Tag: Taboo phone sex

T is for Tight teen taboo phone sex

taboo phone sexInsane taboo phone sex like I give drives you mad! Skilled Young horror slut knows that I am the best for every man who needs just a little more! Tonight Daddy told me he has something special planned for my little sisters and brother. He said times are hard and that his boss almost fired him today. But they had made a deal and I only had twenty minutes to get my youngest siblings ready. I knew deep down in my heart what he meant. He was pimping my baby sisters and brother out to this man in order to keep food and a roof over all of our heads.
I even asked daddykins if I could sub for any of them, or all of them? But he said that younger cunts and asses have more value, and don’t I remember that? A flush came over my body as I too remembered that once my pussy paid for my own babysiting and even the rent sometimes when I was their age. Mommy and daddy didn’t know any better and just turned a blind eye. Think of the real money they could have gotten with me! Although I enjoyed my young molestations, I would have enjoyed a new iPad even more! And now trying to keep his job with mommy out of work he had tasked me with prep.
Accomplice phone sex Teen makes her young siblings into a doll baby and little boy whore for daddies boss! I shall do my best to get those bodies wrecked, and a nice big fat bonus daddy will share with me!
My daddies dick is demented and his boss will be happy with the slutty way I dressed them all up!
I was ready at the door,and my mouth fell on the floor! I was so shocked, daddies boss was a Female! I was going to get to play with a real Pmommy with my family youngins! OMG A dream cum true! Just what this sexy little snuff phone sex whore has wanted more than anything in her whole life!

My shocking Killer phone sex session

Accomplice phone sexHe saw her jogging in her bra and spandex shorts and treated her like the motherless slut she was dressed like. He slit her throat and came deep inside of her ass.. He called me up for his usual Kidnapping phone sex fetish only to confess he needed help disposing of her lifeless body! I had my doubts so I made him send me proof. So many bloody photos came filling my inbox. Pictures of him tugging her by her blood stained hair.. 

Her eyes were rolled to the back of her head.. Her lips were blue and her face was pale.. He had his cock shoved inside of her doggy style position.. I could see blood splattered all over the grass beneath her. Immediately I pulled my panties off to the side and began lathering up my slit imagining my saliva were her blood coating my clitoris. There was only one thing that came to mind when he said he was in the bushes on a busy trail.. It was to eat her!

Our usual sessions consisted of watching Ass rape porn and convincing him that the day he got off his ankle monitor for molesting his niece.. He should go out and hunt for a new piece of ass.. I never thought he would actually do it but in some way he blamed me for his stupidity.. He was devastated! The last place he wanted to go was back to jail…  I sat back and buried virgin Mary deeper into my pussy while listening to him munch away at her remains..

Whoever thought Cannibalism phone sex would actually be me on one end and some sicko on the other feasting away.. Well, I never thought I would see the day but I fucking orgasmed so hard. I could do that again! Your secrets are safe with me Frank! 

Snuff phone sex

Torture Phone Sex of My Milf Ass Can Get Nasty and Humiliating

torture phone sexAnal torture phone sex is my specialty. I wish it was not, but men love to torture my asshole. And not just my stepson. All men love to fuck my ass, some are more brutal than others. I got fisted the other night. This guy I met online wanted to exchange some coke for some hot ass sex. Why not, I told myself. Big mistake. This guy had friends who wanted to fuck me too. I did not know that tidbit, however, before we agreed to meet. I showed up at his place and a small army of dudes were waiting to fuck my ass and fist my cunt. I started to walk out. I needed the coke, but I did not know these men. I did not know what they would do to me. I had no idea if they had clean dicks either. When I am high I do not think of this shit, but I was out of coke. That means I was sober and thinking rationally. But the part if me that was jonesing for a fix almost always throws caution to the wind. I was being rational. I was heading for the door, but I was grabbed and forced to do a gangbang rape porn. Bent over and tied up, the guys sodomized me. One at a time at first, then two and tree at a time. Brutally fucking my ass hard. After they came in my ass, they fisted my ass. My ass was full of cum, shit and fists. It was nasty. I tried to warn them. They got pissed off that I did not clean my ass out properly. I was not planning on getting anally gang banged was my defense. They spread the shit and cum all over my face making me clean it up. I was humiliated. I was gross and nasty too. I mean I do a lot of ass rape porn, but this was brutal and unexpected. I did not prepare properly and I paid the price. I lost my dignity but I gained a bag of coke, so I guess I won after all.

Gangbang Rape Porn with Layla

Gangbang Rape Porn

I love gangbang rape porn! I have rape phone sex fantasies in which I’m kidnapped by one of your accomplices that lured me into a fake job interview. Once I’m locked into the office, you come and force me on the ground, ripping my clothes off, spreading my legs and forcing yourself inside me while your accomplice holds my hands above my head so I can’t fight back. Then, she starts smothering me with her pussy, riding my face and muffling my screams so no one can hear me. As your fucking my pussy, another accomplice comes out and forces his dick deep into my shit hole, with two others– one in each hand –cumming in my face, tits and pussy while I get my holes filled. I want to be waterboarded with pussy juice while your accomplice rides my face hard and cums while I’m being stuffed. I love violent phone sex and want to feel my holes being ripped apart from the inside while I’m being pounded and forced to take it all. The thought of being used like a fuck doll, fucked like a cheap whore and discarded really turns me on! Gangbang phone sex is the perfect way for me to get off!

Torture Sex: I Can be the Victim or the Accomplice


torture sexHe was in the mood for torture sex, so I brought him a cute, young teen girl for his dark fantasies. Better some random slut than me. When my man is in this kind of mood, I can either be his victim or his accomplice. I try hard not to be the victim anymore. I am not perfect at it, but I have become good at providing something younger, tighter than me. That is my super power. I can bring men young meat. Young girls do not see me as a threat. Most sex traffickers have a female accomplice for this reason. Most of the women have been trafficked themselves. They learn quickly like I did that when you age out, you can stay the victim, or you can make yourself useful. It is a survival of the fittest world. You can get yourself killed, put on the circuit where girls or never seen again, or you can become the accomplice phone sex partner like I did.

I found Breanna at the mall. A shy, awkward girl who I could tell was desperate to fit in. She wanted to be part of the popular crowd. I am a good accomplice because I know how young girls think. I know how to use their weaknesses against them. I know how to safely lure them into a dark, depraved world of violence and fuckery. I easily lured Breanna away from the safety of the mall. I brought her to my man, who had a big hardon for the teen slut wannabe. He told her he would make her a star. I think she thought we meant Hollywood movies, not snuff movies. Anyway, I helped him fuck the shit out of her. When he is in that kind of mood, I can take the heat, or I can find a surrogate. With so many little girls in the world, why would I ever be the victim anymore? I can bring you a tiny morsel too. You game for some fresh fuck meat to destroy?

Strangulation Phone Sex and Torture for Pervert Stepdaddies

strangulation phone sexDo you like strangulation phone sex?  I sure do. The first person I ever strangled was my stepfather.  He crawled into my bed one night and thought he could molest me. He had no idea what a sick bitch I already was. I did not kill him that first night though. I squeezed his throat hard and kneed him in the groin to get him off me, then screamed bloody murder until my mother came into the room. She believed me because she found him in my room with his pants down. Hard to explain that. She kicked the bastard to the curb. I left marks on his neck from trying to choke him out. I have not seen that poor bastard in over 20 years, but guess what? He walked into my Goth bar and sat next to me. He had no clue who I was either. I slipped a roofie in his beer when he was not looking. When it kicked in, I took him to my car and drove him to my cabin in the woods. I was finally going to get my revenge. I planned on strangling him because it was long overdue. But torture sex first. If you have a dick but do not know how to use it for good, I am going to take it away from you. When my dear old ex stepdaddy woke up, I twisted a scalpel down his urethra, making him scream in agonizing pain. I attached a shock device to his balls too sending painful electrodes through his body with every movement. I was not done yet.  I have lots of torture devices I inherited form my grandpa. He was a collector of the macabre. I have this Victorian torture device called a Jugum Penis. It looks like a bear trap.  It is old and rusty too, but once the trap snaps closed it’s like having your junk in a mouse trap with teeth. While he screamed and cried in pain, I straddled his chest and strangled him to death yelling at him, “Remember me now, pervert?” He should have died when I was a schoolgirl. But he is my snuff porn star now. And like I said, better late than never.

I’ll Make You Cum To Atrocities!

Domination Phone SexThe one thing you least expected to turn you on… watching your little sister get bondage tortured! We were joking about what a brat your little sister is and I told you I knew a guy who could whip her into shape. We laughed and kept watching snuff porn but little did you know I was making plans to have her tortured right in front of you. My friend is a dominant master too, just as I am a dominant mistress, he knows just how to turn a bratty slut into a perfect sub with a little work. You see her all tied up on your bed as my friend works her over with his ropes, I push you back and handcuff you to the chair. You are going to watch as little sister gets fucked into submission. I start sucking your cock and before you can say a word, you are cumming all over my face seeing little sister get split open on a hard dominant cock!

Barely Legal Teen rape porn

Accomplice phone sexHappy Birthday you cock eating maggot whore. My neighbors dirty hormonal teen slut has been fucking my on and off boyfriend of 5 years. Ya, ya save it! Regardless of age she knew what the fuck she was doing! I don’t wanna hear any excuses about age.

She wants to be a cock eater then I will give her a rock hard dick to feast on. I figured out the best way to let her know that I am aware of all of the low down slutty things she had been doing with Brian. I chopped his head off while he was in the middle of masturbating to some slutty video she sent him of her in the shower rubbing her clit.

Perfect, his dick was fully erect and his eyes were rolled to the back of his head. I bet that is exactly what he looked like every time he mounted her and buried his dick deep inside her. Well, I put some icing on his head and brought her a special cake.. That’s right, we celebrated her birthday together! The 3 of us.. She didn’t seem to enjoy it at all, she was screaming and balling her eyes out the entire time.. Bloody phone sex

Welp! She should have kept her legs closed.. I even did the honors of stuffing his dead meat inside of her cunt one last time; while she was strapped down to a chair. Of course, I let her make a wish.. I stuffed a candle right in his bloody ear. That’ll teach her to keep her smelly twat closed. She can barely wash her own ass but she’s out fucking men.. I don’t get it.. Screw the stench, right? I guess she had a tight snatch that made it all worth it for him.

Either way, that’s one less degenerate and a wench that has been taught a lesson. I recorded it just for you babe, wanna watch my homemade Teen rape porn? I know how much you love Torture sex especially with your favorite Gothic phone sex whore.

Domination Phone Sex Brutalizes My Fuck Holes Every time

domination phone sexSome days, I need domination phone sex more than others. At least that is what my stepson tells me. It is no secret we have an acrimonious relationship. For the most part, I do as I am told by him because he has been blackmailing me for a decade now. My husband thinks I have patched up my relationship with his son from his first marriage. We just do a better job of hiding our mutual hate for each other.My stepson summoned me in the middle of the night to his place. I had taken my pot gummy and I was out cold. I never heard the text. I woke up this morning to 32 missed texts from him and 5 missed calls. I knew I was in trouble, but what could I do? I never responded back because I assumed that ship had sailed. I should have known better. He was not going to let such an infraction go by. He showed up at my house once he knew his brothers were at school and his dad was at work. He brought a small army of men for an impromptu gangbang rape porn. He was going to punish me for ignoring him last night. He needed money and I slept through it. I got sassy and that got me slapped and punched in the gut so hard that I fell to my knees. I hate him so much. Such an angry guy. He blames me for his money issues so he makes me his cash cow. He filmed his buddies brutalizing my fuck holes. At one point, I had three cocks in my asshole at once, and a bunch of hands groping and choking me. My evil stepson had his cock out stroking and filming his friends brutalizing my fuck holes. These guys were high on meth. Meth makes men brutal, more brutal than anything. I am still trying to recover from the ass rape porn I made before I even made a pot of coffee. My asshole is so sore, I am sitting on a bag of frozen peas this morning. It is going to be a long day.

Cheap Phone Sex with Cheap Whore Layla

Cheap Phone Sex

I love being used like a fuckdoll. I’m such a cheap whore that the only phone sex I can offer is cheap phone sex. I love being fucked like a $2 lot lizard and used as a cum dumpster. I love having you on top of me with my legs spread wide while you choke and suffocate me while pounding away at my hot black cunt. I love violent phone sex, where you force your way into my sex holes, pulling my hair, slapping my cheeks and spitting in my face, making me submit to you and be your dirty little bitch. Pound my tight ass hole and put my wet panties in my mouth so that I can’t scream without choking on them. I want to enact all your taboos – rape phone sex fantasies, sadistic phone sex– you name it! There’s nothing I won’t do to please your cock and nothing that I don’t want you to do to me. Instead of cumming inside me, cum on my face and make me wear it out in public so everyone knows I’m your personal whore. You can even pimp me out for money and turn my cheap phone sex into a passive revenue stream!