Tag: Taboo phone sex

Torture Sex Live Stream with My Favorite Son

torture sexIt is always torture sex with my son. Sometimes, I think he is addicted to beating me as I am addicted to his coke. But he loves me. Why else would he keep me so high? We live in a transactional world. If my boy gives me a huge bowl of coke, I know I need to help him with a live stream. The holidays are approaching, and everyone needs money. Except for me. I just need coke.

My boy let me get high first before he turned on the camera. I do not mind being his punching bag. He loves to see me purple and blue. His favorite colors. I heard the chimes before he even through his first punch. I think my boy knows what the fans want. They love seeing a snuff porn star beaten black, and blue.

As my face came up from the bowl of cocaine, my boy punched me. Not in the face though. He would never damage my sniffer. But the rest of my body is fair game. The more he punched me the more chimes I heard. He even bounced my head against the wall. Although I did not feel much because of the coke, I heard the ringing in my ears. Perhaps it disoriented me a bit. But my dizziness could have been all the coke I snorted too.

I Enjoy Being My Son’s Punching Bag

The real torture involved my 4th hole. Until he fucked my urethra, I thought I only had three holes to fuck. Nope. My ass used to be his favorite hole. He has fucked my ass so many times, and so hard in the past, I can push out my prolapse on command. And although I did show off my prolapse for my son and his home viewers, my pee hole took the brunt of his anger. My 4th hole is my tightest hole.

Mommy is nothing more than a punching bag. But like I said, I never mind. My boy loves me. He gets me coke. If he needs to use me as his ass rape porn star, destroy my urethra and beat me, so be it. Being his punching bag does not mean he does not love me. Although I am still sore as fuck, my son gave me enough coke to survive a beating from Mike Tyson.

Murder phone sex Fantasies to be thankful for

Murder phone sex FantasiesMurder phone sex Fantasies To be thankful for! Death, destruction, murder all the sweet Felling of Thanksgiving. A time when my men can connect to that colonizer side of them and revel in the blood stained past.

Ready to be a big strong strapping pilgrim and get yourself buried in some Cheerokee young taint? By now we all know just how Young Pocahontas was, correct? John White definitely took note of her young Princess body! He came and conquered and came some more. All that killing must have woke up many long pig cravings Young pussy and fresh meat roasted on the fire is the perfect place setting for me!

Murder phone sex Fantasies Thanksgiving 

Some Cannibalism phone sex traditions are worth keeping! For instance, spit roasting a succulent carcass of your enemies! Or a little fat piggy daughter or wife, your choice really. I’m just here to help weave you cannibalistic murder dreams. I really think I could survive on scraps of human flesh and cum if I really had to. Thanksgiving is a time of year to indulge yourself. Cannibalism and murder are soem of my very favoirte scenes as we get you off. 

 I’m here to make all your fantasies come true. I’m your bloodthirsty accomplice, here to fulfill all your darkest desires. Let’s make this Thanksgiving one to remember! Taboo phone sex Turkey day Treats for my snuff men are always so hot!

Roleplay Phone Sex Takes You on a Wild Tour of Dark Desires

roleplay phone sexRoleplay phone sex allows you to explore safely your dark needs. Dexter had dark needs. He used his dark need to kill bad guys. Guys who should never be allowed to live outside a tiny cell. But that was a TV show. Most men would never kill another human or even think about force fucking a woman or a young girl. But then there are men like you.

Guys who think about killing or force fucking some young piece of ass all the time. Perhaps, you cannot act on your dark desires, but we can explore them securely on a role play call. I am a great fantasy accomplice phone sex partner. I help men just like you go down the rabbit hole of depravity. Although I can be your victim, I prefer to be your accomplice.

Unless you are a total masochist, accomplices have more fun. When Jim started calling me around COVID shutdowns, he felt filled with rage and sexual frustration. I helped him relieve that rage and tension with extreme and violent role plays. Now, he feels less anger, but that’s because I provided him with a safe space to let off his steam.

The Seedy World of Dark Desires is Instantly Addicting

But the more we talk, the more he wants to act on his dark fantasies. I am that good. So, during our last phone session, we discussed how he could find a young girl to fucking destroy with his big daddy dick. And I gave him some insight on how to lure a girl away from the park or the mall. And I shared with him that the holidays bring men into contact with young girls more frequently.

If Jim listens to my advice, he will never get busted for acting on his rape phone sex fantasies. I took him down that rabbit hole of depravity, and he will never come back. Neither will you because the seedy world of dark desires is just too addicting.

Rape Phone Sex Fantasies Require the Perfect Accomplice

rape phone sex fantasiesRape phone sex fantasies intensify for men as the holidays approach. I attribute the increase in rape fantasies to two things. Stress and family time. Men feel more financial pressure during the holidays. The cost of everything has risen but most folks’ salaries have stayed the same. And holidays mean you see family perhaps you do not see regularly like a sexy aunt or a cute young niece.

And that is why I stay my busiest when the holidays hit. I post discreet ads in mercenary rags. Men see that I can assist them with their rape fantasies and even killer phone sex fantasies and hire me. Usually, I encourage men to find a surrogate for their lust or rage. A victim who could never pick them out of line up or blackmail them for life. However, sometimes a man is dead set of fucking a certain little girl that they do not heed my warnings.

But if the pay is double my fee, I will assist in a high-risk operation like the one Dale wanted. His niece cock teases him. Although he rarely sees her, he jacks off to her daily. His brother and his family came to town this week for the holidays. And he could not wait until Black Friday to fuck her. I tried to counsel him about the risks, but he just added more money. I took a day to think about how it should go. As the accomplice, I weigh the odds of all the different scenarios.

Your Rape Fantasies Require the Perfect Accomplice

Since his family stays with him when they visit, I decided the best way to do this would be to drug the little girl, fuck her in her sleep and clean up her pussy. Although he hated the idea of a condom, I told him if the girl wakes up with a sore cunt, she might not think twice about it, but if she sees a milky cream leaking from her pussy, that will draw more questions.

A urinary tract infection might explain a sore pussy. Or the horseback riding I suggested he do with his niece the day before. He fucked that little girl as she laid passed out in one of his guest bedrooms. He wore a mask and a condom. And the little girl woke up the next day walking funny, and everyone blamed the horse not the uncle. Now, he wants to find a little surrogate he can fuck and make a snuff porn star out of many times over. Of course, I will help him. However, for another large fee.

Taboo Phone Sex Needs a Creative Man Like You and a Whore Like Me

taboo phone sexI enjoy taboo phone sex. As a dirty mommy, I do taboo things daily. So, when guys ask me if I am no taboos, I laugh. My life is taboo. I learned to love incest and coke from my mother. She would do lines of coke and fuck my brother when he was a teenager. When I got married and had boys of my own, I followed in my mother’s footsteps.

However, the difference between my mother and me is that I cannot control my coke usage. My mother only snorted coke a few times a week. I am more like a several times a day. I am rarely not high. Perhaps, that’s the reason I find myself in so much trouble. I like working on a snuff phone sex line though. My life experiences often mirror my caller’s fantasies. I would not thrive on a vanilla line.

I Love a Creative Yet Brutal Snuff Fantasy

Even though I enjoy mommy rape fantasies, I like the more hardcore shit. Dismember me, beat me, even snuff me out on the phone. If you get off, I get off. My caller last night presented me with a Saw like torture fantasy. He thought I would say hell no. But I said hell yes. Creative men with sick fantasies might be my kryptonite. Seriously, I love a torture fantasy.

My caller kidnapped me while walking home from a drug deal. Of course, he took me to his place and did awful things to me. I mean he did the basic things to me also. He fucked me and beat me up. But then the fantasy got wild. He took my limbs off with a hacksaw. Slow torture sex gives me a wet pussy every time. And I can be a screamer. Big cock or big knife, I scream either way.

What a wonderful and brutal death this caller gave me. But now you must up your game. Think you can be as creative as he was for our snuff call?

Kidnapping Phone Sex Fantasies Seem Real With Me

kidnapping phone sexKidnapping phone sex turns me on. Why? Because I am a sexy accomplice. I went from the victim to the in-demand partner. When my former master needs a certain girl, he calls me. Although he often does not care who he fucks if she is jailbait, he sometimes sees a girl he wants. But as a man, it can be challenging to lure a teen slut away from her home or her wolf pack. However, a woman can go where no man can. Girls trust me.

My old master saw this high-class teenage girl at the mall and his dick got hard. He obsessed about her. So, he called his favorite accomplice phone sex partner to get his prized pony. However, he did not know her name or where she lived. He took a picture of her. I just hoped she might be a creature of habit. Even though malls seem to be a dying breed, they still attract teenage girls. And this teenage girl indeed was a creature of habit.

I Can Help You Nab That Teen Whore Who Gets Your Cock Hard

However, I found her three days later in the food court with her posse getting Chick Fil-A. I looked sophisticated this day. Sometimes I need to look less like a bimbo to lure the target. I used my model scout line. If I cater to the vanity of a teenage slut, I can lure her away without force. It worked like a charm once again. No stranger danger from this girl. I drove her straight to master’s house. However, before we got there, I gave her a laced gummy to subdue her. I could not risk her escaping.

At master’s place, I tied her up. So, when she came out of her drugged state, she knew I was no model scout. I told her that I scout teen rape porn stars. And that is now her destiny. I do not care what master and his friends do to her. He paid me for a job, and I delivered the package. But I know master. He will use this whore daily. Share her with his friends and likely snuff her once her tight holes are no longer so tight. Not my problem though. He hired me for a job, and I did my job. Her fate is in his hands now.

Bloody Phone Sex Gets Messy with a Gore Whore

bloody phone sexBloody phone sex fun is what I offer. You can call me a gore whore because I like it messy. Very messy. And I do not care who my victim is either. I am an equal opportunity killer. Young girls, young boys or older women and men, all bleed alike. Well, almost alike. Young blood is brighter red. And it tastes sweeter. Although I am no vampire, the taste of blood does not upset me.

I can kill quickly. But why kill quickly when you can prolong the agony? That’s the best part of any kill for me. I get off on your pain and suffering. Or our victim’s pain and suffering. Although I am a loner by nature, I enjoy killing with the right partner too. However, not all the guys who hire me have the stomach for what I do. Perhaps, they can explore their rape phone sex fantasies easier than they can murder their victim.

I Like My Victims Eviscerated Because I am a Gore Whore

I make a great accomplice because I will not let your victim live to identify you. Marc thought he could kill this young girl he fucked. He met this young girl at the mall who claimed to be 18 and down to fuck him. I did not buy his story that he did not know she was not 18. She did not look anywhere close to 18 when I kidnapped her for him. But I did not care because he paid me to get rid of his problem.

He thought he could help kill her but the simp puked at the thought of gutting her like a pig. This little cock tease likely lies to guys about her age, gets them hooked on teenage pussy then attempts to extort money from them because she is jailbait. But guess what? Today, there is one less cock teasing teen in the world. I eviscerated her. Gutted her in front of Marc. He passed out at the sight of her entrails. Pussy.

Not all men have the stomach I do. Nor do all men enjoy the torture sex as much as me. But that is why I am the perfect accomplice. I can stomach anything. The bloodier the better with me.

Violent Phone Sex with Me Means I’ll Be Your Punching Bag

violent phone sexAre you in the mood for violent phone sex? Many men are on and off the phone. The holidays bring out the worst in most of us. And some men just need a punching bag. Of course, I understand that some men need a punching bag year round like my stepson. I am here for the part-time and full-time abusers. It is the life of a druggy whore.

Soccer mom by day and punching bag by night. That’s the story of my life. Although I am a pain slut, sometimes guys take it too far. But I never have any say in it. I do it for free coke no matter what the cost to me. James got rough Friday night. I can barely move still. My husband thinks I fell down the basement stairs doing laundry. I needed to explain the bruises somehow that would not draw his suspicion.

Although I love my husband, he does not know me at all. He thinks I am a soccer mom. I am that, but I am a druggy whore more than anything. James knows I am a druggy whore. And he knows I will do anything for coke. So, he baited me to his place to party. I was not thinking snuff sex. All that was on my mind was cocaine. Mommy’s little helper, LOL.

You Can Do Anything To Me for Coke, Anything

You would think I would learn by now. I mean coke takes me down the darkest allies in the world. However, I know James. We party together often. He’s never laid a hand on me. Of course, we fuck. But he has never hit me. That all changed Friday night. I said something he misunderstood. Hell, I still do not know what I said. But it pissed him off and like a powder keg, he exploded.

With one wrong comment, I became his punching bag. And once he got a taste for beating up someone who would not fight back, he wanted more. I curled up like a ball on the floor, but he kept punching me and kicking me too. He told me it felt cathartic. So, he got out all his pent-up anger at the world on me. He compensated me with more coke. But this taboo phone sex whore feels like a truck ran over her two days later.  The things I do for drugs.

Taboo Phone Sex Fantasies Can Cum True with the Right Partner

taboo phone sexI love taboo phone sex. In fact, the more extreme a call gets, the wetter my cunt becomes. When I think about it, it seems weird to me sometimes the things that make me cum. My girlfriends do not know about my dark side. Although they do no I ran away as a teen girl because of my father’s abuse. And they know I got into the adult industry because a girl with no education still needs to eat.

But they do not know about my side gig helping perverts like you explore your dark fantasies too. And I do not plan on telling them. Nor do I plan on giving up my dangerous yet profitable accomplice gig. My friends see I am living more lavishly than before but they think it is because I am a sugar baby and a stripper with wealthy patrons.

Although I do have a few rich vanilla sugar daddies, the real money is in teen rape porn. I help men make their dark fantasies a reality. And I give them a little video to remember the occasion. Charlie and I made a hot porno last night. I procured him a sweet young innocent girl. She looked so terrified too, which only makes it better. Few of my clients want a willing piece of fuck meat.

Having a Young Sex Slave in Your Basement is Smart

She did not put up a fight when I stole her from the park. I just gave her some bullshit story about knowing her dad. But I took her to Charlie instead. He will be her daddy now. He enjoyed fucking her tight little girl holes so much that he wanted to keep her. Usually, I either dump them somewhere drugged with no memory or I snuff them for the client.

But if he wanted to keep a young girl as a sex slave, I had no problem, with that. And I understood. Having a young girl in your basement in a cage for your rape phone sex fantasies whenever you want is smart. Maybe I can bring you a young girl too.

Teen rape porn Decapitated slut gets fucked through her neck

Teen rape pornI have a fetish for watching older men have Sex with dead bodies… My addiction to Motherless porn has overcome me! I dream of having my youngest niece decapitated and bouncing her head on and off your cock through her exposed neck bone. She is such a bratty little twit and would make the perfect victim. Her shapeless body covered and cum and left to dry out on a clothesline is what I think about when I masturbate.

Hearing her laugh raises goosebumps on my pale skin! When she was younger I would pinch her just to make her scream while I rubbed my cunt to Teen rape porn… Now that she is older the only way I will get away with any form of abuse would be by forcing her into the back of a utility truck and driving her to her deathbed to keep her mouth shut.

I would love to see her big blue eyes roll to the back of her head as she’s screaming and pleading for mercy. Her snotty little nose is covered in slime as she hacks up saliva from nearly choking to death. I want to watch her cunt be stretched by a perverted man followed by me hitting her. Dragging my med blade down her body to remove every organ from her worthless body. Fuck, Snuff porn is what you can blame for my sick mind.