I am a taboo phone sex mommy. Because of that, I get a lot of attention from young boys, sometimes unwanted attention. I wanted some weed. My oldest boy goes to high school with the brother of a big time dealer in town. He is not a coke or heroin dealer. Just weed. I had coke this time, but I needed weed to come down from a bender. It is legal for medicinal use in my state, but not recreational yet. I cannot get a medical card, because despite all the shit my body has endured, there is nothing wrong with me. I do not smoke weed as much as I snort coke, but my normal dealer was out of the funk. He only had crappy weed which would not help me sleep. My son put me in contact with Max who put me in contact with his brother, Xander. I thought the boy was harmless. I mean he is a teenage weed dealer living at home still. I did not expect him to be some violent Kingpin. Xander had rape phone sex fantasies for milfs. I fit his type too. I was in his bedroom in a nice house in the suburbs. This was not some dive bar or abandoned building in the red-light district. The boy was clear. Ass or grass but no one smokes for free. All I had was ass to give and that was all he wanted. I was in his twin bed surrounded by Tom Brady posters. Ugh, a fucking Patriots or whatever team he is on now, fan. I got on the twin bed, put my ass in the air and told him to fuck me. I like teen boys, so I was looking forward to fucking him for weed. I am an amateur ass rape porn star, but I was not ready for his little league bat to fuck my ass. For what seemed like forever this teen pot dealer sodomized my asshole with his baseball bat. He made me lick it clean with my tongue when he was done. I could taste my shit and blood. This boy was cruel beyond his years. But I needed weed. In the moment, I was a desperate housewife.
Tag: Taboo phone sex
Taboo Phone sex Mommy Helps You Explore Your Rape Fantasies
Revenge and Satanism a Bloody phone sex Paradise.
Angel Of Death Harper makes Bloody phone sex into Sadistic Satanism. I really do hate the religions that aim to keep women down but do love that Father in a holy dress fucking little boys and getting those sick disgusting cocks off. I have a very dirty man who likes to pretend we are going church to worship but instead, we are there to find some little boy butts and gurl guts to fuck. I know his plan is to fuck them both Lifeless and torn open pooling blood on the floor. I am happy to oblige him but his wife is what I want in exchange for my accomplice’s help. Not that my cunny isn’t quivering right now at the thought of ripping ass and cunnies until they plead for help to the nonexistent heavens. If he wants me to take over a tot Sunday school and rate the little ones in here that we will kidnap I need his wife to be delivered to my front door in shackles. Why am I so interested in his wife?
Well, she was my very own Teacher for English lit and she held up a paper I wrote and told the whole class I was gay. First of all bitch it’s bisexual and second of all I have wanted to deflate your tits since I first saw them. I think a little ass rape porn production is in order for my old teacher. I shall worship the old True gods while sacrificing some littles for you. Fuck, I can’t wait to draw a pentagram in her blood and cut her head off for Lucifer! And you will give me your wife so I may have my everlasting revenge. Don’t expect her back in one piece and I won’t expect those brats alive or in one piece either! Fuck them all and feed them fish heads… Or make them fish bait! Join me for evil fucking and killing!
Gangbang Rape Porn is Now Made in Your Own Home
The demand for gangbang rape porn increases daily. In case you have not noticed, the porn industry has changed tremendously in the past decade. I have been in the porn world almost 20 years. The major studios I worked for at the start of my career are no longer around. Streaming has changed porn, even the underground porn world. Studios are no longer needed when anyone can set up a camera and be a porn star. The vanilla porn of the 70s, 80s and 90s, no longer exists. Most porn is hardcore nowadays and most porn stars are amateurs. Look at me? I have gone from ass rape porn star to director thanks to the changing tides. I still get ass fucked and participate in some gang bangs, but those are all for personal pleasure. My job now, how I make bank, is from helping people with private streams. That is just a fancy way of saying I help men like you make pornos for self use. Often, the kind of porn that is illegal to possess. What is the fun of having legal porn on hand? It is not taboo and if it is not taboo, where is the fun in it? This week, I helped a couple make a porn with their young daughter. She was the star of the movie. A virgin girl who had never played with her family until they hired me to make a very special blue home movie. I love making teen rape porn movies for men, but this was even hotter because both daddy and mommy had rape fantasies for their beautiful girl. We had to drug the girl because she was not willing to be fucked on camera, not even for daddy and mommy. It turned out to be a hot video still, likely hotter because she fought. Thanks to the changing tides of pornography, even you can be a porn director and your daughter a porno princess.
Let’s get Kinky
Twisted Kink makes me wet.
I love twisted Roleplay phone sex. I want to take you on an erotic adventure and introduce you to your inner whore.
Let the Kink begin.
You can be whomever and whatever you want with me, Let me take you on a Kinky joy ride in our own made up kinky world where we make the rules and morals are pushed away.
I want to do Wicked things together!
I want to do wicked, kinky things together, Delicious and devious acts that the average Karen or Chad would shrink away from. I want to explore naughty, devilish desire that includes all of those things your mommy warned you about.
I will be your wicked slut!
I am the wicked slut that will be your new addiction, you will crave my kink and drink of my wicked games.
Evil phone sex slut Stephanie
I love kinky, accomplice calls where I can help inflict pain on others. I had the best time last night, helping a hot daddy torture his little brats. He knew that an evil phone sex whore like me wouldn’t stop when they started crying and begging me to. First we got rid of his stupid wife. She was an easy problem to take care of, I just slit her throat and let her bleed out in her sleep. The little ones were much more fun to abuse and snuff! I busted out their teeth and forced them to suck Daddy’s big dick and lick each other’s hot, little cunnies. They were crying and making a bloody, snotty mess but I didn’t care. I held them down and helped their Daddy rip them open and force fuck them. He ruined their holes with his fat dick the way he was shoving it in them and fucking them so hard. I made sure that he got to blow a load in each of their tight, little cunts before he left them for me to play with. I heated up a curling iron and forced it into their tiny, puckered assholes. They screamed while I was fucking them with it but their Daddy was right there to help me hold them down. He slapped them around and choked them with his fat cock every time they let out a sound. The screams and the smell of their skin burning was turning me on so much that I had Daddy bend me over and give me his dick. He was fucking me from behind, making me squirt all over him while I was cutting into their little bellies and stabbing them over and over again. When you call me I’m going to tell you all of the hot details of helping their Daddy force fuck them and then cutting them up into little pieces to dispose of!
Most wanted Accomplice phone sex op on the net, find out why
I have a few clients on my hit list.. I am not one to bullshit! When we are phone fucking I expect you to be doing as you say.. When I say remove your cock from your daughters throat and make her scream, I expect to hear the twit in agony.. Don’t question me whether or not you could get in trouble for it, when I am mid masturbation and headed for climax..
I tend to get carried away and the last thing I want is my orgasm to be stunted by your stupid fucking questions! Accomplice phone sex means what its defined as.. — (“A Hot whore willing to help you commit a crime, WE are in this together!”) There are times I sit my wet cooch on one of the littles napping in the nursery here at the daycare.. Nearly suffocating the fucker for my pleasure and I have no problem letting you hear the young fucker gasp for air! I expect the same in return.. After changing many diapers and feeling up their hairless private parts I get worked up and log online early!
When I am home I watch Snuff porn while we chit chat and masturbate to the sick thoughts that overtake our fucked up minds. That isn’t my preference! I prefer smothering bratty littles and torturing them for personal pleasure.. I stick crayons up their asses and snip their fingernails so low they burn.. The louder the cry out the wetter my pussy gets! The offspring’s in cotton panties really tend to my needs. They are older than the diapered fuckers making it easier for me to scare them up enough to keep their fucking mouths shut.
There is this one twit who I fuck regularly with strap-on’s and burn her nips.. I make her vomit on my rubber toys then use her as a mop to clean up her mess. I get off torturing the helpless! Her big blue eyes glowing up at me while she has every inch of a 9 inch rubber dick shoved down her throat, changing colors is quite the sight to see.. Eventually she wont be alive to tell her story to anyone.. I know around a certain age she will become a rebellious Teen whore, I expect nothing less of her which is why I will be wiping her off the face of earth soon! Her final days will be spent in my basement getting brutally fucked by strange men I meet on the dark-web, don’t worry I will take pictures to send to you during our Kidnapping phone sex sessions.
Snuff Phone Sex is What You Get with This Goth Girl
Snuff phone sex is what you get with me. You do not have to be a brain surgeon to understand I am not your girlfriend, and I am not your bitch. Every fucking day though I encounter some fucking loser who calls me baby or mommy or any else such nonsense. I hate brats. I hate most men. I am not a weak woman who changes who she is for a buck or a man. I do not feel the need to be coupled up because I am still single in my 30s. No biological clock is ticking for me because I do not want any brats. I know this one guy from a Goth bar I go to often. He has been a staple there since I started going to this bar when I was 21. Maybe younger too. I have never hung out with him. He knows to leave me alone. The other night, however, he thought he would chat up this snuff porn maker. He did what mothers do to women. He started asking when I was going to get married and talking about how I will be too old to procreate. I would have shanked him right there if it was not a public setting. My grandpa trained me better than that. I spiked his drink then let him take me home. We went to my place. I am always prepared for some torture at my place. Since I never know what tool, I might meet or what annoying brat may piss me off, I have a dungeon for torture always ready to go. This Goth boy thought I was going to introduce him to my mommy. I killed her a decade ago. What a fucking delusional loser he was. I will never marry. And clearly, I will kill any man who thinks I should be some flower lost in her husband’s shadows. I had no real reason to explore my killer phone sex bitch with him, but I was in a mood and his comment pushed me over the edge. Now there is a dead Goth boy who is missing his cock. He had a Prince Albert piercing. I took his piercing out as a souvenir before I tossed his severed dick to the wolves with the rest of his body. Consider yourself warned. If I can kill one of my own, I can kill you too.
My Gangbang Rape Porn Addiction!
I think it’s safe to say that my gangbang rape porn addiction turned me into a goth teen succubus! On the outside I was a lonely goth girl with no friends but on the inside I was a teen whore waiting to be fucked by Satan himself. My mind became a dark amusing place, I was obsessed with gangbang rape porn scenes and I couldn’t stop masturbating to them while screaming ‘hail Satan!’ as I came. I’d see a woman being brutally gang banged and I couldn’t help but soak my little emo panties. I wanted to be the girl being savaged but I also wanted to be the one doing the force fucking… I started fantasizing all the time about it. Finally, I made it happen after graduation; I let a bunch of guys I found on craigslist come to my house while my parents were away. They knew the only reason they were there was to make a filthy mess of my goth teen cunt by forcing me to be the star of my very own gangbang rape porn home video!
Taboo Phone Sex Roleplays Get Violent with a Coke Whore Mommy
It is always violent taboo phone sex when my son calls me to play. He knows what a coke whore his mommy is. He brought a big brick of pure cocaine with him when he visited me last night. I live on a diet of coke and cum. I am a skinny old coke whore. It is not pretty. I have let myself go. All I think about is coke. It is all I want. When my son calls, I beg for coke. He always gives it to me too, but it comes at a price. He is technically savvy. He has all these fans on the dark net who love to watch him get brutal with his mommy. I mean brutal. His fans pay to watch our violent phone sex stream. I was not wearing my son’s favorite colors last night which are black and blue. He started going Mike Tyson on me and making my face turn pretty colors. Do not feel sorry for me though. I am an old whore. He gave me so much coke, I barely felt his fists hitting my face. Destroying my ass is what his fans at home really love to see. He shoved his fist in my ass to pull out my asshole. He prolapses me every time. He put a zip tie on my ass and punched my prolapse a few dozen times too while his fans at home jerked off and tipped. I know my boy loves me, but I am his cash cow too. Without our live shows, he makes no money. He needs money to get me coke, so I must do these streams to carry my weight. The real show is when he fucks my pee hole. He calls me a 4-hole wonder. I always thought I only had three holes, until my son showed me the error of my thinking. He fucked my pee hole until it prolapsed too. My son is into torture sex. He is my boy though and I know he loves his mama. He does this all so I can keep getting coke.
More Murder phone sex Fantasies for Whores
Before I started this I didn’t realize Murder phone sex Fantasies were hot. Sometimes I’d allow a guy to choke me but it wasn’t something I fantasied about until after I started here. I’ve always been one to get aroused talking about edgy asphyxiation but then one day someone said I can do it myself with a silk tie. Generally I think of myself as being an addict to playing with my sweet wet cunt and I just do my job and keep rubbing my clit while I’m on calls but when I set up the noose, goddamn does that take it to the next level. Let’s not even talk about how mentioning Satan during orgasm or on the way literally intensifies the experience. Murder me please baby. I won’t resist.