Tag: Torture phone sex

Snuff Rape phone sex fantasies w/ Terry

Bloody phone sex

My sister’s boyfriend is a whore!! I even tried warning her about him! That piece of a worthless meat stole her Xbox from her… So you know what I did? I stole his young balls from him! I caught him on our back porch camera sneaking out with the game station. So, I pulled out my airsoft gun and shot him in the face until he fell over. Then I pepper sprayed him with no hesitation! By the time I got downstairs he was laying on the ground bleeding out because I tossed a brick out the window. Muhahaha perfect that fucker was knocked out cold. Perfect opportunity to prove to my sister that he’s a whore!!

I got a hold of his phone and forwarded every message he had with other girls to my sister… He’s going to be my favorite piece of torture!! I believe torture is a form of art… What better way to spread awareness about the art of torture than to teach your younger sister the ropes. My sister came out raging.. she was feeling so stupid for falling for that worthless loser. It turned out he had been stealing from her to take other girls out on dates. His dick wasn’t even all that!! She is such a warm hearted girl… My sister was nervous at first but I swear it ran in her blood just like it runs in mine.

We tied him up and dumped a bucket of ice water over his head to wake him.

We even went Live on social media and exposed his little dick to everyone. hahaha Worthless micro-peen!!! That was before we chopped off his balls and made him eat them.

We humiliated and broke him down… Now, it was time for the Grand finale!

I had my sister do the honors of cutting his ball sack off with her choice of tool. She chose a very neat method!! I was impressed… She wanted a steel wire tied to a can opener… She wrapped the wire around his cock and tied it to the twisty handle of the can opener… She turned it slowly as she named off all the girls he cheated on her with! His sack was slowly being slit until she yanked it and pulled his useless grape smuggling balls off.

It was horrifying!!  I saw it in her eyes; she’s a natural born accomplice. You mess with her, you mess with me that goes out to all you small cock cheating bastards out there!

Evil phone sex with Stephanie

evil phone sex


Stephanie, the evil phone sex tramp is what they call me and they’re not wrong at all. I’m the sneaky, evil bitch that you always have to watch out for. I might go from riding your dick and kissing you passionately, to biting your tongue off and spitting blood all in your face. Tonight, I have a kinky, new fantasy that I want to play out with you! I signed up on a certain website, looking for rich, older men that need a sweet, little slut to spoil. I’ve already arranged for a few of them to come over at various times tonight. I’m going to need your help in snuffing them out once I’m finished with them. I’m not just going to rob them for all their worth. First, I’m going to trick them into thinking I’m going to fuck them for cash. That’s when you walk in and help me tie them up and torture them. I like to bash their skulls in but we can take it slow if you like. I’ll bend over and let you pump my hot cunt full of cum while we watch that pathetic, old fuck fade away in front of us.

Knife play Castration phone sex

Bloody phone sex

I finally liked a guy and he was my greatest trophy, I meant his cock was my greatest medallion. When we first met he was great, almost perfect. Then as time went by I became obsessed over him. I had him by my side everywhere I went until one day… A female said Hi to him and he said it back. Oh lord, I was furious. I kept my cool until we got home. That is when I unveiled my secret torture dungeon in my basement. I took an oath when I first met him 3 weeks ago that I would cleanse myself and become a better version of myself.

But, nooo he couldn’t stay cool and not say hi back to that stupid whore.

Ughhh I’m so mad. I brought him down to my basement and locked the doors behind me. Then I asked him to drink my homemade “wine”… Minutes later he was passed out. When he opened his eyes he was tied up and I was in my villain black leather costume. He didn’t know it was me. I couldn’t reveal my real self to him. He would hate me. I had planted a fake head that looked like mine on the ground right next to him with blood all over it. I made him believe that we both got kidnapped and they chopped my head off.

I wanted to traumatize him just like he did me when he broke my heart waving back and saying hi to that stupid ran down whore walking by us. It’s sad he has a good dick but unfortunately it must go. I wanted to disable him forever. I need him to turn into a pussy. I want him to look in the mirror after this experience and call himself a bitch. Without any numbing medication I got his dick hard and cut it off with garden scissors. He screamed his pain away until he passed out.

When he woke up he was in the intensive care unit. I didn’t want him to die I just wanted him to suffer!

Torture Sex Kind of Nights are Becoming Way to Common for Me

torture sexIt was a torture sex kind of night. I owe some money to a loan shark. I got desperate for coke and took out a loan I could not repay. My stepson suggested this guy to me. I should have known then I was being set up to fail. I did not borrow much. Not like most people would. I figured he was not going to break my legs over $1,000. I was right. He was not going to break my legs, but he was going to make me work it off in a BDSM movie. My stepson was in cahoots with him. This was the plan all along. When the due date came, my $1000 had tripled. What the fuck. He told me it was his money his rules, then offered me a snuff porn role to make up the money. I had too. I did not have that kind of money. I figured how bad could it be? I need to stop asking myself that question.  It is always worse than I expect. It began as any snuff type film. A kidnapped woman wakes up alone in a cement basement, dazed and confused. I meet a masked man. He put this steel trap on my head that was heavy and made everything dark. I was not sure what kind of contraption this was, but I was not comfortable at all. The metal trap on my head was heavy and it was weighing me down. My masked master opened the top of the cage and poured what I thought was water in the cage. It was urine. Like a gallon of piss. I was drowning in it. If I wanted to survive, I had to just swallow all the nasty piss, so that the urine was no longer covering my nose and mouth. This was like some sort of Chinese torture phone sex game. My fight for survival kicked in and I guzzled piss until I could breathe again. I collapsed on the floor, but that was just the beginning of my torture.

Torture sex with my worthless littles

Bloody phone sex

Looks like I’ve become a stepmother! Mommy loves smoking, masturbating and encouraging her new little family to do the same! Her young cunt looks amazing with my pipe gliding in and out of it! Daddy has no idea what his new bitch is into or should I say that bitch has no idea what his new girlfriend is into! That fucker is in for a rude awakening! I’ve been using the dark web and making a shit ton of money off his worthless littles!

He wants me to be a “stay at home mom!” Now, wtf would a tight young slut like me want to do with little rugrat’s at home.. I am far too hot to be a homebody! I guess I can do myself the favor of making millions off his worthless fuck pigs! I’ve been dressing those little whores up in provocative clothing and having them flaunt their little pussies all over the web. I have those fuck whores call me madam! That’s right I’m pimping those little whores out!

I cannot wait to get my first dirty p-daddy to rape their fuck-holes! I want to hear them whimper and plead! I want daddy to watch and irresistibly see his cock grow to the sight of his worthless whores getting their pussies rammed! I am going to sit back and watch them nod off from how drugged up and drunk they are.. Taking those dicks like filthy little numb dirty champs!

Rape phone sex fantasies can never be brutal enough for me

Rape phone sex fantasies Rape phone sex fantasies can never be brutal enough for me! I am the whore of horror! The darling of death, and the busty bitch of brutality baby. I love blood and the sound of their bones breaking and popping makes me crazy for dying sluts! I love gore more than anything in this world. The only thing that is better that torture is death itself! I want a dumb slut to suffer for my sexual pleasure. I want to hear her cry and beg for mercy. The mercy that will only come after I cum as she takes her last breaths while you fuck her brains out. Literally!

I like to take my time, so I have a knife that I am heating up until it is cherry red. I slice of her left breast like it was butter and it cauterizes as I do. She smells delicious as she cooks under the heat of my blade. Nothing like chest roasted on an open fire! I then take the knife and carve worthless whore across her stomach. She is nothing but a filthy pig and we are going to slaughter this whore! Let’s strip her up and torture her more!

I’m the torture whore of your dreams baby! Don’t you worry about her screams. “No one can hear you! Shut up you dirty slut!” I scream as I ram my fist hard and deep, I’m her ass! I want to rip her in half, so I try to get elbow deep! I ram it so hard her ass hole instantly starts to leak. She is bleeding and pleading my favorite combination! We are just getting started baby don’t plan of a welcome home celebration!

I then take that same fist and ram it down her throat chocking her and muffling any noise she was making. I muffled her cries and got her ready for you to use and abuse! Now go ahead baby the piggy is hang there for you. Use her and beat her like only you can do! She is your prize! We caught her fair and square. I slice her face open as I pull her by her hair. Rip her tiny whore holes open and fuck her nice and hard. Use her however you want to she will never leave this yard. I want you to cum in her and fill her cunt up good. I want to see your seed in her uterus when I cut her open and skewer her organs!

Never Undestimate a Killer Phone Sex Bitch

killer phone sexKiller phone sex is what I do best. I am a sick bitch trapped inside a 5’2 115lb body. Do not let my size fool you. I am a mean and sadistic bitch. I am stronger than I look. Men always underestimate me and that never goes well for them. I was in a murderous mood earlier in week. It does not take much to set me off honestly. This guy was out of his league hitting on me. Some nerdy white boy loser with a fetish for Goth girls. I see it all the time at the Goth and Steam Punk bars I frequent. This guy, however, was someone I knew. Not personally but I knew of him. I have long wanted to kill him, or at least give him a healthy dose of castration phone sex. He is a guy who put up revenge porn on a few girls who dissed him. He is a hacker. He never dated these women because they had higher standards. He just hacked their phones and found pictures to use. This was over ten years ago. He put them up on that now defunct site Is Anyone Up? It got pulled because consent was rarely given for the photos used. I never knew this guy but several women I know all had awful experiences with him, some even when they were just young teen girls. This guy was a pervert, a predator and a loser. And he walked right into my hands and underestimated my powers. I played drunk because that is what he wanted. Predators always go after the drunk chicks. Easy prey to them. But he was the easy prey, not me.  Alone, in his apartment, I cut off his cock. I was going to just make him a eunuch, but he had rape fantasies he was trying to explore with me. Nope. He did not think I would have a sharp knife tied to my thigh. I grabbed it and sliced his cock off before his pathetic short stack could worm its way inside my pussy. He bled a lot. Cried a lot too. He deserved it though. This was torture sex karma. Not only is karma a bitch, but I am too. Never underestimate me.

Castration phone sex w/ Terry

Bloody phone sex

Half naked I woke up in my car in a McDonalds parking lot.. I was drowsy with blood on my boots from the night before. I woke up to see three men being thirst buckets taking pictures of me as I slept half naked. Me being so aggravated from the hangover, I found my perfect remedy… Actually the remedy came crawling to me! I unlock my car doors and let the men in… The one in the front slapped my thigh while rambling about how they were going to enjoy me. I giggled.. they had no idea who they were fucking with! I drove them up to my wooden cabin up in Mount Vermont. As soon as we got there I fixed them drinks.. I might have laced it with too much zolpidem.

Within minutes those fuckers were fast asleep! I began by tying them up in a way where one of their faces was pretty much in between the other guys ass cheeks. Ugh God it stunk.. The third guy I had laid in a position where his nuts were pressed up against the 2nd loser’s lips. Eww they were hairy and gray…. To top it all off I pissed on them! I stole their phones to dispose of them I had to make sure there would be no way of tracking or tracing those losers… Before I disposed of them I took pictures and posted them to their social medias. I even texted their entire family, friends, and Co-workers the pictures. I captioned everything with one statement. “Don’t be a pervert like those losers”.  I cannot wait until the zolpidem wears off.. hahahaha I cannot wait to hear the sounds of their screams when I chop their nuts off! 

Torture phone sex with Stephanie

torture phone sex

I’m Stephanie, the torture phone sex mistress of your darkest fantasies! I want to tell you about the pathetic, twink fuck that I snuffed today. The sad, little bitch thought he was just meeting up with a hot, dominant slut for some freaky, anal play. He never even saw it coming! I had that sad, little fag bent over, ramming his tight ass with my giant dildo. His moans turned into screams and I got sick of hearing him cry like a bitch. I reached over and grabbed my knife and stuck it right into his throat. I had him tied up so it’s not like he could fight back. I twisted the blade around in his neck as I pumped him harder and harder! The screams turned into gurgles and slowly faded away as the blood drained from his body. Now I’m restless and ready to snuff out another sad, little bitch. You can be my victim or help me choose one…


Snuff Porn Starlet for Over 20 Years

snuff pornI have been a snuff porn starlet for 20 years now. I have no problem with violence or rough sex. In fact, I prefer it. I am a kinky gal. I was not always the seasoned whore I am now, but I have grown to love violence. I am such a deranged woman that I do not even want to make love. I am not married nor am I a mother, so I can walk on the dark side as much as I want. It can get scary sometimes, because these snuff flicks are a crap shoot. I never know who I will meet or what will happen to me while making snuff movies. I like the gamble. I am a risk taker. I answered an ad on the dark net for a seasoned blonde pain slut. The money was great, but I was more in it for the pain and the experience. I did not know the outfit producing the film. I know a lot of dark film makers too. Having survived the snuff industry for 20 years, means I have worked with the greats. Not Titus B Oliver, though. That is the name of the director. Turns out it was a made-up name when I googled him. Now, a woman with common sense would never have gone to the audition. I have common sense, but I am a pain slut and the excitement of meeting a masochist always takes over reason. Titus was into inflicting pain. He tied me up spread eagle and whipped my flesh. I made him really put his back into it because he was whipping me like a girl initially. I am a seasoned taboo phone sex whore.  He was pissed off that I was not whimpering or crying, so he brought out the heavy arsenal. He whipped me so hard, he broke the skin on my back. But guess what? That made my cunt drip. Told you I was a seasoned whore.