Tag: Taboo phone sex

Ass rape porn is a gateway drug to murder and torture

Ass rape porn Ass rape porn has my asshole throbbing tonight. Seeing sweet girls becoming pincushions against their will is just so fucking hot! I love when a bunch of girls are tied to wooden horses ass up. When the time comes for total shitter annihilation, round them up like cattle!

Oh, a detectable smorgasbord of little holes for you to rip and prolapse. Oh and the screams I swear some of these girls were picked up off the side of the road just for these films.

Ass rape porn is my gateway drug

 But as you well know This is just the beginning course, because Now I want to rip open a sweet ass and have her screaming for me. The problem is I always go too far. Maybe I watch too many Snuff movies and have ideas of making my own. I swear, real blood and pain do something to me I can’t explain. My brain is taken over with the urge to hurt, torture, and eventually slay my little victims. 

 I seem to never want to leave my victims alive. In reality, I love being a teen accomplice because I know it’s what I really want in life…not just something I do to pass the time and have some bills paid. Although I have been able to make some big money on screaming girls. Getting my little cunt off just as the light fades and those asses are so tore up! 

So what if I stop the life cycle early in some little bitches life. It makes you hard, doesn’t it?  I do it with no regrets and no remorse. I’m content with my filthy life and I’m proud of my snuff accomplishments. To think, it was all made possible by my ass-blasted dead victims. Teens who love being your ass rape fantasy and murder accomplice make for the best Taboo phone sex! 

Murder Phone Sex Fantasies Intensify Over the Holidays

murder phone sex fantasiesMurder phone sex fantasies intensify over the holidays. Although I am filled with rage most days, I do tend to become more violent over all the fucktards who want to ruin my Christmas spirit. Despite my persona I am not Grinch at Christmas time. I have almost as much Christmas spirit as a normal person does.

Okay maybe not even as close as the normal person. But I have some holiday cheer. And there are too many people who enjoy ruining the holiday spirit for me and others. Even brats can suck the Christmas spirit out of anyone. I went to the mall the other day not to kill anyone. I was not hunting my next prey. But I found my next prey, nonetheless. You would have enjoyed being with me. I know you likely would love to kill some spoiled brat and explore your rape phone sex fantasies.

I saw this young teen girl milking men for money with fabrications at the mall. This was not some poor girl like she was telling men. Begging for money to get something to eat like she was some homeless person. I saw this cunt get dropped off in a BMW SUV. Then I watched her ditch her high-end designer clothes and put on something more basic. A young scammer does not deserve to live. Don’t you agree.

Tis the Season To Kill and Force Fuck Brats

The brat was not even out of high school yet. And likely no where close to graduating. But already milking men for money. I offered her $500 to come with me for a modeling shoot. And I showed compassion and belief in her sob story. I gave her the money in my car. But I got it back though. We drove to my kill shack where she thought she would get her photo taken. Instead, I punched her in her face, and tied her up.

Where to begin with this tender piece of fuck meat? Taking advantage of people’s compassion during the holidays is sinful. Money is tight for many folks, and here was some rich princess pretending she was homeless for money. I stabbed her in her bellybutton a few times just to watch her bleed. I used a lot of force and ended up pinning her to the floor with the knife. She squirmed like a squashed bug. My knife went straight through her. So, her blood leaked out from two holes.

I really wish you had been with me to fuck her as she slowly bled out. But since you could not enjoy her tight cunt, I fisted it for you. Snuff porn may not be the way most people get find their Christmas cheer, but it did the trick for me. Once less scam princess out there to milk men of their hard-earned money. However, I know there are more cunts just like her. And we should find one to kill together.

Ass Rape Porn Stars Learn to Survive the Circuit or Die

ass rape pornIt is no secret that I made a good living as an ass rape porn star once. When I turned 18, a porn director bought me boobs and helped transform me into a blonde bimbo. I booked a lot of modeling shoots, but the real money started coming in when I did ass porn for the dark net and private collectors. My dad assaulted my ass every chance he got when I became a teenager. He thought there might be less of a chance he would knock me up if he fucked my ass.

So, when I got into the seedy underworld of fetish porn, I was already a seasoned pro. I think it helped when snuff porn makers tried to break me. Daddy broke me when I was a little squirt. After years of being the star and the victim, I now help recruit new talent, younger talent. And I do not feel guilty. You learn to survive the circuit, or you don’t.  Yes, it is that black and white. I survived where many did not.

Young Ass Porn Stars Either Learn to Survive or Die

When one of the snuff directors I worked with in my younger days called me out of the blue, I knew he needed some fresh meat. Since he paid me, I delivered him a sweet, innocent blonde girl. My father took my innocence away, but I could still look innocent in the beginning. My former director needed an innocent girl so that she would scream and bleed when her costars fucked the shit out of her. Private collector, I assumed.

But I did not care. Christmas is around the corner, and I needed the money like we all do. So, I snatched a young thing from the park who I knew would be the perfect young teen rape porn ingénue. Girls go missing all the time in America. Sure, some ended up dead, but most of those girls folks like me and my director friend traffic for profit. A family will be missing their daughter this holiday season. But some men, maybe even you, will get fresh meat for Christmas.

Torture Sex Sessions Include CBT, Water Torture and Electrocution with Me

torture sexI enjoy torture sex  sessions. But I know I am not alone. Even my favorite cunt slave, James, enjoys it too. Although I hated to part with such a loyal and talented cunt worshiper, it came down to money. I lack emotional connections with humans. But I never lack an emotional connection to money, and Ms. Stevens wanted a live torture session. And I had no slaves in my deep dungeon. So, I had to part ways with James. Of course, he appeared more saddened by this than me.

I led my naked slave down to my darkest dungeon. It’s akin to one of Dante’s circles of purgatory. Dark, damp and smells of death. James pleaded with me to spare him. But the holidays require more money and Ms. Stevens pays extraordinarily well for male snuff porn. I do not judge. I just find the talent. And James is talented. Well, was talented I guess I should say now.

I shaved all his body hair from him and hosed him off. Then I strung him upside down, naked and exposed. His fear I found intoxicating. After I placed electrode patches on his chest, cock and balls, Ms. Stevens made her appearance. I explained to my loyal slave that he graduated to another dungeon of mine out of necessity. Nothing is ever personal to me. It is just business.

When It Comes to Torture, it is Never Personal

Bound with his wrists behind his back, James hung upside down like a side of beef at a butcher shop. Ms. Stevens inspected the meat on our video chat. She liked my selection. She’s a sadistic one. But like I said, I do not judge. She has her kinks, and I have mine. Light torture to start. Ms. Stevens controlled the electric shocks remotely. However, I controlled the rest. Shocks to his abdomen and cock and balls made my victim piss himself but we were just getting started…

snuff pornNext came very large pins through his ball sack and into his urethra. I giggled at his screams of pain.  But I was impervious to his pleas to spare his life. James, it was just business. While the pins caused pain for my slave, I took a blow torch to the soles of his feet. I watched as the skin bubbled. Ms. Stevens began masturbating. Snuff sex is her thing. That is why she paid me a million dollars to live stream the death of a man.

That blow torch gun worked on my slave’s left nut like a charm too. Within a few seconds, his left testicle shriveled up and died. Since I take pride in my work, I needed the other nut gone too for aesthetic purposes. Simple fix. I used a castration band. While the circulation stopped in his remaining nut, I tortured his cock with a whip. Cracked open his flesh on his back, chest and cock. His blood pooled under his head as it dripped from his body. The entire time I tortured his body, Ms. Stevens used her remote to shock our victim too.

Torture Sessions Need to Be Bloody, Painful and Gruesome for Me

Hours passed, and James suffered more than most. Electric shock, whippings, cock and ball torture and water torture. I dunked him in a water tank more than once. Seconds turned into minutes, and before long he begged for mercy. We were well past the mercy stage. My snuff victim could not grasp that I do not do emotion, so pleas of mercy do not work for me.

When our live stream torture session came to an end, I pushed the wood chipper under James’ head. Now I think he realized there was no coming back from this. I slowly lowered him into the wood chipper feet first. The sound of his bones crushing and his blood splattering on my body made both my client and I masturbate. James lived up until the moment his skull crushed in the wood chipper. It was a gruesome death yes. But a profitable one.

RIP James. It was simply business. Nothing is ever personal with me. Now, I need to look for another cunt licking slave.

Gangbang Rape Porn Star Caters to Home Invasion Fantasies Too

gangbang rape pornTis the season to make gangbang rape porn. My ass can handle most cocks. However, when men start using household items like my son’s baseball bat, I am in trouble. Last night began like any other night. I partied a little with a stash of coke I keep hidden from my husband. And I fucked my sons before bed. My husband is out of town golfing in Florida with some work pals. So, it was just me and the boys.

What I did not realize was that someone had been watching me for months. Pretty good stalker because I never knew I had one until he broke into my home late last night. At first, I thought this was like a home invasion phone sex dream. But I felt the punch to the gut when I stood up. A shadowy figure just said, “Hi Blair,” in a creepy tone as he sucker punched me.

This was not a dream. My gut instinct was to scream, but he muffled me with his huge hands. He tossed me on the bed like I was inconsequential. As he straddled me on my bed, he explained to me that if I screamed or tried to run, he would harm my sons. And he knew their names. He knew all about me, but I did not even recognize him. My heart raced from fear. I know to the outside world, I appear like a bad mom, but I love my boys.

Men Love to Sodomize an Anal Whore Like Me

So, I just laid there on my bed, silent and scared. He violated all my holes. But my ass got most of his attention. He admitted to being a fan boy. He informed me that he has seen all my ass rape porn videos. And he added that since I seem to love ass play, he wanted to test a theory that my ass could withstand anything. Even a baseball bat.

Although he lubed the bat, my asshole prolapsed from the impact of such a thick object. He forced his cock in all my holes until the sun came up. Even my prolapsed asshole, he tried to put back together. I laid in my own blood and shit mixed in with my assailant’s cum. I would have thought it was all just a bad dream, but I could not walk this am. Or shit right either. But my sons slept through it all. I did a little coke and now I feel right as rain.

Ass rape porn for the holidays

During the holidays my uncle uses my mom to make Ass rape porn. He has been doing it all his life. Since they were young, he started using my mommy, his little sister to milk his cock. The first time he ripped her asshole open he filmed it and ever since then he has made a tradition out of it. “It is the best time of the year” my uncle says with a smirk. “You know what that means?” He asks my mommy as he pulls out his camera.

“This year you will be holding the camera you little slut” he demands of me. First, he wants my mother to strip for him. She hates it because he had made her undress in front of him since childhood. He could tell she didn’t want to so he got up and started to strangle her into submission. Then she gave in, and he ripped her panties off. “Start filming bitch” he says as he pulls his cock out.

My uncle rubs his cock on his little sister’s ass, and I could see precum dripping out his cock. “Stuff your moms’ panties in her mouth” he tells me to do. After that he rams his cock deep in my mother’s asshole. Just like he did many times. I zoomed in to her hole getting ripped open.

Ass rape porn

“Make sure you get up close” my uncle says. Then he starts choking my mom and when he passes out he fucks her asshole hard. Since my uncle likes having Sex with dead bodies, her limp body made him cum so hard. Then he popped his cock out her asshole and cum just dripped out.

Ass Rape Porn Star for Christmas is What Men Need

ass rape pornGive yourself the gift of an ass rape porn star this Christmas. Not me. Well maybe me if your cock is bigger than 7 inches, LOL. I am thinking about something much younger. Like extremely young. The kind you cannot even get pregnant yet, so it does not matter if you fuck her asshole or her cunnie. When I was at the mall the other day, I spied on all the cute young things getting pictures with Santa. 

 You should have been with me. We could have played I spy something young and hairless. That game I play often with with guys. Although I do not like to be seen in public with clients, I make an exception for my former master. Most folks in the underground world of snuff porn recognize me as his former slave and now right-hand gal. When he calls, he needs my help luring a young girl to him. 

 Even though he trusts my instincts to bring him what he wants, he sometimes likes to hunt with me. Last night he wanted to hunt. He needed a girl for himself, not a client. I don’t wish him on any young girl. But the holidays are right around the corner, and you can never have enough money, right? I took him to the middle of the mall to watch the little ones hopping on Santa’s lap. What a great gig for a P man. Santa gets all the young ass, LOL. 

 Let’s Hunt for a Tiny Victim Together 

 For my former master, the fun is in the hunt. But in a public place like a mall, you need to distract the mother or sitter with the young thing. I distracted mom while he nabbed his next victim. He picked a little red-headed girl for his rape phone sex fantasies. And I got to help with the fun. Tiny thing. She did not stand a prayer with his big daddy dick. He turned her tiny fuck holes into raw hamburger. Split that little kitty in two. 

 I used to feel bad about bringing him such little things to destroy. But at least he is no longer destroying me. Plus, he pays better than anyone. And a girl needs to eat, right? 

Captured For A Playdate From Me & Daddy!

Accomplice phone sexAnother accomplice session with a pretty little blonde whore me and daddy found at the mall yesterday. She has been with us since we snatched her little slutty ass up in the food court yesterday. I came up to her and made small talk to get her comfy. When we walked away we were near the elevator that takes us to the parking lot; daddy came up behind us and grabbed the bitch while covering here mouth. She was so scared but we threatened her so she shut her big fucking mouth like a good bitch.

We got to the car and pushed the whore in the back seat and put duck tape on her mouth. She was freaking out so I got in the back with her and took her phone to keep her quiet. I stroked her hair and said “This is why you don’t talk to strangers you dumb slut”. She was crying and I politely licked away all her tears and told her soon enough she would just accept her fate and there wouldn’t be any more tears. She was shaken up and daddy was stroking his cock as we were driving away; it was so hot!

When we got to the house we parked and I grabbed the cunt up by her hair and brought her into the house. I pushed her onto the living room floor and stripped her naked. She looked so pretty with her perky tits and bald holes exposed. It’s like she knew she had to be prepared just incase she was going to get fucked like a whore. Now look at her; on my living room floor completely ass naked about to be used like meat by me and my daddy. I slapped her around and told here I couldn’t wait to break her and watch her holes open up for us. 

Daddy walked in and sat down and said he wanted to use her face first. I dragged her over and showed her how he loves to be sucked off. She watched him abuse and violate my throat and was petrified because she knew it was her turn. I slipped on my gloves because I knew it was probably going to be messy with this one. I shoved that cunts throat down on my daddy’s cock fast and hard. She gagged and dry heaved because she was terrible at giving head. Daddy wanted it rougher so I plugged her little nose with my fingers while he went balls deep.

She was crying and her makeup was running as he plunged her throat hole open with his cock. I licked her face and tears and called her a pathetic slut as her mouth was being used. I told her she sucked at giving head and because of that we would need to keep her here and train her for a few days until she got better. She was not happy and pleaded that we let her go; we loved watching her beg for mercy. It’s been a couple days now and she is getting way better; we aren’t done yet because ALL her holes need to be trained to take cock all at once. So she isn’t leaving yet obviously; next thing we are going to do is GAPE open her SHIT PIPE!

Kidnapped Black Whore

kidnapping phone sexI woke up handcuffed naked to a radiator in a bed. I couldn’t see because I was blindfolded with nothing but left to do but let my imagination run wild. Was I scared? Yes. Was I excited? Yes. It was just like all of the kidnapping phone sex fantasy calls I’d had before. My pussy was dripping with anticipation. When I’d met him at the bar I had no idea I would pass out and wake up in this situation. First I heard a vibrator noise. Then I felt it inside my pussy. Hard rough stokes as he pounded me. He took it out and shoved it in my ass next. I yelped! I’d never done anything with anal before. He said he loved opening up juicy black asses. I was completely at his mercy to be used for his pleasure. He owned me and could do whatever he pleased.

Bloody Phone Sex Holidays Keep A Sadistic Bitch Busy

bloody phone sexBloody phone sex holidays keep me busy. Many folks want to kill around the holidays. And I understand the impulse to just pick up a knife and gut your mother-in-law or some other relative that nags you to death. Trust me, I understand. My murderous impulses run high, especially this time of year. And often I do not care who I kill. The need to kill just feels too strong to ignore sometimes, you understand.

But let me help you hone your murderous impulses like I honed mine. Do not shit where you eat. That means do not kill some one close to you. At least do not do it alone. You might need me as your accomplice phone sex partner if you struggle to find a surrogate for all your rage. A surrogate is the key, especially if you want to kill a young one. The authorities always look at the family and neighbors first. 

But sometimes, a surrogate is not doable. Recently, I helped Chad kill his ex-step-daughter. From what he told me, I did the world a favor. He found me on the dark net, and we talked extensively about this young teen whore. She seduced him years ago but took some pictures of him eating her bald wet pussy that he never knew about. Now that he is divorced from her mother, the little cock tease wants to blackmail him. Conniving cunts need to die.

Conniving Cunts Need To Die

And Chad hired the right accomplice. Not only did I give him an airtight alibi for the girl’s disappearance, but I also made her death look like a runaway situation. One of the things I brag about as your accomplice is that no body is ever found. If you are going to make a snuff porn, you cannot leave any evidence behind.

We fucked that little schemer into oblivion. Destroy her asshole and her cunt before we destroyed her life. I cannot divulge all the details here for fear of incriminating myself or implicating my accomplice, but trust me, that little whore will never be found. Now, who do you need killed?