Tag: Taboo phone sex

Torture phone sex with Stephanie

torture phone sex

I was stuck at a family event for the holiday yesterday and didn’t get to have fun abusing or inflicting pain on anyone. You can help me make up for lost time with a hot and evil, torture phone sex call. My pussy was wet and my head was full of dark thoughts all day long as I watched the family interact and get the food prepared. There were so many sharp knives that I could have stabbed and sliced with. I had to hold myself back from grabbing one and slicing my aunt’s throat right there in the kitchen! There were so many tiny brats running around, that I could have easily abducted and mutilated. Watching my Daddy use the deep fryer had me so tempted to take it for my torture dungeon. I would love to heat the oil up as hot as it will go and slowly lower my next little victim into the pot. I have a certain little slut in mind and I hope you’ll help me snuff her that way. I want to fist her tiny pussy and ass holes after you force fuck her and shoot cum all inside of her. I’m going to beat her so badly that she can’t even cry as I tie her up and get her ready for the fryer. I want you to fuck me to the sounds of her screams as I lower her into the oil. I’m a evil bitch and I can’t wait to cook up a cum stuffed, deep fried fuck toy with you!


Looks Like I Asked the Wrong Person for Directions

Bloody phone sex


It’s time to bash my face in on the brick wall. I was walking around like a victim, waiting for someone to use and abuse me. Why else would I come up to you and act as if you were safe to be around, like you aren’t a massive piece of shit? You can’t help it. It is an urge that can’t be contained. That’s why when I asked for directions to the next few streets over, I gave you the green light to do this to me, to beat my head against the red brick wall behind the bathroom. You see the blood gushing out of my head, making me slowly lose consciousness. This is what I deserve. That’s why it is no problem for you to pull your cock out and make me choke on it while I can barely see. All I need to do is know how to suck and I do. I’m a stupid cum whore who needs to suck and lick on your big fat cock and swallow your cum.

Cannibalism Phone Sex Produces the Most Perfect Holiday Meal

cannibalism phone sexCannibalism phone sex is perfect for Thanksgiving. I hunt my meal in August because for the best meal, you must prep the meat and that takes time. I found a nice meal coming out of a bar drunk one night. A college girl with some meat on her bones, which is hard to find nowadays. Most college girls look so anorexic. She was the perfect meal. She had just the right enough meat on her bones. She had natural hair. No tattoos. No implants. In a world of plastic Barbie Dolls, it can be a challenge to find an organic meal. I did not know how perfect she was until I brought her home and inspected her. If she had fake boobs and lots of hidden tats, I would have sold her to this sex trafficker I know. He loves white coeds. They go for great money. This one was all mine, however. She was going to feed me for all the holidays, and most of the winter months too. I spend most of the winter months in my kill shack in the woods. It is off the beaten path. No one knows how to get there. I am alone with the wild animals, but it is the perfect place for snuff porn. No one can hear the screams. No one can smell the flesh cooking but the wild animals. This girl has been screaming her head off from my basement on and off since I got her. I have been giving her butter baths daily to soften her skin. I have detoxed her and fed her healthy meals, so she is tastier. Hannibal Lector would be proud of me.  There is a lot of prep in Thanksgiving meals. But I out did myself. She soaked all night in a special sauté. Now, she is slow roasting over an open flame.  She may be my best meal yet.  I have a huge freezer to cut up and store what I do not eat. That means you can have some of my leftovers. I took a little taste as I was cooking her, and man, this is going to be the best killer phone sex meal I have ever had. Care to join me?

Happy Bloody Thanksgiving Everyone! From Your Girl Yara! What You Got To Be Thankful For?

Yeah, I said it, exactly what that fuck do you sheep have to be thankful for? Being led to slaughter by the powers that be?  You run your asses to the supermarket and buy a whole bunch of nothing cause you were told that is what you supposed to be doin’? Killer phone sex

Well, that’s just fine .

You run out on Black Friday to buy a whole lot of stuff you don’t need? Do you really even want it? Ok, that’s fine. But know this, the holiday season is the perfect time for me and my Thrill Kill Posse to be out on these streets taking advantage of the opportunity presented to us. Like when Y’all all shopping on Black Friday and fighting each other over PlayStations and Flat Screen Televisions, meanwhile you ain’t keeping an eye on your kiddos. That’s when we slip in through the crowd and relieve you of that responsibility. Trust me the little ones? We can get a premium for them . We can sell them to our snuff film associates or our cannibal friends. They love some fresh kiddo kill for the holidays. 

Trussed just like a turkey.

Oh yeah .

By the way, Happy Thanksgiving. Lol.

Evil Phone Sex Thanksgiving for This Taboo Whore

evil phone sex

It is an evil phone sex Thanksgiving for this submissive milf. My stepson summoned me to his place last night. I knew why too. The holidays he needs more blow. So do I. We are both coke fiends. The difference is I am the one who must get abused to get any blow. My husband does not mind me doing a little blow here and there, but I am a daily 24/7 kind of user. He would leave me and take our sons from me. My stepson blackmails me. I am his cash cow for drugs and for all his money. The man has not had an honest day of work in his life. I need coke to get through the holidays, so I agreed to meet him. This time we met at an abandoned warehouse. It is known as a crack house. I did not want to go there, but I had no choice. I could end up in a snuff porn in a place like that. My stepson went all out too. He had all sorts of BDSM equipment laid out as well as a few extra men. The camera equipment was set up too. I had no clue what might happen, but I knew I could endure anything for coke. The holidays are rough for me. I must act like this good soccer mom. I am not a normal woman. I just fake it well, but I need the coke to fake it. I was strung upside down with chains and the bonus guys skull fucked me until I puked. That is the second time this week a guy has made me puke on a cock. My stepson filmed me in all sorts of bondage positions. I was not happy at all. I was contorted and stretched. I think my shoulder got dislocated too. I was crying in pain, but that did not stop them. They see me as a taboo phone sex whore and a cash cow. Nothing else. I must cook for a big family tomorrow with a prolapsed asshole and a dislocated shoulder. I have ligature marks on my neck and wrists I must hide too from the ropes they bound me with. But I got a huge bag of blow. I should be able to fake it for another holiday.

Murder phone sex Fantasies

Rape phone sex fantasiesIt’s the day before thanksgiving and the only thing that comes to mind for me… is stuffing a little with a big fat cock.. I want to turn her into a breeding cum dumpster whore.. Then hang her out on a clothesline to dry.. My sister stopped by, it looks like we will be having a slumber party.. She has a pretty little lollita who can barely talk.. I cant stop thinking about destroying her tight cunnie while discussing our dirtiest Rape phone sex fantasies..

She is here sitting on my lap as I am typing out my plans for her later on tonight.. Her mom will be going on a date with daddy and leaving me here alone with her.. Worst thing she could have possibly done.. I am going to dig my vibrator deep inside of her tight little pussy until she screams.. Luckily, she’s potty trained.. Which means she does all the wiping down there on her own.

That gives me more leverage to do exactly what I wanna do to her.. I have some Restoril which is a sleeping medication that will put her on her ass. I don’t want her to be awake for what I plan on doing to her.. I wouldn’t want to take the risk of her speaking up.. So instead I am going to fuck her limp body and make an Ass rape porn out of her.

Who’s ready to have Accomplice phone sex while I actively snatch this little bitch of her innocence?

Taboo Phone Sex with A Sexy Accomplice

Taboo Phone Sex

Your taboo phone sex queen is here! I love doing this for you baby I always have so much fun! Tonight I had to take a late-night drive around the neighborhood and I got so lucky to see something…or more of somebody just wandering around alone at night with no mommy or daddy in sight! So, you know what I did? I snatched her cute ass up and threw her in my trunk for a surprise for you! I have her hot-tied on your bed when you come in and I tell you my story. You are hesitant at first, but I promise you that I have taken care of everything and there is nothing to be worried about. Now, get that cock out and get ready to have some fun!

Snuff Porn Business Needs a Female Accomplice to Kidnap Those Little Ones

snuff pornHe told me he wanted to make a snuff porn with a super young girl. I found him a girl. I am his business associate now. He used to be my master. I bought my freedom with one little girl at a time. Now, I am a free agent. He pays me to find him talent. I was aging out for him anyway. He prefers girls much younger and tighter than me. I was afraid he would kill me just to be rid of me, so I made myself useful. That is how you stay alive in the seedy underworld crowd I run with. It is easier for women to lure young girls away than men. Little girls do not have stranger danger for women. They look at us as maternal. Almost every P man has a female accomplice phone sex partner for this reason. I proved myself usual to master, gained my freedom and my life, and now I freelance for him. He pays well. He even tips when I find him the perfect little slut.

I brought him a little ginger girl this time. He wanted a natural red head. She was a little Irish girl with porcelain skin and red curls. Looked as pure as the driven snow. He was happy with my selection. He wanted me to watch him use her for old time sake. He still makes me nervous. He is not exactly an honorable man, so I always worry he will try to own me again. I mean he could decide at any moment that he wants me to be under his roof again. He could force me to kidnap young girls for his rape phone sex fantasies and that way he would not have to pay me because he would be my master. I watched him fuck this little ginger girl raw. Her fuck holes were bleeding. She was crying. I felt badly for her, but then I got my cash and I got to leave his place alive, and I remembered it is survival of the fittest. Only the strong survive.

Knife Play Phone Sex is a Bloody Good Time with Me

knife play phone sex

Knife play phone sex is bloody fun. I love to stab, slice, cut and disfigure. I saw this little girl playing by herself at the park and was suddenly filled with rage. She looked like an angel; the kind of girl P men would love to fuck. But she represented to me all that is evil in little girls. She was flirting with the daddies in the park. Even at her young age, she knew her tiny little body could garner attention. This was a future gold digging, cock teasing slut who would grow up to be the kind of woman who gives other women a bad name. I had to stop her in her tracks before she could do more damage. I had killer phone sex impulses right then, but I curtailed them until I could get her alone. I am stealth and I am patient. It is a struggle most days though to show restraint, but restraint keeps me out of prison. I followed the girl home, so I would know where she lived. I waited. I plotted. And when the timing was right, I stole her right from her bedroom in the middle of the night. I took her to my kill shack, and I mutilated her little body for shits and giggles. I sliced off her nipples. I cut off her labia lips. I carved a W in her flat belly to remind her that she is a whore. I took pride in disfiguring the little cunt. I could have killed her quickly, but there is no fun in a quick and painless death for me. I like the suffering of others. I get off on the pain and tears of young girls. Do you? Honestly, I could have used a male accomplice. Sure, I had fun torturing the cunt with my knife. I eventually killed her and fed her to the wild animals but having an accomplice phone sex partner is always way more fun for me.

Ass Rape Porn is What This Red-Headed MILF Does Best

ass rape pornAss rape porn is what I am known for. My ass has seen more action than a slew of gay porn stars combined. My ass is the preferred hole of many men because despite all the action it has seen, it is still my tightest hole. I applied for a job as a fetish model recently. I am a little older than the ad wanted, but I was desperate for money. I pleaded my case and shaved a few years off. I do not think I am that old, but I am hardly fresh and new anymore either. I have some high mileage fuck holes. The director passed on me because of my age, but he gave me the name of a seedier director who was looking for a mommy for a film he is making. I did not care if it was a gangbang rape porn, I needed coke money. I gave the director a call and arranged an audition. This guy was a poor man’s version of Ron Jeremy. Hard to believe you could look seedier than Ron Jeremy, but this guy did. He hired me on the spot. He knew that I was the prefect mom for an anal gangbang. I quickly regretted being as desperate as I was for money. This guy had 100 young men ready to run a train on my ass. I was bound and gagged to a sawhorse. My legs spread wide, however, so my ass was open for business. There were no rules, no safe words, no lube either. These young guys were like savage beasts getting their first taste for anal torture sex. One cock after another fucked my asshole, some even two or three at a time. My ass was drilled for hours by horny men with a hatred for mommy. They slapped me and chocked me as they fucked me. I had a bloody prolapsed ass afterwards, but that is nothing a little coke cannot fix.