My boyfriend gave me to you for two crack rocks. He said you could do anything to me, but leave my face unmarked. When my boyfriend walked out of the door leaving me alone with you, you punched me hard in my stomach. I fell to my knees trying to breath because you knocked the wind out of me. You pull me back up on my feet by my air, and spit in my face. Tears fall down my face because I know this is only the beginning. You make me follow you to a room in the back of your home. Panic sinks in my stomach as I look around this room and see all your torture devices. You laugh when you see the fear in my eyes, and you break my man’s rule and slap me hard across my face. I see your hard cock print in your pants, my pain is giving you pleasure. You pull a hook down from the ceiling and bind my hands to it. You pull a rope on the wall and it lifts the hook back uo to the ceiling. Tied to the hook and hanging in the air, I can’t run and there’s no escape. You pull a whip from the wall and hit me over and over again, leaving red welts all over my body. Someone out there, please help me!
Tag: Torture phone sex
No Escape
Evil Phone Sex Fantasies of Wickedness
Evil phone sex fantasies are fulfilled to their fullest in filth and wicked debauchery. I love kidnapping sweet young things who have the sweetest tasting flesh and their blood… oh that virginal blood caressing my flesh with each stab I administer. Oh how wet my cunt gets to make daddy watch me molest and torture his little princess. But it’s ok daddy, you can get your chance to fuck her still, I promise!
First I want to make her watch her daddy fuck me as I stab her mommy analy with my blade tipped strap-on. I love the blood and that her husband is the one driving me into her each time and her screams ripping through the abandoned warehouse is priceless. Well almost as priceless as my filthy mind and how much anticipation I have for finishing off the little fucking brat, and to bask in her blood while her daddy fucks my once more… little does he know I will slit his throat after he fills my cunt with that seed.
I woke up from a drug induced stupor tied to some strange contraption. Each limb was pulled in a different direction and all four were being pulled slightly behind me, making it so my torso was sticking out further than the rest of my body. Low pitched chanting hummed through the air. I tried to look around to see who the voices were coming from, but my vision was still cloudy and the room was only dimly lit by candles, aside from one flickering light which hung right above me, shining into my eyes. When my vision finally returned to normal, I could make out black, hooded figures in a circle around me. One of them was standing right in between my legs, saying something in an ancient language as the others continued their chants. Sinking a large dagger into my chest, he jammed his cock inside my pussy at the same time. He pulled out the knife and let the blood trickle down my body, eventually trailing down my arms and dripping onto the floor. Fucking me until he came inside me, the next hooded man came up and did the same. Each man there stabbed me just once, then came inside me. By the time last man stepped up, I was dizzy from the blood loss. Streams of crimson blood poured down my arms and legs, pooling on the floor around me. It seemed the blood was being funneled into one drain, like they were collecting it. For what reason, I had no clue. Barely conscious, the last knife drove its way inside my flesh as my pussy oozed cum. The last cock entering me caused the cum to gush out and drip down. I drifted to nothing as the last nut deposited itself inside my hole.
Final Day of Week V Sloth
The lazy bitch is in the basement and being trained not to be worthless. Her hubby was sick of the absolute nothing she does, so here she is. My guy started off by piercing her nipples, clit, and septum. He told her they were all places her hubby could use to keep her in line. She had been weeping the whole time she was here and I could tell my guy was getting pretty pissed about it. He told her twice to stop, which is more than he’s given anyone else, but when she didn’t stop he hooked up some chains to her nipples and pulled her hard over to the wall where the crops and floggers hung. When he stood her up against the wall and let the chain go he suddenly noticed her pussy had gotten very wet. He smiled and said, “Well it seems you like a bit of pain.” Tears rolled down her face and he started swatting her legs and pussy, she would stiffen and flinch a little each time. But suddenly she stopped the whining and tears and was silent. My guy quickly shoved his fingers into her pussy and yelled “You are cumming you lazy bitch! You are supposed to ask permission.” He withdrew his fingers and made her lick them off. He took her to her sleeping area and bound her hands behind her back, put a fucking machine between her legs. “Since you like to cum without permission or having earned it, you’re going to get fucked raw.” He set the machine on high and let it start fucking her swollen clit pierced pussy. A few hours later we could hear her screaming while we were upstairs enjoying dinner. We made our way back down and sees that her twat was red and angry. He asked if she has learned any kind of lesson. She gave him a look of “fuck you buddy” and she snorted in derision at him. “Really.” He said, not as a question but more as a threat. “Well Paulina, I guess we just found out lust victim, what do you think?” I nodded and said “Perfect bitch for it.”
Snuff sex is the only sex for me!
Snuff sex is the only sex for me, I just can’t get off with boring old vanilla sex any more. I want to see bitches suffer and scream, I want to feel the life flowing out of them and know that I am the cause of their death. I absolutely love fucking little whores up and I will never let an opportunity pass me by, that’s why I grabbed that stupid whore walking all by herself last night. She was terrified and far too young to be all alone like that so when I showed up she was eager to go with me… until I got her back to my place and showed her all the toys I have. She almost passed out from fear when she saw the bloodstains on the floor and even begged me to let her go, it was too late for her tho! I fucked all her holes and cut that little whore to pieces!
Smoking Suffocation Phone Sex
She screamed and the smell of charred flesh filled the air. I was playing one of my favorite suffocation phone sex games. This one involved a lit cigarette and lots of smoke. Looking at your erect cock, I knew you were enjoying it too.
We had picked up this little truckstop whore along the Interstate yesterday. She was thumbing home after her shift and it was her lucky day. You lit up a fattie laced with something and she greedily inhaled it. She was snoring in the backseat when we pulled far back into the woods.
I tied her to a table. Your cock was throbbing so hard that I was afraid you’d come. The tip of my cigarette fixed that real quick. Your pain is my pleasure. And the best was yet to come.
She awoke painfully, barely able to focus. When she realized what had happened and opened her mouth to scream, I busted her lip. “Time to play, slut.” I purred. I lit a cigarette and took a long drag. I reached for a plastic bag from the nearby drawer. It was clear so that when I pulled it over her head and duct taped it at her throat, I could see the fear in her eyes.
This is where it gets fun. These are special plastic bags with a valve. I took a long drag on my ciggie and blew it into the bag. The nicotine and carbon monoxide created a gas chamber that deprived the victim of oxygen. She would die a terrible death by suffocation. Of course, I expedited her demise by burning her flesh, her tits and labia, with my Marlboro. The harder she screamed, the faster she died.
Right before she took her final breath, I turned her over to you. Your swollen meat could barely wait to fuck her seared flesh and fill her with cum as she shuddered out her final breath.
My drug addict boyfriend sold me to you for $200. I’m scared because I see the evil in your eyes. And my judgement id right on the nail, because as soon as my man leaves you slap my face hard. You drag me by the hair to your basement. I look around and see that you’ve turned your basement into a torture chamber. You tie my hands together and hang me from the ceiling. You cut my clothes off with a knife, nicking my flesh several times because you’re in a rush. Next you grab a pitcher full of water a throw the cold water on my naked body. I’m shivering and my are teeth chattering with tears falling down my face. But it gets worse when you grab a leather horse whip and strike my wet flesh over and over again. No one can hear my screams. No one was going to rescue me.
Skinned Alive
I met a man online, and although I knew it was dangerous, I went to meet up with him when he invited me to his cottage in the forest. I drove through a lot of wilderness to get there, and when I arrived, I cursed myself for falling for his innocent way of making this sound like a cozy cottage, when really, this was clearly a cabin in the woods. A perfect murder scene. Despite my better judgement, I went inside anyway. He offered me a seat, then went to get me a drink. My back was to the kitchen, and when he came back, he hit me over the head with something heavy, knocking me out cold. When I woke up, I was in some sort of hunting shed, strapped down. He was standing over me, holding a long knife. He began to peel my skin from my flesh, starting down on my legs. Screaming, I thought I might pass out from the pain. There was so much blood dripping down, but not enough to kill me. I would be alive for every moment of the torture. He laughed maniacally as he stripped each section of my skin. Peeling off the skin from my tits seemed to be his favorite. He carefully outlined each breast and nipple before pulling them apart. At the end, when all my skin had been removed, he climbed onto the table with his throbbing cock in his hand. Barely conscious, I whimpered as he raped my skinless pussy. My flesh squished with each thrust. He drove the knife hilt-deep into my chest as he came, snuffing out the tiny spark of life that still remained in my mutilated flesh.
Week V of Seven Deadly Sins Sloth
So our next foray into the seven deadly sins this week will be is sloth. Sloth is a difficult term to describe because it can be defined with a few characteristics within a person, but what it boils down to is someone who just doesn’t want to do a damn thing and doesn’t think about anyone but themselves.
My guy has a friend whose wife is insanely lazy; she doesn’t work, cook, clean or fuck him. Clearly, she is a difficult woman to live with or be married to; so my guy came up with a plan. Her husband would deliver her to us with the notion of motivating her to less…much less slovenly.
She was delivered to us with tape on her mouth, a long trench coat on and a not so happy expression in her eyes. The two men exchanged words, then she was taken by the arm and lead to the basement door. Once my guy got her to the door, she started to scream and struggle as if she knew that was not a place she wanted to be. My guy stood in front of her and slapped her hard across the face until she composed herself. He whispered in her ear that this was going to happen whether she protested or not, but it would go more smoothly if she just cooperated otherwise she would experience a lot more pain than she could imagine. He looked back at her husband and said, well at least she is doing something, even if it is being uncooperative. I am so happy I am on my guy’s good side.
Please Hurt Me
Are you looking for someone to torture? I love being used and abused like the little fucking whore I am, and believe me I am trained well. I want to bleed and feel the most pain you can give me. It is not about what I like its about pleasing you and letting you cause me to scream and yell as you show me what pain really is. I want you to brutality beat me and make me bleed out of every hole in my body, and use me like a fucking piece of meat. I am not a person I am a piece of meat you can beat and make suffer all you want, does that sound good? Just writing this is making my pussy ache and drip thinking about how I will be used next.