Tag: Taboo phone sex

False Heaven

Strangulation phone sexI watch you from the corner.  Slowly drawing on my cigarette.  I think you completely forgot I was there since you were so intent on finishing what you started.  It was a slow build at first, I wasn’t even sure you would go through with it.  You took a long time just sitting in the metal chair staring into your hands.  I finally had to tell you it is either now or never.  You stood up and removed your clothing.  I took your hand and lead you down the hall.  Before I opened the door you hesitated.  You started to say, “What if…: I placed a finger on  your lips to silence you while giving you a smile.  I told you that there was nothing to be frightened about.  This is what you wanted, this is what you needed, this is what you have desired for so long.  You nodded your head in agreement. 

I pushed open the heavy door and stepped to the side.  You looked at the pale thin girl on the mattress, she looked at you in return.  She said, “Are you the one who is going to take me to see my Mommy?”  I walked over and smoothed her hair down while telling her in a soothing voice that yes he was the one that was going to take you to see your Mommy.  I told her to tell you where her mommy was.  She looked up at you and said, “Heaven.”

I held out my hand to you and as you grasp it I held it tight, pulling you toward us.  I released my grip and walked over and shut the door.  You were beginning to get down onto your knees as the last of the light faded from the hallway.  I walked across the room as you started to kiss her, she didn’t like it, you didn’t care.

You looked at me through the milky white light that was cascading into the room through the window next to me.  I said, “Go on.”  You pulled your arm back to deliver a hard slap to her flawless face.  She screamed.  You struck her again until the screaming stopped.  I leaned back against the wall to light a cigarette, I watched as the tendrils of smoke lifted up into the darkness above. 

I could tell you had entered her from her frantic pleading and crying.  She kept telling you it hurt, this only made your hips thrust faster, pushing yourself into her further to the point where you could feel her cervix give way.  You were at the point that you are now.  Hands around her throat, her broken nails clawing desperately at your hands.  It won’t be long now.  I snub out the hot box of my cigarette with my high heel before walking behind you.

Her eyes are losing focus, your grip becoming tighter and tighter.  I can see her mouth opening and closing like a mute person calling out for a savior that will never come.  You reach orgasm just as her head rolls to the side.  I put my hand on your back and ask you if that is what you wanted.  You look up at me, sweat streaming down your face to say that you were surprised that I told her that you would take her to see her Mommy in Heaven and that she stayed in the room without trying to get away. You also stated that you were surprised you actually went that way with it as you only wanted to feel what a tight pussy would be like.

Before stepping out of the door into the dimly lit hallway I turned to you, smiling I said, “Oh that.  Heaven is the name of the bar her Mother is drinking at tonight, certainly it is not my fault you thought she meant the other Heaven.” I see the look on your face and I laugh as I leave you to your guilt.

Not Your Girls Next Door…..

Bloody phone sex knife play tortureFew folks get me, even fewer folks are part of my inner circle. The friends you had when you were younger played with dolls and action figures. I dismembered and disfigured them. You skipped stones in your local creek. I threw stones at my class mates heads. You pushed that cute little school girl you crushed on in the swing. I pushed her off the swing and shoved her lollipop up her ass. You wanted to be a doctor when you grew up. I dreamed of being a mortician. You went to church with your family, while I worshiped in the church of Satan. You went swimming in the local pool. I held you under the water and laughed as you struggled. You listened to Britney Spears and Bare Naked Ladies. I listened to Morbid Angel and Mayhem. You played Life and Sorry, while I was conjuring up evil spirits with my Ouija board. You cried at the Notebook. I got wet at the Hostel and Saw flicks. You wanted to be the next Bill Gates. I wanted to be the next Michael Myers. You loved your family. I murdered mine. You get the picture. I was and always will be a dark bitch.

bloody phone sex evil violenceThat is why I love my job so much. I am among other dark bitches. Evil seductresses; dominate whores; blasphemous beauties; pain sluts; mutilation wenches; p mommies;  willing victims; torture dolls; mayhem maidens; castration junkies; blood lovers; cannibal cunts; violent vixens; knife wielders;  twisted teens….Girls like me cannot have an office job because we would cut a bitch at the water cooler. I am at home here with my fellow sadistic bitches. If you are reading my blogs, or on this site then you don’t like vanilla girls either. You need me or one of my fellow dark accomplices to help you come to terms with your evil thoughts; fulfill your sickest needs.

You can follow our carnage on Twitter and like our bloody triumphs on Facebook. And of course, call us for your most taboo fantasies. There is nothing too sick or perverse or extreme for us. Chances are your sickest thoughts, are tame to us. But don’t fret, we can bring out the evil in Mother Theresa.

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Eyes Forced Open

Rape phone sex fantasiesHello there little darling, I take it you are taking a short cut?  Don’t you know that pretty things like you shouldn’t walk down alley ways like this in broad daylight, let alone this late at night.  I am sure you have heard stories of what can happen in them.  That’s right, pull your coat around you tighter and walk faster, surely nothing bad will happen if you do that.  You do not have to worry about me, I’m perfectly safe.  However, I’m not sure that the Gentleman whom is with me is.  He noticed you as soon as you turned down this long dark alley.  He saw how you kept looking over your shoulder and pulled your purse hard against your body. 

He pulled on my hand and pointed to you.  I knew right then from the smile on his face that he was thinking of having some fun.  Not fun for you though, only fun for him and of course Me.  As you passed us it was all I could do to keep him at bay until you walked a little further up into the darkness.  The funny thing is that when you saw us you lowered your head never taking your eyes off of the ground before you. That was a huge mistake my dear. 

If you had simply walked down this dirty, filthy, dimly lit path that you have chosen with your head held high and giving off the sense of confidence perhaps you wouldn’t be about to be in delicious pain. 

I watch as he runs up behind you.  Your scream is stifled by his strong hand against your mouth.  He turns you around forcing you against the wall, pulling from you your coat.  You try to fight but there is no use and for him…that is part of the fun. Your eyes are forced open as he plunges himself inside you.  He is brutal, he is unrelenting and he is having the time of his life.

Sadistic phone sex

Snuff Porn with Blair

snuff porn mommy murderDo you like snuff porn? One of my Master’s does. In fact, he forced me to help him kidnap a young college girl. I actually knew her, which made it worse. Of course she willingly got in the van with me. I had her believing I had a job opportunity for her starring in an independent film. Said I had a friend who needed a young girl to act like she was being stalked in the woods. It was going to be a thriller movie and she had to be convincing as a scared girl.  I took her to where she would meet her death. She was so innocent, so unsuspecting. Master put me in charge of holding the camera. He was going for the realism and hand held camera affect of the Blair Witch Project.

Once I introduced them, he let her run free in the woods. He acted like he was hunting her, but he was not acting. When he struck the first blow to her head, she screamed out my name. But I knew my place. I had to ignore her pleas for help, and let master torture her, force himself on her, and eventually kill her. She put up a fight. He beat her with a bat, strangled her with his hands, violated her holes with his cock and the bloody bat he bashed her head with. He eventually strung her up with a rope abd tied her to a tree branch until she died from strangulation. I filmed it all. The screams, the pleading, the gasping for air, the blood, the forced sex, the twitching in the air… every sick perverse moment I capture on film for Master to sell for profit. Snuff porn is a big money maker these days, and according to master the more real it looks the more money it brings. Nothing more real than dead.

Master saw my guilt as we buried her in a shallow grave. He was not happy that I showed remorse. This made him doubt my loyalty. He always tells me, no one ever misses a worthless cunt. Then he reminds me I am a worthless cunt. As we were walking back to the car, he whacked me hard over the head with the shovel we buried her with.  I felt blood trickle down my face before I passed out. I woke up tied up in the back of the van. I heard him say I was gonna star in his next snuff porn.

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She learned not to fuck with me

bloody phone sexThis girl really should have known better than to fuck with me, she even said herself that I was one scary chick, but that didn’t stop her from putting her mouth on my man’s dick and there was no way I was letting her get away with that! I followed her home, she lived all alone so I knew we would have all kinds of privacy there. She was startled when I walked up to her but not yet scared… not until I pulled out my knife and stuck it in her ribs and told her to let us in the house… then she was plenty scared! My friend and I took our time with the little whore, we made her suffer for hours before we finally killed her. Trust me, that fucking whore wasn’t recognizable by the time I was done cutting her up! She won’t be fucking with me anymore that’s for sure!

Tracy’s Quest.

Taboo phone sex MAkaylaTracy came to me wanting to buy my clothes.

I giggled when he told me what size he was…

Dress size 14, Mine is a size 2.

He is 5’10” 188lbs!!

Such a fucking gross fatty!

He is now on a quest to fit into my clothes.

His first test is to be on a completely liquid diet until he loses 8.5 pounds.

He can do it, if he doesn’t want to be a gross fat fuck any more.

He has to send me pictures of himself on the scale.

He is starting off by purging all that he has eaten today. I want him to take laxatives and only have liquids.

If Tracy eats solid food before I tell him He will be punished.

His cock will be tortured and abused and he will be giving a enema until he is completely cleaned out.

He will be my pretty skinny princess.

Tracy, If You haven’t lost 8.5 pounds I will be very angry.

Your body will take the pain and I will have all the pleasure of beating the fat out of you.

I don’t want a fat slob trying to fit into my clothes.

I am no doctor, but I know how to make you skinny!

TAboo Phonesex MAkaylaPlease me Tracy and you will be as slim as me one day, or you will suffer. 

One of my favorite memories

taboo phone sex toni Thanksgiving is boring so I skipped it entirely. Instead I spent the day drinking, smoking, and reflecting on good times from my past. One memory that really stuck out was with my friend Sam. When we entered high school she became such a nasty cunt that by the beginning of our senior year I couldn’t tolerate anymore, something had to be done. I invited her to my house for a weekend sleep over. She accepted my invitation, probably only because of the tree house in my backyard. It was very secluded, hidden behind a very thick layer of trees. It wasn’t your typical tree house and I knew that’s what interested Sam the most. Of course it looked normal from the outside, but inside it was fully loaded. There was TV, cable, games, food, and drinks. My parents never cared much if I drank so they never hid their alcohol from me.

When Sam arrived we went straight to my tree house. I made us drinks and we watched TV for awhile. Then, that stupid little bitch starting running her mouth. She said the way that I dress and behaved was damaging her reputation. I let her ramble on about how people were teasing her for being my friend and how I needed to change. Once I’d had enough I got up and pretended I was making more drinks, but I had something a lot more fun in mind. My Dad kept a hammer in the tool drawer and while Sam blabbed on I managed to grab it without her noticing. The stupid slut made it too easy, she never saw it coming. One quick blow to the head and the torment was over for me, but hers was just beginning.

That entire weekend she was my little toy to experiment with. That blow to the head really changed her attitude. While she passed out I gagged her so no one could hear her screaming, I didn’t want our party to be interrupted. To start, I put my cigarette out on her naked thigh. I could tell she was starting to panic, but all I could was laugh. I kicked her, spit on her, and beat her with everything and in every way imaginable. When I was through with Sam she was laying in a puddle of her own blood with her face caved in. I didn’t even have to clean up the mess. All it took was one phone call and my actual friend Ray came over to help with everything.

The tree house was spotless before the sun came up and Sam was long gone. There was a missing persons report, it became old news fast. No one ever suspected me, they actually felt sorry for me because they thought I lost a friend! Obviously, I enjoyed every second of it. Even looking back now I have a smile on my face.

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From Cradle To The Grave

Sadistic phone sexOh man did you pick a shit day to come knocking at my door.  He is here and you are just the thing that He loves.  Plus, I have no clue where your Dad is.  What the fuck are you doing outside in just a t-shirt and panties anyway?  Don’t you know the apartment number where you belong? I suppose you do not since you seem to be way too young to even teach your address and phone number to.  Well.  I guess you can come in, He was getting bored anyway.

See, I tried to tell you this was a shit day for you.  Now you have that nasty bruise on your cheek.  I’m afraid little one that that isn’t the only injury you will be receiving today.  Not that it would matter because you couldn’t prepare for it.  Plus you can hardly talk correctly anyway.  Little people babble confounds me.  Maybe it’s better this way.  If He gets your face, and the back of your throat swollen enough I won’t have to hear it. 

He loves when your tiny body squirms around like that.  Him shoving his cock into that tight place between those chubby little legs of yours.  I have news for you darling, I don’t think your Daddy is looking for you at all.  I don’t hear any cop sirens, nor do I hear anyone calling out a name.  Looks like you are stuck with us for a bit.  I do mean a bit too, because after He is done violating and hurting you we will have to get rid of you by tossing your barely potty trained little body into a coffin in an abandoned building.  Maybe this isn’t such a shit day after all.

Snuff sex

Rape Phone Sex Fantasies Brought to Life

I trusted you, and you tricked me! You said you would pay me to come over and take care of you while you had the flu. I should have known when I opened the door, and you looked fine, that something was up. I only agreed to do it as a favor to my parents, and you are supposed to be my dad’s best friend. You always scared me a little, the way you would follow me around at family parties, and I would catch you staring at me from across the room. I knew, even way back then, that there was something not good about the way you stared.

How long have you been planning this? Weeks? Months? You shut the door behind me and lock it as you shove me back against it and tell me that tonight I belong to you. Your hand goes up my shirt and twists my tiny nipple so hard it feels like its bleeding. I am so shocked I can’t even scream or try to get away. You grab me by my hair and drag me to the couch. All I can do is beg you to let me go, and promise not to tell my dad. You don’t listen at all, and tie a gag around my mouth.

You say that you’re going to live out your rape phone sex fantasies with me tonight. That you’ve been talking to a girl on the phone and you know exactly what you’re going to do to me. She told you how and why, and now you are going to play it out with me. You wrap my wrists tight in rope and I can’t believe you are going to take my body against my will. I know I am a worthless little cumslut, but I don’t deserve this. I would have let you take me if you would have asked, but that’s not what you want.

You need to dominate me and my pussy and show me how useless I am because I am a girl. You spit in my face, and continue to twist my nipples. Despite knowing what is coming, my cunt is wet with excitement. You pull my panties to the side and thrust your cock so hard inside me that I yelp through the gag. As you fuck me, you slap me so hard I see stars and can barely remain alert. I can taste blood in my mouth and see the crazy in your eyes as you pound away at my tight pussy. And you just keep saying over and over that I belong to you tonight….

An Introduction To Torture Sex

Torture sexIt takes a certain mind set to be aroused by Torture Sex.  There are so many lovely, erotic, brutal things which fall within this type of “Fetish”.  Dependent upon the level of pain your partner can take, and their definition of torture you can open up a whole new world for them.  Imagine if you will the following:

You have had her tied up for hours when the norm calls for twenty minutes max as not to cause nerve damage.  You have found a way around this BDSM golden rule by changing her position a few times without saying a single word to her while yanking her into position.  At last you come into the room and her body is trembling.  All the muscles are constantly spasming which causes her great discomfort, but you do not want discomfort, you want to have your Torture fun.  You walk toward her as you are angry and brandish the dagger.

She tells you to stop fucking around, you haul off and back hand her.  She starts to swear at you. Your reply to her vulgar words is to lay the length of the cold steel of the blade against her lips until she shuts up.  You put the knife down and she starts to cry.  You smile to yourself as you get the fucking machine ready.  She sobs and as you grab the knife she starts to scream, you slice through her binds, grab her hair and pull her across the floor until she is in the position with her asshole exposed to the tip of the enormous dildo on the end of the machine.

You squat down and raise a finger to your lips as you reach over her to turn it on.  Her mouth flies open while she tries to move forward from the violent penetration of her virgin ass.  You hold her face in your hands so that you can watch every single tear roll down her cheek.  You put a posture collar round her soft neck, thread rope through the D ring and tether her in place. 

You go out of the room for a moment to get the bull whip that you have been practicing with for the past month without her knowledge.  You say in a firm voice, “Tell me what you are!”  She says nothing.  You crack the whip against the curvature of her ass, the welt appears immediately.  You repeat your demand.  She whimpers.  You send another searing crack of the bull whip against her tender flesh.  This goes on until she answers you but you do not stop assaulting her tender flesh with your weapon.

With your cock hard as a rock you quickly turn off the fucking machine, getting behind her you shove your cock into her wet pussy.  You unbuckle the the posture collar so that you can place your strong fingers around her neck.  As you choke her harder and harder you both cum. 

Doesn’t all that sound lovely?  I know it does.  Now it is just a matter of dating the right woman who would allow you do this, or better yet, just pick someone at random.  That way it will not matter if they will allow it or not, after all it is all about your pleasure, not theirs.