling out some leather restraints for my big tits, he wrapped each tit up so my nipples were popping out with need. I couldn’t wait for him to beat them with his leather whip! He ties my nipples up with clamps that had little weights on the end and the pain made my pussy throb even more. HE knew how much I enjoyed nipple play and he was taking me over the edge to make up for lost time. My nipples were so red and tender by the time he brought the whip around, he was pounding on them with his thick whip, making me scream out! Holding onto the clamps on my nipples he stuffed his thick cock inside me and pumped my pussy hard. He must have missed me as much as I missed him because he came right inside my pussy which is something he never does. I was still lost in desire, hanging there with a numb pussy when he packed his bag and headed right out the door.