Kidnapping Gangbang

rape phone sex fantasiesHe grabbed me by the head of my hair and dragged me to the truck. He did not even let me sit in the cab with him, he rolled me up into the bed. It was so cold and starting to rain. As he drove like a bat out of hell. Down these bumpy dirt roads. Once we got to his chosen destination. Another truck showed up. Six different men jumped out of the truck and he hopped up into the truck. And it peeled off. ‘left there in the bed of this truck. Wet shivering wearing nothing but my panties and bra with these men coming at me. One of them grabs my legs and pulls me to the edge of the truck bed. I am kicking and screaming while another guy hops up and beings to restrain me. They all line up as I am laying there ass hanging off the edge of the tail gate and they begin to pound my pussy with their hard cocks. I am begging and pleading with them to stop but it only makes it worse. Because then I felt a cock starting to push against my asshole. It was throbbing I could feel it. I just wanted it to stop. I must have blacked out from all the pain and stress. Because I don’t remember much after that point. I just know I woke up in that truck bed covered in cum. My panties covered in blood once again. And here comes my husband to pick me back up and take me home. He actually let me sit up front for the ride, but only because he wanted to lick the jizz that I still had hanging off of me.

Cannibalism Phone Sex: Delicious Porn Snuff Extreme

cannibalism phone sexCannibalism phone sex is my favorite form of porn snuff extreme. I am a sadistic bitch. I don’t do the traditional girl thing. Never have, never will be the kind of girl who conforms to societal norms. Cannibalism is consider taboo. We are not suppose to eat each other literally. Why not? Have you ever tasted human flesh? Seasoned and prepared right, it is quite delectable. There are plenty of us Hannibal Lectors in this world. The only difference is that we are real, not fictional characters. And, we aren’t crazy or insane. Being labeled crazy or insane for eating human flesh is silly. People fear what they don’t know. What they have never tried. That is why I like to take a flesh eating novice under my wing and guide them through the entire process of cannibalism. It is more than just chopping someone up and boiling them in a big pot. The hunt and preparation are just, if not more, important than breaking bread with some human flesh.

I stalk my dinner for days like a starving wolf. You want a young person with some flesh on their bones. There are plenty of young bitches with junk in the trunk floating around the world now.  Many, no one would miss or be glad they were gone. Occasionally, I find a skinny whore that catches my fancy. I just fatten her up with protein shakes for a few weeks first. Young flesh is tender. Meaty flesh is the most succulent. Once I kidnap my victim, the preparation begins. Cooking a young girl is similar to the labor that goes into preparing a Thanksgiving feast. There is lots to do. First, you want to ensure your meal is void of all chemicals. No bleached hair, no nail polish, no perfumes or dyes, no piercings…. Your dinner needs to be washed just like you wash your vegetables.  Cooking live flesh results in a better meal. Not to mention it just gives me perverse pleasure to hear the life being cooked out of a stupid slut.

porn snuff extremeThis weekend, I had my evil protégé Amy with me. She has killed with me before, however, she has never had a human meal with me before. She picked out our victim. This thick girl from the mall who was all drunk and stumbling. We just let her detox for a couple days, then we used a nice garlic butter sauce all over her body so she would be extra tender and a nice golden brown. An apple in her mouth and some carrots up her fuck holes, she looked like a turkey when we put her in the oven. The smell was so arousing as she cooked to a golden brown. You have to be patient when eating human flesh. To have the best dining experience, it takes time to prepare the flesh. Trust me, if let your meal cooks thoroughly, you will have the best meal of your life. Amy is still raving about much she enjoyed her rump roast and breast piece. I saved the internal organs for another meal. Human heart is scrumptious. New to cannibalism? Let me guide you through the process so you have the best meal of your life.

Rape phone sex fantasies on Cinco de Mayo.

rape phone sex fantasiesI don’t why they targeted me. Maybe they had been out celebrating Cinco de Mayo and had too much tequila. I was just at my dealer’s to pick up some blow. I heard them whistle as I came down the steps. There was a lot of whispering in Spanish and I was grabbed from behind. I could smell the muskiness and stench of unwashed flesh as they dragged me into the alley. A punch to the head rendered me almost unconscious. There were at least 8 of them and they pulled out their cocks. Dark gangsta types with saggy pants and no concern for the law, they just wanted white pussy. My skirt was pushed up and my panties were ripped off as they pulled out huge cocks. The biggest one was on me like a starving mongrel shoving 12 inches into my dry hole. I try to scream but my panties were stuffed into my mouth. He was fucking me piston style, but flipped over suddenly, making me ride on top. He grabbed me by the hair and yanked me forward, exposing my tight little asshole to them. “Fuck, yes.” I heard one of them say and I felt his massive cock against my pucker hole. I bucked and tried to escape but that inflamed them more. My ass ripped as he stuffed me full of beaner cock. The blood lubricated it and I could feel it running down my legs. They double penetrated me for at least 15 minutes before filling me with jungle juice. The lesser gang members then got the sloppy seconds. The last one was a violent fuck. He held a knife to my throat and threatened to kill me. With each stroke he hit me. I felt like a pinata. I felt my nose break, my lips bust open, and my eye swelling shut as he pounded me into the pavement. Before they left, they all kicked me and spit on my prone body.

As I came to, all I was worried about was my drugs. I found the baggie stuffed into my bra and stuck to my tits. That’s all I cared about, just the drugs. As I struggled to my feet, all I could think about was getting home and getting wasted. That’s just the life of a druggie whore. Happy Cinco de Mayo.

violent phone sex

It’s Electrifying

taboo phone sex karmaCelebrating brother and sister day has turned out to be an electrifying experience. They did everything together. Their sibling bond was sickening. i haven’t played with my electric shock toys in a long time and this seemed like the perfect day. Having a brother and sister strapped down with electrodes attached to the most sensitive area of their respective bodies. I must say my set up is genius. Each of them have certain triggers attached to them so that when a jolt of electricity sent to a certain area causes a twitch it sends a jolt of electricity to the other that is especially painful. Oh the smell of burning flesh, the sound of their tortured cry’s, the knowledge that I am the one that is the reason for their torment has me so fucking hot and wet. Circling them slowly with the control in one hand. The other hand running up and down my body as I savor the feel of my hard nipples and wet cunt. The power is exhilarating to say the least.

I love killing them slowly!

snuff phone sexSometimes it’s fun to take your time and kill a whore nice and slow, don’t you agree? Don’t get me wrong, I love a good quick death too but when you have time to really savor the moment, why not take it? Like last night, I had this whore all to myself, she was tied up and bleeding and I was about to stab her in the heart and kill her but then I was like why rush it? I had no place I really had to be, nothing important to do, so why not just have some fun right? So I decided to go old school, I grabbed a plastic shopping bag and pulled it over her face and held it tightly… oh she struggled and tried to get away but she couldn’t, I was way too strong. I held the bag over her head until she passed out, then took it off to see if she would wake up. It took a while, but she did wake up and tried to get away so I just jumped on her, wrapped my hands around her neck and strangled her until she was quite dead. It was so fun that I will definitely have to do that again, wanna join me?

A Day Of Movies

taboo phone sex karmaToday I have spent the entire day on the couch with popcorn, sex toys and movies of my best torture times. Watching myself causing pain, hearing the screams, watching the blood as it spatters across the floor, the room and even the camera lens. My cunt has been soaking wet all fucking day. I can feel the need to go grab a victim and have some evils and sadistic fun. As the desire wells up inside of me I know that it won’t be long before I am out the door and on the hunt. Tonight I will share one of my favorite films with my next victim and just like lovers watch porn together and fuck each others brains out. I will watch my movie with my victim and re enact each scene living out a snuff porn to perfection.

Picking the Perfect whore for Daddy

Roleplay phone sex

I love Daddy. I would do anything for Daddy. And just last night, I saw the extent of what “anything for Daddy” really means. Daddy had business to attend to late last night, so I decided to go to the club and hunt down some brown sugar. I get to the club and hunt down my “associate”. After an exchange, I head to the bathroom to really get this party started. On my way to the bathroom these two skanks start dancing up on me. I thought to myself that these were the type of girls that Daddy would like as a little treat after a hard days’ work. I know Daddy loves these tight little whores, maybe I should bring them home with me. I get them to follow me to the bathroom so we could get on a different fucking level and lighten up the mood a little bit. To my disdain, these little whores had other ideas for the evening. They were already fucking each other in the bathroom. I couldn’t say no. I wanted to taste them for daddy, make sure they are good enough for him! 

Ass Rape Porn: The Phallus of Doom

Everything was blurry as I awoke from a strange sleep or stupor. Standing over me was Master, the one that is a producer and this is supposed to be an ass rape porn shoot we’re doing. But, this scene seemed off from any I have done before. A tide of lust started to course through my body making every cell feel alive. This was a feeling I have never experienced and it started deep inside my cunt.

Looking on as I became more conscious I noticed Master and another woman were standing over me and the woman had this strap-on with the most exquisite black onyx cock with a defined head and deep curve to it. This phallus was magical I could tell and I knew I had just been fucked by it as the way I feel is like I had a dozen orgasms in 10 minutes.

ass rape porn

They continued to fuck me with this phallus and Master’s cock also penetrated me from behind while I took the amazing onyx in my cunt. Little did I know this phallus was named the phallus of doom as it brings the pleasured one to their end by orgasm.

Accomplice phone sex for your pleasure.

accomplice phone sexI banged her head on the floor so hard that I felt her skull crack. It’s just so easy to kill. You were laughing your ass off stroking your cock. I knew that you were excited. Necrophilia was your favorite thing. You liked me to get them right on the edge of death in a violent fashion. Once her eyes rolled back and her breaths were swallow, it was your turn. You loved the feeling of “fucking her to death.” You rammed your cock in every hole, listening for that faint last moan and your favorite “death rattle.” As she began to cool, you got even more turned on, warming her carcass with spurts of cum. You were just as evil as me. We had just found this little victim as she came home from school. Such a petite blonde beauty cluttering up this world. She just begged to be taken. One little opportunity is all it takes, people, and you too could be the fuck meat on my slab.

snuff phone sexIf you can’t take evil, wicked, bloody, and dead, better leave my blogs now. I am far from normal and so are you. Let’s violate, plunder, beat, and kill. Who’s on your mind tonight?


Ass Rape Porn Whore

ass rape pornAss rape porn is all I am good for. Ever since I was a little girl, I have been on the receiving end of hardcore anal torture. I was knee high, drinking milk from a bottle when daddy first sodomized me. He told me that was how daddies helped their daughters clean their bottoms. It hurt so much. I would cry then daddy would spank or smack me for crying. Flash forward a few decades and my ass is still up for the taking. Now I do have an ample behind that attracts attention. Combined with my bimbo looks and submissive demeanor, men sodomized me all the time. I was at some upscale new nightclub with girl friends last weekend when I  caught the attention of the bouncers. They shoved me in the  supply room and double penetrated me. I tried to stop them. I explained that I was not that kind of girl, then they saw my gaping wide fuck holes and knew I was lying. I just didn’t want to be forced fucked in my new dress. They didn’t care about what I wanted; no one ever does. They just tag teamed my pussy and ass, while joking that they should impregnate me. I am not on any birth control, so a few loads of batter up my pussy likely would knock me up. They couldn’t decide what they enjoyed more: double teaming my ass or cumming in my pussy. They decided that they enjoyed pissing up my ass while I pleaded with them to stop. The more I begged them to stop, the harder they sodomized me. It was torture. I was shitting all over their dicks and myself. Once they were done, they forced me to clean their dicks up. “You made that mess whore, you clean it up,” I was informed as my head was pushed down on their shit covered dicks like one pushes a puppy’s nose in the rug when it has an accident. I went back to the dance floor smelling and looking like a nasty whore for more men to use.