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Fantasy Phone Sex Lets You and Me Explore Our Dark Desires

fantasy phone sexFantasy phone sex lets us go dark. And as dark as you want too. But I should warn you, I am not for the faint of heart. I will kill a man for calling me babe, honey, sweetheart or any other sappy pet name. You can be one of two things in my life. My accomplice or my victim. I do not participate in fuck calls. Not your girlfriend. Not your BFF either.

Sometimes I swear men bait me into killing or torturing them. I am clear about my rules. I know men seem accustomed to groping, kissing, and fucking women, but if you hire me as your accomplice or your dark mistress, you best keep your hands to yourself.

Nick understood my rules. Or so he said. However, when we met, the first thing he called me was “babe.” So, I gave him a gentle warning. And a look that should have signaled to him that he better not do that again. He hired me to make a snuff porn of his ex-wife. Apparently, she enjoys bleeding him dry and blackmailing him for embezzling some money from a charitable organization. This guy came across as a tool. But he paid me good money to kill his ex-wife.

Men Can Be My Victim or My Accomplice

However, when he grabbed my ass, I decided he could keep the other half of the money he owed me because I intended to kill him. But I wanted the ex to help me. So, I waited until we broke into her house in the middle of the night. And let me tell you she wanted to help me after I told her he hired me to kill her. But I had a change of heart.

I gave her the knives I planned on using on her. By this time, I had her ex-husband naked and tied to a living room chair. She agreed easily to kill her ex with my assistance. So, I told her extreme cock and ball torture sex first. Kick him in the balls repeatedly until he pisses blood. Then, I suggested neutering him. However, she just sliced his entire cock off. What happened next amused me. She shoved his severed dick in his mouth and told him to choke on it. Clearly, she held some hostile feelings for her ex that I could harness.

She tortured him for a couple hours before she gave him the fatal stab. I helped her dispose of his body so that he would never be seen again. And to explain the blood stains, I had her call the police about a home intruder who she stabbed but he fled. I felt confident that his body and severed cock would never be found.

Money is not everything. Because sometimes, a man is too stupid to live. Would that be you too?

Castration Phone Sex Because The World Already Has Too Many Losers

castration phone sexCastration phone sex is what I want for Christmas. And I do not care if you want it or not. I am the wicked butcher. Always armed with a big knife, I stalk my prey like a hunter. Last night, I went hunting at college bars. I knew I would find some jerk frat boy with useless equipment I could remove. And as it turned out, I had a plethora of candidates to choose from.

I went with the drunk frat boy who I observed insulting girls. This guy did not look like any prize either. However, he acted like he was the best thing that could ever happen to a college girl. I watched him insult girls left and right when they rejected him. But when he insulted me thinking that crap would get him laid, I decided he would get my Merry Christmas cock and ball torture sex for free.

I brought him home. Made him think I was drunk and horny. But I was neither. At least not for him. I made him undress for me to confirm what I already knew. And I had the proof of his worthless junk right in front of me. If he measured 4 inches hard, I would be shocked. But I acted like I wanted to suck that cock so bad. My performance seemed Oscar worthy, LOL.

Men Need to See Their Junk as a Privilege Not an Entitlement

While in front of him, on my knees, I pulled out my knife and slashed his balls right off. His blood sprayed all over my face. But that’s not a problem. I bathe in blood. He started screaming and calling me names. I am impervious to that shit. I watched him run around my house like a chicken with his head cut off.

Neutering him was my Christmas gift to all coeds on his campus. And women everywhere. The world does not need another asshole male. He eventually passed out from blood loss. So, while he was out, I gave him a drug to erase his memory and knock him out so I could cauterize his wound and dump him in the woods near the bar I picked him up at.

When he wakes up, he will have no clue what happened to him. No memory of me. And no memory of how he lost his worthless nuts. Merry Bloody Phone Sex Christmas you filthy animals.

Violent Phone Sex Christmas Because It’s More Fun to Spread Christmas Fear

violent phone sexViolent phone sex Christmas has a nice ring to it. Don’t you agree? I love to spread fear this time of year. But I am no Grinch. I am not stealing presents from little brats. Instead, I am castrating perverts and men who annoy me. Even men who try to ruin Christmas for others.

Last week, a woman hired me off the dark web. She wanted revenge on her ex-husband who refuses to pay support or help get his brats Christmas gifts. He sounded like a real Grinch to me. So, I knew what I needed to do. Castrate her ex for free. I normally do not kill or torture for free. But I guess I was in a giving mood. The holidays make me want to give back.

She gave me all the info I needed. And I asked her if she wanted me to kill him, but she said no. She just wanted to hurt him and scare him into paying support. So, I paid her ex a visit in the middle of the night. I used the hidden key to get inside. Easy peasy. I found him sleeping. More like passed out drunk. Well, that makes castration phone sex so much easier.

Not All Men Deserve To Have Their Balls

I tied him up to his bed and he still did not wake up. He sleeps nude. Which made it easier too. When I slapped him awake, he thought one of his friends sent him a hooker. I do not look like a hooker. He wished I was one though after I took his junk. I put a castration band around his nuts and just waited as his balls turned blue.

While we waited for that, I encouraged him to help his family out more or I would take his cock and his life too. He deserved to be neutered. According to his ex-wife, he blows all his money on hookers and young sugar babies. Since he can no longer fuck, he can spend money on his brats now.

I made a bloody phone sex mess out of his bed. Although I untied him from his bed, I knew he was in too much pain and shock to come after me.  I spread Christmas fear in him. But his ex-wife sees it more as Christmas cheer. You better watch out men, this wicked butcher knows if you have been good or bad.

Snuff Phone Sex Bitch Killed the Grinch

snuff phone sexChristmas brings out the snuff phone sex bitch in me. Perhaps, some people might see me as a grinch. However, I like to think of myself as a dark angel preserving Christmas for the little ones. I am a Goddam fucking Christmas angel. My neighborhood has reported many thefts this holiday season. Someone has been naughty stealing outside Christmas decorations and in some cases, the presents under the tree. So, I am not the grinch in my neighborhood.

I often catch criminals or predators long before the police ever do. That’s one of my many skills. I could have been a detective. I set a trap for the thief. It took a few days for the grinch to take my bait. And it turned out to be a woman. She broke into my home in the middle of the night to take the fake Christmas gifts under the tree.

She broke into my home. So, I had every right to defend myself. This could be the kill I could justify and get away with. However, she needed torture sex. And maybe a fatal gunshot wound or knife wound. Even a struggle that resulted in a fatal head injury or something   would have been justifiable homicide. However, what I did to her would be deemed sadistic and unjustifiable. Overkill.

I’m The Bitch Who Saved Christmas

I mutilated her body. Tortured the meth head bitch for hours before killing her. I like to play with my prey. What is the fun in a quick, justifiable death. Even for a criminal or a predator, I will not invite trouble by calling the police. Flying under the radar is my superpower. This meth head cunt pleaded with me. She babbled on about her addiction and selling the toys and gifts for money to purchase meth and smack.

But I did not buy her lies. A junkie will say and do anything for a fix. Now the world has one less grinch and drug addict in the world. I stabbed her cunt with a knife. Literally pulled her insides out with the blade. Her pain had to be off the charts. I stabbed her eyes out too. Carved her tits up. By the time I finished my little snuff porn, she was nothing but a pile of mutilated flesh and entrails.

I had to scoop up her remains with a shovel like she was horse shit. I tossed the piles of her in my back yard. But I knew the wildlife would eat her bloodied remains before I even woke up in the morning. I turned her into sushi.  And today, there’s no trace of that bitch. The neighborhood and the police will think she stopped her crime spree or moved on to a different town. So, in a way, I am the bitch who saved Christmas.

Extreme Cock and Ball Torture Sex Because Death is Too Easy

torture sexExtreme cock and ball torture sex feels right to me. I just love torturing a man’s junk. Too many men thing a woman’s body is there for him to use. Not on my watch. A couple days ago, this fucktard white boy walked into a Goth bar wearing a T-shirt that said, “Your Body, My Choice.” And I decided right then he needed neutered. A man who sports a tee shirt like that has predatory tendencies.

Even if he has not assaulted a woman yet, I knew he would if given the chance. So, I hit on him and took him home to meet my Venus Flytrap. As someone who thoroughly enjoys castration phone sex, I get excited when a potential victim makes it easy for me. This tool came home willingly with me.

I have everything a sadist needs to mutilate a man’s junk. For years, I castrated men on my repurposed death row electric chair. However, I recently repurposed a beaver trap I found near the lake behind my house. If I only knew who set it, I would make him my next victim. I have no tolerance for animal cruelty. But I found it ironic that a man who thinks he owns beaver, lost his ability to fuck beaver because of a beaver trap.

If You Prey on Women, You Will Meet My Venus Flytrap

He found it less amusing. The loser bitched and hurled insults at me while I had him tied up. The beaver trap I find makes castration hurt even more. Plus, he could get a nasty infection from the rusty jaws on the trap. When he saw it, I knew he knew what would come next. And he genuinely seemed scared. But he needed neutered so he would not assault any woman in the future.

He begged me not to do it, but no one has ever talked me out removing a man’s balls. You should have seen his face go ashen white when that beaver trap latched on to his balls. If I did not live in the country, the neighbors would have easily heard his screams. But I do love the sounds of pain men make while I inflict mutilation phone sex techniques on their balls.

Blood splattered all over the floor. He screamed bloody murder. But he eventually passed out from shock. Even though I wanted to kill him, I like to let my castration victims live. I think it’s a far better punishment to live with the knowledge that you will never have an erection again. Death is too easy. And I like to make worthless men suffer for the rest of their lives.

Taboo Phone Sex: Let’s Spread Christmas Fear Instead

Taboo phone sex calls can be your Christmas gift to yourself. I find that many men get filled with rage over the holidays just like me. And they need a creative outlet for all the anger. People act like fools this time of year. Fighting for the last toy or game for their brat. Or demanding expensive gifts from their partners. Although I am not a person who ever gets filled with Christas cheer, I still think folks should be nicer around the holidays. But that’s rarely the case. So, I assist with bringing Christmas fear instead.

Mark wanted his ex-wife dead. And I could see why. Not only does she milk him dry in alimony and brat support, but she keeps his brats away from him. He does not seem like a pervert daddy. Not a drunk or a druggy. Not abusive either. She’s just a bitch who likes to deny her husband his legal right to see his sons. And she started demanding a lot more money for Christmas shopping for the boys he cannot see too.

So, he needed me as his accomplice phone sex partner. Without the bitch in the picture, he saves thousands of dollars a month and he can see his sons. Normally, I would just kill her on my own, but he paid extra to help me kill her. He wanted to see the look on her face when she took her last breath. Since the police look at the husband, current or ex, anytime a woman dies, I provided him with an airtight alibi. But no body, no crime. And right now, she is bear shit.

I Spread Christmas Fear Not Christmas Cheer

We did not kill her in her home. We nabbed her on her way home from a date. Took her to my place. Dumped her car to look like a car hijack.  Back in my dungeon, her massacre began. And I only got one stab in. Mark took one of my knives and went Helter skelter on her. He must have stabbed her 100 times. But I am sure she died after the first couple thrusts of the blade in her stomach.

I would have enjoyed making her suffer longer, but Mark needed to let his rage out. By the time he finished, her blood and guts had sprayed all over my dungeon floor.  Too bad I did not film this one because this kill would have made for an excellent snuff porn. We dumped her bloody carcass in the woods for my animal friends to devour.

This bitch just disappeared. Kidnapped? Murdered? Ran away? No one will ever know what happened to the cunt but me and Mark, and now you. But you will not tell a soul.

Bloody Phone Sex Christmas Time is Here

bloody phone sexRed is my favorite color, as in bloody phone sex red. And Christmas brings out violence in me. Always has because people act more like rude self-entitled assholes at this time of year. And this is the time of year that they should be much nicer. However, when I encounter a rude, self-entitled asshole, I take care of him or her. I show them some Christmas spirit.

I like to hunt for prey at Walmart. Personally, I would never shop there because of the people in the store. Might be a mass attack on a large crowd of assholes and bitches. But I decided that I can find such deserving victims there, especially close to Christmas. And I can restrain myself even if I want to kill every loser in the store.

And Last night I had too many candidates to choose from. But I found one. A young Karen type white bitch. I watched her snatch the last of some video game right out of a little boy’s hand. Then she had the audacity to yell at the mother who pointed out what she did was wrong. So young to be so self-entitled already. But she made the perfect victim on the 5th day of snuff sex Christmas.

More Folks Deserve to Die at Christmas Time

I followed her home. Of course, she lived in a trailer park. Now, I had to be careful. As much as I wanted her to scream, folks would hear her. So, I drugged her before I carved up her body. Normally, I would plan a kill better, but this bitch had to die. There are consequences to bad behavior. And she deserved everything I did to her. You could have fucked her before I mutilated her body. Hell, after I did it too.

I exsanguinated her with deep cuts all over her body. And I loved watching the crimson red blood flow out on her floor. It killed me to have her not suffer. But I could not risk getting caught. I mutilated her perky little tits, stabbed her cunt and carved cunt in her body. Eventually, I sliced an artery and watched her white rug turn a pretty red. Who has a white rug? Although it might not have been a very satisfying kill, at least the bitch died. Even if she deserved extreme torture sex, she won’t ruin anyone’s Christmas. One Grinch down, many more to go.

Torture Phone Sex Season: The 24 Deaths of December

torture phone sexTis the season for torture phone sex fun. Remember, I am not your baby or your honey or anything other than your accomplice or your sadistic mistress. I lack that sap ass gene. Plus, I have no desire to have anything more than an occasional romp. Whereas most women my age worry about finding “the one,” I am contemplating finding the right victim to torture.

I am fresh off Killtober and Deathember. And ready to start the 24 Deaths of December. My own special advent calendar. Although I always welcome volunteers, I like to hunt too. Something so primal about hunting your pray. So, I played a little game with my latest victim. I am not yet Jigsaw level or torture sex, but I have my own games I play.

I live rural. My neighbors live miles away. And I know some of them, but they never hear the screams. The torture I mostly conduct in my underground dungeon that took me years to build. But I still have my kill shack 30 minutes outside of town in the middle of the forest. Either place, nature is on my side.

I Love to Play Games with My Prey

So, this lovelorn dumbass did not listen to me when I told him to fuck off. And I said it nicely too. But he got pushy and sappy. Even called me his dream girl. So, I made him see that I was not his dream girl. More like his worst nightmare. He came back to my place willingly. And I suggested a little game of cat and mouse. My underground dungeon looks like a maze. I have tunnels that lead to the first floor of my home. Another that takes you outside. And others that result in dead ends.

If he could get back upstairs, I would fuck him. Make his dreams come true. But I knew with confidence he would not find the right tunnel. Under my house is a labyrinth I created. And sure enough he did not come up through the trap door into my kitchen. But he did make it outside in the fields. However, he emerged over 5 hours later.  Honestly, I thought maybe he had a heart attack or passed out in my underground maze. I had already planned how to flush his dead body out of the tunnels.

But he did not die. He seemed so excited because he thought he won the game, and I would fuck him. Instead, he got castration phone sex as a consolation prize. I tied him to my castration chair, put a castration band around his balls and chopped those worthless things off. Now, he won’t hit on any woman who does not want to be hit on because he will never fuck again.

Cannibalism Phone Sex Thanksgiving Provided Lots of Leftovers for Me

cannibalism phone sexCannibalism phone sex has become a staple for me on Thanksgiving and Christmas. I like to treat myself to a very special meal that takes weeks to prepare properly. And it gets harder every year too. Personally, I like my food organic. No toxic dyes. No piercings. And definitely no plastic in the body and that includes shit injected in the lips and cheeks. So, I hunted for weeks until I found one.

She appeared all natural.  Blonde hair did not seem artificial. Tits looked real. I saw no visible piercings or tattoos. And no lip or cheek fillers either. No Botox because her face moved. Plus, she had some meat on them bones. Thin meat does not cook as well. And it does not taste as good either.

I lured her to my dungeon where she existed for weeks as I softened her skin with daily butter baths. That really is the key to succulent meat. Although she thought she might be a snuff porn victim, I assured her that she had a much higher purpose than that. She would feed me all winter long. But she did not know that until early yesterday morning when I tied her legs and arms and stuffed her cunt and ass with bread and herbs. And some cut up vegetables too.

Would You Like to Join Me for a Very Special Meal?

She required a large pan. But I have those and a large industrial stove for cooking such large slabs of meat. After ten hours at 450 degrees, she turned out perfect. She did scream for a bit as the heat of the stove burned her skin. But the fumes likely forced her to pass out before the real pain kicked in. Blessing in disguise for her, I guess.

With my carving knife ready, and my sides prepared too, I had a feast. Stuffed my belly with girl meat. And I do have leftovers. I cut the flesh from the bones, saved some organ meat to freeze, and packed up the loose meat into Tupperware containers. So, if you have the same acquired tastes as me and taboo phone sex does not upset you, be my guest. I have plenty to share.

Knife Play Phone Sex Calls I Savor as a Sadistic Bitch

knife play phone sexKnife play phone sex calls I never get enough of as a butcher girl.  Perhaps, I am a sick bitch. No. I am a sick bitch. And I know it. So, does everyone around me. I am not a ray of sunshine. Never will be either. Yes, I have friends. But my circle is small. And I do not make friends the traditional way. Either I save a girl from a predator at a Goth bar, or a girl hires me to off her attacker, and we bond over it.

I have an eye for talent. When I meet a woman or a younger girl, I can tell if she has that sadistic streak in her. And I can tell if it is in there and she needs help realizing her true potential. A few weeks ago, a young girl who just turned 18, hired me to kill her abusive stepfather. She inherited a bunch of money her late father left her. And she used a portion of it to hire me.

She helped me kill him. And she got into the torture sex. She completely mutilated his cock and balls. Technically, she killed him. He died from the Colombian necktie she gave him. And since then, we have worked together a few more times. Natural talent. So, I decided to mentor her.

Killing is Fun, But it Becomes More Fun with a Protege

Last night, she assisted me in offing this Goth girl predator. He slides into Goth bars, drugs girls and attempts to take advantage of them. Way too many losers like that prey on Goth girls. But I do try to kill everyone of them.  Although, I do kill my share of bitches, I never touch a fellow Goth girl. We have a code. So, if you hurt one of my Goth friends, I hurt you.

My new accomplice set the honey trap for him, and we got into his place. I followed behind them as she acted drugged. When the predator tossed her on his bed, she grabbed the light and hit him over the head. That enabled her to let me into the house.

And we worked in unison to tie him up and castrate him. But we made the cock and ball torture last. Castration phone sex revenge needs to be savored. Little cuts in his predator cock prolonged his agony after I severed his balls and stuffed them in his mouth. My protégé delivered the final blow when she cut his femoral artery. We left him bleeding on his bed. But before we left, we wrote Predator on his walls in his own blood.