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The moisture between my legs began to grow and I felt him stick his over sized meat sausage in my hole. I don’t know if it was insanity that was driving him to push my little cunny to the limit but I was sure whatever it was I was going to pay for it with my life. I should have never teased him. I was on the table going to be electrocuted or suffer the most for my comments. It started with Chinese water torture and then escalated to me being hung by my ankles. I am sure he was going to crucify me but I couldn’t say what this freak show reject was going to do. He had nailed my feet to this board and I was now swinging left and right like a pendulum. I knew he had broken my legs and my ass was no longer there from the blow torch he had used earlier. But the worse would be yet to come and I knew that. My parents would be so proud to see how their little brat had turned out. A slut with a coke habit who was getting what she deserved!
I had done so many things up to this point but the painful part was I was not through suffering the consequences of my actions. Using a rusty knife he began to cut away at my skin first, starting with my tits and then leading to my cunny. Pushing it forcefully into my flesh I felt my body shake as the knife sliced through me pulling me apart. I was in the gates of an unburden hell and he was just about to show me how bloody and terrible things would become. Using the bottle, I felt it cut my face open and the bluntness of his cock as he pushed inside of my mouth. He was pushing my head so hard that my toes that were nailed to the board uplifted and I fell to the floor. Blood spilled over me as I toppled on top of my captor. Pulling the knife out of my flesh again he tasted my blood and spit it in my mouth. I closed my eyes but there was no escape there would never be any escape!
My teeth felt the kick of his boot heel once again. He had offered me food as he fucked me in my asshole and offered me a drink as he pounded inside of me. I am sure the balloon in my stomach would burst that was full of the heroine and I would have my last high. Kicking me again I felt the sound of the hits that were being delivered to my rib cage. I was trying to enjoy the snort of my last blow as the punishment continued on my torso. It was the price of partying too much with a maniac on my campus. I should have known something was wrong when the party started and someone spoke the words killer phone sex rocks the house! I was so high I didn’t know what the fuck they were talking about or being led back to the a room where the real party had just started. Some guy whoever the hell he was ripped me out of all my clothes and I was naked I felt the bottle being tossed at me but didn’t give it much attention.
The next thing I knew I was being slapped by a big hand that knocked me to the ground, The force at which he hit me would haunt me until my impending death. Ripping my clothes off and spreading my legs apart I felt the first of them push into me and the blood gush out of my cunny like water. It was all I could do not to cry and scream at the top of my lungs as I felt the gag go in my mouth. I smelled the scent of my cunny and the cream from my underwear that was being forced down my throat. My lips were torn open again and I felt the balloon inserted inside my mouth and the stiff kick to my stomach. As I felt my body ripped apart from the position of cocks I felt a little tear roll down my face. It was too late much too late. Picking up my bloody body and putting me on the wheel that ripped me from limb to limb my last thoughts as he pulled me apart were that this was one party I would never forget!
I felt the kick to my face and the one thing that had held me down was that I couldn’t see him anymore tearing into my flesh and asshole. He had placed a metal rod in his jolly and was now plunging it into my asshole with the glass. Bloods squirted as I screamed at the pressure of the metal pounding into my gaping hole. Plunging the knife deep into my gut I felt the rip as my organs were being disemboweled. I thought this was what you see before you die a gruesome death! The blood pool was mounting on the floor and I was feeling myself go faint. Blow was all over my back with the blood and I could feel him snorting it up his nose. With each pound I felt his jolly grow longer and longer. That’s what coke did to you pressed the energy and release to new heights. He was full of it and I knew death for me was the only substitute.
He had brought me here in hopes of having the party of a life time and I was getting that alright and then some. The experience was one I would die for he said so I had no quirks about getting in the car with a complete stranger as long as at the end of the night I was loaded. But it had ended badly of course with him smacking me to the ground with a hammer and nailing a crucifix on the wall. A trophy he had said to Christ! And I was the sacrifice! With each slash that cut into my flesh I knew this party was not going to be over until I was dead. I tried to gather myself as he sucked my blood but I was too weak and my body was going numb. The last thing I felt as he tore the knife into my asshole was a metal pole pushed into my cunt. Then there was nothing but splashes of water oh so I thought as my eyes closed.
The Rape phone sex fantasies are awesome! Every time my daddy plummeted into my little cunt and made it seem real before coming to college I would say that. What an idea to get my fix. I would do anything to feel good for a few seconds. I was trying so hard not to think about all the things that could happen to me or the why it would happen. It was the matter of perspective that it did happen at all. I was so high most of the time in class I don’t know what was going on from one day to the next and they say little ones shouldn’t be afraid of the boogie man! I was afraid more then you think and when he came for me millions of miles away from home .I tried to fight and too scream but nothing came out of my mouth but a squeal.
Quickly ,my hands and feet were tied and then mauled in the head by what was that a hook or brick? No one could tell but I did feel the rip of my skirt and my panties being pulled down and then the insertion of a needle or what was that metal hooks inside my little cunt. My legs were forced open and I felt the pressure of lips and teeth on my clit. I felt him spit out blood on to my face and I had to resist the urge to kick him. I would do anything and fuck anyone I had to get the powder oh that powder would kill me but I didn’t care. His massive head sat at my fuzzy clit ripping it open with every thust. The blood that came from me did nothing to stop him from thrusting forward and pushing inside of me. I screamed but the words could not form in my throat.”You like that you are a filthy whore..” Taking a knife and cutting my skin off and then placing it in his mouth made me want to throw up. Blood seeped from me as his over-sized filling enveloped me. Turning me over, he put his hand near my ass and began to probe further with a needle. I was pass pain but I couldn’t say a word. Then I felt the piercing steel enter my flesh and him drinking my blood and then ….
Have you seen this girl? My parents were canvassing the neighborhood looking for my remains I am sure by now. I had the brightest future of any of my pupils and I threw it all away for the sugar cane that went up my nose. He was coming for me and I knew he would not stop until I was gone but it didn’t stop me from going and disappearing. My parents would never find me and him he would go back to his life my step daddy. My killer, who had held me down and did these terrible things. But who would believe it? The only evidence was this faded photograph and Rape fantasy phone sex tape that was destroyed by his accomplice. I was gone so will you call and retail my death things in after life can be sketchy and there is not a Damn thing I can do right now but maybe if you call you can!
It was one of those times that I wish my boyfriend would shut the fuck up and just keep driving. It seemed that trucker was right on our heels. After eating Alpo for breakfast for over a month and trying to put myself through college after mommy and daddy cut me off, I was now looking out of the window at the stalker from hell! I mean it started out fun on the university us playing the game of chance on the computer and then me flirting back. I had no idea he was going to get pissed off and try to ram us off the fucking road! I was yelling at my boyfriend to go faster but that fucker was so high he would not have known what I was saying! All I knew was that we would have to get out of there fast before he did us in!
Looking out the window as he rammed the car and pushed us in the ditch I knew I was done for.My boyfriend was stone cold high and I saw the trucker running towards the window and the glass shattering. I didn’t even have a chance to breathe as he pulled my hair and dragged me out onto the pavement. I knew this was the end or the beginning as he dragged me back to the truck and pulled me in. Locking the doors I noticed the other women in the truck and began to scream and fight! Punching me in the face I felt the dark enclose the light and awoke to the smell of sulfur and powder. Trying to stand up was impossible I seemed to be kneeling down in white powder and there was an ax from above that was lowered every time I tried to pull up on the chain around my neck. Hearing boot steps approach I was ordered to sniff that white powder and then the clouds of dust entered my brain making me hallucinate to what was about to happen. I felt the press of the knife against my skin cut my flesh and blood fell onto the white dust causing a scene of agony. Forced up right I glimpsed the ax from above fall harder and the blood fall from me. The trucker pulled down his pants and pushed my mouth open it was all I could not to gag at the look of it. There was blood all over the tip and shape of the shaft had been cut to impose hooks that fell from its depths. Pushing my legs apart and looking at his toothless grin I knew I was in for more than I had bargained for as I felt the blood ooze and my soul lift into the clouds. The quick snap of my neck would be too easy the worse would come days later…
It had been weeks since I had been put in this bloody hole. The trucker that had picked me up on the side of the road had hired other girls to enjoy and fuck me. My tiny cunt was now an over-sized mass of guts and blood and one that I did not recognize anymore. My asshole lay open and a shunt knife filled the opening. It was hard to see because of the beating my face had taken. I struggled to see him standing there and was trying to get the ties off my hands. Each time I tried, the wincing pain in my shoulder would start and I knew my shoulder was dislocated. Maggots hung on the bodies that were decomposing and much of the shit that lay on the outside of them I was forced to eat. Why had I decided to try to trick this man? I was here to study and yet the cocaine powder was too strong of an addiction to quit. My parents had warned me many times to stay away from stranger’s but, I didn’t listen. I had asked for this when I flirted with him and stole his wallet to pay for my habit.
He was making me pay for the lie of betrayal and flirtation. I knew for most of the night the razors that hit my skin would be for the punishment of what I had done to him. The noise of a leaky faucet near cleared my senses and I began to see the redness of blood that dripped from the corpse that lay above. My tits were sliced open and the light of darkness that held my fate cast its glow on my head. I knew I was going to die, but I would suffer more for what I had done. I felt the tinge of the hook against my pussy lips and my womb spread open by the tip of his cock. I had made a pact with death to deal with me but I knew it was not to be, After all, I was here to learn a lesson or so I thought….
My pussy was burnt raw and I could imagine that by the looks of things I was not going to survive. I was one of those people that knew when death was coming and I just didn’t know how I was going to spin this tale. Could I start with my time in England before I was taken? No that would be too easy let’s just go back to the fuckers who had tied my ankles to hooks, and watched as the bones cracked in my legs. He used an ax blade to cut into them and the end of a rod was stuffed up my tiny little cunt. It was something that I knew would kill me one day. My flirtations with people I didn’t know. But I wasn’t expecting it to happen so soon. He was coming and I could hear the hacksaw that was getting closer. I knew his ways very well. He would beat me with his fist and use that saw up my little ass cutting the flesh and pouring acid in the wounds.
He would then take down his pants and rub the blood all over his cock and put it in my mouth making me gag on the tip. If I threw up from the pressure of his cock he would use the five tail whip and lash it across my flesh and the sound would be heard in the air like a pounding hammer as it tore at my flesh.I don’t know why he liked using that five tail whip but from the stiff ridge of his cock it created such pleasure for him. Then his friends would take turns shoot darts on my tits and ripping my ass open with their bulging cocks. It was one of those things that I had grown accustomed to and it was one of those things that was allowing the darkness to fill up over my face and the world to become black.
I felt the blood from their cocks dripping onto my flesh like a bounding eruption of volcanoes. The stingy smell of my own shit as it oozed from my almost lifeless body fell into a pool at me feet. I wished for death but I knew they would not allow that to happen. The mount less heads of the girls that died this way before me was a common place for these assholes. I saw them when they were fucking that other girl and then her neck finally broke causing the snap to echo through the hall we were being held. She didn’t give them what they wanted. Raw meat was pushed towards her aching pussy and she wouldn’t let them put it there so she was punished. Much of the glass that was pinched into my flesh didn’t feel like razor blades anymore. The pulled my hair with much exhaustion and ripped most of it from my skull when I was thrown down in this dungeon.
My date was had long since died and I watched as the cannibals ate his naked flesh and watched as they fed the other girl that was there. I tried to hold my insides as the brain was served to me but I would vomit and that caused them to let me taste the blood as they kicked my faced and hands with a rotten bamboo stick and leather belt. I was ready to be sacrificed like so many other girls but , I was a favorite among the leader of this ring and what he liked to do would be just enough to keep me wishing for death. Pulling me over to him he would take the rusty blunt knife and poke his cock and let me taste the blood that ran from it. Biting me he stuff it in my mouth and cream would slide down my throat. He liked the way I giggled and I am sure this pleased him. The glass that faded was the least of worry as the the darkness filled my eyes…..
I was aching from the glass in my back and my legs were tied so strongly together that I couldn’t bear any weight on my legs when I was dragged down a flight of stairs. Pushing me over into a corner, the hood came off my head and I saw my date struggling to stand. A rope was placed around our necks and we were forced to stand on wooden blocks on the arches of heels. The glass that was forced so heavily in my pussy was making me turn red and oozing down in steady streams. My heated fleshed was burning from my tits being cut by a knife. I sniffled thinking of the things that he had did in the car.
While the car was in motion he had poked a dagger into my tits and was poking holes in with the glass. My lips and mouth were duck taped but that didn’t stop him from using the glass to cut shears into my pussy and yank my hair out with the shiny blade. Smelling my hair and placing it in his pocket, he continued cutting my tits and causing the blood to run deep almost purplish on the blade.
I knew I was going to die but I just didn’t know when. As the rope was tightened I felt the twist of a knife hitting my inner rectum causing me to release shit all over. Picking it up my head was pulled back and my mouth opened to taste it. The smell hit my nostrils and caused me to gag and try to vomit but I was pushed back up and lay in waiting for the next thing to come….
The car began to move and I felt the sharp glass all around my legs and head. No matter how much I tried to move the ropes and ties got tighter each second. I couldn’t believe the crap I was in. If I moved too much the bind around my wrist would cut me and if I turned the glass would pierce my skin and the blood would ooze out. I heard the screams from the front and couldn’t make out what was going on there. My head hurt and I wanted so badly to turn my head so that I could not feel the blade that was pressed into my cunt. Ripping me in half whoever it was kept pushing it deeper within my womb and the blood ran deep and red. Pulling on the rope he put it across my tits and pulled tightly. It burned and I could no longer breathe from the sharp pain of the knife. Taking it out of my pussy and placing it on his tongue he licked the blood from the end and began to rip it into my ass. Cutting my ass made the screams so earth chilling and I wished for death but I knew this would not be the end not by a long shot….