Tag: Taboo phone sex

Family Reunion

Taboo phone sex with StormI am very close to my family. Of course they don’t know how hard core I am. I have to play nice. And I hate playing nice! BUT there is nothing more important than family. I over look 90% of the CRAP they put me thru! I just smile knowing that I could kill them if I wanted. It is like my own inside joke. And it has always worked before! But that was before Christina came back from collage. She was always such a quite little thing. Never spoke much at all. Then she went to collage and everything changed. She took a bunch of psych classes and know thinks she knows EVERYTHING!! It is so annoying. She argues with everyone about everything. And then she talks down to you… Like you are to stupid to ever understand her. I was able to just walk away. Fuck the bitch life will give her a wake up call. BUT… Then she went after my cousin. Sammy is so cute! Just the sweetest little thing. She has a lisp and a limp. A car accident when she was little had broken her. But she is still my favorite. So sweet and innocent. I have always protected her. She deserves the best in life. So when I heard Christina telling Sammy how her lisp was all in her head. That she just wasn’t strong enough to deal with it. She took it even further to say how she knows how hard it can be..That Sammy had everything against her. She was just average intelligence and not so pretty. That was when I stepped in and told her to back the fuck off! Christina said she was just trying to help. But I wouldn’t understand that. Ohh I understand. That crazy bitch thinks she is better than everyone. And it is time to prove her wrong. I waited till 3 am and broke into her house. I had to be quite she is staying with her parents while she was in town. I had chloroform ready. And all I could think was how lucky this whore was!… She was family. Which meant I …shouldn’t kill her. She just needed to learn a lesson. She was out before she even knew I was in the room. I pulled my knife out and sliced right down her face. Nice and DEEP. And then pulled her tongue out and clipped a part of it off. I rolled her on her side. So she doesn’t choke on her own blood. And left her. Now the slut will know what it is like to be less than attractive and talk with a lisp. Of course she will suspect I had something to do with it. But she will never be able to prove it. Karma is a real BITCH.

Castration Phone Sex with Reagan * My Uncle returns

Taboo Phone Sex Reagan

My Uncle is a scum sucking pitiful hypocrite. Every word that comes out of his mouth is judgmental vomitous piss. I have cleaned more dignified phlegm off of my boots.

Growing up in my family was not filled with happy memories. I am sure I achieved my addiction to sadomasochism due to years of abuse. I learned quickly that love was something I was extremely disinterested in. I will not get into too much detail, but my Uncle hung around us rug-rats way too much. Being the youngest of five, I learned just how to avoid him if I could. He was drunk and on dope a lot. Most days a shower was the last thing on his agenda, and unfortunately his main agenda was to depredate my siblings.

It had been years since his memory contaminated my thoughts, than out of the blue there he was. I was surprised at how much rage I still contained for this piece of shit. He still smelled of piss, but I knew what had to be done. It was time to enjoy looking at his cock for once. I invited him in and let him believe that I loved my sweet old Uncle.

Once I had him downstairs, I bashed his head in when he was bent over to take off his pants. Ha! He thought I wanted his pathetic vomit? During that sweet moment of satisfaction, he moaned like a goddamned pig as I sliced the meat between his balls and cock, and in one swift moment his shame came out of his almost dilapidated dick.. spasm after spasm.. blood and cum.

He thought I was going to stop the bleeding I think, cause he begged me. Funny how the tables turn.

Taboo Phone Sex Reagan

Crimson Part 1

Crimson. My favorite color. It’s such a sweet and satisfying feeling; coming home from a long night of stalking and playing, covered in the sticky life liquid. The fear in their eyes is just as sweet. The fear is half the fun after all; look in that little cunts eyes as I grab her from the street into a dark alley. She was walking home with her friend, coming home from a nice night at a local club. Neither was drunk, just a bit tipsy… but oh how lovely would the brunettes white tube dress look after it was stained red with her blood and black with my sin. I didn’t even give her time to scream… As soon as I grabbed her I had shoved a towel covered in chloroform in her mouth and forced her into the back a a cab car I had modified. The only door that would open was the driver’s door, all the others had been welded shut. The windows could not be rolled down, and I had made sure that the windows were tinted dark as the night itself. I had my dungeon all set up for us, it is going to be a very fun night…


Taboo Phone Sex: Horror Movie Night Gone Wrong with Cassandra

taboo phone sex big tits torture

One night, many years ago, I was sitting on the couch with a male friend of mine watching a horror movie: “Candyman.” It was pretty scary to me at the time. I commented to my companion that I thought the idea of summoning a dead evil spirit who would control and own you was kinda hot; especially if a big black evil spirit. Well my date did not like that at all. Not sure if he got jealous because I was hinting that I wanted big black cock. Next thing I know he is yanking me by the hair and saying my name  over and over in a creepy voice like in the movie. Then he starts to drag me through the house. He throws me down into the basement and locks the door. What seems like hours later, he comes down, strips me naked and ties me up. When I start to scream he puts a ball gag in my mouth just like The Candyman did to some blonde in the movie. He then shows me a hook like the Candyman sports. My eyes get real big and I fear he is gonna ram it up my ass or something. He just kept saying my name “Cassandra, Cassandra, Cassandra, Cassandra, Cassandra.” It was like he was taunting me. I was his prey, his victim. I had no idea when I came over to watch a movie with him that he had a dungeon in his basement. I could see torture devices, bondage equipment, sex toys galore… He knew what he had planned when he invited me over.

I was tied up to a bench for hours.  His Candyman hook used to cut my back, rip my ass open and cut my breasts. Just like the Candyman, he said, “Be my victim.” I could see he was obsessed with horror movies. I saw a Freddy Krueger glove, a Jason hockey mask, a mask and knife like Michael Meyers, a Scream mask,  a chainsaw… I was in a horror obsessed serial killer’s dungeon. Is that what he does? Invite a hot woman over for a scary movie then kill her like the madman in the movie?

I could not talk because he gagged me just like the Candyman did. But my head was racing… I wanted to escape but I was tied tightly and mutilated.  I tried to escape somewhere in my head to forget the pain, but he kept cutting my back, torturing my ass, ripping my flesh; there was no mercy. As blood was gushing down my back, I felt his cock ram into my ass. He was turned on by the blood, turned on by my gaping flesh, turned on by my pain. He said in a creepy voice as I gasped for life,” They will say that I have shed innocent blood. What’s blood for, if not for shedding?”  I prayed for death to take me

taboo phone sex bondage torture

Bloody Phone sex with Blair: Be Careful What You Eat

bloody phone sex torture pain slutMy Master thinks I am getting too fat. He hid all the food and is trying to starve me to death. He keeps me  under lock and key in the house. Well today, I couldn’t take it any more as the pain from hunger was just unbearable.  I ransacked the house for anything I could find. And under my Master’s bed I found a case of baby food. I was starving. I opened a bottle and starting emptying it into my mouth. But wait, it was crunchy and within minutes I started bleeding. WTF? There was ground up glass in the jar. I was eating glass. Did Master know it was there and this was a test? Or was it some fluke, some manufacturing flaw? I got scared and I was in pain; but I had to clean up the mess I made and try to make things look like I wasn’t there or Master would be very angry.

My lips and tongue were cut but I stopped the bleeding and thought Master would not know. But he knew the moment he came home I had been a bad girl and slapped me hard across the face. He then grabbed my hair and pulled me hard out to the garage. He put my chains on  and began yelling at me. I had failed his test. He knew I was a weak bitch who could not be trusted so he put glass in the baby food jars and hid them. If a weak bitch, I’d get my comeuppance. I tried to apologize, beg for another chance to be a good slave. Too late, he began spoon feeding me the food with crushed glass. Master made me chew the glass and swallow it. Blood was spurting out my mouth. I kept crying and pleading but he just kept spoon feeding me crushed glass and strained peas. I could taste the blood from my cut tongue, cut lips, cut throat, cut esophagus… I was making gurgling sounds there was so much blood.

 Master was smiling as more blood poured out my mouth. He just kept saying eat up bitch. If you are so hungry, then eat up. I even vomited up bile and blood and he just laughed. He said you think this hurts bitch, wait till you shit it out tomorrow. I had not thought of that. The glass would shred my ass and my intestines. I’d rather starve to death slowly and painfully than to die like this. I will never eat without permission again Master.

bloody phone sex eat glass


Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Tiny Victim In A Bikini

Bloody Phone Sex

“Can you put this on?” He asked as he handed me this retched piece of pink shit.  I just looked at him and gave him the finger.  He laughed and said, “Come on Indigo, humor me.”  He threw it to me.  I just looked at it.  It made me ill to see the color. PINK!  It is the ugliest color on the face of the planet.  Only prissy faglets and stuck up bitches wear this color. I am neither of the two.

He started to walk out the door and told me that he wanted to see me in it.  He had a surprise and it wouldn’t be much of one if I didn’t get the bikini on.  I went into my bathroom and swore as I put the damn thing on.  I looked ridiculous in the thing.  I would have to smudge my body with fire to get rid of the total puke factor when I took it off just to make sure no residual pink shit was left on my skin.

I heard the front door slam, then the distinctive sound of a hard slap.  I ran out of the bathroom and he was hovered over the couch hissing words at something.  I walked around the couch and there it was.  In almost the same damn bikini I had on.  I gave him a quizzical look and he just smiled at me.  I told him that I didn’t appreciate him bringing his playthings to my home, and he knows it.  He just waved his hand at me in a dismissive manner and told me that this was just some harmless fun.

He told me to stand in front of it.  I did so.  It had a tiny trickle of blood seeping from the corner of it’s mouth.  You could tell it had been crying a lot, and you could also see the slap mark across it’s face.  He sat down and said, “Go on, touch it.”  I moved my hand to it’s long hair, and it tried to fucking bite me!  He laughed so damn hard.  This made me pissed.  He knew that it would do that.  I walked over and punched him hard in the arm.

It made a run for the back door and he tackled it.  It’s head made this awful crunch noise as it hit the hard floor.  He kicked it right in the stomach.  It started to groan, then he leaned down close to it, smiled and said, “Awww come on sweetie, it’s not so bad.  Look at her over there, she is wearing the same thing you are, twins! I told you I knew someone who had the same bikini as you, and that’s why you came with me isn’t it? To meet the other girl that had on the same thing as you?” With that he yanked it up by it’s throat and my tiny little twin began to fight for her life.

Such soft skin…


We make the perfect pair; the most dynamic duo this world has ever seen! Your charming good looks draw those poor, ignorant sluts in and by the time the sun rises we’re dancing among the crimson stained dungeon walls. I have no problem waiting for you to bring them back to me, I know how much the chase excites you. I can see the excitement in your eyes as you drag the little whore by her arms into the last space she’ll ever see. I can’t help but start to feel wet as you secure her to the metal exam table in the middle of our little sanctum. Poor thing; she has no idea that no one will ever hear her screams through the soundproof walls. Why don’t you sit back and watch; you worked so hard to acquire the little tramp and you deserve spectacular show for all your hard work and planning. The excitement in your eyes grows as I slowly take a scalpel from the instrument tray and begin to slice the girls smooth, flat stomach… Her skin is so soft that my scalpel glides through it like soft, warm butter. I would love to hear your thoughts on our latest little specimen, we have as long as we want with her after all.

Jill Frost

Taboo phone sex

It is fucking HOT, way too fucking HOT!  I hate the warm weather.  The only thing the sun is good for is decay, making things rot so their pungent aroma can fill the air.  That I love, sitting around sweating just sucks ass.  However, it does give me time to think, and I when I think I always go dark.  It’s much more fun to do so.

I have been working on a fantasy, one in which a little person with the name Jill gets the best cool off in the history of man kind.  I would take her into a deep freezer, she of course would be naked.  It wouldn’t take long for her core temp to drop, and that is when the fun begins!  Tell me.  Have you ever been outside when it has been ball busting cold and as soon as you get into a warm place  your fingers and toes tingle and burn? 

Now imagine our friend being so cold that she is almost to the brink of hypothermia, then taking her naked body and plunging it into hot water.  Hmmmm, I wonder how that would go.  Would she scream? I would fucking hope so.  Would her whole body ache? If I were a guy I would be getting a boner from just thinking of this.

Then I would turn the hose on her when she is curled up freezing again in the deep freeze.  Then defrost, then freeze, then defrost.  I wonder how long you can keep someone alive doing that.  In the end though, I think that I would just make her into a Jill Pop.  Put her outside on my balcony as a winter decoration.  Nobody would ever think that it was actually real,so why the fuck not.  Now I just have to find someone named Jill and make this fantasy into a reality.

Taboo Phone Sex

taboo phone sex keisha (3)

Master has been mad at me ever since the whole incident in the grocery last week. He cut my hair and tits so I can’t really go out or get tortured by master for a while. I know that when I do heal master will punish me for taking so long to recover. I have flashback of that almost every night. I remember how the blade sounded cutting my mahogany skin bearing pink flesh.

taboo phone sex keisha (3.0)

 My big tits tear open all over again if I move too quickly making it even more painful than the last time. I rub my cunt with fervor when I feel my skin reopen. It reminds me of when master was near me using me as his pain slut. My blood coving his face and hands making him look even more vicious and powerful than he did the last time. He is the monster under my bed that I love to play with when everyone is asleep. Even as my shirt stains with blood I cum from the thought of having master abusing me again.

Filthy Taboo phone sex

taboo phone sex keisha (2)

Whenever master isn’t torturing and abusing me I spend my time doing the things I like to do. I take off my makeup and tie my hair up. Then, I put on a comfy pair of sweat pants on and sit on the couch. I wait for about an hour until my bladder tells me it’s time to “go”. Instead of getting up I relax and let my piss soak my sweat pants and sofa. The warm sensation of it trickling down my pussy lips and legs sends chills up my back. I don’t do this often for I can’t keep replacing my sofa whenever I want to. I only pee on myself if I’ve been a good nigger slut for master all week. Master allows me to do it but thinks I’m a filthy piss whore. He leaves whenever I pee then when I’m done comes and humiliates me for being so disgusting. I like the feeling of being so below him yet grateful for him still dealing with me. I would do anything to make master happy but I wish he would let me be his pissy princess way more often. He would never allow that though and beat me senseless if I did something as ungrateful and ask for more.

taboo phone sex keisha (2.0)