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The Making of a Teen Rape Porn
She looked so sweet when I saw her cry. Very yummy indeed. Her chest heaving with each raspy breath. The ropes were nice and tight, I can say if I am good at anything it is tying knots. I brought in her young one and she almost came unglued. Angry muffled sounds behind that tape across her mouth. A swift blow of my baseball bat cured her anger. At least the little one was calm. But not for long. I laid her down in the middle of the room and chained her to the rings on the concrete floor. Drain under her mid section. Starting with her pretty little face I stated to carve and peel. The blood was amazing. The more she cried the more blood there was. Mommy almost passed out from the blow to her head and emotional ordeal. When my carving was done I turned to my sad little mommy and painted her in her daughters blood. What a wonderful way to spend your daughter’s birthday, helping her make a snuff teen rape porn. I turned and pulled out the hammer and nails.
Cruel to be Kind
I think many things that are evil can be just as kind. Today is “Random Acts Of Kindness Day.” It is a day to cheer up the ones in your life that need it. I do that quite a bit, if you can believe a sadistic whore can be kind! Take for example one of my last victims. She had been screaming so loud that I finally cut out her tongue. Granted the crushing of her limbs that caused her bones to shatter made her scream, but it was for the best. So here she was, broken and bleeding. She was obviously in a very bad place. We both knew her end was near, so why not give her something to look forward to? I had just that morning mutilated her youngest son. He was a magnificent piece of bloody art. And since I video tape most of my kills, I told her I had a special movie for her! Now she can die knowing her loved one was on the other side waiting for her. Yes, random acts of kindness do go a long way.
My last home invasion is a perfect example. This young couple who were struggling to pay bills. They had the hardest time paying their mortgage. Well I of course entered the home and used my sledge hammer to bash in their skulls. First I doused them and their over priced home with gasoline. Lighting my cigarette with a match I tossed it on their bound bodies and inhaled the intoxicating odor of their flesh burning. Once I realized I could end their suffering much quicker, I smashed their heads and smiled at just how kind of an act that was. Not to mention they wont be struggling any longer! Today I will be kind as can be, can you say the same?
Valentine’s Day Delivery
Valentines Day – a day for lovers and gluttony. Although he was not my lover, at least not of the flesh, he was so much more. We shared a much more intimate relationship. Something that connected us on a much deeper level. There was absolutely no way I would ever trust a lover with my soul the way I trusted Rick. He was my teacher, mentor, and I couldn’t think of a better person to share this day with. We had discussed this victim before hand, had everything prepared and ready. When she rang the doorbell it all fell into place so naturally. And when it was over, we ate like a king and queen.
I had met with a few possibilities. Went to many floral shops the week prior. Looking for the right delivery girl. Luckily when I did find her, Rick approved. She was healthy, good muscle tone, and took good care of her skin. She was developed in all the right places. And cumming out of the winter, she had a nice layer of fat still attached to her muscle tone. I placed my order & we waited for the main course to knock.
Greeted with a smile and a dozen red roses, I was excited. She had such a warmness about her. And was more then willing to step inside when a tip was offered. “I just have to go into the den to retrieve my purse. Won’t you come in darling?” Once her feet passed the entryway, Rick was able to come out of the shadows and subdue our main course. He bound her wrists and ankles all too well. I cut her clothing and carried her warm naked body into the bath, where I would clean and shave her. Her curves were delicious and I could almost taste the gravy that would start from her breasts. The warm water was waking her slightly. I scrubbed her clean and shaved the winter leg hair from her body. I rambled on about how she would really enjoy inhaling the spicy fragrance that would baste the meat as it cooked. I boasted about the star chef of the evening. And thanked her for joining our dinner table.
Patting her dry I then carried a very confused young delivery girl into the kitchen. Rick smiled with approval as I lay her into the basting pan. Finally realizing her significance in the evening’s meal, she struggled just a bit. I giggled as I watched the liquid gold painting her pale white skin, as Rick basted her breasts. I could only imagine how that tangy liquid gold felt as it entered even her most personal parts. Rick and I smiled as we set the timer and put her in the oven. Only thing left to do is watch the meat so it cooks evenly, and uncork a nice bottle of red wine to complement the meal.
Snuff Sex Reagan * Twisted Twisty the Clown
I have been growing tired of the same old Snuff Sex adventures lately. I have been craving something more twisted and disturbing. Then last night I found Twisty the Clown. On the TV he Frequents small towns, reigning his style of bloody terror. Taking the young ones. He wants so much, to be a good clown. But he craves blood, and the fear he smells from his victims. Yes Twisty the Clown.. he is quite Twisted indeed. You have seen the series “American Horror Story” I am sure. If you have not seen it you have definitely heard of it. Twisty the Clown is by far my favorite freak in the show. Twisty runs around with a half dead skin mask on his fucked up clown face. He stalks young people and takes what he wants. Keeping the sweet ones captive, and continuously tortures them with disturbing
images of a psychotic sort. If Twisty is provoked, who knows what this twisted clown will do to them. The little ones he has kept for himself are in constant fear. I can only imagine the sexual energy these little ones must provoke as they beg for their lives. The fear of death is the only thing that will make you feel alive!
I decided to create a mask like the one that Twisty wears, one that will transform me into a macabre clown. Ass Rape Porn while wearing such a mask made out of human skin and teeth, will be my grand adventures, I believe. I think it will be very humorous to stalk a small town and leave a trail of death and blood in my wake. Taking only the very young and innocent to do whatever it is blood thirsty Clowns do. I think a small town in the Midwest would be best. One that has not felt the hand of a murderous clown. This will be more fun that I can even imagine. I smile as I begin to pack my bags. It is time for a new adventure. I have yet to use a mask to transform my appearance. This will be a wonderful new way to quench my thirst for malice, don’t you think?
Canabalism Phone Sex * Just a Simple Hunting Accident
Sometimes it does not pay to get in the way of how nature does things. I spent many years watching animal rights activists go balls out, trying to stop hunting season. Even in the hunting preserves. Those stupid cunts will do many malicious things.. like sabotage camps, and other dumb fucking things. Mostly they will just piss off decent hunters. After all, they just want dinner… so who cares what meat they cook right?
As they aimed for the doe, that chubby bitch came out of no where. It all happened so fast. She heard a funny wet noise when it entered her belly. Looking over, the deer had run off and it made sense now. At least she had saved the animal this time. Feeling faint she landed on her knees and tugged at the metal shaft now poking out. Her skin opened up and a rush of blood gushed out.. she was puking blood and the world faded away.
The hunters looked at their kill and decided this was a doe worth taking back to camp. Stripping her naked they burned her clothes and dragged her back. The wives will know how to cook this piggy. And to their delight there seemed to be a spit big enough for a buck. The woman cleaned her out, guts and all. They put the foil wrapped potatoes where the lungs used to be, cornbread and shelled walnuts in her belly. Re using her liver they they used onions and garlic some salt and pepper and re placed it. Stitching the belly back up they started to baste her piggy thighs and took turns spinning her on the fire. They found most of the gravy came from her tits and ass. Meaty bitches are always the tasty ones!
Killer Phone Sex Reagan * Pop Your Fucking Pills
I decided to celebrate National Pharmacist Day with a Killer Phone Sex blog, dedicated to snuffing out those pricks. Those assholes don’t deserve their own day. Have you seen the prices of pills now a days? Fuck that. I know what I am gonna do this January 12th, I am gonna fuck up my pharmacist. The corner drug store is ran by some old stupid fuck in a white coat. I take some pretty dam strong psychotropics, and they are not cheap. One time he put the wrong damn pills in the bottle! I got so fucking sick from his ignorance, and I have been waiting for the right time to pay him back for his stupidity. This will be the perfect day to give him a taste of his own medicine!
He normally works way past closing, and I know how to get into the store after hours. I sat in the shadows and waited till he was filling pill bottles. I jumped him from behind and hit him pretty dam hard on the back of the head. I laughed as I watched him struggle to stay on his feet. Once he was down I straddled his chest and bound his arms and legs. Then I put a metal gag in his mouth, forcing it open. Waiting for him to regain consciousness, I gathered up a few of his bottles of pills and got them ready. Don’t you love these Murder Phone Sex Fantasies? Once his eyes opened he struggled of course, but to no avail. I just laughed as I read each label and dumped bottle after bottle down his throat. He could not speak well with the metal claws holding his jaws open. But of course I cold make out a few words like “Please, No, Please, No”. I just had so many colorful pills to choose from! It was a rainbow! And since I am such a nice gal, I made sure he had plenty of booze to wash it down with! Funny thing is, once he was gone I was not sure if it was the pills he overdosed on, or just choking on his own vomit?
Bed Time Nightmares With Reagan * Chapter One: The Torture Sex Snuff Studio
She had no idea the Torture Sex snuff house was the location of her newest nightmare. “$2,500 is paid after film is completed. Room and board provided for the week of production. Meals included and transportation is provided throughout your time here at the house.” Shaking his hand she thought it seemed like a good deal. She only had to endure a week of the actual filming. Something she, and probably 99% of the woman in this world, had always said they would never do. But never say never. She then wondered about how the porn industry flourishes during these times, when almost all of America seems to be having economical hardships. How many woman did this industry soak up? She shrugged it off and was more than ready to start this week. She was ready for it to be next Saturday for sure. That day she would be walking out of this house, cash in hand.. and hoping for at least 15% of her self respect and dignity left. She would never see that day.
Her first day she was told to meet downstairs in the common room. This was more like a living room, but since this was once a boarding house, it was the common place of the renters. She almost felt comfortable in this room. Something would not let her completely relax, she just assumed it was the day ahead and what she was preparing to do. He joined her within a few moments and re introduced himself as Collin.
When she entered the basement she noticed it was bare. This was odd, and her brain immediately started to try to make sense of it. Should there not be a film crew down here? Before she could connect any reason as to why she was not on the set of a pornography film, but in the basement of a house where no one was aware of her location, she felt a sharp pain in her neck. The world went black.
Sense of smell entered her mind first.. damp, metallic, and sour. Hearing flooded her brain.. feet shuffling, several male voices where she was able to make out the few words “rape, torture, snuff film”. Still unable to move and not sure if it was the bindings she was beginning to be aware of, or her being half unconscious. Fearful to open her eyes, she was not sure of when that was available.
For the next few days her world turned to horrifying pain. She lived longer then most. Endured gang bang after bloody gang bang. Her flesh torn off of her body inch by inch. With each cock she was forced to pleasure they slowly peeled a token off of her tortured body. Some stuffed her ass with her own skin chunks while others ate them as they dumped their cum all over her gaping wounds. And a time or two was forced to eat her own bloody chunks. Machines were hooked to her in various places to deliver electric shock during her violation. At one point, her captors used a needle and thread to close her cunt and ass, only to rip through her flesh with spiked rubber cocks. In the end, Collin reappeared to costar in her last scene. As he entered her mutilated and gaping hole with a baseball bat, one last slice opened her gut. As her insides leaked onto the floor he was pushing them throughout with that wooden bat. Empty, bloody, and now snuffed, he coated her face with his sticky seed. And just in time to check in the next fuck pig.
Torture Sex with Reagan * Sick Lies
Red hot and white tongues devour the foundation as I wait patiently for it to crumble. No one will know how you defied me. No one but me. This is the true fire that will burn. You were sick, and we compatible. Teased me with your submission, needed me with your submission. Now you burn as I do. I had to have it my way. You knew this. There was no other way. You lied as you begged for my pain. You lied because you told me I was beautiful. So I burned it to the ground. You fed my animal, and I caught the hunter. But you defied me. Only one last word I allowed as I sharpened my knife and poured the gas. Now I go on through this night, burning. Stench of your lies. I lived to break your will.
Sick * In This Moment
Is it sick of me
To need control of you
Is it sick to make
You beg the way I do
Is it sick of me
To want you crawling on your knees
Is it sick to say
I want you biting down on me
Are you sick like me
Am I beautiful
As I tear you to pieces
Am I beautiful
Even at my ugliest, you always say
I’m beautiful
As you tear me to pieces
You are beautiful
Even at your ugliest, I always say
You’re beautiful and sick like me
Is it sick of me
To feed the animal in you
Is it sick to say
I tease the hunter like I do
Is it sick of me
To watch the wicked way you thrill
Is it sick to say
That I live to break your will

Mutilation Phone Sex with Reagan * Here Piggy Piggy
Fuck I love releasing my anger with every slice. It felt so good to take it out on something so small. Sweet Marley, hitchhiking again. So predictable. Easy prey. I am here only to release you from the piggy.
Piggy, you being such a piece of shit you had no idea that when you tried to coerce me into sex for a promotion you would have set your own little girl’s fate in motion. “Even my little girl takes Daddy with no resistance!” So you like to fuck young cunt do you? As Marley’s blood pooled around her frail young body, I reassured her that I was only saving her from a life of taking daddy’s cock up her cunt.
Now I toss all Marley’s mutilated body parts to the hogs at the local pig farm. I chant to myself “Here piggy piggy pig… “ Daddy is a fucking pig isn’t he little ones? They love eating bloody meat, as I have fed them so many times before. My sweet little piggies.
I wonder just how worried Daddy is? I laugh to myself saving the last piece of her. Such a cute little piggy for a Daddy Pig. RIP Marley
Bad Mommies Need Torture Sex to Punish Thier Cunts
Bad mommies are the best victims of torture sex. I had a bad mommy, you see. And the things I will do to a bad mommy today, are only things I wished I could have done to the cunt that shit me out. When I find bad mommies, there cunts must be punished.
She whimpered as she reluctantly spread her thighs. Wondering how much longer she would have to endure, she found herself slowly loosing ground. Her vision was almost completely blurred and her head was spinning. She felt her empty stomach cramping again. With nothing but stomach acid forcing itself up with every gag, she no longer tried to turn her head. It was way too heavy now anyway. She just choked down the bile, and began to swim in the pain that began again.
I warned her. I told her what would happen. “Bad mommies get their cunt punished”. But she chose to ignore. I looked over at the small bodies discarded like trash. Suffocated in their sleep by the one who was trusted to nurture them. When I met this woman months ago, she was looking for a way out. She no longer wanted to carry her small baggage with her. She thought I could offer her a solution. Instead I became her judge and jury. And it was her sentence now that I carry out.
She spread her thighs, and with care I bound them with rope. The past two days were hard on her I know. We started the process with purging. She was hog tied and force fed a nice concoction to remove her stomach contents. I get much amusement out of watching a whore being forced to vomit while she is bound to a variety of vibrating sex toys. My robotic machine now took over as her lover as it pumped a rubber cock into her ass, and than into her cunt. Yes, It was an amazing sight to see how deep and fast my machine could work a cunt. Once her vomiting turned to dry heaves, I moved on to the emptying of her bowels. I pushed the rubber tubing inside her anus and started to slowly empty the warm soapy water into her. She cried in protest when she realized I was not going to be removing the large rubber cock that was slowly moving in and out of her prostate. I stepped back, admired my work, and left her there to slowly expel her fecal matter and lay in her vomit. That is what she is now, shit and vomit.
Later that evening I rejoined her and was pleased to see her cunt looked like hamburger meat. I opened up my hand and showed her a little glass container. She cried, knowing what I would be doing with such a thing. “Open your legs, bad mommies get their cunt punished”. She whimpered as she reluctantly spread her thighs. I started to open my little jar of salt.. such a beautiful thing I saw. Just like salt poured on a slug.