Tag: Torture phone sex


Snuff pornI have been kept in a cage naked for two weeks. It is dark in the room that I am in and the only light is when they lift a flap to slide food to me, which almost always seems to be just out of reach.

They have taken my clothes. I am hungry, cold  and laying in my own piss but I know something is going to happen soon. I can hear them talking about “the arrangements”, what ever that means.

Then the door opens and I see the outline of a very large man! He lifts my week naked body and puts a sack over my head. I am too weak to struggle as he ties my hands and feet and throws me into the back of a van.

After driving for what seemed like hours, the van stops. A man opens the door and cuts the rope on my ankles but not my wrists. The sack is yanked off my head and then the man gets in the van before I can see him and speeds away!

I am in the woods. All I see are trees. I am still naked and my hands are still tied. Then I see a group of men. Some have rifles, some have knives.

Then one yells, “Ready men! Get the whore!”

I am being hunted!

I am naked and shoeless and trying to run when I am grabbed from behind and thrown to the ground!

He pries me legs open and forces his cock into my dehydrated cunt! The pain is unbearable as he continues to live out his rape fantasy while his hairy fat got traps my fragile thin body!

As if to mark his territory, he blows his wad all over my face just before he slices my right nipple off and sticks it in his pocket!

I lay there bleeding and blinded by cum as his large steel toed boots kick me in the gut! “You better get up, you worthless whore! It’s hunting season and you’ve been tagged once! Two more and your cunt gets stuffed and mounted on someones mantle!”

I hear them getting closer! My heart is racing wondering if I will make it out alive!

Sadistic Phone Sex

sadistic phone sex

I was in for some sadistic phone sex. I fucked up. I was trusted with some cocaine. No one should ever trust me with that. It was a lot, so I figured a few pinches would never be noticed. A few pinches turned into a few more pinches and so on. Before long, I was naked snorting coke dust off the floor because I went through it all in a couple days. In my defense, you do not tell a coke whore to watch your coke. I tried to make it up to him. I promised him money. I even offered up my fuck holes. He said nothing would teach me a lesson better than torture sex. He said pain is the only way bitches learn. He tied me spread eagle from a bean in the ceiling. He put a ball gag in my mouth because he did not want to hear my excuses or apologies anymore. He hooked me up to some sort of electric shock machine. He enjoyed watching my body convulse. I pissed myself a few times too. He took a cattle prod and shoved it up my ass. I was twitching, spitting, pissing and shitting all over the place. Shock wands are not meant for the ass. He did not care. This was punishment. He told me I had a death wish messing with his coke. I wanted to be dead. Even high as fuck, I felt every inch of what he did to me. It went on for hours until he let me go. He cut me down and I could not walk. I could barely move. I could smell my singed flesh from the current. I could also smell the shit and piss that expelled from my body. I was ready to run for the hills screaming, “Free at last,” but he was hardly done with my punishment. It is a miracle I survived the night.

Heart Beats Are Overrated; Bloody Phone Sex Snuff

Bloody Phone SexIf you think I make up all the tales I tell during our bloody phone sex, think again. I’m a sadistic demon who craves the taste of fresh blood in my mouth. If you ask me, a heart beat is just overrated which is probably why I enjoy flat lining so many pathetic lives.

This week, I ghosted around the hospital targeting the cardiovascular floor. I stalk the halls, looking for inattentive nurses. Once I cause a bitch to code, I run through all the nasty bodies I chose quickly. 

I started with a young girl who had just received some reconstructive heart surgery. As I shut her soundproof door behind me, the wicked grin covered my face like her blood soon would. I was going to do some reconstruction of my own. Approaching her bed, I shot a double dose of morphine up her IV line, and then pulled out my sweet surgical steel scalpel.

I cut each and every one of her stitches: Pop! Pop! Pop! This would surely become a bloody story. The blood started to well up, dribbling down like the tears her pathetic parents would cry. I took my sweet, sadistic time busting the little bitch open. When I was all done, I shot up a double dose of adrenaline, pressed the “nurse call” button, and slipped from the room. The nurse went in, and I watched from the doorway as the young whore shot up in bed as the adrenaline hit her heart, causing that organ to burst from her chest and explode in a disgusting display of gore

The nurse was in shock, and I got so wet knowing she would never recover from this. The next room I chose, knowing it too would become something I talked about during my bloody sex, was a handsome football quarterback who had been experiencing some chest pains. I had chosen him special. He was partial to nose candy, so I sweetly offered him a couple of lines. I had mixed them with baking soda and fentanyl. The stupid fuck did four lines before lying back.

I hid in his closet as I watched his pupils dilate, and his heart monitor skyrocket! His blood pressure and heart rate were going crazy. He started to seize just as they called a code for a crash cart. Official cause of death? His heart exploded. 

Heart beats are overrated and I get soaking wet when I stop them for good.

Torture Phone Sex

Anal Torture Sex with Two Louisville Sluggers

torture sexWhen you are an anal torture sex whore, you are used to large things in your ass. The largest and weirdest thing anyone put up my ass was a baseball bat. Now, a baseball bat might not sound that weird to you, but it was not one bat, but two Louisville Sluggers up my ass at once. The thicker base end is what she put up my ass first, not the handle. Yes, I said she. It was payback. I had fucked her man, just because I could. I know it was like a country western song. Well, being a cocky bitch, I assumed she had no clue I fucked her boyfriend for a week while she was out of town. When I saw her at this club, I bought her a drink. She set me up. She was there for revenge. She drugged me and I woke up in some dark and damp basement, spread eagle, bound and gagged. I am a seasoned anal torture sex slave. I mean I have had 15-inch black cocks in my asshole as well as fists. I did not think she could do anything to me worse than what had already been done to me in the past. I was wrong. I should not have underestimated a woman scorned. Instead of taking a Louisville slugger to both taillights, she took two Louisville Sluggers to my asshole. No lube of course. She double deckered them and rammed them inside me like you would spear a pig about to be roasted over an open flame. She was calling me a whore and cunt the entire time too. Her goal was to ruin my asshole. She wanted to ruin my pussy too.  Since her boyfriend fucked my ass for a week because she does not give up the booty, however, her focus was on destroying my ass with two baseball bats so he would never fuck my ass again. I have had my share of anal torture sex in the past, but this was it. I was done. I was ruined. I never felt pain like that before. She scrambled my insides, prolapsed my ass and left me bleeding and shitting all over the floor. She got her revenge.

torture sex


Mutilation Phone Sex Fuels My Love Of Flaying

Mutilation Phone SexMutilation phone sex is something I excel at for a reason. The little fairy tales I play with you are all based off of the evil things I’ve done. You need to understand that I’m a sadistic bitch straight from the depths of hell, and nothing makes my ghoulish cunt wetter than mutilating a useless meat sack with a flaying knife.That’s the weapon of my choice.

I was hunting in the early hours as an absolute favorite treat of mine is the capture of joggers. Be fucking real, no one willingly puts themselves through the hell that is running unless they love to be tortured. I always pull the same stunt. I act injured, posing as a fellow jogger. I beg to use their cell phone. When those pathetic fucks hand it over, I smash it with a hard stomp; they’re lucky it wasn’t their head! I overpower them in an instant, catching them off guard, and slipping a syringe into an artery so they go night night until it’s really play time.

This is the part I get my inspiration for our mutilation phone sex sessions. I take my new toys home, and put them in my special playroom. The one I caught this morning was a nice, strong handsome one. He had tried to take advantage of me when he found me hurt. Bad move, pig. I pulled out my fish flaying knife, and circle my catch. I’m naked, rubbing my cunt to the thought of what was in store for him. He woke up screaming as I peeled away strip after strip of skin from his back.

Yeah, I was going to skin him alive for trying to violate mine. Piece by piece I took him apart, avoiding arteries and major organs. When I finished cutting him to pieces, to the point he was still breathing and barely bleeding, I sprayed that motherfucking rack of ribs down with a saltwater bath. His screams were sweet music to my ears.

I kept him like that for three days, until his pathetic wimperings became irksome. I left him in a room with two dozen hungry rats. I’d be back in a week to collect my sweet pets while I pick my teeth with his bones. Do you understand why I love mutilation phone sex now? I’m a true sadistic bitch.
Mutilation Phone Sex

A Bloody Fucking Mess

accomplice phone sex

Sometimes daddy lets me bring a friend along to play with us. So, I took my good friend who is just as perverted and sadistic as we are. Did I mention she is also a hot piece of ass too? Well she is and that makes it all the more fun. We headed out to find a boy toy to use and abuse before, well you know. Didn’t take long, there is an ass at every corner bar and we quickly zeroed in on the leader. A cocky nice looking but completely stupid hunk of meat. I smiled at her and she nodded and then we put our charm on display. The thought of two girls was all it took to lure this dude back. Now daddy was anxious, but I wasn’t going to let a good cock go to waste. We got that dude hard and had an incredibly hot threesome. After we had had our fill, I sucked him hard one more time. He thought he was going to go another round, but his thoughts were crushed when daddy came out from the closet with his blade and stuck it deep inside his back. As he lay in pain, we stuck a dildo covered in icy hot up his ass and rammed it deep. We cut off his nipples, whipped him with a paddle and finished by taking a meat tenderizer to his balls before completely castrating him and slitting his throat. It was a bloody fucking hot mess.

Medical Fetish Phone Sex

medical fetish phone sexMedical fetish phone sex is painful. I know this back-alley doctor. She lost her license to practice medicine when she was prescribing Oxy to herself. My kind of doctor. Now, she does botox and gets rid of buns in the oven off the radar. She also pays druggy whores like me for experiments. Painful and violent experiments for folks who pay her for Hostel type experiences. She knows I need coke money and that I am a pain slut. I have survived torture and mutilation at the hands of her private clients. I figured one more time would not kill me. The money was too good to pass up even if I ended up disfigured or sexually mutilated. It started off fine. Painful, but not much I could not handle. They had me hooked up to electrodes. Some sort of shock therapy involving orgasms. They called me Pavlov’s Dog. I knew what it meant even if they thought I was too dumb to get it. They were trying to see if they could condition me to cum with pain. Joke was on them. I was conditioned for that ions ago. I played along because I wanted the money to score coke. My dealer would be so shocked when I paid with cash instead of ass. My experimental doctor wannabees kicked the torture sex up to 11. My flesh was burning. I think my clit was smoking. I cried. I grimaced. And I pleaded for it to end. Burning the flesh off my body is nothing new, but I am not as dumb as people think. I know if I act like the pain is nothing then the pain will become something. Those crazy bitches thought they were scarring me for life. We both know you could do far worse to me.

Knife play phone sex whore

knife play phone sex

I’ve been told that I have a very twisted imagination. I get turned on by things that most other sluts wouldn’t dare even talk about. My wildest fantasy is for someone to turn this nasty knife play phone sex slut into a real snuffed out gutter whore! I want to be gutted and have my hollowed out corpse fucked and shot full of cum! I dream of finding a guy dark enough to watch and stroke his cock as I cut myself open for him. I’ll make him bite my nipples off as I gash holes into my slut stomach for him to fuck. I’ll be his little pain slut and slowly pull my own intestines out as I finger my blood soaked cunt for him. I want to make my pathetic pussy cum for him as he watches the last signs of life slip away from me. Are you ready to fuck my holes and drain your balls into me until I get cold and stiff? Then, toss me to the side as you go lure in your next torture slut. I’ll be the hottest little snuff princess you’ve ever seen!


Submissive Victim Seeks Punishment

Taboo phone sex

The sting of your cock torturing my raw cunt is haunting me!
I have been laying low and letting my body recover from the mechanics torture. But if it is one thing I learned, it is how much pain and torment I can take, and disturbingly, how badly I need it. Even more than before!
I need the punishing force of your cock violently penetrating my tightly clenched ass and tearing the scarred tissue of my abused cunt just to yank it out and choke me with it when I scream!
I need the humiliation of your cum splattered all over my face as you parade me around with it dripping off me. I love the looks of disgust I get when we go to parties and you yank my leash and command me to lift my pretty cum drenched face so that people can see what a filthy slut I am.
I need to know that I am still your whore to be used any way you see fit and I need for you to make me beg for the discipline I deserve.
So tonight, I will dress in nothing but my trashiest panties and my training collar. I will walk down the streets with my leash dragging behind me as I sniff out every dark ally looking for my master.
I am  whore in heat and I am lost without you!


Sadistically Hunting A Trophy Wife

Mutilation Phone SexWhen I hunt, I like to take trophies from my victims. I want to relive the sweet sadiction of my victory again and again. I remember every single whore I’ve ever snuffed out, and my cunt is grateful for the never ending spank bank material, if you know what I mean.
Listen closely, sweet pet. It’s story time; do you remember the tooth fairy? Yeah, that little creature that trades your baby teeth for money? Think of me as the older sister of those sweet, innocent fae. I’m a bone fairy, and baby I’m here to collect my due.
I keep a menagerie of curiosities: mummified starfish, dried tarantulas, taxidermy sharks. My human collection is all my favorite, and all home made. I always dismember my prey in a field so their blood may feed into the cornstalks.
I see you watch me, your eyes cold like jade as I show you my toys; a femur from a young girl, the teeth of some old bitch, preserved organs, a liver, a heart.
Sometimes, when I’m hunting I only attack and take a trophy. I want my victims to fear that I’ll come back to collect the rest of what I’m due. I will. Tonight, I’m going to go match these ring fingers with the red headed bitch they belong to. Are you tagging along to help, or just to jack off while you watch me work?