Tag: Torture phone sex

Take Your Punishment

Nothing pleases your Mistress more than seeing fresh meat like you bound and gagged and waiting for me to arrive for your torture session. You know better than to look into my eyes until I have given you that right, and you pass the first test.

Seeing you there, your arms bound above your head hanging from the ceiling, ropes around your chest and ankles get my pussy dripping wet in anticipation at what is in store for my new pet. I see your big thick cock harden and begin to throb when you see me all in black shiny latex and thigh high stiletto boots with a flogger in my hands.

I ask if you’re ready for your punishment, any you mumble yes Mistress. Mmm, very good slave. And then I proceed to whip your body all over with my intimidating leather flogger, you impress me with your strength and fortitude.

It makes me very happy and very wet when I see how hard you are trying to show your Mistress just how serious you are to show me your complete devotion and submission. I remove the ball gag and give you a deep passionate kiss and get onto my knees and ask if you would like your Mistress to tongue your throbbing hard dick that’s just dripping with sticky pre cum.

Oh and you beg and plead for me to, and I give you a little treat and slowly tongue your cock up and down and suck up all your delicious pre cum. You thank me over and over and I accept it but now the fun begins, and I proceed again. It’s going to be such a long night of extreme pleasure and pain, but I have that certain feeling about you and I can’t wait to prove myself right. Are you ready for more?


Snuffed Out

 taboo phone sex Reagan4

Have you ever wanted someone to just disappear?

Have you ever pushed someone to the very edge of fear?

So scared the only voice they have to scream with is tears?

taboo phone sex Reagan3

Its a glorious site

to see that fright

when their light turns to dark

and you have extinguished their spark

Have you ever wanted someone to beg

crying and holding so tight to your leg

pathetic and sad as fragile as an egg

you crack


taboo phone sex Reagan

the shell breaks and the blood flows out

turns bright red and the blood flows out

I smile as the blood flows out

you look to find the lips sewn shut

eyes forced open

ears stuffed closed

its a glorious site

to see that fright

when the light is now dark

you have taken that spark

your stomach turns

and the vomit wont come out

consumed the bile

taboo phone sex Reagan2with every cut you feel release

the egg flows against your sheath

you smile down at what you have created

your demon’s now have been abated

Anus Mundi

Torture Phone Sex

There you are.  Do not be nervous.  I know you are used to your other home care nurse, but she fell unexpectedly…ill.  No I am not with the service, I am a friend of your care provider.  You just lay back and relax.  I just need to take off my coat and get situated.  You may notice the way I am dressed.  I know it may be a little bit overboard, but I think it creates a certain aura.  It helps set the mood so I can do the necessary work I need to do.

I was informed of your Heritage.  I found it very interesting to say the least.  I was wondering if anyone in your family may have found themselves in a camp during World War II?  Perhaps working there? I did some research on your name and I was astonished to find that you had some very close relatives that wore a certain uniform whilst working at these places.  Does my Uniform maybe remind you of those relatives? It does? You are ashamed of them? I see. What is that they say? Guilty by association? Sins of the Fathers?

Excuse Me while I get the necessary instruments out.  You and I are going to reminisce about the old times.  Now if  you will just lift your arm up just a tad, I can place these restraints on your lower arms.  Now onto your legs. There, all snug as a bastard in a rug.  Open your mouth for me so that I can place this bit in your mouth.  Believe me when I tell you, you will want something to bite down on. 

Where should we begin? I am thinking the eyes.  A nice sharp hit upon the end of a chisel with a hammer right on the outside of your orbital socket should do the trick.  Then perhaps onto the hands.  You do not really need ten fully functioning phalanges now do you? The possibilities are endless, and so is the amount of fun I am going to have.  Welcome to your own Anus Mundi. 

Evil phone sex

Nightmare On Elmo Street

torture phonesex elmoShe is one of the youngest ones I have ever taken. She was sitting there in the department store in front of the television sets watching Sesame Street. Singing the little songs and counting with the Count. I waited a long time and no one came around. It was like she was put theere just for me. She didn’t resist when I asked her to come with me. She seemed like she was in a trance almost. It was just eerie enough to be perfect for me. Tonight she would see Sesame Street in a whole new light. I am going to give her A Nightmare On Elmo Street. Elmo was molesting all the little ones on Sesame Street. The grown ups all got together and cornered him in the alley by Big Bird’s nest and set him on fire, burning him alive. He will exact his revenge by waiting until the characters of Sesame Street fall asleep. Then he will creep into their dreams and kill them one by one. Big Bird is first since it was by his nest that he was set on fire and burned to death. Sesame Street wil become Elmo Street when he is done. All this is going to haunt her dreams with nightmares as Elmo finishes with everyone on Sesame Street and comes to kill her in her sleep. Her bed time story will paint a graphic picture of bloody images of Elmo terrorizing Sesame Street as he dismembers everyone from the Cookie Monster to Big Bird. When he is done he is coming for the little ones and she is going to be first on his hit list. I can’t wait till she falls asleep and begins to toss and turn from the nightmares as I do Elmo’s bidding and kill her in her sleep. How evil for me to twist such a sacred show designed to entertain and educate the brats for years on how to be kind and share and be fair…..This is just going to be more fun then I can imagine, and it was dropped right into my lap!torture phonesex angie

While He Lays Sleeping

Taboo Phone SexThe subconscious is a wonderful play ground.  It stores hopes, fears, irrationalities, then when you least expect it, it brings them up as you sleep.  I remember growing up next door to a family that were overly friendly.  They wouldn’t let their insanely happy future pole riders play with me, but nobody left their offspring play with me.  The middle one, he would get picked on all the time.  He wouldn’t talk, but he would whisper things all the time. It didn’t bother me at all, because we all know that Ruby Girl always whispered to me.

One day his Mom was drinking coffee in the kitchen with my Mom and she was telling my Mom that she was scared for him.  This peaked my interest.  I walked softly to the door and heard her say that he had stopped going outside because he was deathly afraid of bugs, and if he saw one he would start to scream and flail around violently.  I didn’t know what flail meant, but I guessed that it was something weird and scarey.

It took me three days of being ‘nice’ to get the neighbor’s daughter, who was around my age to invite me over to play in the yard.  I could see him looking at us outside.  I told his sister that I had made him a card to make him feel better.  I asked if she could give it to him.  She ran upstairs and I saw her hand it to him.  He placed it down on the window sill and walked away.  That stupid bastard!  I wanted to see what would happen.

A few nights later my Mom came flying into my room.  She was yelling about how evil I was, and how terrible I was.  I had my hand under my pillow touching Ruby Girl’s hand.  I didn’t flinch, I didn’t back up, I just laid there as she told me how horrible I was.  Big deal.  She finally sat down on my bed and looked at me for a few seconds.  She leaned in and told me that she didn’t understand me, and what I did to the neighbor boy was one of the worst things anyone could ever do.  I asked her what she was talking about.

She said that the card that I made the boy wasn’t nice.  I tried not to smile.  She told me that he cannot sleep because now of the bugs that fell out of the card I made him and they crawled away.  Now he thinks there are a ton of bugs in the walls and keeps having nightmares.  I heard Ruby Girl giggle.

I often wonder about him, they moved a few weeks later.  I hope he thinks of me, I hope those bugs still slither and crawl into the walls of his subconscious so that he can have sweet terrifying dreams of them as he lays sleeping.

Hunted at the Fair

taboo phone sex 1

I traveled a bit of distance to the county fairgrounds where I quickly blended in with my surroundings. I spent a great deal of time watching the folks walking around laughing and having a good time in general. I had to find the right one. The right one who was innocent, angelic. I saw a few good ones, but she had to be perfect for my other toy waiting bound back in the basement. My other toy had been a good bleeder and screamer, and I thought he should have the perfect wee one to help torture even if I forced his hand. Than I saw her, she was alone waiting by the restrooms, probably waiting for her others while they pissed or shit. I acted quick and with great force dragged her into the bushes behind the bathrooms where no one could see me tie her up and silence her. She felt like a rag doll as I carried her to my car parked close by.

Once we were down in the basement I gave the rag doll a kick to the stomach to wake her. It took a kick or two to get her to open her eyes, and when she realized she was bound naked, she started to cry and plead. Such a pretty youngster with tears dripping from her eyes.  My adrenaline started to pump and my body reacted so wonderfully to her every cry! Her wrists were tied very tight to her ankles. I must admit to tying her a bit too tight, her extremities were already turning a bit blue. My sharp blade went through her skin like she was made of butter and her blood started flowing free.

My toy was looking at me in complete horror as I explained to him what he must do. He tried to refuse but each time he did I cut her deeper and deeper. I laughed at him because his cock liked it much more than he realized. It was growing with every scream, with every cry. I slowly slipped the sleeve over his cock.  His eyes pleading with me as he saw the blades attached to it. He was going to fuck her to death. I love watching blood rush out of a virgin cunt.

Then he mounted her and forced his cock into her juicy untouched cunt, she screamed! Piercing amazingly wonderful screams! That’s when he realized the power I had given his cock and picked up the pace not being able to control himself. I know it was a lustful pleasure that he had never felt before. Faster he pumped his blade bound cock into that whore’s virgin cunt. So much blood and now cum mixed in. By the time he shot his pig fuck load her life was gone..

He was a good toy, but in the end I slit his throat.  Once they taste blood dogs are no longer any good.

rape phone sex fantasies

My Master

torture phonesex demon1My Master, King of the Demons, Satan, Beelzebub has me in the palm of his hot and slimy hand. I live to please my Dark Lord. When I please him with my evil deeds, when I bring him pure and young sacrifices not yet tainted by man he rewards me with his huge red hot cock deep inside me. He fills me to the point of ripping my flesh open so that he can consume the blood he has produced. The heat of his breath on my skin brings beads of perspiration from both desire and anticipation. I know he will fill me with his demonic seed and one day I will carry his son and raise him to adore his father and to do his bidding just as I do. My cunt flows with juice that soothes his long, hard, pointy cock as he stabs me deep inside, pushing all the way into my womb.torture phonesex demon2


Taboo Phone Sex

I was recently asked by one of many sick adorable freaks who call me, if I ever get aroused.  This made me chuckle, of course I get aroused.  My arousal comes from things more along the lines of death, mutilation, torture, forced sexual situations, decay and all around heavy taboo fantasies dealing with depravity.  Meaning, the nastier the better.  By nasty I do not mean such cliche things such as “Oh, yeah face fuck me harder.  I love your cock in my sweet pussy.” I am referring to the nasty that swims inside the deep pools of the sexually insane mind.  Those  thoughts that form in the darkness of madness and are done with a happy heart.

However, if nasty to you involves a blow job where you release your nut paste into the back of My throat, then I implore you not to phone Me, as I am not into that type of thing and I find it very dull to say the least.  That does nothing for Me, it bores Me to tears.  I become aroused at the thought of skin peeling away from flesh, the high pitched screams of pain echoing through the alleyways in some low rent crack infested housing project.  I take pleasure in the pictures that stream before my mind’s eye where there is something frail and delicate tossed to the wolves of human cruelty then left to whimper until their mind can take no more and it shatters into psychosis. 

This is what arouses Me.  This is what I like.  This is your answer to the question you posed. 


The Soccer Mom

Taboo Phone Sex

Ahhhh.  The Soccer Mom.  The topic of many of conversation.  I fucking HATE Soccer Moms.  They for the most part are just slaves to their families.  To me slaves are to be abused, used, and then tossed aside when they are done being useful.  However, they can be used for other things.  Things that the common person would never think of using them for.

Take for instance Leslie.  Leslie used to live very close to me, her and her three little demons. I would see her loading them up into their minivan, yelling for them to hurry up, her looking like she had been tortured by a make up artist on crack.  She was just a fucking mess.  To top it all of, she was just a bitch.  She thought her little vagina bullets were the best things on earth.  The fuck they were.  Three tiny little bitches in training to be just like their Mother.

You know about my friend.  I have mentioned him so many times in my blogs before.  He was over when he heard Leslie screaming for her bitches to get in the damn van, they were late!  He started to laugh and told me he had an idea.  He stayed at my place until Leslie got home, as soon as she pulled up, he hauled ass over to her driveway.  I had no clue what the hell he was doing.  I saw him point at me in the window and Leslie waved at me.  Her idiot botched abortions started to run toward my place.  My friend was walking behind them with Leslie.

I opened the door and gave him a WTF look, he winked at me.  I just shrugged, as soon as the door shut he picked up the poker from my fire place and cracked Leslie across that back of the head with it.  The bitches started to wail.  He walked over to them and smacked them all across the face, they shut up pretty damn quick.  He looked at me and told me to help him.  We hauled the baby maker up the stairs, stripped her, tied her up, gagged her, then tied the wee bitches together and tethered them to the radiator.

Once the Soccer Mom woke up, it was torture time.  Have you ever smelled burnt flesh? The way his dick jumped when he held that knife blade against her skin right after he held the blow torch to it was amazing to watch.  When he was done there was no more Leslie, and her bitch babies were full of his cum, and full of his knife blade wounds.

The Evil Sitter

torture phonesex angieI get to baby sit the fucking brats again. Last time was so much fun and this time I have some really interesting things planned. I have their drugs packed and ready to administer at dinner time as soon as their parents leave. This time I have some toys and I am going to make them torture each other with while I watch. My cunt is alive with the sound of crying…I can’t stop thinking about how much fun this is going to be. I have fish hooks that they are going to put though each others bodies. I have a cattle prod and they are going to shock each other in their little pussy and cock. I have a jar full of red fire ants and they are going to pour honey on each other and then put the ants on each other. I am going to watch them cry and scream while they obey my every command, knowing they won’t remember a thing in the morning. I love watching others torture each other with me in control almost as much as I love to issue the torture myself. This is going to be a fun night for my cunt to cum and be happy!