Sadistic phone sex Ivy

Accomplice phone sex


Welcome to Ivy’s house of pain. After watching my cousin die fucked with my head. Its getting closer and closer to her suicide date and that makes my pussy wet. Just thinking about her swinging there back and forth watching her piss and shit herself made me excited. I laid out a line of my crystal and snorted that shit. I flipped my hair up to see this stupid fucking pregnant cunt crying in-front of me. My strong arm bodyguard is here and his cock is nice and hard. He has been under the table sucking on my pussy as I get high and think about what to do with this pregnant whore. She keeps begging and pleading me to let her go. FUCK THAT! Bitch has seen my face and every tattoo I have. I love watching her bruised belly wiggle and wiggle. Two birds with one stone right!

Accomplice phone sex

I do another line right before I cum all over big daddy’s face. He knows that now its time to get to work. ” Big daddy, do you think if we cut out her eyes she won’t be able to tell the cops what we look like?” She started crying and screaming. “Shut her up big daddy, she is killing my high.” I hear his approving grunt as her turns to her and she screams even louder. He punched that cunt right in the throat. He punched her so hard she started coughing up blood. That sparked my high. I told him to do it again. I loved listening to her fight for her breath and spit out the blood. I told him to punch lower. He nodded and waited for me to do another line. He punched her in the tit so fucking hard I heard her breast bone break. It made me giggle because she started having contractions and she couldn’t scream or breath. This is what I wanted.

Accomplice phone sex

I have watched life leave a body that was older than a few minutes. I wanted to watch the life slip from that struggling little cunt inside her. Big daddy started punching her over pregnant belly over and over until we saw that little critter fall out of her pussy. It slammed so hard on the ground and broke its umbilical cord. She was still alive after that fall, but her little bones where broken. I snorted another line and took the baby to the table. It’s whore of a mother was still somewhat alive which made me want to hurt this critter even more. Ill save that for our phone call.

A Nice Surprise

Gangbang rape pornJust break in and take the evidence you said, it will be easy you said.  You are full of shit!  It wasn’t easy at all.  I am not even sure why you had to pick a house that was actually occupied by a family.  You said it had something to do with giving them a nice welcome home gift when they got back from vacation.  I’m not sure if seeing your bedroom covered in blood splatter when you return from a week away is a great welcome home gift, but to you it was. 

I got in no problem and went upstairs to the Master bedroom, it was a fucking mess and a half.  I found your knife and started to leave the room but just seeing that beautiful copper color soaked into the expensive bed cover got my pussy wet.  I laid down on it and started to masturbate, I almost came too but I heard the god damn front door open. Apparently the family came home early from vacation.  Lucky me.

I got off the bed and hid in the closet.  The Father came in and turned on the light.  He stood very very still then called for his wife.  She came in and said, “What the FUCK?!?!?”  The look on their faces almost made me laugh.  I could hear the rest of the family coming up the steps, the Mom rushed out and shut the door behind her.  I could hear a small voice asking Mommy what was wrong.  Then I heard Mommy lie.  Daddy however was taking his cock out.  Now it was my time to think, “What the FUCK?!?!?”  The dude jacked off all over the bed!  What an idiot!  Daddy has a little bit of dark inside him I guess. 

He went into the bathroom and cleaned up then picked up the phone.  I wanted to yell at him about the fact that his cum was now on the same bed as the blood but what ever.  If he was stupid enough to call the cops now then he deserved whatever he got.  He hung up the phone and started to rub his cum into the bed cover, I played with my pussy, then the most amazing thing happened.  He realized what he had done, he quickly gathered up the sheets and ran out of the room.  I put my pants back on and got the fuck out of there.

As I was getting in my car three cop cars screeched to a halt outside of the house.  That stupid mother fucker is going to jail for sure.  This is all a nice surprise for me, and you, YOU, actually got away with it.  You never cease to amaze me.


Strangulation phone sexHovering over you I smile.  I’m not sure what I enjoy more.  You being tied so tightly that you cannot move, or My stocking wrapped firmly around your neck.  Are you wondering how you got yourself into this situation? You shouldn’t.  You wanted this remember? You answered the ad that I placed looking for a Sadistic play partner.  I made it very clear that you would have no say what was done after you agreed to the terms.  You had days to decided not to do this, but here you are, in My bed trying so desperately to get free so that you can push Me away.

I have news for you sweetness, that is not going to happen.  At first you loved it as I pulled off My stockings in front of you.  You commented on how beautiful and long My legs were.  You enjoyed when I pulled that silken material over your lips.  You said you could smell My perfume on them, and to top it all off, your cock started to get hard.  How cute.

Perhaps you didn’t think I would go through with it? Perhaps you thought that I would just keep it on the fantasy level and then after I was done I would untie you, you would fuck Me and then we would have drinks afterward and laugh together.  I think not.  This is all too real, and I think that with each new tightening twist of my stocking, which is digging deeper and deeper into the flesh around your neck, you are beginning to realize just how real this is.

Blade Addiction

My blade addiction has gotten out of control. I need your control and your commands to be sliced open correctly. The cuts are getting deeper and my thoughts go fuzzy from loss of blood, so I need your guidance more than ever. I begged you to please cum over and play with me – your favorite little pain slut. You sounded angry but horny, and agreed to cum. I splayed myself out on the floor naked, waiting for your heavy hands. When you arrived, you bound my ankles together and told me you had a new surprise for me.

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My pussy was leaking I was so excited to feel what you had in mind. You began touching my body, tracing my old scars with your fingers, and I know how much they excite your cock. You look at them with such love and lust, and I tingle all over as you begin to stroke your cock. You reach in your bag and pull out what appears to be a glove of some sort. Then I see that it has long sharp blades on it. You whisper to me that you are going to slit me wide open using your new glove today.

The blades are long and sharp and gleam in the sunlight coming through the windows. My heart races, knowing they could easily cut me deep enough to end my life quickly. I never know where you will begin with your slices, but you lift my legs up into the air, ankles tied together, and put on the glove. You give my pussy juices one quick taste, and then slowly slide the blade protruding from your index finger right inside my cunt. I felt the blade cut into me like fire and the rush of pain through my body was everything I had hoped.

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You fucked my with one finger until I could feel my hot blood dripping down my ass. Then you inserted another finger. The pain increased and you began stroking your cock even harder. I felt more blood, and your lust for blood equals that of mine for pain. Another finger – three deep inside me now – and I felt the cold blades through the heat of the pain. I began to get dizzy, and my vision blurred. The most amazing feeling in the world. As you inserted your fourth finger and started fucking my cunt with your hand, my vision started to fade. I could still feel the blood pouring out of me, and I could hear you stroking your cock as you came all over my bloody cunt.

An Angry Black Man

Rape phone sex fantasiesI met him at a bus stop.  He was looking at me to the point where I actually felt uncomfortable.  I finally asked him what the fuck was he looking at.  He said loudly that I look like the bitch his grandmother works for.  I told him that I was not the bitch he thought I was.  He said he knew but I still looked like her.  I asked him why he referred to the person that his grandmother worked for as a bitch.  He told me that she treated his grandmother badly and didn’t pay her enough for all the work she did.  This gave me an idea.

I asked him what he would do if he could do what ever he wanted to her to get back at her for the way she treats his grandma.  He laughed and said, “If only!” I said, “What if you pretended that I was her since I look a lot like her.”  He told me that I must be shitting him, I told him I wasn’t.  I gave him my number and made it very clear that he could do what ever he wanted, that I was into pain.  I got on my bus and I hadn’t heard from him so I thought he would never call.

Eventually he did.  He sounded a bit unsure when I showed up, but I told him that I wouldn’t go to the cops, and I went into great detail about my recent past and how it excited me.  He then asked me what if he goes too far, I said then you go to far, I don’t care.  It took a bit but he finally got into it.  I’ll tell you what, he ragged out my cunt worse than I have ever had it before.  He slapped me around, he choked me with not only his hands but his cock as well.  He used me and violated me in every way he could come up with. 

I had so much cum of his on my face at the end that it looked like I stuck my face in marshmallow fluff. It was just what my pain slut self needed.  When he finally was exhausted he went to say he was sorry about how brutal he was.  I told him to save it, I loved it and if he ever was that pissed off again at the bitch who employed his grandma that he should call me.  I gave him a kiss and left.

Necrophilia Phone Sex: One last Fuck

I can’t let it go, I mean sex was so fucking good with him. He was just over at my place the other night and we had a hot session of him overpowering me and making me his ragdoll. I get so fucking wet when he manhandled me like that. And his cock, was perfect, I couldn’t get enough of it. I wonder how his cock was affected by his death.

Well I had to find out, and so I snuck into the funeral home that was hosting his body for the viewing in the morning. It certainly was not going to be an easy feat except I had a little inside assistance. I slipped into the back basement door where a key was hidden nearby. I slipped on a headlamp and crept through the creepy morgue and past the crematorium. I found the room where the casket was and opened them until I found Frankie’s.

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Oh he looked smashing in a dead placid flesh sorta way. I grabbed a step stool and started opening his fly to see how hard Frankie boy was in his death. I have always wondered what it would be like to crawl in a casket and fuck a dead guy. You can play the rest out with me, or maybe we can go out and dig up a grave and get some real dirty necrophilism on. You wanna fuck the dead to don’t you? Can you imagine her decaying flesh under you and how that decaying cunt would feel around your dick? 

I am daddy’s whore

I made daddy so happy on our date that he has given me more food and a extra blankets to keep me warm. He came down stairs today and he cuddled with me! I couldn’t believe it. While we were cuddling daddy started playing with my pussy. He whispered in my ear telling me he loves how wet I get for him. He wanted to play but I was expecting he wanted to play the way he wanted. He started spanking me, hard. So hard that he was leaving hand prints on my body. He rolled me over and spit in my face.

” You are daddy’s fucking whore.”

I nodded my head yes. He punched me hard in the face.

“Tell daddy what you are.”

His powerful punch made my head dizzy and fuzzy, when I didn’t answer right away daddy hit me again this time busting my eyebrow open. With the blood running down my face and aching I whispered

“I am daddy’s whore.”

That wasn’t good enough he punched me again and it felt like my head was hallow.

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I could feel his erection pressing into my thighs. I was dazed as he ripped off my panties, and stuck two fingers inside of me. He growled and punched me again in the face.

“Get wet you fucking worthless whore.”

I looked at him with blood and tears running down my face and whispered

“I am trying to be a good whore for daddy and get wet but daddy you keep hurting me.”

The anger in his eyes scared me.

Rape phone sex fantasies

He grabbed my neck with one hand and started punching me in the face with the other hand.

“Does this hurt you stupid fuckin’ cunt? Good bitch I want it to fucking hurt.”

He pried my knees open with his legs sat up and slammed his cock into my dry pussy. He fucked me so hard I was raw and bleeding. His cum burned as he came inside of me. The last thing I remember  was

“You are a worthless fucking whore.”

My body hurts so bad. I don’t want to make daddy angry again.. I am his worthless whore. I deserve everything daddy does and I am thankful for my punishment. It wasn’t his fault. I mad him angry. 

I’d Rather Be Fifty Shades of Black and Blue

domination phone sex big tits blowjobOne of my girlfriends invited me to a high end BDSM club. They were having a sneak preview of “Fifty Shades of Grey” and women were admitted free. We put on some sexy latex outfits and decided to go meet ourselves a Christian Grey. I knew it would be lame. The club was swank. Not the typical dungeon I am usually in. Unfortunately all my girlfriends think that the BDSM in the novel is representative of all BDSM life. I look at it as vanilla BDSM or BDSM lite.  If my friends knew some of the sick things I have done, they would understand why I call “Fifty Shades of Grey” nothing more than a glorified Harlequin Romance novel. This club was like any other bar on a weekend to me, just with more hot bitches in dog collars and latex than most.

I’ve been cut. Beat to unconsciousness. Mummified. Whipped so hard I required stitches. Been fucked so brutally in my ass that it prolapsed. Been branded. Burned. Bones have been broken. I have been deprived food and water for days. Forced to swallow piss and eat shit. My nipples have been pierced with sharp objects and cut with knives. My cunt lips sowed together. Stoned. My skin has been sliced. I’ve been gang banged. Had buckets of cum dumped on me. Been suspended over flames. Had my face held under water until I passed out and had to be brought back to life with CPR. Been buried alive. Been forced to entertain the farm life. Had parts of my flesh cut from my body to be cooked and eaten.  Countless jagged and sharp objects have fucked my holes until I bled profusely.

Girls like my friends who are obsessed with “Fifty Shades of Grey” make me giggle. They think they are so bad ass cuz they get tied up and spanked a little. The moment a man tries to put them in their place, 6 feet under the ground, they’d be calling the police. I don’t consider it BDSM unless I’m fifty shades of black and blue. Most women have no clue what it means to truly be a slave, a servant, but I do. I’m yours to use.

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Journal Entry

Friday February 6th

They let me go outside. We took the dog to the park. The air was so crisp and cold, the sky was such a beautiful blue. I was breathless at how gorgeous it was. And to think, I never appreciated this. I fell to my knees in awe and bowed my head to a Lord whom I thought had forsaken me. I started to thank Him for this wondrous world when I heard a pop. A sharp sting hit the middle of my spine and I turned to find a guy about my age with a BB gun. He was running to me with a maniacal grin. The fear gripped me like a vice and I jumped up and bolted. He was hot on my heels. I was so scared. Fuck fuck fuck. I tripped over a tree root and fell, cracking my head. I heard a laugh and felt a body crumple on top of me. I felt the butt of the BB gun smash the back of my head. I woke up in the backseat of a tiny car with my pants around my ankles, a dick inside my ass and the gun to my head. “If you scream, I will shoot” I laughed “You’ve got a BB gun” He moved it to my throat and pulled the trigger. I screamed as the pain surged through my neck and he shoved his balled up fist in my mouth as he fucked me harder. “I told you not to fucking scream” I whimpered with his fist in my mouth and he spat on me. He laughed and put the gun back up to my temple. He was balls deep in my pussy, his beady little eyes focused on the pain in my eyes. He started fucking me faster, and he paused and scrunched his face as he spread his baby batter deep inside my butt. He grunted and pulled out, a string of jizz oozing from his softening dick. He punched me, and then once more for good measure. He shook his head. “The family is going to be so disappointed in you” He opened the car door and dumped me out. My body ached. He jumped into the driver’s seat and pulled out as my captors surrounded me. They must have asked a thousand questions and I resigned myself to the beating I was going to get when we got home. Well, so much for thanking the Lord.

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Teen Rape Porn: Young Virgin Boy Ass For Sale

teen rape porn bondage mommyI owe my dealer quite a lot of money. In fact, I have run out of extensions and excuses according to him. “I’ve got nothing of value I can sell,” I told him. He didn’t seem to agree. According to him, I have a few commodities, very profitable ones too. I did not know what he meant until he spelled it out for me. My boys are a cash cow he informed me. If I wanted to settle my debt and obtain more party supplies, I just had to pimp out my boys’ virgin asses for the teen rape porn market. I have long been making money off of my body for decades. Letting guys anally torture my ass; use me as a cum dump and human toilet; breed me; beat me; violate me in the worst ways… All for a fix. But, until now I had never pimped out my offspring.

If I can make good money off selling my boys’ asses for the teen rape porn market,  I’d be a fool not to do it. I have two young boys. Virgins. Hairless bodies. Look even younger than they really are. Nice cocks for their ages. Eager to please mommy. I brought them to my dealer’s house to meet a guy willing to pay top dollar for their loss of virginity captured on film for his teen rape porn called “Daddy’s Backdoor Boys.” I brought them to him, naked, on all fours and on leashes to show their submissive nature.

teen rape porn twink sexThe director wanted to give them an audition. He made them suck his dick. And taking his load in their innocent faces, was  not enough for Cecil Demented. He wanted them to fuck their mommy on camera too. I was going to co-star in teen rape porn also. They fucked me at the same time, then they put both cocks up my ass and even fisted me. The director was jacking off the entire time. He said my boys were natural talents, and switch hitters which made them very marketable. They could be violated by daddies and could violate mommies.

I was forced to watch their first movie. A much older man with a huge cock was going to pop their anal cherries while the camera rolled. I did lines of coke while I watched a man older than their daddy shove his cock up their virgin asses, then fist them. They screamed in pain. Begged mommy to help them, but I just sat their telling the old man to pound their asses harder. I even yelled, “Make them bleed.” In the end, no pun intended, they are mine to use how I see fit. If I can clear my substantial drug debt making their tiny teen asses gape and bleed, why not? I’ve been used all my life from my daddy to my husband to my oldest son to my masters. And for far less money.

My baby boys are about to follow in their momma’s footsteps. Do you like teen rape porn? I got two boys for hire. For some party supplies, I will let you do whatever you want to them. Even if it means snuffing them out.

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