Tag: Taboo phone sex

Snuff phone sex

snuff phone sex

I got caught at church fucking in the confession booth. I think what gave me away was the fact that I was moaning and screaming “fuck me harder”. Well any way a nice cop put me into his handcuffs and escorted me out of the premises while the congregation looked at me with such disgrace. As I hopped into the back of the cop car,  I smiled at the cop and with the sluttiest voice I said ” pretty please don’t take me to jail I’ll do anything!” The cop smiled and drove me to a parking garage near the police station. He opened the door to the back of the squad car and began choking me. I began to cry begging him not to kill me that I would do anything! He decided to grab me and kiss me, groping me hard feeling my breast and ass and slowly working his way to my pussy. He ripped off my underwear exposing my ass and began to penetrate my cunt until It was covered in his cum. The cop was still not satisfied so he began to fuck my shit hole sliding his shaft deep into my ass until I started to bleed. Crying since he was making my ass hole bleed and stretch out so much I was in fear of getting a Cyclopes pussy. The cop began penetrating me harder and faster hitting me in the head with his baton until I went limp. I awoke shorty after with him tasering my clit. Screaming in pain the cop grabbed some yellow tape and rapped it around my mouth until I could not be heard. He left me in the parking garage with my holes filled, and a bloody ass hole. At least I’m not in jail…

Silly little slut

snuff phone sexOh silly little slut. Thinking she is the hottest little bitch ever and talking to my most regular clients. Doesn’t she know I don’t like to share? That’s okay I can show this little slut that the only call I will be sharing with her is snuff phone sex. If she wants to please a man she can do it with me right by her side forcing her to do things she never imagined she would do. And let me tell you, as much as I am pissed at this little bitch – I am certain she can definitely please a man however he may want…with the right persuasion of course. I know whatever she might not want to do; I can certainly make that bratty ass of hers do anyway. This little bitch will do it all regardless if she is willing or not because I am in control, and I am feeling extra mean tonight. So what did you have in mind? I am going to make her do all the work… this certainly won’t be a pleasant last few hours of her life! She needs some experience in toilet play don’t you think? I am sure this little bitch might like to get into some shit. Literally! Haha. I would truly love to see that slutty little cunt digging her entire body into some shit just for you. Don’t you think she would look just gorgeous sharing golden showers with you? Ha! I think we have quite a lot to show her, now don’t we?  If she wants to resist that’s okay I’ll just have to smack her around and use my knife on her slowly but surely… she’ll learn to obey soon. Now let’s get started…you already know I am not patient at all.

Torture Phone Sex Fun

torture phone sex karmaShe was a bad little bitch in her leather and chains. Leaving her husband at home to set out for an adventure with the bad boys on the rough side of town. She had no idea she would run into me. I saw right through her tough persona right to the innocence that was her true self. Some things just can’t be covered up. It didn’t take me long to convince her that she should come home with me and one of the boys. He has the same desire for torture phone sex as I do and he just loves getting sweet things like this and showing them what real evil sex is all about. We started slow just because we wanted to build up the momentum. We whipped her with a cat of nine whip tearing her flesh and watching her wiggle, scream and bleed for us. That is when I got the cactus off the window ledge. Carefully I broke a piece off and slid it in her oft mouth watching as the spines tore at her tongue and lips. In that moment I knew her cunt would feel the fucking from my prickly plant. I fucked her good with my green dildo. With each brier that stuck in her pussy, my cunt became wetter. I grabbed a large bottle of rubbing alcohol and began to pour it all over her. In her mouth, on her body, and cunt. The pain was to much for her and she passed out. I didn’t let that state stop me. The torture continued till late in the night as she slipped in and out of consciousness.

Earning Her Castration Phone Sex Badge

castration phone sex venusThis is my favorite time of year. Why do you ask? Because of all those girl scouts selling their crack in a box. They have a girl scout badge for everything, but I was surprised to find out they do not have a badge for castration phone sex. Imagine that? So, I decided to create one. Amy, my favorite little girl scout, was going to earn her badge this week. And she did. She wore an extra slutty little green dress that I made for her to taunt the dirty old men, separate the weak from the strong. Looks just like the real thing. She had a little wagon filled with crack in a box I bought at the mall stand, along with a big ass knife and a soldering pen. The first pervert to invite her inside while he looked for his wallet would lose his balls and earn her a badge in castration.

taboo phone sex venusThe first house she went to in a fancy gated community she struck gold. A local preacher man too. He invited her inside to get his money, offered her a glass of milk with a roofie. She is smarter than that because I trained her. She smelled the drugs in her milk immediately. Only acted like she drank it. Cut his balls clear off when she surprised him that she was not passed out like he thought. She had the knife tucked in the back of her dress and when she heard him unzip his pants she opened her eyes on the couch and wham, the preach man was missing his testicles. “Testicles are for winners,” she said. She never even used the soldering pen on him. She let him bleed out on the floor. Put his severed balls in his mouth , wrote “pervert” on the walls in his blood and left him for the preacher’s wife to find. She came skipping out of the house an hour later and told me the entire story. I cried tears of joy. I am so proud of my little protégé. But oh how they grow up so fast.

Rape Phone Sex Fantasies

rape phone sex fantasiesPeople ask me all the time how I became such a submissive whore. Easy. I was born into it. I was daddy’s fuck pig, house slave and punching bag from my earliest memories. I haven’t seen my dad in years, but his treatment of his baby girl is forever imbedded in my brain. I thought maybe daddy had changed now that he is a senior citizen living in an old folks home. I have no siblings. My mom is long gone. I guess I was just feeling a need to reconnect. Big mistake. I walked into my dad’s private room happy to see him again; optimistic that he had changed. I was ambushed by a gang of geriatrics who hadn’t fucked in decades. I guess daddy told them he had a slut daughter who was ripe for the taking. A group of old men used me as a punching bag then came in me and on me like a street walker. I screamed for help, but they shoved their cocks in my mouth to shut me up. Smelly dicks. Wrinkled. Balls shriveled up. I was surprised they had it in them. Daddy said a whore like me can raise the dead. I left the nursing home battered and bruised, filled with old spunk. I will forever be daddy’s whore.

Ultimate Teen Rape Porn

Teen Rape Porn

Daddy caught me…caught me wearing makeup to school and the shorts he said were too short and slutty. I thought I was going to be alone when I got home but I was wrong, he was home early from work with all his buddies. When he saw me he slapped me and called me a whore. I knew I was dressed like one, so I knew I deserved to be treated like that. I cried and begged for Daddy to give me mercy and he told me that if I was going to dress like a whore he was going to fuck me like one. Him and his friends were merciless, pushing their cocks into my unwilling little holes as I screamed and screamed until they shut me up with a cock in my mouth. I swallowed load after load of cum, I could feel it rolling into my eyes and smearing into my whore makeup. Daddy was laughing and calling me a slut as he slammed his cock into me making sure he hurt me good. I could do nothing but take it because I knew this was my punishment for being a dirty teen slut.

Wrong Dom’s House

taboo phone sex Langley

My master’s best friend called his cell phone today while I was taking a nap. His friend said that he wanted me to come over and fuck him ASAP. Of course my master loves sharing me, so he wrote down the address and sent me on my way in a whore outfit. Everything was really short on me. My master was kind enough to let me drive his car. I pop the address into the GPS and show up at an old looking town house. When I knock on the door, my Master’s friend is nowhere in sight. Instead it’s a sexy MILF. I tell her who I’m here for, and she invites me in. Once I’m inside she demands I strip out of my clothes. I do what I’m told. I don’t know if Master set this up so I want to behave. Then she gets right in front of me and puts her cunt on my face, she lets me know she has no clue who my so called Master is but she is going to well use my cunt before sending me home without any clothes.

Torture Sex for a Mommy Whore

torture sexTorture sex is what a stupid whore gets when she fucks up. I borrowed my eldest son’s car while mine was in the shop. I had a little fender bender that honestly was not my fault. My son, however, did not see it that way. He punched me so hard in the gut when I told him that I puked. He shoved my face in my own vomit, forcing me to lick it up. This was followed with a ball gag shoved in my mouth and being attached to a bar to restrain my arms. He didn’t want me being able to get away when he sodomized my ass with a cattle prod. For having a minor car accident that was not my fault, he saw it fitting punishment to torture my ass with electric shock. I could smell my ass burning. I attempted to reason with him, but that just pissed him off. The cattle prod went up my cunt then. He was clearly in one of his tweaked out moods which never goes well for me. I tried not to cry or utter a word as he tortured my cunt and ass. He decided torture was not enough. He had to degrade me too. He spit in my face. Shit on my stomach and pissed down my throat. When he was done with me, he looked me in the eyes and said, “I don’t give a fuck about the car. I just enjoy abusing my mommy whore.”

Gangbang Rape Porn with a Filthy Whore

The stillness of the night was penetrating as I slipped off the motorcycle with assistance from Master.We were in an area of vacant warehouses and I had no idea I would be participating in a gangbang rape porn. I was told to wear the red silk slip dress, and the red leather stiletto boots. When Master arrived he helped me into a leather jacket and lead me to his bike. I am to never ask Master questions, on my own anyway. He whispered in my ear as he helped me off the bike “Are you my favorite Filthy Whore?” I could only nod.

“Good Girl” Master cooed at me as he led me into a back entrance of one of the warehouses. Upon entering there were bright lights and cameras set up and I could see a crowd of men surrounding an area with some hanging chains. Led into the center of the crowd guys were echoing their approval, they all stood naked. My arms were pulled over my head and my dress removed followed by my wrists being clamped into cuffs that were then attached to the chains.

Gangbang Rape Porn

Without warning I was blindfolded and in seconds felt my ass and cunt penetrated by cock. I wanted to cry out from the pain of being stretched but knew better. These first two guys ejaculated in me and pulled out allowing another pair to slide into my fuck holes and do the same. This went on all the while I was being videotaped. I was the star of a 100 man gangbang rape porn and it was fucking brutal. In the end I felt my holes ripped and ass gaping and dripping with cum.


ass rape porn

ass rape porn

I have so many boy toys that I pretty much have everything I could ever want except for drugs like coke . It is such as viscous cycle I work so hard just to spend all of my money. So I decided to fuck this guy who imports drugs into the country so I could get all the coke I want! There is a price for everything I suppose and boy did I learn that lesson, since I got to his warehouse where he then chained me up like an animal at a slaughterhouse. I’m high as fuck so I don’t give a fuck what happens to me. This guy then starts beating the shit out of me until I’m swinging around like a punching bag. Once he is finished I’m just hanging there black and blue with bruises all over my body. I’m so weak I can’t even speak he then picks me up and carries me into his office where he fucks my gaping cunt hole for hours. He must of been high as fuck since he kept going and going. This man had me bent over on his desk fucking my pussy hard and fast until my pussy bled from being penetrated to hard! I have never done anal before and boy did he strike good since I had a tight ass hole. He left me loose and stretched out since he fucked my ass hole for an hour straight. Once my holes were filled he made me eat the shit off his dick. I sat there crying since I had no idea why this guy was treating me like this. He called in one of his henchman who brought in sewage water . I was told to drink it if I wanted to live so I started chugging it was horrible so horrible I threw up every single time I drank from the bowl. This guy began hitting me until I blacked out and when I awoken he had me in a bathroom where I was covered in piss and blood. He shitted on the ground and told me to eat it.