DIY Snuff Porn

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Snuff porn is already great, but when you make it yourself it’s even better. For years I have been making my own, I’ve just been really smart about it. You’ll never seen me in one of my snuff movies because I don’t plan on ever getting caught. Sometimes I’m not even in the same room as my victims and there are times when I never have any physical contact with them at all.

You might find that hard to believe, but it’s so easy to do. When I’m bored I browse online forums for suicidal people, those idiots are the easiest targets. Sometimes I’ll also look at forums for depression and drug addiction too because those aren’t as easy. It’s still fun for me though, I like a challenge. All I have to do is respond to them on the board or in a private message. I usually tell them that I want to help them to pull them in and believe it or not they fall for it almost every single time.

snuff pornAt first, I’m very sympathetic especially with my suicidal victims. Then, once I get them to confess some of their dirty secrets I act like they disgust me. I’ll pretend that I can’t believe that someone could be so awful, that maybe they really should just go ahead and kill themselves. For days and days I’ll just keep pounding that into their skulls, until they can’t think about anything else. If they don’t confess secrets all I have to do is talk about how boring they are. I’ll tell them how much space they’re wasting just by being alive. That will make them think that they’ll be doing everyone a favor by putting an end to it, which is true.

My favorite part is when they finally decide to go through with it. They’ll be messaging me for advice on the best way to do it and of course I’m more than happy to help. I’ll say that I need to watch them on cam to insure that they’re doing it right and so far everyone has played along with that. I’ve talked so many people into killing themselves now that I’ve lost count!

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As far as the drug addicts go, they are a bit more of a challenge. First, I have to convince them that they don’t have a problem. Like this girl Tulia. She was addicted to everything and her life was a mess, it was very hard to convince that she didn’t have a problem. I just made it seem like society should accept her for who she is. Who are they to tell her what she can or can’t put in her body? They’re all just trying to control her and turn her into one of the flock. She fell for it. Not long after our first little chat she was shooting up heroin on cam for and  even experimenting with drugs she had never even tried before.

All I had to do was sit back and just keep pushing her and pushing her until she finally overdosed. Playing games with her mind was entertaining, but my favorite part was watching her die. Tulia was trashing and convulsing violently. She was also foaming at the mouth too! Her suffering went on for awhile, even after she collapsed onto the ground. I didn’t mind, I enjoyed every moment of it.


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