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Frat to kill

Ass Rape Porn Langley

I was so excited about being asked to a frat party by some of the most handsome guys on campus I wasn’t prepared for what would happen next. I was here on scholarship from the UK as one of the best cheerleaders in the world. It was a representation that got old pretty fast and made it hard to make friends. So when I was invited I was more than excited to go. I couldn’t wait to call my parents and tell them not to send a plane ticket to get home. Putting on my favorite skirt and blouse set I was ready to go and have a good time. I wanted to really have a good time on campus for once.
Grabbing my hand we stepped out into the cool night air it was chilly so he offered me his jacket and I took it and wrapped it around my shoulders. Walking at night on campus we had been told never to walk alone and you know the old speeches they normally give. Getting to his car and climbing in, I strapped on my seat belt and glanced over at my date, we never saw it coming as five people rushed down the hill to the car. I didn’t know or see them around campus before. Shattering the glass and throwing my date to the ground, I felt the tear of his pants as one of them used the glass to tear his flesh and shove it up his ass. Pulling by my hair out of the car, I was hit and hit again with the glass and stripped out of my clothes .I felt the glass cut through my flesh and the ripping of my clothes that were now shreds on the ground. Looking up I saw more people couldn’t tell if they were boys or girls running down the hill. Pulling me to my feet I was carried to a car and thrown against the window so hard I am sure I broke the glass. Soon the darkness was on me and the games were just beginning…..