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Porcelain Snuff Doll

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I could still feel this hard cock and cold blade all over my skin and inside me. I always played with dolls when I was younger, but I never thought I would be used as someone’s doll. A few of my friend on the cheerleading squad convinced me to use my fake id one more time this summer, and go to this rocker club. It was so not my scene, but it was an excuse to dressy slutty and drink. We arrive, and I can feel the stares we are getting. I guess we came on a night a metal band was playing, but the music wasn’t bad. The club was packed, and I lost my friends almost immediately. I said screw it and decided I was gonna have fun regardless. I danced like everyone around me, kind of just tossing my hair around. I noticed a guy staring at me. He was a huge man covered in tattoos, and he wore his hair long in dreads. He was kind of cute in an emo way, but the way he was staring at me made me squirm. I needed fresh air, but I will never forget the lyrics as I walked out the door, “you’ll still love me, dead or alive.” I walk out to the alley on the side of the club. Then I feel strong arms around me, and I feel a rough rag over my nose and mouth. When I breathe in I smell nothing but chemicals. Everything starts slowly slipping I try to scream but I can not manage to get any noise out. The whole world went black, and when I woke up I had no clue where I was. I took a minute to look around me, I could tell I was in an attic. The walls were a light pink, and I was surrounded by dolls. The dolls porcelain faces all seemed to be staring at me. I looked up and saw the man from the club. He asked if I would be his little doll for life. I screamed at the top of my lungs, only for him to slit my throat. The last words I heard was him telling my I would make a better doll without a heart beat. The last thing I felt was his cock going into the slit in my throat as it gushed blood.

Anything? Anything!

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I can not go a single day without getting attacked or violated. I finally made cheer captain, so now it is my responsibility to collect donations for uniforms. Mostly it was just small businesses, and boring as hell. However, one of the donators was a big fancy office, and they made me talk to the owner. I waited in his office, but he never showed. His secretary told me he arranged instead for me and him to go on a dinner meeting. I thought it was super odd, but it got even weirder when she told me he was having a gown sent to my house. It was certainly not ordinary, but I worked so hard to be captain I had to be the best captain I could be. So, I got all dressed up in the beautiful black gown he sent me, and I headed to the address I was given. I expected it to be a nice restraint, but it was a huge house. I knock and a tall, slick man in a suit answered. He told me I was even more beautiful in person, and that he was impressed that I was early. He led me into a dining room fit for a mansion. We ate in silence, and he stared at me while I tried not to make eye contact. When we finished I watched as he wrote a check for $100,000, and I stared in utter shock. A donation like that would make me the best cheer captain the school has ever had. He told me it was mine if I told him he could do anything he wanted to me. I thought about it for a few minutes, but it was too much money to deny. So, reluctantly I agreed, and his eyes narrowed. He let out an animal like laugh, and told me to lay on the couch with my legs spread and knees bent like I was at the obgyn. He brought over a table with sharp rusty tools, and he told me to bite the pillow. He showed a scalpel into my pussy, and I screamed in pain. He used many other sharp tools all over my body some I didn’t even know the name of. When I could feel myself fading away he assured me he would mail the check to the school. Then he slit my throat, and laughed while I bled to death on his couch.

Cheerleading Cock Tease

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Why does my foster dad always want to attack me? I do not try to let him see me naked, but sometimes I can’t help it. This morning before school, I got all my lingerie on and was about to put on my cheer uniform when he barged into my room. He yelled at me for being a tease, and told me whatever he does to me is my own fault. He told me I am a dirty little cheerleader slut that deserves to get fucked up my ass whether I wanted it or not. He tore my lingerie off of me, and shoved my face down into the bed so hard that I could feel my nose starting to bleed. I couldn’t breathe and I was choking on my own blood, but he didn’t seem to care as he shoved his long hard cock into my ass. He lifted my head up long enough for me to get a mouth full of air, but it was only so he could get a good grip on my tits. My foster dad gripped my tits tight as he pounded into my ass. I managed to get my head up long enough to scream for help, but I knew help wouldn’t come. Pissed I would even try to scream, he flipped me over, and grabbed two handfuls of my hair. He forced my head down to his cock, which is covered in blood from him ripping my ass hole. He forced my mouth open, and shoved his cock all the way to the back of my throat. He skull fucked me until he came all over my huge perky cheerleader tits. He smirked when he looked down at me, and told me to clean myself up and get ready for school. I wish someone would save me.

Pretty Little Liar

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Nothing ever works out for me, and I am so sick of being used and abused. That’s why after all the prepping, tonight will be the night I finally run away from my foster family. I packed a bag full of food, clothes, and all the money in the house. I could do this I may be a cheerleader, but I am not dumb. So that I wouldn’t be seen, I wore a black hoodie and black jeans. My foster parents house is at the edge of the woods. The way I see it I have 2 options, go into town and risk someone catching me, or make my way through the woods and risk getting eaten by a bear. I took my chances with the woods. I used my phones flashlight covering it with my finger, so that it wouldn’t draw attention. After about an hour of quietly making my way through the woods, my phone goes dead, and I am left in complete darkness. I keep going though, I need to put distance between me and my foster parents house. I stumble through the woods in complete darkness, until I fall into a clearing. In the clearing there’s a little cabin and a barn. I weigh my options, and decide to break into the barn and sleep there. Before I can make my way over to the barn the cabin door opens, and a tall man steps out. He asks me what I am doing on his property, and I quickly make up a story. I tell him I was camping in the woods and got lost. He calls me out on my shit right away, he calls me a pretty little liar. He tells me my story is bullshit for a few reasons, one it’s a school night, two camping isn’t allowed in these woods, and three I have a cheerleading duffel bag. He tells me he thinks I am running away, and I admit he is right. He tells me I can sleep in the barn for the night, but then he wants me gone. He unlocks the barn door and shows me around. I find it odd that there isn’t any animals in the barn. Then, I hear it behind me, him loading his shot gun. I turn around and he commands me to strip. The tears are streaming down my face by the time I get my clothes off. He switches the shot gun out for a sickle and advances to me. I scream but I am so deep into the woods no one would hear me. He attacks me, shoving me to the ground. He gets on top of me and forces his cock into my pussy. He decides I am not wet enough for him, and shoves the sickle into my cunt. I scream in pain as I feel warm blood trickling out of me. He plows in and out of me. He uses the sickle to slit my throat as he fucks my dyeing body. Well I got my wish I would never see my foster family again.

Snuff Porn Movie

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Being the cheer captain sure has it’s perks, but I never thought it would get me abused and damn near killed. I attract all kinds of men, usually never the ones I am attracted to though. So, when the school bad boy asked me on a date I was so excited. He asked me to go to the horror movie special the drive-in was having, and I reluctantly agreed. I hate horror movie almost everything scares me. It was black and white theme, so I wore a little black dress and matching black lace bra and panties. When we got to the drive-in is when I got nervous. What if he doesn’t like me because I am a scaredy cat? I tried to contain my fear as we watch Dracula in black and white, but I didn’t even make it through half of the movie without screaming. When I looked over at him he told me that it’s alright to be scared, and that he found my screams hot. I smiled a little and finished watching the movie. When it ended he asked if I would like to come home with him, and I agreed. That is where I made the biggest mistake. He drove for what seemed like an hour, and I asked how he could live that far away and still go to our school. His reply seemed rehearsed, but he said his mom lived in town and he just used her address for school. His house was huge and gloomy like Dracula’s castle. I went in and he led me to his bedroom. It was beautiful like something out of an old movie. The bed was huge and had a big canopy. I got scared when he locked the door behind us, and I asked if someone else was home. When he replied no is when I really started freaking out. I tried to leave and he threw me on the bed. He growled in my ear that I was his now, and he cut all of my clothes off with his pocket knife. He buried his huge hard cock into my pussy, and started kissing my neck. I can’t say I didn’t like it because it was incredible, until he used his pocket knife to create a long cut down the side of my throat. He licked all the blood off of me while I screamed. I must have lost a lot of blood because I passed out. When I woke up I was alone and weak I could barely sit up.

Ass Rape Porn by the Pool

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I swear I can never go for a swim without getting a cock shoved into my tight little asshole. My neighbor can see into my backyard, and last time I was swimming he watched my foster brother violate me. When I thought he was going to come over and rescue me, he really just came over to join in. Well today I was out for a swim when he came over. He said he wanted to apologize, and that he could not resist me any longer. He asked if I could ever forgive him. He is so hot, how could I say no? He asked if I could trust him. At first I was hesitant, but then I told him I believed I could. He grabbed my hand and we walked onto my patio. Then out of nowhere, he ripped my bikini top off and growled that trusting him was my first mistake. I screamed for help, but it was no use. No one was home, and if they were they only would have joined him. He overpowered me, and bent me over the railing of the deck. He stroked my hair, continuously moving his hand lower. He gave my ass a little squeeze before sticking his long fingers into my pussy. He whispered in my ear that he knew I liked it because I was so wet for him. I cried as he pulled my bottoms off, and gripped my hips so tight his knuckles turned white. He start by putting his hard cock into my wet pussy, and he pounded into me while I screamed and cried for help. When he started to feel like he was going to cum, he moved his cock up and into my ass. He drilled into my ass while I cried in pain. We climaxed at the same time. I guess he was right, I did like it.

Smokin Hot

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Sometimes I really think there is something wrong with me and the way I think. I really love being violated. I love everything about it, the adrenaline rush, the screaming, and the crying. There are times I try to get force fucked honestly. Today was one of those times, I knew my foster dad was home, but no one else was home. I made my way to the kitchen completely naked. I started cooking when I heard him making his way down the steps, but I pretended I didn’t know he was home. When he cleared his throat in the door way I jumped, and “accidentally” spilled olive oil all over my bare chest. I told him I thought no one was home,  and covered my chest with my hand. He came over to me and tore my hands away from my breasts. He forced me to turn around as I begged and pleaded him not to. He grabbed my waist and slammed his cock into my tight ass. I screamed and cried while he plowed into me. Then, he growled that he would give me something to cry about, and he stuck my hand on the stove burner that was still on. I screamed as the flesh melted off my hand. He finished his assault by shooting his load into my hair, and then told me to finish making him breakfast.

Old Crush

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Today on my way home from school my foster mom’s friend Jimmy offered me a ride home from school. He seemed nice enough and honestly I always had a huge crush on him. He told me we had to stop at his place first even though it was out of the way. I was cool with it again I thought he was super-hot. When we got to his place he offered me tea, but then spilt it all over me. He offered to wash it for me, but all of his clothes were way too small for me. So I took off my wet clothes, and wore a towel while he threw my clothes in the washer. When he came back is when he really started flirting. He asked me to remove my towel, and I made him promise not to tell my mom. We started fucking on the couch, but then some kind of animal like instinct took over him. He was slamming his dick into me to the point where it was ripping me and I was bleeding. When I begged him to stop this only fueled him more. He grabbed my hair and forced me to roll over. Then he began pushing his dick into my tight asshole and I screamed kicked and cried. It was no use finally I told him I would be a good girl and do whatever he wanted. He told me to suck his cock. When he let go I made a run for the door, but he grabbed me by the hair and slit my throat. The last thing I felt was his warm cum shooting inside of me.

Violent Phone Sex

violent phone sex

Today when I got home from school no one was home, and I was so relieved maybe I could make it through the day without being violated. Since I was so relaxed I decided to go swimming, but it turned out that I wasn’t alone. Once I was in the pool I started feeling like I was being watched. I went under the water to get my hair wet, and that’s when he attacked. My foster brother jumped into the water, and held my head under. He held me under for what seemed like forever. My lungs felt full of water, I felt my life slipping away from me. That’s when he yanked me out of the water. He used the fact that I was choking up water as an advantage to bend me over the side of the pool. He growled that he never fucked in a pool before. I struggled, but it was no use, he was way stronger than me. He rammed his cock into my ass so hard that I could feel my anus ripping and bleeding. I screamed and screamed for help. Just when it felt useless someone was entering the yard. It was the hot neighbor from across the street. YES! Finally someone was coming to save me, or so I thought. He joined us in the pool, and turned to my foster brother. He said “what aren’t you gonna share”. My foster brother replied, “you can have her when I’m finished.” The neighbor told him he had a better idea. The neighbor got out of the pool and pulled my face up to look at him. He said, “I can’t wait to feel that pretty little mouth of yours.” Forcing my mouth open, he shoved his rock hard dick into my mouth. A piece of me died in that pool, but honestly I kind of liked it. I wish that neighbor boy would save me more often.

Snuff Porn in the Park

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What started off as a walk in the park turned into a snuff porn nightmare for me.  Some guys appeared out of nowhere. They were asking me for a light, but I didn’t have one. I was nervous. They were in hoodies and reeked of booze. I know that smell from daddy and his friends. I tried to politely make an exit, but they weren’t letting me go anytime soon. One of the guys asked me if I was a hooker. They started insinuating that I must be because that is the only reason a woman is in that park after dark by herself. If I wasn’t looking for drugs, I must be looking for cock. I tried to make a run for it, but I was out numbered. One of the guys pulled me by the hair so hard that a clump of my hair came out. Another one punched me in the gut which sent me to the ground. They hovered around me like hungry wolves as I was coiled up on the ground. I saw them pull their dicks out and I knew what as next. I have seen enough gang rape porn to know. They pissed on me first. For a moment I thought that was it. They wanted to humiliate and scare me. Of course, I could never luck out like that. They ripped my clothing off, so they could jam their dicks in my pussy and ass. They were strangers and fucking me roughly, but somehow it reminded me of what daddy and friends did to me when I was just a little girl and I got wet. I know it is wrong to enjoy being violated like that, but daddy and his friends did it so much to me when I was just a school girl that I think I actually miss violent fucking. What the fuck is wrong with me?