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 A special friend and myself met up one night to practice a ritual to invoke Pan. I met Karma one night as I was sacrificing a sweet virginal male. This dude was such a pathetic excuse for a male in that he was just awkward and unable to man up. I needed his penis and blood to offer up to Pan, my demon lover. Karma was at the club that night when I picked this dude up. She must have  followed us to my private area in the woods.

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 Karma joined me under the full moon for the invocation of Pan. Karma was in charge of bringing along another virgin male for us to snuff out, bleed and fuck. Fucking his dead corpse as he entered rigor mortis was so fucking exhilarating and empowering for both of us. But achieving our main quest is the most exhilarating thing by far.

Upon our chanting and painting out naked flesh with the virginal blood our arousal levels grew. We were making out by the fire enticing in our carnal needs of sex, sex and more sex. The two of us fucked fireside until our incantation appeared. Pan came to us in the peek of our carnal feast.

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Having Pan actually standing before me was beyond my wildest desires. His form was amazing and his cock was even more amazing. The three of us fucked and savagely  went at each other into the break of dawn. Having my demon lover Pan cumming inside me was more fulfilling and ecstatic a sensation than I have ever felt before.

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