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Murder Phone Sex Fantasies with Venus

murder phone sex fantasies goth teenI have a confession to make. There are a lot of folks out there that annoy the fuck out of me. I have no tolerance for stupidly, even less for self entitled misogynistic pricks. A few months ago,  I met this dude who runs a tattoo and piercing place in his apartment.  I was looking to get my nipples pierced.  Turns out he had some penthouse type apartment  with a huge balcony and wonderful view of the city. Nicer than any place I had been in. I paid him for the nipple rings, then I took my top down and got ready to be pierced.  He said he needed to strap me down so I didn’t wiggle and loose a nipple. I figured it sounded logical. He was professional up until he pierced me. As soon as that stud went through my left nipple, he pulled out his cock and started jacking all over me.  I was strapped to that table. I was calling him every name in the book. He got on top of me as if he was gonna penetrate me. But, he underestimated my desire to control my body and what is done to it. I said, come up closer, let me suck your dick. Tried to tell him he didn’t have to force himself on the willing. Instructed him to feel my cunt if he had any doubts. He didn’t know that my pussy was wet because I was about to hurt him deadly.

He straddled my face and put his worthless pecker in my mouth. I mean a real man doesn’t have to force a woman. I bit that sucker clean off too. Blood was spurting everywhere. I was covered in blood. Yummy, sticky, sweet tasting blood. He curled up on the floor in fetal position and screamed in pain. Took me a few minutes to finagle the knife outta my pocket and cut that strap freeing myself, but I did. I am not without my resources. I leaped off that table, spit his limp dick in his face and kicked him in his balls. I then took my knife slashed him a few times.  I sat back, covered in his blood and masturbated as he laid there moaning and crying like a pussy.

He didn’t deserve to live. You can’t violate a woman and think you can get away with it. He was crying like a baby on his floor, begging for mercy, offering to pay me whatever I wanted. I wanted his life, nothing more, nothing less. Self entitled prick thought he could buy my mercy, buy my silence. But how to snuff him out? I could just stab him a few more times and let him bleed out like the worthless pig he is or I could push his sorry ass off his balcony. I went with option B. I dragged him to the balcony, forced him up on his feet and pushed him over the railing. Took almost no strength as he was little snippet of a man weak from bleeding. Very troll like. He landed in a garbage bin. How perfect was that? He would be taken out with the trash, like the garbage he was. Not a person in site either. It was fate.  I had his DNA all over me. I could claim self defense if I had too. I could hear it now, “Yes officer,  he tied me down and sexually assaulted me and when I broke free he tried to kill me. I was just defending myself, so I grabbed a knife and just slashed frantically to keep him away from me. I guess we ended up on the balcony and he fell over. I had no choice, he was gonna kill me.”  Of course they would believe me. If they ever found him, his loss of manhood could be attributed to the fall or rats. They would never find his worthless cock anyway because I took it as a souvenir. A reminder that no man would ever assault me again.

Turns out though, no one missed his worthless ass. I am sure I was not the first woman he forced himself on, but I was certainly gonna be the last. Hell, I’ll castrate you if you want. Felt good to go all Loreena Bobbitt on a piece of human trash. If you don’t know how to use it properly, you shouldn’t have it anyway.

murder phone sex fantasies sadistic torture

Bloody Phone Sex with Venus: Oops, Did I Do That?

bloody phone sex knife sadisticI was trying to see my future with my crystals and tarot cards today. This is a weekly ritual I do. But this stupid cunt in the apartment below me was blaring her music and interrupting my concentration. I pounded on the floor and yelled at her to turn her music the fuck down. It was some god awful modern country crap about a tractor being sexy. What the fuck? This bitch needed some manners, not to mention some fucking taste in music.

I grabbed my big ass knife to scare the cunt and pounded on her door. I was like what the fuck did you not understand about turn the music down. The bitch got mouthy with me. I pushed her outta my way and back into her apartment. I slapped her hard across the face and told her to shut the fuck up. I explained I was not the bitch to mess with, especially today. I was PMSing big time. Well, she called me a troll. What the hell? So, I cut her. No one talks disrespectfully to me. Especially not some rude little cunt. I slashed her face harder and deeper than I intended. Blood spurted on my face and I got a bit intoxicated from it. I love blood. Well, other people’s blood. She was whining and holding her face, trying to stop the flow of blood spurting out when I just go so enthralled, I slashed the bitch again and again and again. Blood was spewing out her face like a fucking geyser.   Me bad. I just lost control. She was rude, whiny and disrespectful.  Plus she had bad taste in music. The cunt didn’t deserve to live. There was blood everywhere. It was a mess, but a quiet mess. I marched back upstairs, hide my knife and got my tarot cards. Went back down to her place, laid in the blood and read my future. No jail for me because no one will miss a rude, whiny and disrespectful bitch. Do you got one in your life who  needs to be snuffed out? I am the perfect accomplice.

bloody phone sex knife evil

Knife Play Phone Sex with Venus: How to Dispose of a Useless Carcass

knife play phone sex bloody bitchLast night some of my evil bitch friends and I were sitting around the fire pit drinking moonshine and talking about how we dispose of useless carcasses. I have a million ways to dispose of a body, but my favorite is what I call the “Joachim Kroll.” See, he is my idol of sorts. A German born serial killer who kidnapped and tortured wee ones and adults alike in the 60s and 70s. In 1976 when he was caught, the police discovered girl parts cut up: some parts were in the fridge, a hand was cooking in a pan of boiling water and the intestines were found stuck in the waste-pipe. He was fond of knives just like me. But the major difference is, I’m not silly enough to get caught and I do not kill for sexual arousal, although it does get me off. I kill for pleasure and sport. Brings me joy to hunt and kill a stupid cunt or a cheating bastard or an annoying fuck or a whiny ass brat. I’m an equal opportunity sadistic bitch.

My latest victim was this blonde whore who called me a freak at the mall. I’d rather look like I do than some blonde bimbo plastic Barbie doll. At least I am unique. Well, I followed her for days, lurking in the shadows, learning her routine, her habits, her patterns. She was a stupid cunt who hid her house key in her mailbox. How original. She deserved to die for stupidity. So one night when she was whoring around, I let myself in her place and waited for her drunk ass to come home. She was not even a challenge. She came home, tripped over some ugly ass way too expensive designer shoes on the floor, landed face down on her hardwood floor. Passed out without the pleasure of seeing me and my little friend waiting for her. Well, I was not going to waste precious time taunting this one. I just plunged my big ass knife in her back, then took it out and sliced her throat. She made some gurgling sounds then bled out on her floor. So I was left with a carcass to dispose of. I had no ties to this bimbo bitch, so no reason to suspect me. Regardless, I am still careful and have my methods. I used a big meat cleaver to start cutting limbs off. Then I cut those limbs into smaller parts, and then I dissected the torso. I had brought my plastic disposable waste bags lol. I started putting parts in bags and tying them up. I dumped them in my  trunk and disposed of body parts all over the country and city roads. Dropped some in the river, some down sewers, a few I threw in the forest… I brought the head, fingers and part of the torso home. The key is not leaving any parts with fingerprints or teeth out and about for the police to identify. Small parts decompose much faster also, or get swallowed up by the wildlife. The police may find a stray part here and there, but they never find them all, and never find any part that is identifiable.

At home I am a Hannahaball Lector of sorts. I have an industrial meat grinder in my dungeon. I throw the parts I bring home in there, grind it up fine and make a stew. A stew I often serve to guests I don’t like much. I take sadistic pleasure in watching some cunt or bastard sipping on my tomato bisque soup and wondering what my special ingredient is. My special sauce will always be revenge.

If you need assistance disposing a body, let me help. Or better yet, let me help you snuff a whore out. Life is too short to be surrounded by useless and annoying people. Don’t you agree?

Murder Fun

Murder Phone Sex Fantasies


I love it when I have someone who is unwilling to die. That is the best type of victim but I do also love the volunteers that come my way. I had a volunteer just recently that I had so much fun playing with. I had him lay on the floor because I was unwilling to let his pathetic ass lay on my table. I had him naked and on my floor with his legs spread wide. I started by taking a hammer and tenderizing his body. I smashed his head and left blood and bruises everywhere. Then I stepped on his balls one at time with my heels and made him listen to the little squishy noises they made when I pressed my heel down. I stepped on the tip of his dick too. That was fun. It was like I was popping a pimple when the tip squirted all the blood everywhere. I played with him for a while and then I did murder him. After he was dead I sat on his chest and played in his blood while I fingered myself. Oh that was so much fun! I can not wait for another volunteer!

Home Invasion

Home Invasion Phone Sex


Home invasion phone sex is so hot! I know just the home to invade. I used to babysit for them when I was younger. Boy did I have them fooled. I know the layout of the house so it will be fairly easy to fuck up this household. I have plans for this home. Who wants to help me? We can go in the night and sneak into the house. We can tie up the family members quietly one at a time so we don’t wake up the others. We can keep them all in one room and torture each in front of the other. Tell them we are going to let them live and give them a little hope. That way when we actually do snuff their lives out we can watch the last glimmer of hope fade away from their eyes. Taste the final tear that falls from their eyes. It tastes so sweet. Mmm, this is how I get off. I am so wet right now. I have special plans on how they should die too. The head needs to be detached from the body. I can use my big knife to slice through the necessary meat. What would you like to do with them?


Home Invasion Phone Sex 1

I Love Blood

Bloody Phone Sex

 Have I told you how much I love blood? Well in case I haven’t let me tell you now. When I am playing with my pets I like to watch their blood flow right from their bodies. I like when they are alive and I cut them lightly but deep enough to watch the blood start to come to the surface and flood over their skin. I was playing with someone recently and I had them standing up with their hands tied above their heads and their feet in the shackles attached to my floor. I like to stretch them out in this position. Then I take a small paring knife and make several little cuts all over their body. Make the incisions fast and then stand back and just admire my work. The blood comes to the surface so slowly. I have a chair that I will sit in and spread my legs wide and touch my wet pussy while I watch them slowly bleed. The best are the unwilling because then I not only get to see the blood but I also get to watch them cry. Blood running down their body making it look almost like paint and then throw in the tears and I am cumming. I fucking love blood!

My First Willing Victim

Snuff Phone Sex

I had a willing victim to play with! I won him at a local club that I belong to. He knew that I planned on snuffing him out. I told him that I was going to keep him for a weekend and hurt him and then kill him on Sunday after I was done playing with him. I won him on Thursday night and I brought him back to my house and let him sleep most of Friday. I wanted him to sit and ponder what his future may bring. Friday evening came and I thought I may burst. I needed to play with him. I had waited long enough. I went into the room where I had him chained to the wall. It is a room in my basement. It has a dirt floor and no furniture at all. There is a hole in the ground for him to piss and shit in. I have had him in here naked the entire time. I take him out of the room and lead him into the main part of my basement. I have all sorts of toys hanging on the walls in my basement. I led him over to where I have a stockade type restraint. I buckled him into. What a pretty site he was with his ass in the air and his head and arms restrained to the stockade. I went and choose my favorite sharp knife of the wall and went right over and started fucking him in the ass with it. Of course he started to bleed so I stuck my knife in my fireplace, got it hot and shoved it right back in him. I continued that routine for quite a while. I had so much fun that weekend. I can not wait to get my next victim!     


Kidnapping Phone Sex

I saw a dumb little bitch today. Her face just pissed me off and I have been in a bad mood ever since. I was thinking about seeing if anyone wanted to play with me tonight. I followed the little bitch so I know where she is. I will go get her and bring her back to my place where you will be waiting. We are going to have fun fucking this dirty little bitch up. She starts crying wanting her mommy. I hate it when they whine and cry. Like I really give a shit what they want. I snatch her cute little panties off her and shove them in her mouth. Now the only noises she makes are muffled cries. I am really enjoying seeing her cry. You wanna feel my pussy and see how much I like the sight of her. I am so wet. Dip your fingers in me and get my juices all over your hand and then rub them all over this little girl’s face. I am going to string her up and get my big sharp knife. Oh my I am so excited! We are going to have some fun with this little one! 

I Love Sharp Objects!

Knife Play Phone Sex

Do you like my knife? I do. I love sharp objects. Do you know what I did with this big sharp toy of mine recently? Let me tell you. I had a man laying down with his legs tied up so that they were spread wide. This is my favorite position to have someone in. I feel it is their most vulnerable. When someone is tied like that I have access to all of my favorite parts of the body. I deserve to do what I want to do with this man. I took the time to track and hunt this man. I did not know who I was tracking but when I saw him I knew. I did horrible things to him and I had the most fun when  I took my knife and I shoved it straight up his asshole. It was terribly messy. I got blood all over my legs and shoes. It was so warm and wet though. Sometimes I like to think of my knife as a cock. A rock hard cock. It is an extension of my body. I really do love my knife. I fucked that man with that knife in his bloody asshole over and over. I loved it. I could have cum just from shoving my knife so violently in and out of him. I did not however because when I looked at his tiny little cock, it was hard! He was enjoying being stabbed by me! Okay then I can fix that. I put a clamp on the new asshole I had made him so he would not bleed too much and decided to slit his dick open and see what it was made of. I used that sexy big cock of mine and I sliced his cock from base to tip. It looked amazing. I loved seeing all the blood pouring down over his balls and mixing in with the blood around his ass. I couldn’t help myself I got caught up in how is body looked and I reached down and starting touching myself until I came all over my hand. I then picked my bloody knife back up and started to have some real fun!