Tag: Torture phone sex

I laughed while she died

snuff sexStupid little bitch was begging for her life but I didn’t care, all I could do was laugh! Why would I give a fuck about a little whore like her? She was just a body to bleed for me, nothing more. I forced all her little fuck holes open, one by one, with the biggest dildos I had; I was tearing her apart and I loved every fucking second of it! My pussy was dripping wet watching her suffer, so wet in fact that I had to call in a lover to fuck me in front of her! I wanted her to see how her suffering turned me on, I made her beg me not to kill her but as soon as I was about to climax, I slit her fucking throat and came all over her!


Sadistic phone sexFrom sunup to sundown, I walk the streets selling my body. My boyfriend counts on me to keep a roof over our head and crack in his pipe. Every time I get in a strange man’s car it a gamble. There are some sick sadistic men that enjoy causing pain. I’ve gotten beaten up so many times that I’m lucky to still be alive. If I don’t bring home enough money to keep my old man high all night then he’ll be the one beating my ass. My old man loves to torture me with knives, hot irons, and leather belts. My body is covered in evidence of his physical abuse. He’s all I’ve known since I was a very young girl so I can’t leave him. Maybe I’m as sick as those sadistic johns because I can’t leave my abuser. Do I like the pain and punishment? 

Taboo Phone Sex Fascinations

A taboo phone sex fascination is what it takes to get you off, and I’m the Evil Mistress that your loins throb for. I will suck you blind and drain more than those balls, your will is only a part of what you’ll be giving in to. I will destroy you mother fucker and that god damned cock of yours, well if it’s lacking the ability to please me, then you best expect it to be cut the fuck off. I don’t play nice nor do I fucking let asswipes fuck around with me, your all in or fucking be prepared to perish you god damned piece of shit.

I’m the last attempt at pleasure you may have if you approach me in the wrong way. You haven’t a fucking clue how I will tear your shithole up with my mother fucking stainless steel fuck rod. If you can please me and are a demented mother fucker then we can talk. I love taking in a good ol’ old fashioned home invasion and slaughter the whole god damned household. I think a nice female frat house is on my menu for the weekend. I would love an accomplice to help me fantasy rape all these dumb bitches. You must understand I am all blood and fucking gore baby.

Taboo Phone Sex


My Man’s Debt

Gangbang rape pornThree members of the 5th Ward Bloods kicked down the door of our home looking for my old man. He owned them $500 and they wanted their money NOW!! I hadn’t seen my old man in a few days and now I knew why. They forced me at gunpoint to call him. Once I had him on the phone, the leader threatened to kill me. I guess my evil old man told him he didn’t give a shit because the leader hung up with a shocked look on his face.
I thought I was going to die. But I got lucky, they fucked me instead. They fucked me in my ass brutally until warm blood ran down my thighs. Over and over again they ass fucked me. I hoped the neighbors would hear my cries of pain and call the police, but they never did anything when my old man beat my ass so I shouldn’t have been surprised. When they got bored with fucking me, they moved on to torture. They burnt me with cigarettes and cut me with knives. Before they left they beat me black and blue. Then they held me down and with a knife carved “You’re Next” on my back, a message to my crackhead old man.

Chainsaw Charlie

I don’t like the smaller versions of people. They are irritating and we don’t need as many as we have to continue the human population, but people keep having them. I’ve always felt this way, but never had a way to take my frustrations out… until now.

I met this guy at the grocery store, his pregnant wife waddling about looking for fruits. As she walked away I could see the disdain on the husbands face. I got bold and asked if he is looking forward to the birth. He shook his head no and that she trapped him and he never wanted rug rats. I smiled and said, “Well are you willing to do something about it and not get caught?” He looked at me with curiosity. I told him I have a chainsaw Charlie that would love to torture her and make sure she doesn’t leave at all. He simply smiled and nodded. I gave him the address to bring her to and to be discreet so no one sees him leaving with her. They arrived at the address and I could hear him arguing with her to get out of the car. She really didn’t want to, maybe women’s intuition is right, but she relented finally and they came into the building.
The building was an old ironworks factory long since abandoned. Perfect place to; let her scream and be tortured, no one around really. It’s in the middle of BFE. Once he got her out of the car and into the building he stood with his hand on her arm and when I told him we were ready he threw her at me so I could take her to the place of her torture. I whispered, “Don’t worry we are just going to take some pics your hubby wants.” She relaxed a bit and walked with me confidently. Right outside the area, we surrounded in black cloth I told her to take her clothes off. She gave me a face and I said your hubby loves your preggo body so much he wants pics. She smiled and was out of her clothes in seconds. I stood behind her with my hand on her wrist and opened the curtain. Immediately she saw a metal table with restraints, hooks, and chains hanging from the ceiling. “What the fuck kind of photoshoot is this?” She asked. Her hubby chimed in with “Because you don’t know how to keep your legs shut bitch.” She looked at him and asked what he meant. He told her he had a vasectomy 10 years ago because he never wanted rug rats. Her face dropped. I grabbed her and yanked her into the curtain area and threw her onto the table. My chainsaw Charlie strapped her down and got to work. “Let’s have some chainsaw fun, shall we?” my chainsaw Charlie said patting his trusty chainsaw. I looked at her hubby and said this was about to get very bloody and he might want to leave. He nodded and left with a “Later lying bitch.” And he was gone. First, he told me to hold up one of her arms, I pulled it up straight as he pulled the cord for the saw and it came to life. Without hesitation, he cut off the arm I was holding up and then repeated with the other. The preggo chick was screaming her head off but my chainsaw Charlie just gets off on that. I could see his raging hard-on during the torture and I had a feeling either she or I were going to get fucked. Turns out it was her. He had cut off her arms so she couldn’t struggle when he sat on her chest and started shoving his cock in her mouth. When she was half dead from choking on it, he withdrew and told her “We need to cut those parasites out.” She screamed more… no help.

Torture sex

He pulled the chains down and jammed the hooks through each of her Achilles’ tendons, and Japanese clover clamps on her nipples and then hoisted her up. As she went upward, her legs spread wider and wider. And the chainsaw came to life again. He made one large cut across her pregnant belly and then punched her. All the contents of her belly started to fall out. Guts, placenta… everything and her screams stop because she passed out. He put smelling salts under her nose and she came to. All she could do was cry and try to scream but he rammed his cock in her mouth again until she died.

I killed them both

snuff sexI killed them both, I had to there was just no way around it! It’s their own fault tho, they were out so late and all by themselves too, how was I supposed to resist that? They were a young mother daughter pair and the thought of killing that little brat in front of her mother has me dripping wet before I even got them in my car. It was easy enough to convince them to accept a ride from me, after all I do look like a sweet woman when I choose to… they didn’t even realize anything was wrong until I was far away from where I told them I would go. The mother got scared and tried to bolt but I just pulled out a gun and put it up to that little brat’s head and she stopped all that bullshit quick! I tied the mom up and made her watch me fuck the little brat to death, her screams were so satisfying to hear! I couldn’t let the mother live after that but I wanted her to really suffer first so I rented her out to some drug dealers and got her fucked to death too!

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Fantasy phone sex with Stephanie

Fantasy phone sexDo you wanna use me like a little fuck doll? I would love for you to use me however you would want master, you can make me bleed and scream as you abuse me. I like feeling that pain until I have to bust out screaming. You can use any hole however hard you want, do you think I’m not serious? I am the best pain slut on this site so call me and let me show you how a real good girl acts towards her master. I love being degraded and abused at the same time, whatever will get daddy off you an do to me. I have no limits so you can do whatever goes on inside your brain to me. I will be a good little fuck doll I promise.

Domination Phone Sex: I’m a Human Dog

domination phone sexDomination phone sex is what I crave. I need a strong man for some slave training. I got more than I bargained for with Master Teddy. I answered an ad for a fetish model. Although, I am not super model pretty, I am no stranger to bondage modeling. The add called for a woman willing to be subjugated for a series of photos. I have done it before with no pay, so why not for fun money, right? When I arrived at the address that was texted to me, the set looked authentic. Turns out it looked authentic, because it was a real life dungeon. I was trapped. If I got out, it would not be because they let me go. It would be because I escaped, which I did. I think they underestimated this coke whore. I was collared, chained and thrown in a pen with other women. Food and water was on the floor in dishes with our names on it. We were being treated like dogs. It was a human dog fighting ring. We were the bait dogs. I watched a round in fear. I watched a waif of a girl be thrown into the bull pen with the hounds from hell. Within minutes there was nothing left of her but blood and a pile of bodily tissue and crushed bones. My head was held up so I was forced to see the carnage. I had been stripped down into my bra and panties, but no one searched me. I have a pierced clit with a long needle through my labia. When no one was looking, I yanked it out. When I was being walked to the bull pen, I stabbed the eye of the cunt leading me to my death. I ran like a bat out of hell. I escaped through a small basement window.  I ran to the cops, but no one believed a strung out whore like me. They thought I was on an acid trip.

Torture Sex Doll for Abuse

torture sexI love torture sex as a pain slut. In real life, I don’t want my pretty face maimed or my hot body carved up. I also don’t really want to die. I just want to wish to be killed because I cannot take the pain any more. When it is fantasy, we can get as violent or deadly as you want. Thinking about that kind of excruciating pain makes my whore holes wet. Guys ask me all the time, what do I have at home to hurt myself with. They think this is nothing but fantasy for me. I have a few devices e that every pain slut like me should possess. It is my chest of horrors as I call it.  I have impact toys like a paddle, belt, cat o nine tails and a riding crop. I have bondage tools like handcuffs, rope, zip ties, duct tape, dog collar, chains and electrical wire. I have several types of gags: funnel, ring and ball. I have a large array of insertable toys: vibes and dildos of varying sizes, butt plugs, anal hooks, pony tail and speculums. I have nipple clamps. I also have a diverse collection of piercing instruments: needles, hat pins, safety pins, veggie skewers, nails, tacks and an ice pick. Did I mention I have other things like ice, cigars to burn my girl parts and weights for my tits and my clits? I am a true pain whore. I just need a strong, sadistic man like you, to tell me just how to hurt myself for his pleasure. I am waiting on the couch like a good submissive whore for you to take control.

Snuff phone sex with Stephanie

Snuff phone sex

Please hurt me! I want to feel how pain you can cause me and I want to see if you make me hurt. Take me to a room and do what you will with me, Treat me like I am a piece of dirt. I am literally here on this earth to please you and be your snuff phone sex fantasy slut. I will scream and make you cum all over yourself. I can go as extreme as you want, if you have any ideas you can call me and tell me what you want baby. Just know that I am here for you to snuff and make your little bloody fleshy whore. I wanna die on your cock fuck me to death please baby.