Men need a no taboo phone sex accomplice for their perversions. And all men have perversions. But most men never admit it. That’s why this snuff site is here. To safely explore the things that you really want to do, but you let fear of going to prison stop you. My callers get creative. But I do too. Creatively lets us get out all our pent-up aggression. And that’s good for everyone.
My last caller last night had some rape fantasies for his teen daughter and a couple of her hot friends. The dumb bitch has a public Instagram account. And that means any pervert can look at her like me. So, I told him that her and her cute friends deserved all his rape phone sex fantasies because they clearly want trouble with a public account as high school girls.
We concocted a Purge fantasy. Ever seen any of those movies? One night every year complete lawlessness occurs. You can commit even the most violent crimes without any repercussions. It’s a great concept. And likely really would curb day to day crime. So, on a day of Purge, my caller could force fuck his daughter and all her cock teasing friends and even kill them if he wanted without punishment.
Imagine All the Sick Fun We Could Have if We Had a Purge Night Every Year?
No need to hide our faces. For the night we were above the law. Of course, I helped him. Someone needed to hold the bitches down while he destroyed their cunts and assholes. At one point, I sat on the bitches’ faces to smother them and stifle their screams. Although the law did not care that he force fucked these teen sluts, his wife might. But she medicated, and went to sleep in the cellar in case someone broke in.
We planned the perfect snuff fantasy phone sex scenario. The law did not care that he assaulted four teen girls and killed them too. And his wife would discover their dead bodies after emerging from a deep sleep and assume they left the cellar at some point and someone broke in for a pure encounter. I think of everything as your partner in crime.