Have you ever seen the movie 13 Ghosts? I love the evil Cyrus and his demonic plan to open the eye of hell. I would love to live in his glass house filled with evil spirits held captive by the spells etched on the walls. My absolute favorite scene in the whole movie is when a glass wall is activated during one of the house’s morphing sequences and severs Cyrus’ attorney, Ben, body in half. His eyes wide with disbelief as he realizes that he his body is no longer one. The movie so inspired me and stirred my need for some cold blooded fun that I decided to devise a way to re-enact that one scene for myself and a lucky accomplice.
It took us several weeks to devise the sharp sheet of glass, rig it guillotine style and create a device to hold our “character” I couldn’t wait to see if the body, once severed, would slid down the glass in two parts like in the movie. Of course one time to test this theory would not be enough, We had to gather several “characters” of several shapes and sizes to see what effect this would have in real time. The planning and preparation created an anticipation level beyond belief. When the day finally came we had 13 “characters” to pay homage to the movie’s title that gave me the inspiration. One at a time we placed them in our device and released the sharp sheet of glass, delighting as the body was severed and the blood flowed. We took our time making the ritual last all day. It was the most fantastical and erotic movie reenactment I have ever created. I plan on keeping my device and plan on using it again in the future.