Tag: Teen rape porn

The Making of a Teen Rape Porn

Teen Rape Porn ReaganShe looked so sweet when I saw her cry. Very yummy indeed. Her chest heaving with each raspy breath. The ropes were nice and tight, I can say if I am good at anything it is tying knots. I brought in her young one and she almost came unglued. Angry muffled sounds behind that tape across her mouth. A swift blow of my baseball bat cured her anger. At least the little one was calm. But not for long. I laid her down in the middle of the room and chained her to the rings on the concrete floor. Drain under her mid section. Starting with her pretty little face I stated to carve and peel. The blood was amazing. The more she cried the more blood there was. Mommy almost passed out from the blow to her head and emotional ordeal. When my carving was done I turned to my sad little mommy and painted her in her daughters blood. What a wonderful way to spend your daughter’s birthday, helping her make a snuff teen rape porn. I turned and pulled out the hammer and nails.Teen Rape Porn Reagan

Death Sentence

I had finally just got my license back and wouldn’t you know it I get pulled over again? It was the middle of the night and I had been drinking of course, but I decided to try to sweet talk my way out of the ticket. I rolled my window down and two officers approached. I could barely see them with the glaring lights from their car, but they shined a light right on me and one asked if I knew why I got pulled over. I HATE when they ask that, so of course I just smiled sweetly and said “no officer”.

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They didn’t even ask my name or for my license or anything, one of them just said “get out of the car”. I tried to say something and he yanked the door open and ripped me out by my hair. My heart started racing, realizing this wasn’t a normal traffic stop. He spun me around and the other one handcuffed me. I tried to apologize for whatever was going on, and he just slapped me right across the face so hard I could taste blood. They both began ripping my clothes off right there on the side of the road. I was too scared to scream.

I begged them to let me go and promised them I wouldn’t tell anyone. They laughed at me and carried me back to my own trunk which they had popped open. One shoved me in, face down and my ass hanging out. My face was crushed inside my trunk as I felt a huge cock enter my ass. The officer fucked me without mercy for what seemed like forever. Then his partner took over and rammed my tight little ass even more. I could feel my wrists bleeding from the handcuffs, and the side of my face was burned from scuffing against the carpet in my trunk.

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They both came inside my ass, and then one picked my limp body up and carried me back to their car. I thought they were going to throw me in the backseat, but once again they opened the trunk, and threw me in. This time all the way, and shut the trunk. Now here I am, cuffed and naked in the dark trunk. My ass is torn to shreds and I can feel the car moving. I have no idea what they plan to do to me next or where we are going, but I have a feeling I will never see the light of day again…  

Valentine’s Day Delivery

Cannibalism Phone Sex ReaganValentines Day – a day for lovers and gluttony. Although he was not my lover, at least not of the flesh, he was so much more. We shared a much more intimate relationship. Something that connected us on a much deeper level. There was absolutely no way I would ever trust a lover with my soul the way I trusted Rick. He was my teacher, mentor, and I couldn’t think of a better person to share this day with. We had discussed this victim before hand, had everything prepared and ready. When she rang the doorbell it all fell into place so naturally. And when it was over, we ate like a king and queen.

Cannibalism Phone Sex ReaganI had met with a few possibilities. Went to many floral shops the week prior. Looking for the right delivery girl. Luckily when I did find her, Rick approved. She was healthy, good muscle tone, and took good care of her skin. She was developed in all the right places. And cumming out of the winter, she had a nice layer of fat still attached to her muscle tone. I placed my order & we waited for the main course to knock.

Cannibalism Phone Sex ReaganGreeted with a smile and a dozen red roses, I was excited. She had such a warmness about her. And was more then willing to step inside when a tip was offered. “I just have to go into the den to retrieve my purse. Won’t you come in darling?” Once her feet passed the entryway, Rick was able to come out of the shadows and subdue our main course. He bound her wrists and ankles all too well. I cut her clothing and carried her warm naked body into the bath, where I would clean and shave her. Her curves were delicious and I could almost taste the gravy that would start from her breasts. The warm water was waking her slightly. I scrubbed her clean and shaved the winter leg hair from her body. I rambled on about how she would really enjoy inhaling the spicy fragrance that would baste the meat as it cooked. I boasted about the star chef of the evening. And thanked her for joining our dinner table.

Cannibalism Phone Sex ReaganPatting her dry I then carried a very confused young delivery girl into the kitchen. Rick smiled with approval as I lay her into the basting pan. Finally realizing her significance in the evening’s meal, she struggled just a bit. I giggled as I watched the liquid gold painting her pale white skin, as Rick basted her breasts. I could only imagine how that tangy liquid gold felt as it entered even her most personal parts. Rick and I smiled as we set the timer and put her in the oven. Only thing left to do is watch the meat so it cooks evenly, and uncork a nice bottle of red wine to complement the meal.Cannibalism Phone Sex Reagan

Babysitter Phone Sex with Blair: Don’t Trust Me with Your Little Ones!

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I know I look like a normal suburban housewife. The kind of woman who would be safe babysitting your girls, especially considering I have my own brood. But here is what no one realizes, well no one trapped in suburbia at least. I have a huge drug problem and I am a dirty whore. I love to party and be used.  So when someone makes me an unseemly  offer, I almost always take them up on it. Like when my dealer offers me unlimited cocaine in exchange for the young teen charges in my care. Those girls mean nothing to me. So, of course, I have no problem slipping some roofies in their hot coco, and pimping them out for some teen rape porn.

After they passed out, my dealer came in the house with his posse. He put ball gags in their  mouths and I undressed them. They looked so innocent laying there. One guy was filming everything as the others violated their holes. Guys were grabbing handfuls of little titties; cramming fingers up their asses; and fucking their virgin cunts. When I saw all the blood, I knew they were virgins. Those girls were getting gangbanged by men three times their age, and I just sat there and watched. Most teen girls are nothing but mean girl brats, so I have no problem assisting in their torture. These little bitches were covered in cum, blood running down their thighs, and all I could think about was all the coke I was going to get. The guys even mutilated their pussies. Took a scalpel and sliced their pussy lips. Even pierced their clits. All for the camera too.

teen rape porn snuffThey woke up early. I thought I doped them up enough to be out cold for awhile, and I could just clean them up before their parents returned. When they woke up they started screaming  and causing a ruckus. My dealer punched each whiney bitch square in the jaw until they passed out. He upped my ante. Let him take the girls and properly dispose of them, and he would throw in 10 grand. That was a no brainer. I could toss the house, make it look like the girls tied me up, had a wild party and disappeared. Teen girls runaway daily in this world. I knew what he was going to do with them. Hot teen pussy is worth a lot of money on the black market. Once sold as sex slaves and transported to Russia or the Ukraine, these little whores would never be found again. No way they could ever rat me out. But, I knew he was going to have some fun with them first. He was not done  ruining their tight wholes or inflicting pain.

Once I had my money in my hand, I didn’t give those girls a second thought. And for the right price, I will be your accomplice too. Help you ruin all the young girls you want! Fresh young meat is so fun to play with, don’t you think?

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Blasphemy Phone Sex

 Blasphemy Phone Sex1

 I had it rough growing up. My mother was very religious and my father was a drug addict. My mother was forever convincing my father to go to church, to find God, and he’d come around, until Sunday came, and then he’d throw a fucking fit and my mother would end up going to church with long sleeves and sunglasses. Everyone knew, but he was the man of the house, so either no one spoke up or no one cared. I’m pretty sure it was the latter. My father beat me  often. My mom never believed me until the time she walked in. My daddy was humping my face and his friend was fucking my cunny. My mother took a frying pan and smashed both of their heads in. She left their limp bodies on my bed, threw me over her shoulder, and put me in the truck. She drove all night to her brother’s house, where I climbed into the nearest bed, my eyes sewing themselves shut and my body aching for rest and sleep. And there I had the strangest dream.

Blasphemy Phone Sex

My father killed me, which wasn’t very surprising, and I went falling through nothingness and I fell into Hell. I was tied up, whipped and fucked by the devil Himself for eternity. I was just a dirty cum dumpster for every man that landed there. I was routinely beaten and slapped and choked out and that was my life. Forever. Satan’s dick was really, really hot. Excruciatingly so. I awoke from the dream when I realized the pain was not in my dream, but in real life. My cousin, 2 years my junior, had tied me to his bed and was fucking me with a plugged in curling iron. I realized what was happening and he stuffed his limp little cock in my mouth and pissed down my throat, continuing to fuck me with the curling iron. My pussy felt like it was melting shut and in fact, still bears scars from that night. I wasn’t sure whether I’d rather be taken advantage of by my Daddy or my cousin, but it didn’t really matter. Psalms 9:9 states The Lord is a stronghold for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble. and Psalm 9:9 is bullshit. I’m just a little pain slut, and I deserve everything I have coming to me. Is it your turn?Blasphemy Phone Sex

I am daddy’s whore

I made daddy so happy on our date that he has given me more food and a extra blankets to keep me warm. He came down stairs today and he cuddled with me! I couldn’t believe it. While we were cuddling daddy started playing with my pussy. He whispered in my ear telling me he loves how wet I get for him. He wanted to play but I was expecting he wanted to play the way he wanted. He started spanking me, hard. So hard that he was leaving hand prints on my body. He rolled me over and spit in my face.

” You are daddy’s fucking whore.”

I nodded my head yes. He punched me hard in the face.

“Tell daddy what you are.”

His powerful punch made my head dizzy and fuzzy, when I didn’t answer right away daddy hit me again this time busting my eyebrow open. With the blood running down my face and aching I whispered

“I am daddy’s whore.”

That wasn’t good enough he punched me again and it felt like my head was hallow.

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I could feel his erection pressing into my thighs. I was dazed as he ripped off my panties, and stuck two fingers inside of me. He growled and punched me again in the face.

“Get wet you fucking worthless whore.”

I looked at him with blood and tears running down my face and whispered

“I am trying to be a good whore for daddy and get wet but daddy you keep hurting me.”

The anger in his eyes scared me.

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He grabbed my neck with one hand and started punching me in the face with the other hand.

“Does this hurt you stupid fuckin’ cunt? Good bitch I want it to fucking hurt.”

He pried my knees open with his legs sat up and slammed his cock into my dry pussy. He fucked me so hard I was raw and bleeding. His cum burned as he came inside of me. The last thing I remember  was

“You are a worthless fucking whore.”

My body hurts so bad. I don’t want to make daddy angry again.. I am his worthless whore. I deserve everything daddy does and I am thankful for my punishment. It wasn’t his fault. I mad him angry. 

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Journal Entry

Friday February 6th

They let me go outside. We took the dog to the park. The air was so crisp and cold, the sky was such a beautiful blue. I was breathless at how gorgeous it was. And to think, I never appreciated this. I fell to my knees in awe and bowed my head to a Lord whom I thought had forsaken me. I started to thank Him for this wondrous world when I heard a pop. A sharp sting hit the middle of my spine and I turned to find a guy about my age with a BB gun. He was running to me with a maniacal grin. The fear gripped me like a vice and I jumped up and bolted. He was hot on my heels. I was so scared. Fuck fuck fuck. I tripped over a tree root and fell, cracking my head. I heard a laugh and felt a body crumple on top of me. I felt the butt of the BB gun smash the back of my head. I woke up in the backseat of a tiny car with my pants around my ankles, a dick inside my ass and the gun to my head. “If you scream, I will shoot” I laughed “You’ve got a BB gun” He moved it to my throat and pulled the trigger. I screamed as the pain surged through my neck and he shoved his balled up fist in my mouth as he fucked me harder. “I told you not to fucking scream” I whimpered with his fist in my mouth and he spat on me. He laughed and put the gun back up to my temple. He was balls deep in my pussy, his beady little eyes focused on the pain in my eyes. He started fucking me faster, and he paused and scrunched his face as he spread his baby batter deep inside my butt. He grunted and pulled out, a string of jizz oozing from his softening dick. He punched me, and then once more for good measure. He shook his head. “The family is going to be so disappointed in you” He opened the car door and dumped me out. My body ached. He jumped into the driver’s seat and pulled out as my captors surrounded me. They must have asked a thousand questions and I resigned myself to the beating I was going to get when we got home. Well, so much for thanking the Lord.

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Teen Rape Porn: Young Virgin Boy Ass For Sale

teen rape porn bondage mommyI owe my dealer quite a lot of money. In fact, I have run out of extensions and excuses according to him. “I’ve got nothing of value I can sell,” I told him. He didn’t seem to agree. According to him, I have a few commodities, very profitable ones too. I did not know what he meant until he spelled it out for me. My boys are a cash cow he informed me. If I wanted to settle my debt and obtain more party supplies, I just had to pimp out my boys’ virgin asses for the teen rape porn market. I have long been making money off of my body for decades. Letting guys anally torture my ass; use me as a cum dump and human toilet; breed me; beat me; violate me in the worst ways… All for a fix. But, until now I had never pimped out my offspring.

If I can make good money off selling my boys’ asses for the teen rape porn market,  I’d be a fool not to do it. I have two young boys. Virgins. Hairless bodies. Look even younger than they really are. Nice cocks for their ages. Eager to please mommy. I brought them to my dealer’s house to meet a guy willing to pay top dollar for their loss of virginity captured on film for his teen rape porn called “Daddy’s Backdoor Boys.” I brought them to him, naked, on all fours and on leashes to show their submissive nature.

teen rape porn twink sexThe director wanted to give them an audition. He made them suck his dick. And taking his load in their innocent faces, was  not enough for Cecil Demented. He wanted them to fuck their mommy on camera too. I was going to co-star in teen rape porn also. They fucked me at the same time, then they put both cocks up my ass and even fisted me. The director was jacking off the entire time. He said my boys were natural talents, and switch hitters which made them very marketable. They could be violated by daddies and could violate mommies.

I was forced to watch their first movie. A much older man with a huge cock was going to pop their anal cherries while the camera rolled. I did lines of coke while I watched a man older than their daddy shove his cock up their virgin asses, then fist them. They screamed in pain. Begged mommy to help them, but I just sat their telling the old man to pound their asses harder. I even yelled, “Make them bleed.” In the end, no pun intended, they are mine to use how I see fit. If I can clear my substantial drug debt making their tiny teen asses gape and bleed, why not? I’ve been used all my life from my daddy to my husband to my oldest son to my masters. And for far less money.

My baby boys are about to follow in their momma’s footsteps. Do you like teen rape porn? I got two boys for hire. For some party supplies, I will let you do whatever you want to them. Even if it means snuffing them out.

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Homemade Teen Rape Porn

The drugs hit me hard, but I could hear your voice instructing me what to do for the camera. My vision was blurry, and i could only see a fuzzy outline of you behind the tripod. You had taken me from school, drugged me, and brought me here to make your teen rape porn. I had been here before – it all seemed familiar – but I was unable to control the situation. You had me so brainwashed into believing you would hurt me if I tried to leave.

I knew my best bet was to do what you said and to make the best movie I could make for you and your sick friends. They loved watching my tiny cunt on their screens as you made me show everything between my legs. Toys laid next to me on the bed and I used them on my clit to arouse my pussy and make it swell for your camera. You kept telling me what a dirty fucking teen whore I was and to do it right the first time or I would be punished.

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I remember the punishment you laid down last time, also on film, and you made me watch it back since I was knocked out cold during your rage. I am thankful for the drugs that are clouding my mind while I violate my own body with the dirty toys you provided. I make it look good, and I make it look hot. That’s what you want from me and I will obey you this time. Here is my pussy, and I cum for your camera. I cum for you. I am nothing but a worthless little cum whore, and my place is to entertain you. Anytime. Anywhere.

Snuff Sex Reagan * Twisted Twisty the Clown

Snuff Sex ReaganI have been growing tired of the same old Snuff Sex adventures lately. I have been craving something more twisted and disturbing. Then last night I found Twisty the Clown. On the TV he Frequents small towns, reigning his style of bloody terror. Taking the young ones. He wants so much, to be a good clown. But he craves blood, and the fear he smells from his victims. Yes Twisty the Clown.. he is quite Twisted indeed. You have seen the series “American Horror Story” I am sure. If you have not seen it you have definitely heard of it. Twisty the Clown is by far my favorite freak in the show. Twisty runs around with a half dead skin mask on his fucked up clown face. He stalks young people and takes what he wants. Keeping the sweet ones captive, and continuously tortures them with disturbing Snuff Sex Reaganimages of a psychotic sort. If Twisty is provoked, who knows what this twisted clown will do to them. The little ones he has kept for himself are in constant fear. I can only imagine the sexual energy these little ones must provoke as they beg for their lives. The fear of death is the only thing that will make you feel alive!

I decided to create a mask like the one that Twisty wears, one that will transform me into a macabre clown. Ass Rape Porn while wearing such a mask made out of human skin and teeth, will be my grand adventures, I believe. I think it will be very humorous to stalk a small town and leave a trail of death and blood in my wake. Taking only the very young and innocent to do whatever it is blood thirsty Clowns do. I think a small town in the Midwest would be best. One that has not felt the hand of a murderous clown. This will be more fun that I can even imagine. I smile as I begin to pack my bags. It is time for a new adventure. I have yet to use a mask to transform my appearance. This will be a wonderful new way to quench my thirst for malice, don’t you think?Snuff Sex Reagan