This biker whore is all about the snuff porn videos she is instrumental in creating and finding the victims is only part of the excitement. This time I chose to visit a local charity event put on by a Church just knowing there will be the perfect piece of innocent and pure virginal meat to abduct. Always a do good, church going primadonna in need of real life enlightening will be in attendance at these functions, and they will always approach the biker whore she feels needs to be saved.
Approached, as expected by the busy body little woman that wreaked of purity and posed the pristine picture of a fucking virgin with pent up angst due to that lack of arousal, and penetration. Smiling to myself I accepted her presence and managed to get her to come away and talk to me. With a rag and some chloroform I subdued her quietly and walked her to my car. Arriving at the warehouse where we do the filming I noticed her starting to stir.
In the warehouse on site of where we film I slice her clothes off with my knife inspecting her I jam a few fingers up her hairy snatch. Yes, a virgin it would seem by her distress and tightness of her cunt. I laugh and call to Bruno to come see our latest victim. The 6’5″ Norwegian approaches from around the corner with his butchers apron on. His massive 9″ long with a 6″ girth cock starts to twitch and become fully erect as he gazes at the whore I have strapped to the beams on the wall. Her legs are spread and arms above her head, and a look of terror in those pathetic prudish eyes.

He approaches her and slaps her in the face as the camera’s are rolling he begins to pull her from the bound position she was in and throws her to the ground demanding her to her knees. His hard prick ready to deflower the cunt as I position my large black strap-on cock to take and ass rape porn that tight bum. We begin to invade her holes as she screams and fights us. Laughing as he fills her virginal snatch with his seed I throw a black hood over her head with a noose and he pulls the rope until we hear a snap.
Tossing her used body into the incinerator Bruno and I rub the blood from her violated cunt and fornicate.