Tag: Young Voice Phone Sex

Whores of the World Edition!

Babysitter phone sexI have seen just about EVERYTHING in my young life. But I was so surprised when I got to do a Babysitting gig at Mr. Murphy’s. See Mr. Murphy and his wife love little ones. The problem is that they couldn’t have any brats themselves. So they adopted. And they didn’t stop with just ONE. They went for the brats of the world special! There is Ming from China. And Frena from Africa and Kim from Lebonon. 3 Beautiful girls. Who looked NOTHING alike! And with such a tasty little buffet, I knew I could ask even more. I took a few snap shots of the girls drugged and naked. Then the offers started pouring in! Even I was surprised by how much a buffet was worth! Tasty morsels around the word. I settled on Marvin. He paid triple my normal rate! And he fucked each one of those little sluts. Hard and FAST! Like a wild animal! It was fucking HOT HOT HOT!

Mutilation phone sex

I tried to remember life before daddy brought me home and locked me up.

I remember the green of grass and blue of the sky but that slowly starts to fade away with memories of being hurt. 

Being held down and told that I was such a dirty whore.

Having a cock shoved up my ass fucking me so hard it bleeds. 

Knife play phone sex

I started cutting myself to relive the pain. 

Feeling real pain made my mental pain fade away. 

I love watching the blood run down my arms but it wasn’t enough.

I was tired of being used as a sex toy.

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a knife. 

I started rubbing that knife all over my body. 

Feeling the cold steel was turning me on. 

I pushed the knife into my pussy, it felt so amazing. 

Mutilation phone sex

Having the knife shoved into my pussy over and over again. 

Little did I know that it would not stop them from fucking it. 

They liked it all cut up and bloody.

They wanted to fuck and hurt my pussy even more… 

The Making of a Teen Rape Porn

Teen Rape Porn ReaganShe looked so sweet when I saw her cry. Very yummy indeed. Her chest heaving with each raspy breath. The ropes were nice and tight, I can say if I am good at anything it is tying knots. I brought in her young one and she almost came unglued. Angry muffled sounds behind that tape across her mouth. A swift blow of my baseball bat cured her anger. At least the little one was calm. But not for long. I laid her down in the middle of the room and chained her to the rings on the concrete floor. Drain under her mid section. Starting with her pretty little face I stated to carve and peel. The blood was amazing. The more she cried the more blood there was. Mommy almost passed out from the blow to her head and emotional ordeal. When my carving was done I turned to my sad little mommy and painted her in her daughters blood. What a wonderful way to spend your daughter’s birthday, helping her make a snuff teen rape porn. I turned and pulled out the hammer and nails.Teen Rape Porn Reagan

Homemade Teen Rape Porn

The drugs hit me hard, but I could hear your voice instructing me what to do for the camera. My vision was blurry, and i could only see a fuzzy outline of you behind the tripod. You had taken me from school, drugged me, and brought me here to make your teen rape porn. I had been here before – it all seemed familiar – but I was unable to control the situation. You had me so brainwashed into believing you would hurt me if I tried to leave.

I knew my best bet was to do what you said and to make the best movie I could make for you and your sick friends. They loved watching my tiny cunt on their screens as you made me show everything between my legs. Toys laid next to me on the bed and I used them on my clit to arouse my pussy and make it swell for your camera. You kept telling me what a dirty fucking teen whore I was and to do it right the first time or I would be punished.

teen rape porn
I remember the punishment you laid down last time, also on film, and you made me watch it back since I was knocked out cold during your rage. I am thankful for the drugs that are clouding my mind while I violate my own body with the dirty toys you provided. I make it look good, and I make it look hot. That’s what you want from me and I will obey you this time. Here is my pussy, and I cum for your camera. I cum for you. I am nothing but a worthless little cum whore, and my place is to entertain you. Anytime. Anywhere.

Roleplay phone sex with Makayla

I have been here for so long now. I wonder if my family is looking for me. If they saw me if they would even recognize me. I have a new out look on life now. Daddy says he and the others are all the family I need. I believe him now. I love daddy and all of the other daughters. The black one hasn’t moved for days now. She had the baby but daddy took it away. Tonight is my night. He wants to breed and make a bunch of babies with us.

Rape phone sex


Daddy came down and took the big heavy chain off my ankle and took me upstairs. I stood there as daddy filled up the bath tub with bubbles and rose pedals. Daddy is so nice to me now that I’m not afraid any more. Daddy undressed me and helped me in the bath tub. he started with my hair. He rubbed the shampoo in and massaged my head. He kissed my forehead telling what a good baby I was. Then he worked his way up and down my body with my purple wash cloth. He got to my special place that is just for daddy.

Rape phone sex

He put both of his hands in the water and started playing with my holes. My holes are for daddy and daddy only. Before when daddy would touch me I would scream and scream. But he was so much stronger than me. Now its easy and my cunny doesn’t hurt so bad after he is done. Daddy is very loving tonight. He is hard and we haven’t had our date yet. He helps me out of the bath tub but  he bent me over the counter and he stuck his big hard cock inside of me. It was like daddy was inside of my head, he whispered in my ear and told me “be a good girl baby doll and you can stay up here all night.” I smiled to my daddy in the mirror. He slid his cock back inside of me and started fucking me again. As he came inside of me I saw his smile.

I love seeing daddy’s smile.

I am here to make him happy.

I am here to fuck him.

I love my new Daddy. 

Tracy’s Quest.

Taboo phone sex MAkaylaTracy came to me wanting to buy my clothes.

I giggled when he told me what size he was…

Dress size 14, Mine is a size 2.

He is 5’10” 188lbs!!

Such a fucking gross fatty!

He is now on a quest to fit into my clothes.

His first test is to be on a completely liquid diet until he loses 8.5 pounds.

He can do it, if he doesn’t want to be a gross fat fuck any more.

He has to send me pictures of himself on the scale.

He is starting off by purging all that he has eaten today. I want him to take laxatives and only have liquids.

If Tracy eats solid food before I tell him He will be punished.

His cock will be tortured and abused and he will be giving a enema until he is completely cleaned out.

He will be my pretty skinny princess.

Tracy, If You haven’t lost 8.5 pounds I will be very angry.

Your body will take the pain and I will have all the pleasure of beating the fat out of you.

I don’t want a fat slob trying to fit into my clothes.

I am no doctor, but I know how to make you skinny!

TAboo Phonesex MAkaylaPlease me Tracy and you will be as slim as me one day, or you will suffer. 

Your willing victim and eager accomplice

snuff phone sex Georgia 22

Maybe I am starting to enjoy myself a little too much. I might be enjoying the way you torment me and I might like being bad myself. I must have been a really bad person in the past if the universe allowed this happen to me. I never believed in karma before, but ever since I slit that poor girls throat I know this is what I truly deserve. Who knows, if it weren’t for you I’d probably still turn out bad.
You’ve told me a million times since that night I was made for this. I was born a spineless victim and a sheep. I’ll just do whatever you tell me, I don’t even fight it anymore. I am dirty and I’m definitely evil, just like you. There is no sense in denying it anymore, that will only make everything worse. I’m not even suffering anymore like I used to and that really worries me.
I’m not just your willing victim anymore, I also make a great accomplice. Last week, I kidnapped a girl and held her down for you. She screamed and for some reason I couldn’t stop smiling. We laughed together watching her struggle, that’s how much you’ve corrupted me.

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Mutilation phone sex morticia

Taboo phone sex Morticia


There is nothing better than candy… no I lied… Beating people is better than candy..

That is why I got the idea to beat someone with candy.. 

I know, It sounds weird but listen. 

On Halloween we had a bunch of little dicks from town come up to our place and egg us. 

Some of us went chasing after them but I stayed in the house. 

That is when I caught one little fucker breaking in down stairs. 

Don’t these people know that you don’t go to the scary house?

We will hurt them.. I was alone and all I had was my cast Iron skillet.. 

I know my house like the back of my hand. 

I hid by the door to the basement.. My basement where I do all my bad things… 

He didn’t know what him… When he woke up he was laying on my work bench.. I know he could smell the candy melting… and he saw me working on something. 

Taboo phone sex Morticia 2

I think he was scared but I couldn’t hear his screams… I super glued his lips together! 

I grabbed the boiling pot of melted candy and I poured in onto his exposed chest.. 

The thing about sugar is it burn deep in the skin and nothing really helps that pain. Especially in this basement.

After I poured all the hot sugar on him I let it get hard… 

I knew it was still burning him… 

That is when I grabbed my new flogger… 

It was breath taking to see his young skin and blood break away with every whip… 

He is still down there.. burning.. bleeding…

what should i do next?

It’s getting worse.

violent phonesex georgiaHe started calling my phone and hanging up. I know it’s him because sometimes he breathes heavily into the phone and tells me how he’s going to hurt me. I’m afraid, but at the same time excited. I swear I saw camera flashes coming from outside my window last night. I was playing with myself. I would be so embarrassed if he had evidence of me being dirty, but I think he does…
Someone’s been sending flowers to my house, the note attached tells me what a dirty bad little girl I’ve been. I’m fairly certain that it’s him and he’s being leaving me voice mails as well because I’m almost too afraid and excited to answer my phone. In the voice mails, he tells me that I’m allowed to touch myself, only he can. He says if he catches me doing it again I’ll pay in whatever way he seems fit.
I can’t let my boyfriend near me because he might kill him. I don’t know what surprises are in store if I don’t listen to him and I’m not sure if I’m ready to take any chances.

Bitch In The Red Dress

Have you ever wanted to literally rip someone’s heart out? Sure you have…I know you have…there was a girlfriend, a coworker, a relative, a friend…at some time in your life. The kind of person who you may have cared about at one time, or have hated eternally. But in some way, the pendulum swung and you hated that bitch’s fucking guts. So much, that you felt you could thrust your hand inside of the innermost part of them, and squeeze the life away…

Maybe strip her nice and naked. I know you can’t resist your dick straining against the front of your pants. You can see those pointy tits poking through the thin fabric of her silky dress…you wanna rip it off of her and spread those legs wide open. Wanna play, baby? I mean, look at that beautiful skin…it’s so soft. So smooth…so unblemished. Let’s light some matches and burn her eyelids off. 

I bet she’s gonna scream like a banshee and beg for release. Maybe, instead of tying her up, you should give her that release. Take your dick and pound her cervix wide open. Let the blood gush out…Wanna make some art? I’d love to see you carve some demonic symbols in her chest before we snuff her out.