So, there I was my tight little teen ass hole being violated because my foster father sold me to this man. With tears in my eyes I look at my surroundings, and I spot a brick near by and a set of truck keys hanging out of his pants pocket on the ground. I try to really think about what to do next, but my ass is in so much pain I just acted first. I grabbed the brick and knocked him upside the head. I figured I had a few moments while all of the men pulled out of the women’s asses. I grabbed the keys and made a run for it. I found the truck and threw the door open, but only to reveal 3 huge mutts. I thought about turning back around, but there was no where to run too. The men and the mutts were closing in on me. The mutts got to me first, and tore all of my clothes off. Naked and afraid, I couldn’t move or think of what to do. The farmer from earlier scooped me up off the ground. He carried me to a room, and I kicked and screamed the whole way there. The room was full of what looked like torture devices, and I could taste my own fear. I struggled against him to get away, but it was no use. He shackled me to a bar that hung from the ceiling, and whipped my whole back side. I screamed as loud as I could, but it just made him hornier. He picked up where he left off in the barn, pounding into my ass. After he came in my tight little ass, he explained to me that good girls go in the barn, and bad girls go in this room. No one has ever escaped, and no one ever will.
Tag: Teen rape porn
Sold for Ass Rape Porn
I am always the sweet little victim that makes everyone’s ass rape fantasies come true. I hate that everyone thinks that they can do whatever they want to me, it is so fucking frustrating. I woke up in the middle of the night to my foster father yanking me out of bed by my arm. He threw a burlap bag over my head, after gagging me and tying my wrists together. I felt him guide me to what I assumed was the car, and I felt him throw me into the back seat. I tried to ask where we were going, but I don’t think it really came out that way with the gag in my mouth. I managed to wiggle around enough to get the bag off of my head. We were surrounded by woods, woods, and more woods. We drove for hours with no signs of people anywhere in sight. We finally arrived at a huge farm, and my foster father yanked me out of the car. There was a tall farmer waiting there for us. He threw my foster father an open bag full of cash, and my foster father threw me at his feet. He warned the farmer that I am smart and feisty. Then, my foster father sped off in a hurry. It was clear to me that I had just been sold, and that this man, like most men, thinks that I am his property. I waited for him to speak, so that I could really try to determine his personality. He told me that this was my new home, and asked if I would like a tour. I nodded my head yes, and he took off the ropes and the gag. There was no point in running because there was no where even close to run to. He led me to a barn, and when he opened the door I couldn’t believe my eyes. Easily 50 women of all ages, all getting pounded in the ass. Some of them struggled and screamed, but most of them just looked bored and used to it. The farmer then ripped my clothes off of me, and forced me face down on the ground. He slammed his cock into my ass while I screamed for help….. To Be Continued.
Homecoming to not Remember
My tight little teen ass hole is always being violated, and I am tired of men thinking they can just shove their cocks into me whenever and wherever they want. Homecoming dance is always a good time, and even though I am not a senior, I always get asked to go with one of the seniors. This year was no different, especially since I am now cheer captain. I put on my best back lingerie, and a super tight, long black dress. I even curled my hair, and quite frankly I looked hot as fuck. My date was the quarterback so I had to go all out so that I would not embarrass either of us. We looked stunning! We were easily the hottest couple in the school, and it felt so good for everyone to look at us like that. We danced all night and he kept handing my drink after drink. I mean it was a school event so there was no alcohol allowed, but I could feel the kick. I assumed I was imagine things, but eventually I was having a hard time walking straight. I asked my date to take me home, but he asked if I was sure that was a good idea. He was right if I went home like this I wouldn’t be able to fight off my foster father, and my dates parents were out of town for the weekend. It seemed like the perfect plan. He took me back to his house, and got me a glass of water. The water seemed foggy, but I thought that it was just my vision. I downed the glass, and everything got a lot more foggy. I felt like the whole room was spinning and I couldn’t move. All I can remember is him calling me a fucking tease. He took my dress and bra off of me, and slid my panties to the side. I remember hearing the snap of a camera, and then he forced me to bend over. He filmed it on his phone while he shoved his little cock into my ass hole. I think I said stop I can not really remember, maybe I even asked him to go harder. I have to admit I did like it.
Ass Rape Porn in a Car
I endured hours of ass rape porn torture from Jim. I needed money to pay the rent, so I decided to use my body to pay the bills. Daddy told me when I was young that all I was good for was sucking and fucking. College was never in my future. I have been a whore ever since I was a school girl. When I need money, I hustle my ass on the street corner with the other whores. I stand out. I am buxom, tall, blonde and clean. Guys pay good money for an hour of heaven with a no taboo whore like me. Jim didn’t want to fuck my used-up cunt, however. He paid for my ass. It wasn’t a typical pull my hair, fuck my ass kind of fuck. He sodomized my ass with various things he had in his car. He started by taking my temperature the old-fashioned way. I needed his cash, so whatever crazy shit he wanted to do was fine by me. I spoke too soon. He started finding larger items from his toolbox like a hammer and a wrench. He made me call him daddy. It reminded me of when I was a little girl living at home with daddy. I was his anal whore first. He trained me to take whatever anyone wants to put up my ass. Then something happened, that made me fight back the tears. He shoved me down on his gear shift. No lube and very forcefully, I was pushed on to the gear shift. Big round leather bulb up my ass. I was sitting on his gear shift. It was all the way up my ass. It was bigger than even a big black cock. He told me to spread my whore legs. He then fucked my bald cunt while his gear shift acted like a monster dildo in my ass. I left blood and shit on his gear shift for which he made me lick it up. It was a painful and humiliating hour, but I can pay the rent now.
The Ass Rape Porn of My Niece
Ass rape porn is always more than I bargain for with BG. I don’t know his real name, but that is what every one calls him. He is a notorious drug dealer with a sadistic desire to destroy the asses of strung out women in need of a fix. I try to avoid him. He is a desperate call only. I found myself desperate. I texted him for a fix the other night, but he said my ass is all used up and he was not interested. What the fuck. I was desperate to get high and no one else will give me drugs. I made him an offer he couldn’t refuse. What if I brought him a young girl with a virgin ass? I thought that would be worth some coke. He agreed. If I brought him an ass virgin, she could be my surrogate for his torture sex needs. My husband was going to hate me, but I borrowed his niece. She is a hot teen slut. Honestly, she is a brat and a cock tease, so this was a great idea. She can earn me some drugs and maybe get her attitude cut down a bit. I told her I was taking her back to school shopping. Just a little white lie. BG was pleased with her looks, but she pitched a fit. That was easily taken care of with a ball gag. To add to his twisted desires, he wanted me to help gape her ass. We put our hands up her tight teen ass together. Gaped her wide like the Grand Canyon. She was struggling, but I was enjoying it. She is a little self-entitled bitch anyway. BG took her ass cherry as I watched and snorted lines. I am going to have some explaining to do, because that little cunt won’t keep her mouth shut. I don’t care. I got my blow.
Cheerleading Cock Tease
Why does my foster dad always want to attack me? I do not try to let him see me naked, but sometimes I can’t help it. This morning before school, I got all my lingerie on and was about to put on my cheer uniform when he barged into my room. He yelled at me for being a tease, and told me whatever he does to me is my own fault. He told me I am a dirty little cheerleader slut that deserves to get fucked up my ass whether I wanted it or not. He tore my lingerie off of me, and shoved my face down into the bed so hard that I could feel my nose starting to bleed. I couldn’t breathe and I was choking on my own blood, but he didn’t seem to care as he shoved his long hard cock into my ass. He lifted my head up long enough for me to get a mouth full of air, but it was only so he could get a good grip on my tits. My foster dad gripped my tits tight as he pounded into my ass. I managed to get my head up long enough to scream for help, but I knew help wouldn’t come. Pissed I would even try to scream, he flipped me over, and grabbed two handfuls of my hair. He forced my head down to his cock, which is covered in blood from him ripping my ass hole. He forced my mouth open, and shoved his cock all the way to the back of my throat. He skull fucked me until he came all over my huge perky cheerleader tits. He smirked when he looked down at me, and told me to clean myself up and get ready for school. I wish someone would save me.
How deep is your love?
My master knows I worship him and will do anything and everything for him. He wanted to know how deep was my love for him. He has an insatiable appetite for youngins. I see the way he looks at hot young sluts. I know he wants to fuck them bad. He likes hot co-eds like me but what really make his cock twitch is snuff sex with youngins. He has made me prove to him how deep I will go to satisfy him. I will go above and beyond for him. One of the most sinister things came out of his mouth. I didn’t think twice I knew if it made his dick feel good it was something I must do. He wanted me to bring my younger sister and he wanted front row center. My master wanted to see me fuck her up and use her till she was a snuff doll. I had no choice but to do just that. I brought over my cute young step sister and made her into a slave of my own. I think I passed the ultimate test.
Snuff Porn Movie
Being the cheer captain sure has it’s perks, but I never thought it would get me abused and damn near killed. I attract all kinds of men, usually never the ones I am attracted to though. So, when the school bad boy asked me on a date I was so excited. He asked me to go to the horror movie special the drive-in was having, and I reluctantly agreed. I hate horror movie almost everything scares me. It was black and white theme, so I wore a little black dress and matching black lace bra and panties. When we got to the drive-in is when I got nervous. What if he doesn’t like me because I am a scaredy cat? I tried to contain my fear as we watch Dracula in black and white, but I didn’t even make it through half of the movie without screaming. When I looked over at him he told me that it’s alright to be scared, and that he found my screams hot. I smiled a little and finished watching the movie. When it ended he asked if I would like to come home with him, and I agreed. That is where I made the biggest mistake. He drove for what seemed like an hour, and I asked how he could live that far away and still go to our school. His reply seemed rehearsed, but he said his mom lived in town and he just used her address for school. His house was huge and gloomy like Dracula’s castle. I went in and he led me to his bedroom. It was beautiful like something out of an old movie. The bed was huge and had a big canopy. I got scared when he locked the door behind us, and I asked if someone else was home. When he replied no is when I really started freaking out. I tried to leave and he threw me on the bed. He growled in my ear that I was his now, and he cut all of my clothes off with his pocket knife. He buried his huge hard cock into my pussy, and started kissing my neck. I can’t say I didn’t like it because it was incredible, until he used his pocket knife to create a long cut down the side of my throat. He licked all the blood off of me while I screamed. I must have lost a lot of blood because I passed out. When I woke up I was alone and weak I could barely sit up.
Teen Rape Porn With Ivy
You called and told me that you had found two teen girl stow-a-ways in the shipping yard that you manage. You said that they were super cute little girls from South America. You wanted to know if I would be interested in using them to make some steamy hot teen rape porn. Just you saying that made my cunt juicy.
You ask me if I could come and help you with the girls. When I arrived they were still in the shipping container too scared to come out. I assured them that I was there to take them somewhere safe. They were more than willing to leave with me and they were totally clueless about what was going to happen to them.
When we arrived at my place we took them down to the basement and into my dungeon. As soon as I turned on the lights and they saw all of the torture devices they started crying and wanted to leave. The oldest one turned and tried to run towards the door. I grabbed her by her long brown hair and drug her over to the black leather bench. You helped me tie her down.
We put her friend in the medieval stocks. I turned on the camera and filmed you ripping her clothing off exposing her young teen pussy and perky tits. She laid there helpless and crying which only made your cock harder. You shoved your big hard cock into her tight teen pussy and started pounding it. She was screaming for you to stop. I shoved her dirty panties in her mouth to shut her the fuck up.
You pulled out of her pussy and slammed your cock into her tight puckered ass. You reached up and started choking her as you were fucking her tight teen asshole. You shot your wad in her ass as she was gasping for air. We left her tied to the bench and her friend still in the stocks. These two are just too cute not to keep and play with for a while. Who knows as young as they are we might could make them into the perfect pets. If not we will snuff them out and dispose of their bodies once we tire of them.
Ass Rape Porn by the Pool
I swear I can never go for a swim without getting a cock shoved into my tight little asshole. My neighbor can see into my backyard, and last time I was swimming he watched my foster brother violate me. When I thought he was going to come over and rescue me, he really just came over to join in. Well today I was out for a swim when he came over. He said he wanted to apologize, and that he could not resist me any longer. He asked if I could ever forgive him. He is so hot, how could I say no? He asked if I could trust him. At first I was hesitant, but then I told him I believed I could. He grabbed my hand and we walked onto my patio. Then out of nowhere, he ripped my bikini top off and growled that trusting him was my first mistake. I screamed for help, but it was no use. No one was home, and if they were they only would have joined him. He overpowered me, and bent me over the railing of the deck. He stroked my hair, continuously moving his hand lower. He gave my ass a little squeeze before sticking his long fingers into my pussy. He whispered in my ear that he knew I liked it because I was so wet for him. I cried as he pulled my bottoms off, and gripped my hips so tight his knuckles turned white. He start by putting his hard cock into my wet pussy, and he pounded into me while I screamed and cried for help. When he started to feel like he was going to cum, he moved his cock up and into my ass. He drilled into my ass while I cried in pain. We climaxed at the same time. I guess he was right, I did like it.