Tag: Torture phone sex

Torture Phone Sex Roadside Assistance

I had to make a Roadside assistance call and got this Torture phone sex blog from it. That was quite an experience late on a Friday Night. I was caught in the rain with a blown out tire in the middle of nowhere. I got lost looking for a party. I was dressed like a stripper. It was the dead of night in the middle of a rain storm on a deserted hiway. What could possibly go wrong?

What happens when you are in a county with no night life and few residents. Little crime or need for a big PD. Well these police officers were far from looking out for my safety. These guys were so back woods they see a piece of ass they pounce on it with bird calls and all that shitiness. I was degraded like a low grade hooker. They forced me to my knees and pissing down my throat. They slapped me around and took part of Rape phone sex fantasies they have likely been harboring for decades. I was beat with the nightstick, tazed in the cunt as they fucked me. There were 4 pigs and one was a bitch calling all the shots.

She got off on seeing me beat and violated. She enjoyed poking and prodding at me with the tazer and her boot. She was fucking wet for pistol fucking me mostly. She and the guys pissed on me and left me in the pouring rain as they towed my car away.

Torture Phone Sex

Sadistic Phone Sex Can Be Dirty

Who’s to say what direction a Sadistic phone sex slut will go. Thing is, I am not going to be politically correct or polite about shit. Fuck all that bleeding heart crap. You see I am just a selfish evil bitch that will cast my craft in any way I feel necessary. I get so much pent up anger that some days, ya know you’re stuck dealing with a bunch of brats and there is one little bastard. That little fucker just annoys you. Well, me.

This afternoon I had to just do what I felt was necessary. I got rough with dragging him into the bathroom. I made the little bastard undress and lay down on the floor. I go absentminded sometimes and just forget to put my panties on. I love to wear short skirts and crotchless pantyhose. This day was one of those. This brat was in store for a treat. I sat my ass on the fuckers big mouth with too many questions. I took a crap right in the little bastards mouth and made him eat it. I stood up and gave him some piss to wash it down with. I walked over to the bathroom drawer and got some scissors out. Kneeling over the fuck nut struggling with my shitty humiliation, I snipped his dick right off. Closed the bathroom door and left him there.

Sadistic phone sex

Subtle Enslavement

Torture Phone Sex

Sweet little honey, I’m going to chop off that cock. I know it terrifies you, to think of being separated from that lovely little stick of yours, but I promise I need it more than you do. You see sweetie, you have the perfect dick, and I want to make sure I can keep it forever. I need to cast a metal mold of this and make myself the perfect little fuck toy.

Couldn’t I just use you? Are you going to sign your soul over to me, eternally? Can I own your entire body? Will you do absolutely anything i say? I need an obedient little soldier who’s going to help me murder and rip apart families in front of innocent young ones.

I need a strong slave to hunt with me, cut with me, drown, burn, and slice with me. I need someone like you, with a cock to pump me up with sticky cum after a particularly nasty hunt. Are you the slut for the job? Can you make me cum post-cadavear? Cum over here and give me a taste, and maybe you can keep that tasty cock, and your life. Your freedom, however, that’s mine.

The Smell Of Burning Flesh Excites Me

accomplice phone sex

Last weekend was fabulous, everything opening back up and I was in the mood for accomplice phone sex. The bars were packed full of drunk stupid people. Easy targets for me and daddy. We picked a local bar and sat down to watch. We were looking for nice young coeds. Preferably the real bitchy ones because those are the best to play with. We found a couple of cute young girls stumbling back to the car. I caught up with them and told them how cute they were, how much I liked their shoes blah blah blah. And then I told them they really should not drive, there was a check point ahead and I drive for Uber and could gladly get them home. Total dumb shits they hopped right in the car and off we went. I took a dirt road on the left and headed up the hill telling the girls it was a short cut. We reached the top where cell service is non-existent, and I stopped the car. Told them I must have a car issue and we all got out. Daddy jumped from behind the trees, and I helped him as we stripped them down and tied them up. Daddy had his way with those young co-eds, violating every hole that they had. They cried and begged but nobody could hear them. By the time he was through with them they were beat and bloody and full of cum. Daddy knows how I like that and then told me they were all mine to play with. I continued torturing those two, cutting them into pieces. Drawing the pain out until I got bored with them. I then slit their throats, doused them with gasoline and set them on fire. The smell of burning flash always makes my pussy so wet and me and daddy fucked as we listened to their bodies sizzle.

Midnight Predator

Kidnapping phone sexIt was just after midnight, groups were beginning to slowly clear out of this hole in the wall bar, soon just the lonely hearts would remain. Just have to find the right one, tonight they are going to die. My quest is to find an innocent beauty, one the world that would make the world mourn the lost off. I’m already on his bad side so I better not fail. There she is, a sweet face but sad eyes. Curly golden locks, delicate curves, revealing enough for a second look but not enough to keep one on the hook. Introductions were made, we exchanged pleasantries and I offered to drive her home. It was late and you never know with uber drivers was the line I fed her. Stupid bitch. She didn’t even pay attention when we were driving down the road and I stuck my hand into the middle console of my car. She just continued to stare out the window droning on about her recent break up, cut short by the hard jab of the needle going swiftly into her neck. Putting her to sleep almost immediately, as a trickle of blood leaked from the point of injection. I wonder what her screams are going to sound like while he plays with her.

Maybe she’s born with it maybe She’s Evil

evil phone sex

Evil phone sex, is it just about our sinfull lust? Are we all inherently evil and wish to do irreversible damage? 

I like to think so. I like to think a boring man with nothing going for him, can be seduced to the dark and bloody taboo side. It’s much more fun here!    

Fun in the bloody rape fantasies and murder fantasies that may or may not have happened. The air of fantasy takes all the pain and stress out of a nice dark call.


  Pain  is what I love to give a sadistic Bastard like you.

Come offering your balls on a platter for me to cut off! Bring your best disgusting confessions and let me murder you slowly. 

Maybe you need a hot accomplice to help make young ones snuff movies with your very own offspring.   

NO need to hide who you fucking are with this sick and twisted accomplice!   

Come talk with me and let me pull the most intriguing and demented fantasies or confession (my favorite)  out of you and make that cock cum as your lust for death, Sodomy and pain erupts like a wild fire!                           


Torture sexHe kept me locked up for days, sitting in the cage in a dark room waiting for his perfectly planned torture sex. Thought he was going to starve me but he only wanted to make me more grateful to eat right from his ass when the time came. When the lights finally came on my eyesight was blurry. It was hard to adjust at first, he pulled me from the cage. He was naked, he force fed me his shit and dragged me to a few boards he had made up, nails in strategic places. One would be right under my neck so I wouldn’t be able to rest it comfortably, one right in the middle of my back to keep me arched, and a line of them along where my legs would rest. He didn’t want them anywhere but up. He stood above me with a flogger and lashed at my tits and stomach. My body would react more than I could control most of the time, causing me to stick myself with the nails place before my neck and back multiple times. I could feel the blood pooling under me. Then he finally decided to fuck me, thrusting inside me forcing my body down, and enjoying the blood curdling screams he caused. As the nails penetrated my body, hitting just right spots to cause immense pain, so much the world around me started to fade. This was the price I paid for stealing the life of another with no permission. These wounds hurt, but I’m grateful he spared me for now. Selfishly my blood lust has gotten a bit stronger…I may risk punishment again.

Waiting For Punishment

Kidnapping phone sexAfter having my first taste of draining the life from another I felt excited alive, but more importantly filled with fear. I knew it wouldn’t be long before my master found out I went rogue. Killing without permission or as an offering for the dark one. He was furious, but he didn’t let me know right away. He let me feel that I had gotten away with it, that maybe I wasn’t so sloppy after all. He lured me right into the trap, while I didn’t even give it a second thought. Master wanted to show off his new space. He had brought a new property with spacious land surrounding it, not a neighbor for miles. With it an underground level only accessible by using a special code through a door he had hidden behind a wall filled with bookshelves. This floor had all the amenities one could possibly need, nothing about it was scary or suspicious. A bed, a bathroom, even a little entertainment area. A small kitchen, I thought nothing of it when he shut the door and left me down there. Until the tv turned on and started playing a video from me that night with my victim, edited personally by him. Complete with commentary and a special message to go into the last room. I opened the door and walked into a dark room, filled with tools, a few tables, chains, and a cage in the middle of the room. A note on the cage told me to enter and be a good girl, it was time for me to serve my time. He’ll come get me when he’s ready. Now I wait to find out what he has planned for me.

Young Negro Destroyer!

evil phone sex Just a moment, and I’ll show you what I rustled up for our evil phone sex session! They call me Jezabel from Hell for a good fucking reason. And I call you twisted fuck for the same reason. Come on down to my sadistic torture playroom, and see what I have all locked up for you. I know you like BBC but what about young, black pussy? Little negro sluts are a dime a dozen, much better for a man who needs a young fuck and kill and not s much money as some. White bitches fetch the most money but monkey baby girl pussy is fun to destroy! Let your inner racist out with me. I enjoy all kinds of KKK depravity! Things were much simpler when A white man could forced fuck a coon cunny with no consequences! I have us a little black young whore all strapped up down in my playroom, and I want to watch you violently force your cock into her worthless fuck holes while she screams and begs and cries for us to “please! please stop!” Fuck no, you pathetic little chocolate play toy. Your fuck holes were made solely for my little boy toy here to fuck. He’s going to be slamming his fat, dripping cock into your tiny, young little body. He’s going to tear you apart honey. I’m going to watch, and then I’m going to watch him take his pretty knife and carve a new fuck hole right in the base of your skull. Daddy wants to mind fuck his little pet. Be a good girl, and hold still, monkey slut. We are going to make some snuff movies $ that will buy Miss Jezabel a whole new Nickname. Negro Destroyer!

Snuff Porn Turns Me On

accomplice phone sexThe night I was taken by daddy was the night I learned exactly what snuff porn was. I was young and when he took me there was another girl waiting in the van. She looked like me, young, flat chested, blonde, untouched and so scared. We held on to each other as we drove through the night deep into the woods. When we got there the metal from the van doors was startling and she began to cry. Apparently, that was a huge turn on for daddy as he grabbed her out of the van first. He came back for me and led me into the barn doors. In front of me the girl was laid on a table, ropes attached to her hands and legs and a guy was videotaping her. Totally exposed and terrified she was crying hysterically. Daddy sat me in the chair and told me to sit still. I was scared but my curiosity was higher. I didn’t cry or scream or even flinch. I remained seated with my eyes fixated on her. Daddy’s friend came in and they took their time with her. I watched as they methodically tortured her. They climbed on top of her and forced themselves inside of her. They hit her and used her body for pleasure. They used razor blades to make small cuts on her body and pissed on them. She screamed so loud and with every scream they hurt her worse. I should have been terrified, but I was mesmerized at what they were doing to her. I watched them bite her and rip her tiny pussy and ass completely open. Blood poured from her rips. They rammed a dildo in her mouth knocking out her front teeth. I couldn’t move my eyes from this scene. A total blood bath but it made me excited. I guess daddy noticed and he came over and took my hand. He handed me a knife and told me to hold it to her throat. I did as I was told, so excited. Then the other man fucked her bloody pussy again. As he let out a moan daddy told me to do it. I instinctively knew and I slid that knife across her throat and watched her bleed out. I loved it and since then I have always loved getting guys off with dirty naughty accomplice phone sex.