Tag: Teen rape porn

Brat Crusher

medical fetish phone sex


I never thought it would happen to me but I ended up preggo by total accident and worst yet, it was my soccer coach’s sweet little angel. I couldn’t even tell him about what had happen from cream filling my cunny up. I knew I had to handle this myself so I researched a clinic locally to help me take care of the situation, so to speak. When I was already 13 weeks along and showing, even beneath my baggy gym clothes that I had been hoping would hide the result of my teeny lust for older men. When I arrived, I did find it kind of strange that it was only men who worked at the particular location. They gave me a test and an ultrasound to prove the obvious that I was in fact totally preggers. The doctor seemed nice enough and he explained the procedure as being pretty non-invasive. He had me lay back on the operating table and open my legs. He began by telling me I needed to relax a little bit, rubbing his thumb on my clitty and bringing me to an orgasm but that’s when things got much darker. He cranked my pussy open with a speculum while his two assistants bound my wrists down to the table. He strapped my ankles in too! That’s when he climbed on top of me and begun jumping and grinding down my belly, crushing my would-be bundle of joy. I watched as the blood poured out of my sore cunny and tears ran down my eyes. He then popped the speculum out of me and force fucked me while his male nurses watched and jacked off. After he finished up, they sucked the doctor’z jizz out of me as well as any left over bits from the pregnancy. A few weeks have gone by and I still haven’t started my period. Do you think I’m going to have to go back to the brat crusher for help?

Teen Rape Porn Victim

Teen rape pornHe told me he’d give me a lift to the next town if I would be a naughty girl for him, and let him watch me play with myself. His thing was voyeurism, and I didn’t think it would hurt anything. It was just touching myself with an audience, and at least he was being up front about what he wanted. When we got to his place, you could tell he had a family, and he brought me straight to what looked like his daughter’s room. He nodded toward the bed, so I took my clothes off and lay down on it, but he immediately barked that he wanted my ass in the air. I got on my knees, face in the bed, and pulled my panties aside. I started to touch myself, trying to get into the mood of it. Slowly, I was getting aroused, and then I was playing with myself for real. I could hear him breathing more and more heavily, stroking his meat, and that actually kinda turned me on. The next thing I heard, he was blowing his load, and I was close. So, I definitely wasn’t expecting his cock to jab into me. He started calling me by some girl’s name, and talking about how happy I’d made Daddy, because Daddy always wanted to fuck his babygirl. He was fucking me and picturing his daughter?!  All I could do was lay there and take it, because he had such a grip on my hips that I knew I’d have bruises there tomorrow.  The one time I tried to lift my head, he punched me in the back of it, so I didn’t move…

Sunday Snuff Porn: Can I Bring You an Angel Too?

snuff pornSnuff porn on Sundays is better than church. Master told me to surprise him with a special treat this morning. I thought long and hard about how to best please him. I know he doesn’t enjoy my fuck holes anymore. I am well used, according to him. I decided to stalk the local church for sweet young girls in their Sunday best. Innocent little angels with virgin holes would please him, I was sure of it. They would please you too, right? I dressed up as a parishioner in my Sunday best. I even donned a wig, so no one would recognize me. I hid my tattoos and piercings, so I didn’t look like a wolf among the sheep. I saw her in the pews in a sweet floral dress and pigtails. I knew she was the one. She looked like an angel. She was doing a potty dance during a hymn, so I excused myself to the bathroom before she ever left. I knew where she needed to go before her parents did. She was old enough to go by herself. I jumped her, drugged her and stuffed her in my car trunk. No one paid any attention to the stranger in their congregation and no one was around when I left with one of their angels. Master was very pleased to have a fresh young thing to fuck. She had tight holes and soft skin. She looked sweet and innocent; the opposite of me. I held her down for Master while he crammed his big cock into her bald little cunnie. Her screams were arousing to us both. There was a lot of blood as he fucked her tiny cunt and ass. I don’t bleed unless you fuck me with a knife, but a wee little girl, well she bleeds like a stuck pig when a grown ass man fucks her. Master was very pleased with my gift. Now, I must dispose of the body like a good accomplice.

Recruiting slave pets

I have been working for a guy who is totally the most wicked person I have ever met. How we met is a long story, I will for sure share that another day. Let me get to what this pervert does. He has an obsession with a fantasy. The fantasy sex with dead bodies is what gets his dong off. He makes me bring over my friends and he has his way with them. He makes us play dead, He’s insane but it gets our pussy so wet to do exactly what he tells us too I never thought I’d let a guy overpower me but he has totally done that to not just me but all my friends. He has a cult-like relationship with us and we really will do anything for him. Lately, we have been recruiting stupid sluts like us and we have been teaching them to take orders and be little slave pets like us. Sex with dead bodies

Rape Phone Sex Fantasies with Marley

Rape phone sex fantasiesThey’d invited me to a party, and who’s going to say no to a party? Things were going great. I was all cute and stuff, and everyone was having a good time. One of the hottest guys there was even spending a good bit of time with me. So, when he asked if I wanted to fuck, I didn’t think anything of agreeing. Who doesn’t want to fuck a hottie? He asked me to give him a little preview right there in the party. I figured, why not?, and showed him my tits, running my hands down my belly. He asked if I was wearing panties. Of course I said no. I didn’t expect him to pick me up right there and wrap me around him. He started fucking me on the dance floor, shouting, “It’s a go!”. Before I could say anything, I was being surrounded, and hands were all over me. I tried to pull away, but between his arms locked around me and the guy pressing in behind me, there was nowhere I could go. Suddenly, a cock was pressing up into my ass, and all I could do was groan as tears leaked down my face. It was huge, and it was hurting me! Finally, it was inside me, and I was stretched, torn, and being pummeled. They passed me around the room several times, and by the time I was allowed to leave, I was leaking cum from both holes. And, Mr Hot Guy? He told me that he was the governor’s son, and that if I told anyone what had happened, no one would believe me, and he’d hunt me down.

Help Me

I was walking home from school today when someone grabbed me from behind and covered my head. I was screaming, begging whoever it was to please leave me alone. Let me go. My body was shivering and convulsing with both fear and cold. I really didn’t know what to do. Then I heard them, multiply male voices laughing at me. “Stop fighting bitch and maybe we won’t hurt you.” One said harshly. I did try to stop, honestly I did but my body had other ideas. Soon I heard a door open and echoing voices, so I assumed we were in an empty building. Within minutes I was thrown onto a hard, cold, concrete floor. My clothes were torn off my body. I was still screaming only now nothing was coming out. A hand slapped my face, then my tit, my back, ass, and pussy. I was in so much pain, I just wanted it to stop. I heard a tearing of foil then something big was pushed extremely hard in my asshole. My nails scraped the floor, I was trying to get away. The pain was completely unbearable. Hands held down my wrist, my hair was being pulled out of my scalp. “Please stop, Please.” I cried.
More laughing “shut the fuck up you little whore, we are going to fuck you until we get bored with you.” He pulled out of my ass and I was flipped over. Someone thrust into my cunt so hard I could feel my insides tear. Another cock was shoved into my gaping mouth, gagging me, stealing my breath. I felt like I was going to die any minute and then everything was gone. The blindfold was taken off and I looked into the eyes of my brother and his friend. They both started laughing and I began to giggle as well. “Fuck guys, I wanted you to do a rape fantasy with me, not beat me.”
My brothers face reddened a bit “I’m sorry Langley, I guess we got carried away with all the excitement of it.” I sat up and rubbed all the spots I was hit, “it’s fine but next time we do rape play no beating, OK?”
They both agreed. Regardless I was happy, I love rape fantasies, feeling lost of all control. Hopefully we play again very soon. Or maybe next time you can play with me?
ass rape phone sex

Guzzlin’ A Cum Bomb


Teen Rape Porn




I woke up with a funnel down my throat and I was already choking so hard I could barely breathe.
That’s when I realized I was swallowing tons and literal actual tons of shit and piss from a beer bong.
I had some how gotten lost on campus and ended up being the subject of hazing by a frat who were
enjoying their first gang bang kegger. I was tied down to the table and the tube was almost all the
way down my stomach. The shit smoothie pouring down my throat and and I was pretty positive it
could not get worse than this but that’s when they whipped out their dicks and started filling my
stomach with jizz. My tummy bloated up like I was pregnant, I was so full of cum. Then they sliced me
open and fucked my belly button as if it were a flesh light. Finally when they were done with me
they skinned my body and used me as their new battle flag during Greek week. I wonder what the football
is made of.

Titty Abuse


taboo phone sex

My master told me that tonight was going to be a hard night for me.. I wasnt quite sure what he meant until i was getting ready for him when all of the sudden he snuck up behind me and grabbed a fist full of my hair and threw me on the bed and hog tied me.  I could see a black brief case that i’ve seen master carry before.. It usually has toys and various tools he uses on me but they were always different.  He took out a pair of nipple clamps and clamped them on my erect nipples. It hurt but it felt very good. That is until he yanked on them as hard as he could. I let out a piercing scream. And master smiled deviously. Than he lit a candle and began to drip the hot wax directly onto my nipples letting it dry in place.. The wax was piercing hot but i have to admit it felt soo good. Than master took the nipple clamps off and took out some rope and tied my boobs together as tight as he possibly could within seconds my tits were turning a purplish color. Than he brought out a paddle and began slapping each tit as hard as he could.. I immediately began to get wet. Master than took out some clothes pins and began pinning them one at a time on each nipple and giving each tit a good hard smack afterwards. When he was finally done i had 5 clothes pins on each nipple. Master smacked my tits as hard as he could and than took 5 more and placed them on my pussy lips and one on my clit and spanked my pussy with the paddle. After that master left the room and did not come back until the morning. Where discovered my pussy was soaking wet. And i told him that i wanted more…

Teen rape porn

teen rape porn

 I met some cute girls at the mall today. I offered them to come to my house for a little party and of course since they are impressionable and have little to non life experience they thought with their pussies in between their legs when I mentioned older boys there. I took them back to my place where my master was eagerly awaiting their arrival.

As soon as we got there he sedated them so we could tie them up and get them into the positions that most fancied him. We got the smallest tinniest virgin and put a noose around her neck and made her dance from the ceiling like a puppet. My master got underneath of her and shoved his cock inside of her and she had no chance but to bounce up down his dagger in fear for her life.

The other two awaited their fate watching their friend get bounced and tortured. Didn’t their parents ever teach them not to talk to strangers?

Fun with Porn

taboo phone sex

So they made me watch another dirty porn today. I’m almost ashamed to admit how much it makes my kitty tingle. But maybe it is because this time I was picturing you and I on that screen. That man had her laid out on the floor, face buried in her cunt. She was withering all around, hands pulling his hair as if she was afraid he’d leave if she let go. I want that to be us. Oh lawd when he flipped her over and started spanking her ass, I could almost feel the sting from your hands on my ass. I just know though that after you spanked my ass until it was red you’d kiss it all better. I want all the pleasure you could offer me. I want to feel that fuckstick of yours buried as deep as it could go, in all of my holes.