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Revenge is a dish best served with their intestines wrapped around their throat, and their decaying cock in your cunt. I had and ex that drugged and violated me several times, and with my new found attitude, I decided it was time to get my revenge. So, I texted him that I got us a hotel room, and that I wanted tonight to be the night we finally have sex. Since he doesn’t know that I know what he did to me, this plan was perfect. I wore sexy lingerie, so that he wouldn’t be suspicious. I had champagne set out for us, and there was something extra special in his. I thank cheerleading for the muscles to move his fat unconscious ass. The only difference between us is that I violated him when he woke up because I wanted to hear his screams and see the look of horror on his face. I cut right across his toned abs, and ripped his intestines out. I wrapped them around his throat until he started turning blue. I loved seeing him weak and vulnerable, trying to cling to what little life he had left in him. My pussy was dripping wet watching him take his last breathe. It’s true what they say about how a man’s cock stays hard when he dies, and I stuck to my word. I rod him until his body was cold, and his corpse started to smell.
Everyone thinks it’s so fun to torture my sexy little teen body, but what happens when I finally get the opportunity to be the torturer? What happens when I finally blossom into the living dead girl I have always wanted to be? A huge thank you goes to Indigo, for showing me the murderous bitch I really am. I had gotten myself into one of those situations again, where I was a damsel in distress. I was cornered in an alley by some drunk man, and Indigo came from behind him with a dingy rag. Within seconds he was laying on the ground, out like a light. She told me she helped me because I reminded her of herself, big tits and one hell of an attitude. She asked if I wanted to have some fun with the dirt bag, and I was so in. I helped her drag his limp body too and from the car. We had him in a secluded cabin in the woods. She told me normally she likes to do the torturing herself, but this time she would settle for watching. I chained him up spread eagle, I wanted to wait until he woke up, but Indigo really wanted to get her hand on him. He woke up the her carving a permanent smile on to his smug face. Watching someone else cry and scream in agony was such a turn on! Then it was my turn. I grabbed the dullest knife Indigo had, and began sawing off his tiny little cock. By the time I was done with that Indigo had enough of his screaming, and ripped out his tongue with a pair of pliers. I went around to the back, and decided that his asshole needed to be a little bigger. It felt so good watching the knife tear through his flesh, making his ass gape wide open. I shoved his limp, bloody, stump of a cock into his newly extended ass hole. Indigo was kind enough to teach me how to sew, his ass shut that is. Then we slit his throat, and fucked in his pool of blood. Biggest orgasm I have ever had!
I literally put my blood, sweat, and tears into my college interview, and I have the scars all over my tits to prove it. I knew I should have just applied to a community college, but instead I wanted to go to an Ivy league school. The thing about Ivy league schools is that they have enough money and power to get away with murder. I always thought that was just an expression, but I guess not. I got all dressed up for my interview, and headed there early. The walls inside the building were so thick that they had to be sound proof. I found my way to the office, and was ushered into the dean of admissions office. The door was heavy, and locked behind me. There was plastic covering the floor, and the dean explained that they were painting his office. There was two other girls sitting at his desk, and he explained that this wouldn’t be a one on one interview. After all of us answering a few questions, the dean told us only one of us would get in, and only one of us would leave there alive. He instructed us to strip, and told us anyone that wouldn’t listen would be shot. Me and one of the other girls started stripping, but the other girl just started whining. He shot her in the head, splattering her blood all over me and the other girl. Once we were naked, he slapped two knives on the desk, and told us we were to fight to the death. Finally all of the abuse I have gone through actually paid off. We sliced and diced at each other, but eventually I got tired of our back and forth dance. I slit her throat, bathing myself in her blood. The dean grabbed me by my hair, and bent me over the dead bodies. He violated my tight teen ass right on top of their corpses. He made me clean up and get dressed. Then we filled out my admissions form, and I left. I got into an Ivy league school!
Girls can be so mean, and I would know because I was violated, abused, and murdered because of it. To me, me making cheer captain was the best thing that could happen to me, but for my competition, it was the thing that pushed her over the edge. Jezabel was always so nice to me while they were putting me through hell as the new girl, but when I got what she wanted then she snapped. She acted nice at first, and kept telling me how happy she was for me. She even offered me a gift. She told me she had a modeling gig this weekend, and there was one more slot. Jezabel said that if I was hot enough for cheer captain, then I was certainly hot enough to be a model. When I got there I was in utter shock. She neglected to mention that it was a nude photo shoot. I was going to go home, but Jezabel convinced me to stay. The photo shoot was just me and her. The only other person there was, was the creepy camera man, and him and Jezabel kept looking at each other like they were gonna fuck right then and there. Half way through, Jezabel offered me a sip of her water, and I took a big gulp. You would think I would know better by now then to drink or eat something from someone else, but I just never learn. I passed out almost immediately. When I woke up I was strapped down to a hard metal surface in a dark moist room. Jezabel and the camera man are off to the side talking until they notice that I am awake. At first, I didn’t believe that Jezabel could do something like this, so I screamed for her to help me. She laughed at me, and that was when I seen her face just how twisted she really was. Her and the camera man completely mutilated my naked body, and she told me it was for taking her spot as captain. After a few hours of torture, she slit my throat, andt hey had sex on top of my lifeless body.
Please save me, someone please! I don’t understand why I am always the victim, and I don’t get why I am always being drugged and violated. Friday was an epic football game, our team won by a landslide. So, to celebrate the cheerleaders and football players were going to a hotel party after, and as cheer captain I am basically obligated to go. I had to sneak around so that my foster father wouldn’t find out, but I made it work. All of us just wore our uniforms, which made it so much easier on me. One of the up sides of being a cheerleader is the football players are wrapped around our fingers, and will pay for everything for us. Last time I went out with the quarterback, I think he drugged me and violated me, but it is too fuzzy for me to be sure. Besides, he is super hot, and willing to pay for everything for me. He told me he only had enough on his card for one room, and I told him that was fine we could share. As soon as the words left my lips I could tell he was getting hard for me. We danced, drank, and partied all night. Towards the end of the night I started to feel a bit dizzy, and I told him I wanted to go lay down. He scooped me into his arms and took me to our room. He set me on the bed, and grabbed something shiny from the nightstand. My eyes were just too heavy to focus. I felt the cold against my skin though, and knew my clothes were being cut off of me. That is where I can not remember anything, but when I went back to school Monday I was showed the video. The whole football team ran a train on me while I was passed out, and the cheerleaders cheered them on. They said it was pay back for what I made them do to get on the squad.
So, there I was my tight little teen ass hole being violated because my foster father sold me to this man. With tears in my eyes I look at my surroundings, and I spot a brick near by and a set of truck keys hanging out of his pants pocket on the ground. I try to really think about what to do next, but my ass is in so much pain I just acted first. I grabbed the brick and knocked him upside the head. I figured I had a few moments while all of the men pulled out of the women’s asses. I grabbed the keys and made a run for it. I found the truck and threw the door open, but only to reveal 3 huge mutts. I thought about turning back around, but there was no where to run too. The men and the mutts were closing in on me. The mutts got to me first, and tore all of my clothes off. Naked and afraid, I couldn’t move or think of what to do. The farmer from earlier scooped me up off the ground. He carried me to a room, and I kicked and screamed the whole way there. The room was full of what looked like torture devices, and I could taste my own fear. I struggled against him to get away, but it was no use. He shackled me to a bar that hung from the ceiling, and whipped my whole back side. I screamed as loud as I could, but it just made him hornier. He picked up where he left off in the barn, pounding into my ass. After he came in my tight little ass, he explained to me that good girls go in the barn, and bad girls go in this room. No one has ever escaped, and no one ever will.
I am always the sweet little victim that makes everyone’s ass rape fantasies come true. I hate that everyone thinks that they can do whatever they want to me, it is so fucking frustrating. I woke up in the middle of the night to my foster father yanking me out of bed by my arm. He threw a burlap bag over my head, after gagging me and tying my wrists together. I felt him guide me to what I assumed was the car, and I felt him throw me into the back seat. I tried to ask where we were going, but I don’t think it really came out that way with the gag in my mouth. I managed to wiggle around enough to get the bag off of my head. We were surrounded by woods, woods, and more woods. We drove for hours with no signs of people anywhere in sight. We finally arrived at a huge farm, and my foster father yanked me out of the car. There was a tall farmer waiting there for us. He threw my foster father an open bag full of cash, and my foster father threw me at his feet. He warned the farmer that I am smart and feisty. Then, my foster father sped off in a hurry. It was clear to me that I had just been sold, and that this man, like most men, thinks that I am his property. I waited for him to speak, so that I could really try to determine his personality. He told me that this was my new home, and asked if I would like a tour. I nodded my head yes, and he took off the ropes and the gag. There was no point in running because there was no where even close to run to. He led me to a barn, and when he opened the door I couldn’t believe my eyes. Easily 50 women of all ages, all getting pounded in the ass. Some of them struggled and screamed, but most of them just looked bored and used to it. The farmer then ripped my clothes off of me, and forced me face down on the ground. He slammed his cock into my ass while I screamed for help….. To Be Continued.
Why is there always someone shoving knifes and cocks into me? Actually, I am kind of used to that, but being eaten in places other than my pussy, that was new for me. The first day of school wasn’t bad, and cheerleading practice was a blast as always. Now that I am cheer captain, all of the girls want to be my friend, and I am so excited about it. A group of the girls invited me to a cemetery party later that night, and I hate cemeteries, especially at night, but I agreed to go because I wanted them to think I was cool. When I got home I showered, and I did my hair and makeup. I slipped into my little black dress, and snuck out the window. I sneak around a lot because whenever my foster dad sees me, he violates me. I get to the cemetery, and all of the girls are wearing these weird black robes. It seemed like it was just me and the girls there. I was really confused, and I asked if the party was moved and they hung around to tell me. I was answered with silence. They started walking through the graveyard, and I didn’t know what else to do so I followed them. In the very back of the cemetery was a large crypt, and the girls walked into it. I assumed that’s where the party was, but I was so creeped out. I considered turning around and going home, but I didn’t want them thinking I was a pussy. So, I walked in after them, and when I walked in the large stone door was pushed closed behind me. the girls were standing around a star drawn on the floor with chalk, and I the center was a huge man I have never seen. They forced me into the circle with him, and they joined hands around us. I tried to run, but the man grabbed me. He threw me to the floor hard enough that we both knew I was not getting up. He violated all of my holes, while they chanted bullshit in an other language. When he was done with me, he stepped out of the circle, and all of the girls closed in on me. They pounced like tigresses, and began ripping my flesh off with their teeth. How do I always get myself into these situations?
My tight little teen ass hole is always being violated, and I am tired of men thinking they can just shove their cocks into me whenever and wherever they want. Homecoming dance is always a good time, and even though I am not a senior, I always get asked to go with one of the seniors. This year was no different, especially since I am now cheer captain. I put on my best back lingerie, and a super tight, long black dress. I even curled my hair, and quite frankly I looked hot as fuck. My date was the quarterback so I had to go all out so that I would not embarrass either of us. We looked stunning! We were easily the hottest couple in the school, and it felt so good for everyone to look at us like that. We danced all night and he kept handing my drink after drink. I mean it was a school event so there was no alcohol allowed, but I could feel the kick. I assumed I was imagine things, but eventually I was having a hard time walking straight. I asked my date to take me home, but he asked if I was sure that was a good idea. He was right if I went home like this I wouldn’t be able to fight off my foster father, and my dates parents were out of town for the weekend. It seemed like the perfect plan. He took me back to his house, and got me a glass of water. The water seemed foggy, but I thought that it was just my vision. I downed the glass, and everything got a lot more foggy. I felt like the whole room was spinning and I couldn’t move. All I can remember is him calling me a fucking tease. He took my dress and bra off of me, and slid my panties to the side. I remember hearing the snap of a camera, and then he forced me to bend over. He filmed it on his phone while he shoved his little cock into my ass hole. I think I said stop I can not really remember, maybe I even asked him to go harder. I have to admit I did like it.
I hate always being the victim, but no matter how hard I try my little pussy and ass always get violated. My step-dad was never a good man, or at least for as long as I have known him, but I never imagined he would be this much of a monster. He has violated and abused me for years, but I never imagined he would sell me to the highest bidder. It was the middle of the night when he woke me up by putting duct tape over my mouth. He tied my hands together, and told me not to bother struggling. He led me to the car, where he threw me in the back seat. We arrived at an abandoned warehouse, and there was 3 men with masks covering their faces waiting for us. They threw my step dad a bag of money and he handed me to the bulkiest man. He warned them to be careful because I am loud and smart. He drove off in a hurry, and the men led me into the warehouse. They were very rough as they threw me on top of a counter. They tied my hands and feet to the wall, and gagged me with rope. I tried to scream anyway, but slasher brothers, and that’s when I knew I wasn’t making it out alive. I struggled hard against the ropes, but all that did was create rub burn. The one I assume to be the youngest because he was the smallest still towered over me. He took a huge black dildo out of a bag and handed it to the middle brat. He got behind me and without warning or lube shoved the dildo into my ass while the youngest recorded it. While the middle brat do violated my tight little ass hole with the dildo, the oldest approached me with a huge knife. He placed little cuts all over me, but must not have realized I am anemic. They weren’t ready for me to die, which made me feel victorious as I ruined their plans. Life slipped away from me while I was naked, tied up, gagged, covered in my own blood, and had bbc in my ass.