Tag: Torture phone sex

Save me Daddy

Kidnapping phone sex

It was their plan all along to get me in to the bathroom and rob me. I start digging around in my purse to grab the goods when out of nowhere one of these fucking assholes grabs my hair and smashes my head against the sink. Disoriented and confused, I flailed wildly at the guy. I then felt a sharp pain in my side. I soon realized the other guy l was punching me. The first guy, smashed my head against the sink again and everything went dark.
I woke up and everything was dark. I realized my hands were zip-tied together, and I was in the trunk of a car. I had no idea what time it was, or where I was. The car came to a stop. After a few minutes I heard some muffled noises and what sounded like another car pull up. I hear the guys start yelling at someone. Shrieks begin to drown out scuffling sounds as, what I assume, is someone beating up the guys. All I can think about this whole time is Daddy. Please Daddy, I need you. They are taking your fuck toy away! 

Ageplay Teen Rape Porn

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It never ever ends. Being a victim never stops. I am always a stupid little shit! So Daddy comes home drunk and brings his friends too. He tells me, makes me cry and scream and beg. He likes when I beg for my mommy, for someone who can help me. But no one will. He’s been doing this since I was very VERY young. Coming into my room even before I wore panties and making my holes raw with his cock, and making my puffy bald cunt shine with his Daddy’s cum. He would laugh and call me his little whore and fuck me harder, trying to make me cry more and more…and I did. I could do nothing but cry and whimper and beg and take that big cock fucking harder and harder.

Getting Out of Control

torture phone sex

I woke up to my feet being bound together and my hands tied to the bed posts. With my husband standing over me, kitchen knife in his hand. I begged and pleaded to be untied but the more I screamed the worse it became. He took the knife and pressed it so hard against my neck that it actually began to cut me, enough to make blood drip down my neck. I could feel it beginning to pool up underneath me. This was further than he had even taken things before and I knew I was in trouble. He started to run the knife along the side of my body. Not pushing hard enough to draw blood but enough to make me tremble and urinate all over myself and the bed. He took his other hand and spread my pussy apart not being easy or gentle whatsoever he rammed his fist up into my dry cunt. I felt my pussy hole tear and I knew he had done some damage. I was in such fear for my life that I must have passed out. I woke up lying in my own piss and blood. I know if I don’t escape soon he is going to go too far one day.

Maybe I partied a little too hard!

snuff phone sexI went to a party last night and got really, really fucked up… so fucked up that I don’t really remember all of what happened while I was out. I know that I must have had a lot of fun though, because I woke up covered in blood and there was some dead whore on the floor next to my bed. She was all fucked up, cut up and covered in cum so there were guys here too at some point, I just wish that I knew who they were so I could get filled in on exactly what I did! Oh well, I am sure someone will be calling me to tell me how twisted and fucked up I got last night… while I wait for that I have a mess I need to clean up. This bitch bled everywhere, I am going to be scrubbing all day to get rid of it all but it’s all worth it in the end. I know that last night was a blast even if I can’t remember it!

Russian Roulette Cock Sucking

taboo phone sex

If having a knife pressed to my neck wasn’t torture enough the last time he fucked me. Try having a gun pressed to the back of your head while concentrating on taking a cock down your throat. I was so fucking nervous as he kept saying just one slip up the wrong way. And I could end your fucking life. I was scared shitless that if I was to make him cum and he had his finger on that trigger it was all over for me. He would be lost in a euphoric climax and not realizing that gun was still in his hand loaded and pressed against my head. But then again I think it’s exactly what he intended to do. He could have cared less if he blew my brains out while i had his cock stuffed down my fucking mouth. I don;t know why I keep letting myself fall victim to his sick and demented games. But honestly it’s all I know. I couldn’t function living any way else. I felt his hand begin to tremble as he shoved my mouth down with his other hand. Making me swallow every inch of his dick. Eventually his balls we pressed against my chin and I felt my airway cut off. I struggled beneath his gun filled hand trying to move just the slightest so i could gasp for some air. And then it happened. I thought I’d seen my life flash before my eyes. I started to get dizzy as I was choking and puking at the same time while his cum burst in my throat. I thought any second now my life is going to end. It was a sick and twisted version of russian roulette. Just waiting for his cock to blow not knowing if that gun was going to follow right behind.

The stomp of sweet revenge

goth teen phone sexRevenge is mine, sayeth Natasha. Oh, I do love me some revenge. I was never one to believe in Karma. I am Karma and I will get you personally. I remember well my favorite revenge scenario. He was a cheating bastard. He fucked me and my best friend, telling each of us that we were the only one. I was young and stupid but we figured it out. She and I got together and arranged for him to meet us. I hid, all dressed up like a dungeon mistress. She asked him why he lied to us and when  he lied again, I walked out. His face turned all white as I slapped the cuffs on him. We led him to the basement where we took turns kicking him in the balls. He was bawling and begging. I remember how wet my pussy got. We didn’t kill the miserable jerk but by the time we were done with him, he would never fuck anyone again. Now that I’m older, however, I don’t feel the same. If you fuck me over, you die. Plain and simple. Slowly, painfully, and with lots of blood.torture phone sex


Sex with dead bodies

sex with dead bodies

I was on vacation in Mexico and I met some very nice people outside of the resort I was staying in. They always say don’t go outside of the resort but I’m a curious one who likes to explore and meet new people. I was in the car with four other people and I noticed that we kept getting further and further away from my hotel. I didn’t ask where we were going since everyone was rather quiet and I felt uncomfortable. After awhile the car finally stopped and we all got out. I noticed a foul smell in the air. I looked around me to see a huge pit, I got closer to the pit and looked down. I saw dead bodies- men, woman, wee ones. I immediately tried to run but on of the guys caught me off guard and tripped me. I fell to my face and had the dirt fly in my eyes. I tried to plead them to let me go and to please not hurt me. They mocked me and laughed. They grabbed me and through me down next to some already deceased bodies. I panicked, the men held me down and took turns forcing their cocks inside me. I had gravel and dirt in unspeakable places. They were thrusting hard and fast in all of my holes, ripping them apart. I tried to struggle away from them, but my little body and strength was no match. They laughed and took turns fucking the dead bodies around me. The took me by my hair and made a slice at my neck with their dull knife. I felt blood rush down my tits and torso. They started putting their dicks in every hole of mine. My pussy, ass, mouth, and the slit in my neck were filled with dicks. They pounded at my holes until my body became lifeless. Just another body to go in their pit.

He Looked Right Through Me

taboo phone sex karmaI saw him across the room and my body reacted with out my permission. He was dark and brooding and his eyes had a red glow. I could feel the heat of his stare and the evil in his eyes had me excited beyond belief. I was drawn to his bad boy appearance and the way he carried himself screamed “I am dangerous” I tried to stay away from him but it was useless. By the end of the night I was in his arms and when he kissed me and bit my lip so hard he drew blood and laughed as he licked it off my mouth, I almost came on the spot. He took me home and ripped my clothes off savagely. He bit every inch of my body and drew blood every time he bit down. Looking in the mirror at all the little drops of blood, I had to run my hands over myself and smear it all over me. I knew I had met my match and couldn’t wait to get back to he bed where he would take me with out regard to anything but savage lust.

Friday the 13th Playtime

castration phone sexFriday the 13th. My favorite day of the year when freaks like me can run free and commit crimes. Hey, everyone expects the evil ones to be out tonight and who is more wicked than this teen torture slut? Gonna find me a nice victim, maybe some drunk who staggers off into the dark. Sex doesn’t matter. I’ll entice him with my charms, my tits, and promise of some pussy. Men are soo easy. Then it’s off to my place for some hardcore CBT and castration fun. I’ll get that dick nice n hard before I slaughter it. Makes it so much more bloody that way. I’ll flog that cock, beat it until it spurts blood before chopping it off and feeding it to the dog. No one pays attention to screams on Friday the 13th. So before you decide to go out and play tonight, say a prayer for your own soul.  Because if I am the one to find you, I will show no mercy and no amount of begging will make me spare your worthless carcass. Only the coyotes will know what happened to your body, and they will never tell.

It’s Time

torture phone sex angie1Nine months ago I bought a breeding whore. He was sick of her smart ass mouth and attitude so he sold her to me. I didn’t know the little bitch was pregnant when I bought her but I should have known. It has taken every bit of will power in me not to really fuck her up over the months. I have kept her naked and worked her from sun up to sun down. True to form her attitude and mouth have over ridden her spanky ass almost daily. Several times I have had to temper her punishment waiting for the big finish. I have watched as her belly has stretched and her tits have swollen making her nipples huge and dark brown. She is in labor as we speak. Watching her face contort in pain with each contraction is making my cunt so fucking wet. I can’t wait for the blood and afterbirth. Once that little brat gets here the real torture will begin. I have so much in store for her and her little fucking brat. her breeding days are over. In fact snuffing two for the price of one and shutting her smart ass mouth once and for all is going to be the highlight of my day. taboo phone sex angie