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Torture Phone Sex with Mommy Blair: Torture Doll

torture phone sex bondage milf

My son goes from a romantic mood to a sadistic one in nothing flat. The other day we had a nice time, lot’s of love making. Last night, he pimped me out to this guy who enjoys torture and bondage. My son said he paid really good money for my ass and I better act the part. The dude looked so normal, almost nerdy, but he had a very sick side. First, he used a cattle prod on me and did his best to electrocute the piss out of me. He had me bound and gagged, laying on the floor, and kept shocking me over and over again until I peed myself and drool was running out of my mouth. He just laughed at me and said I was bought and sold like a side of beef, I was going to be treated like the piece of meat I was.

torture phone sex mommy analHe then pulled me down into his basement. More like threw me down the stairs. He followed behind me, then started tying ropes to my extremities. Braided rope, the really strong kind. I didn’t quite understand what he was doing. He was quiet, methodical and attentive to his  knots that he was tying. Then with one full sweep, he hoisted me in air. My legs were pulled apart, my hands tied behind my back, my pussy exposed and a ball gag in my mouth. He then began fucking my pussy and ass with various objects. He was torturing my holes with a baseball bat, coke bottles, a plunger, a paddle oar, his fist, that cattle prod, even a shot gun. He took thrill in controlling the ropes so he could lower me down on objects. My pussy was swollen and bleeding. He tortured my cunt first, then my ass.

torture phone sex mother sonAfter hours of impaling me on various objects, he pulled the ropes like an evil puppet master to flip me upside down by one leg. I felt like a rodent being held upside down and tortured. He exposed my bare ass and began spanking me mid air. Hard, long spanks with his bare hand, then a belt, a cat of 9 tails, an old fashioned switch and a paddle. The skin on my ass looked like tenderized meat. He never spoke as he issued blows to my ass. Just kept spanking hard and rhythmically. I could feel my skin splicing open on my backside.

The torture of my body went on all day and night, almost 24 hours I was suspended in the air. Then my son returned. Collected me, and collected his payment. They shook hands and my son said, “see you next week.” Apparently I am this guy’s torture doll every Thursday. I do not know if I will survive the next session.

torture phone sex mommy sadistic

Rape Phone Sex Fantasies with Blair: Pimped Out by My Son

rape phone sex fantasies mommy tortureI was face time talking with my son, sipping on a glass of wine one moment looking all cute for a date; the next moment, I was naked, on the floor with my hands tied behind my back in some unknown house. I started yelling, trying to get someone, anyone’s attention. How in the hell did I go from my place, all happy and shit, to this with no recollection of how I got here. Then it dawned on me; there must have been a roofie in my drink. You know one of those pills that makes chicks incapacitated. But who roofied me and why? It was apparent that I had been fucked, all my holes had cum in them and I was really sore. I was even starting to bruise.

Then I heard laughter from the other room. Men, maybe 3 or 4. I yelled to get their attention. They all came out and just stood over me. One said, “So you wanna play some more Mommy?”  I was like more? I had no memory of playing. Then they showed me the video footage of them having their way with me while I was pretty much unconscious. They even double penetrated me. And they appeared to have choked me, which would explain my sore throat. I asked them how I got here. One of them said, “Bitch, that is none of your concern. You are here and that is all that fucking matters. Now shut the fuck up cuz we hard again.”

rape phone sex fantasies mommy torture

They dragged me into the other room, pulled their cocks out and just started going at me like animals.  Rough sex doesn’t begin to explain it. They were shoving two cocks at a time in my ass while the third one choked me. They spit on me, slapped  me, completely humiliated me. Their cocks were huge and they were going at me like gangbusters. I could feel my ass bleeding. I was crying, but they just made fun of me and called me a cry baby. They said I was asking for it; that a whore like me deserved it. It was hard to fight back as I was still sick and weak from the roofie.

After they were done using me like a cum dumpster, they tossed me back on  the floor like garbage. I tried to explain that my son would not be happy and he would make sure they paid for this. Then, one of them quipped back, “Who do you think paid us to do this to you? Who do you think slipped the roofie in your drink in the first place?” I didn’t understand, I thought maybe the drugs were messing with my ability to make sense of this all. He saw my confusion and said, “See bitch, your son gave you to us to settle his drug debt. You are ours to use and abuse all weekend long.” He then tossed me a bag of roofies and instructed that I take them to make things easier on me. When I saw the torture devices and whips and chains, I downed a handful of those pretty little knock out pills. If my son was gonna whore me out to be used anyway that satisfied these goons, then I was gonna do my best not to remember….

How can someone who says they love you, pimp you out to monsters? The torture sadly, is just beginning.

Kidnapping Phone Sex with Blair: Bad Mommy

kidnapping phone sex milf painI decided to go see the new horror film “As Above, So Below” last night by myself. I snuck out of the house because I needed some me time. As I was coming out, a man grabbed me and threw me in his SUV. He immediately put a cage type device over my head so I could not see where we were going. I tried to speak, but that device gave me a strange echo. I wondered if my son realized I was missing and decided to hunt me down and punish me for my insolence. I was kidnapped right outside the theater and no one did a thing too. The next thing I knew, I was being dragged by my feet out of the vehicle, down some stairs  and being strung up like a side of beef. I heard an enhanced voice say, “You have been a very bad whore.” Then I felt a hard sucker punch to my belly. I almost puked.

Then I felt a vibrator on my clit, but no normal vibrator. This was like a power tool and the stimulation was actually painful. I began to whimper and convulse. Then the electric cattle prod was rammed up my pussy sending shock waves all through my body. Painful shock waves that made me pee on the floor and twitch like a dead body. It was a constant repetitive cycle of a punch to the gut, over stimulation on my clit, and a cattle prod inserted in my pussy. This went on for hours. I had vomited several times in my caged mask. My body was limp.

Then suddenly, I was cut down. I laid there on the floor for several minutes in a pool of my own bile and piss, when I heard my son say, “This will teach you whore to leave without permission.” I am a disobedient slave and got what I deserved. If I were to disobey you master, how  would you punish me?

kidnapping phone sex mommy torture

Murder Phone Sex Fantasies with Blair: Forced to Be an Accomplice

murder phone sex fantasies killer momI have been very ill for a few days now. Deathly ill. High fever, vomiting, shitting myself, skin lesions… My Master has taunted me the entire time and refused me the medical treatment I need. I thought I had the flu; even toyed with the notion I had the zombie virus. But today, my Master informed me he injected me with an infectious virus to force my hand. He gave me Ebola. This disease kills thousands fast in third world countries. He told me he has the antidote to prevent my death, but I must be willing to do anything for him. I looked at him with blood running out my eyes and said, “Anything for you Master.”

murder phone sex fantasies milfHe then tied me to his rack he use to torture me with. My skin smelling putrid and my flesh falling off my bones, he tortures me further. I am about as near death as I have ever been. I tell Master I want to live so I can continue to serve and please him. I beg him to tell me the conditions to save my life. I promise to do anything. He tells me I must agree to hunt young flesh with him. I am getting to old to keep giving him new ones to destroy, so now I must agree to go on the hunt outside our family for fresh meat. He loves to torture tight little holes and not only are my holes no longer tight, but he has ruined the holes of the precious young things I have given him. He says, “Flesh for your flesh.”

I have never minded the horrible things Master has done to me in the past. I have taken every sick, twisted, painful thing with a smile. But I always resisted making others suffer my agony. I have refused to be his willing accomplice, but now, here I am dying. Do I have a choice? If I agree to be his sadistic accomplice and bring him fresh, tight, young holes to ruin, I will live; my beautiful body will be restored. I have no choice. I want to live. Forgive me Father, for I am about to sin…..

What cruel and unusual lengths will you take, to make me your evil accomplice?

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Evil Phone Sex with Blair: My Son’s House of Horrors

evil phone sex mommy subThis weekend, my  Son said we were going to take a drive in the country, stay at a nice little B and B and have quality time together. I was so excited. Usually he just has time to fuck me, pimp me out to his friends, humiliate me, slap me around and leave me covered in cum. Once in a blue moon, he is a benevolent master and enjoys quality time with his mother. I thought this weekend trip was one such time. Of course, I was wrong.

We returned to my house. He forgot something. When we arrived back home, there was no one else there. And the power appeared off. Odd. Before I could even put my suitcase down and check the lights, my son threw me in the basement. I was down there, in the dark for over an hour, scared and alone. Then I heard the door open, and my son came down, shoved me against the wall and said, “Ready for a little game mommy? If you survive, if you get out, we can have your precious mommy son getaway.” Apparently, all I had to do was get out of the house. Like some maze or something. Obviously, he was in a sadistic mood this weekend. Which meant he had been snorting nose candy all weekend. This is never good for me.

evil phone sex bloody mommyHe left me in the basement, but untied my hands and I had to figure out how to get out of this hell hole. I tried to gain some composure and think. I started to crawl against wall till I could find some stairs or a door. I found the stairs, and started to crawl up them. I hate the dark. My son knows this. He gets sick pleasure out of watching me suffer; out of knowing I’m scared. At the top of the stairs I put my hands in something really gross and slimy. It was moving. I freaked out, pushed open the door and a little hint of light shined on this huge pile of worms. I thought I would vomit. Worms creep me out, but then my son knows that. He knows all my fears. I didn’t get far before I felt something crawling on me, more than just something, a lot of somethings. I started running in the dark, hit a table and fell down. I closed my mouth and my eyes as I felt big hairy things, spiders I bet, swarming my body. I was trembling, crying; I even peed my pants I was so scared. They seemed endless. I remembered my cell phone was in my pocket and I reached for it and turned it on for some faint light. I was horrified at all the hairy creepy spiders  all over my body. I stood up, spun around trying to shake them off. My skin was crawling.killer phone sex kinky mom

My son and a bunch of his twisted coked up friends were watching me somehow jacking their cocks to my fear; I just knew it. I was scared, trembling but  kept trying to get the fuck out of there. Suddenly I was in another room, the living room I think, and for a moment I thought the worse was over, then I got a glimpse of this evil voodoo doll with a spear I think. Almost shit myself. There was some sort of flashing white light so it looked like the doll was moving. Then I felt a sharp pain, and felt blood trickling down my leg. I look down and that thing was fucking alive. It chased me around the room, stabbing my ankles and my feet. I was begging my son to give up this nonsense. Said they could all gang bang me if they wanted, just let me out of my  house of horrors. I was scared and now bleeding and hurt. I was ignored. I tried to get to the master bedroom, limping. Before I could, I saw and evil clown. I have hated clowns since I was a little girl and my daddy tormented me with them. Of course my son knows this; he knows everything and that knowledge was being used against me for his entertainment. I was beginning to go mad. This was insane. Everything I am scared of was in this house.

sadistic phone sex evil mommyI managed to hobble to the bedroom, praying that eventually I would just walk out the front door and this would be over. I saw the mirror and thought if I shined my cell phone in it I might be able to illuminate the room enough to get my bearings and find the window or something to get out. As soon as I shined the light I saw an evil, scary apparition.  A ghostly white face staring back at me. Surely this was not my reflection. I screamed loudly closed my eyes in attempt to make it go away. I counted to ten, but before I reached the end, cold hands throttled my neck saying, “Be one of us Blair.” Be one of what? The dead?  Was I even gonna make it out alive? Was this real or all part of my son’s evil plan to scare the life out of his mother. I fought whatever this creature was  and got away but had scratches all over my face; I could feel blood running down my face. I was panicked, and this game had gone on too long now. I started running, but something, someone grabbed my feet and I fell to the ground. My face smacked hard on the floor. I turned around and saw this bloody, pale girl that looked literally like death pulling me towards her. I screamed and I kicked, but she kept pulling me. Until she pulled me back down into the basement.  I fell several feet through a trap door and banged my body up good. I was lying there on the floor, bloody, in pain, scared shitless, thinking I might actually die in my own house when my son turned on flashing white lights and I looked around and there he was with several friends laughing at me. They started calling me a cry baby whore and kicking me, and spitting on me. I was all ready battered and bruised and bleeding all over. fantasy phone sex mommy taboo

They enjoyed beating the living crap out of me for awhile before jacking their cocks all over me. They enjoyed seeing their cum on my bruised, swollen and bloody body.  They enjoyed fucking my ass repeatedly as I laid their helpless, semi conscious and in need of medical attention. And my son loved turning my house, our pleasure palace, into a house of horrors for me. I love my son, but he is a sick mother fucker who gets off on tormenting me. I barely survived my scare house; I can only imagine what is in store for me next.

Bloody Phone sex with Blair: Be Careful What You Eat

bloody phone sex torture pain slutMy Master thinks I am getting too fat. He hid all the food and is trying to starve me to death. He keeps me  under lock and key in the house. Well today, I couldn’t take it any more as the pain from hunger was just unbearable.  I ransacked the house for anything I could find. And under my Master’s bed I found a case of baby food. I was starving. I opened a bottle and starting emptying it into my mouth. But wait, it was crunchy and within minutes I started bleeding. WTF? There was ground up glass in the jar. I was eating glass. Did Master know it was there and this was a test? Or was it some fluke, some manufacturing flaw? I got scared and I was in pain; but I had to clean up the mess I made and try to make things look like I wasn’t there or Master would be very angry.

My lips and tongue were cut but I stopped the bleeding and thought Master would not know. But he knew the moment he came home I had been a bad girl and slapped me hard across the face. He then grabbed my hair and pulled me hard out to the garage. He put my chains on  and began yelling at me. I had failed his test. He knew I was a weak bitch who could not be trusted so he put glass in the baby food jars and hid them. If a weak bitch, I’d get my comeuppance. I tried to apologize, beg for another chance to be a good slave. Too late, he began spoon feeding me the food with crushed glass. Master made me chew the glass and swallow it. Blood was spurting out my mouth. I kept crying and pleading but he just kept spoon feeding me crushed glass and strained peas. I could taste the blood from my cut tongue, cut lips, cut throat, cut esophagus… I was making gurgling sounds there was so much blood.

 Master was smiling as more blood poured out my mouth. He just kept saying eat up bitch. If you are so hungry, then eat up. I even vomited up bile and blood and he just laughed. He said you think this hurts bitch, wait till you shit it out tomorrow. I had not thought of that. The glass would shred my ass and my intestines. I’d rather starve to death slowly and painfully than to die like this. I will never eat without permission again Master.

bloody phone sex eat glass


Blair Meets the Puppetmaster

sadistic phone sex torture whore

Help me. I have been kidnapped by a deranged doll maker. I have been held captive for days , while he conducts evil, painful experiments on me. He has deprived me of food and water.  And, I am constantly in some form of suspension like a life size marionette doll. In fact, he told me I was doll like and he wanted to use me to create the perfect life size marionette. What the fuck? Those dolls are creepy. Always in horror movies, taunting people, scaring brats. Who does this guy think he is? The Dr. Frankenstein of dolls? I tried to beg and plead with him, but he keeps shocking me and stringing me up from the ceiling. He said next he was gonna cut my limbs and sew string through them and even slice my mouth open like the Joker to give me the authentic look of a marionette doll. He is gonna dismember and torture me so he can have his own personal creepy ass doll. Who is he, The Puppetmaster?  This sick, evil, sadistic mother fucker is enjoying my pain, my screams, my starvation. He says I’m just a stupid, worthless cunt and no one will miss me.  He says all girls should be seen but never heard and that is why we make the perfect dolls. You don’t agree with him , do you? Please someone help me.  Anyone. I will be a good girl; I will be quiet. You can do whatever you want to me, just let me live and get me the fuck out of this house of horrors.

Killer Phone Sex with Blair: The Legend of the Hook Man

taboo phone sex mutiliation bloody

My best friend called me to tell me she had heard a news flash about an escaped mental patient from the nearby insane asylum. According to the news, he has a hook for one of his hands and is considered unstable and highly dangerous. He had been in Briarwood for 40 years for killing young couples being naughty in cars on lookout point. I told Sherri that was pure urban legend and she had just been punked by someone. I insisted I was fine and not scared. I was not going to let some silly practical joker prevent me from a hot date with my youngest son. I was driving out to our local lovers’ lane to meet him. My husband is home so we can’t fuck in my bed tonight; we were both so horny we decided to fuck in our town’s little lovers’ lane area under the moonlight.

I get there early and he is not there yet, which is odd. He is usually waiting for me naked. I try to text him, but I have no cell reception. Suddenly, I hear a loud thumping on the roof of my car. I’m thinking, my son is trying to scare me. I get out the car, and I’m horrified to see a man with a hook, sitting on the roof of my car with what appears to be a severed head. I scream and start to run, but he throws the head at me, knocking me down. Oh my god, the head belongs to my baby boy. I’m in shock, crying hysterically. I even vomit. I try to get up, when I feel this intense pain in my back and blood trickling down my spine. I’ve been impaled with the hook and this mad man is dragging me through the mud and grass like a dead deer. I can barely move the pain is unbearable. As he is dragging me, my flesh is getting ripped from my body; I’m starting to choke on my own blood; and I’m getting cut further by rocks and glass on the ground. I start praying I will die soon; and be with my lover, my son.

But, no; I am not as lucky as my son to be dead. This crazed hook man drags me into a little cabin hidden in the woods and ties me to a rack. Already bleeding and near death, he begins to taunt me with his nasty hook. He never says a word to me, but scrapes his hook on the wall creating a horrible sound. I actually peed on myself because I was that scared. He is impervious to my screams, my pleas, my tears. I can’t get him to release me, or tell me why? Suddenly, he leaves the room and for a moment and I think I reached him; he is gonna spare my life. No.  He comes right back with some torture device, flips me over this saw horse looking thing and starts anally torturing me. Then he starts cutting me with his hook. The pain was unbearable. I kept coming in and out of consciousness. Then, the coup d’état; he shoves the hook up my pussy, turning it as he shoved it in me deeper and deeper. He is scraping my insides, gutting me like a pig through my pussy and ass. I lay there like an animal just killed; bleeding on the floor, feeling my insides pool on the ground below me, gasping for my last breath, dying a slow and painful death.

I should have listened to my best friend. The Hook Man is real, so very very real….killer phone sex torture murder

Evil Phone Sex with Blair: Held for Ransom

Mother Fucker:

We have your mother. We know she is your favorite fuck toy; the only thing you really own and without her you will be completely lost. We are holding her for ransom. As long as we have her, we own you and can get you to give us whatever we want. But we don’t want your fucking money. We know the only thing of any value you own is your whore of a mother. We have been watching you for weeks through your bedroom window. We know all the perverted kinky things you two do together; how you abuse her for you and your friends’ pleasure. We want that fucking machine you use on your precious mommy. We get so hot watching you tie her to the bed, shove a ball gag in her mouth and start fucking her cunt and ass till she screams and begs for mercy. We want to use it on the pretty prey we dupe into coming back to play with us. Your fuck machine is gonna be an accomplice to our twisted fun sex games with the chicks we pick up and abuse for our pleasure. We are gonna ruin asses and cunts with that fuck device. And until you fork it over, we gonna ruin your precious mommy’s ass. And if we don’t get it by 5 PM today, we will snuff your bitch out and enjoy watching her die a slow painful death. Your mommy’s life and tight ass are in your hands. Give us the fuck machine and you can have your fuck toy back still breathing.

Evil Lesbo Bitches

evil phone sex anal torture mommy


Please give these crazy bitches that fuck machine. My ass and life depend on it. I was waiting for you on our bed when they broke into the house and kidnapped me. They didn’t believe me when I said you keep all our toys and torture devices under lock and key and because you are my master; only you have the key. They keep me in a cage like an animal and are anally torturing me with all sorts of devices. If you don’t give them what they want, my ass will forever be ruined. I want my ass tight for your cock baby. My ass belongs to you, as does my cunt and my tits. These evil bitches are getting off on my screams and my pleas. I don’t know how much more I can take. Just give them the fuck machine so I can be back in your bed, being your bitch, being your whore. I love you so much. They said that if they don’t get it by the end of the day, they are going to use a choke pear to mutilate my rectum like in the medieval days. Baby, do you know what that is? It has sharp prongs on the end and they shove it in an orifice, and it expands, shredding the body. It will kill me baby, slowly and painfully. I am so scared. We can get another fuck machine. These bitches are demented and so sick they would kill me over a stupid sex toy. I’m pleading with you to give them what they want to save me. I belong to you and no one else. Please baby, this is not a joke. This is real. I’m in pain and I am really scared. Give them their ransom demands. My life depends on it.

Your Mommy