Tag: Taboo phone sex

Taboo phone sex with sexy Makayla

Taboo phone sex

I do not know what it is. Something about your voice draws me into this Taboo phone sex call. I am weak when you call. The way you say hello gives me goosebumps. My pussy is immediately wet and I am ready and willing to do what you want me to do. The moment the phone rings and I see your number I grab my knife. I know you love the big one. The way it cuts into my tight spandex shorts. The way my skin puff out of that slit makes my pussy wet, just like it makes your cock hard.

Violent Phone Sex

I love how fucking hot our Taboo phone sex is. Feeling the warm blood rush down my thighs as I cut into my pussy for you, it feels like you are there guiding the knife in and out of my worthless cunt. I want you to admire what you have done to me during our Taboo phone sex calls. Admire the ugly pussy I now have because of you. Your smooth voice controls me like the needle controls me. I will do anything to get high, just like I will do anything to make you cum.


Castration Phone Sex: I’m Your Junk Removal Accomplice

castration phone sexCastration phone sex requires balls. I don’t mean the pathetic little nut sack dangling beneath your equally pathetic dick. I mean it takes courage, something that so many losers with worthless equipment actually possess. I get a shit ton of callers begging me to rid them of their useless and very disappointing testicles. My motto has always been, “testicles are for winners.” If you are calling me for a taboo phone sex call where I take your worthless junk, please be willing to hurt yourself at the very least. I mean the first step is recognizing that your worthless. The second step is seeking help, which my callers do when they call me for junk removal services. However, only so much of a hurt I can put on you, if you are not willing to do some self damage.  So, here are the tools you need. Booze. You will need something strong like bourbon or whiskey to dull the pain. Alcohol was anesthesia for centuries.  Duct tape. You can strap your pathetic wiener  to your belly exposing your balls for better torture or castration. You can use rope too. You need to separate your balls from your dick. Get a hammer, or some sort of blunt object. One hard smack and you can bust a nut. Literally flatten it. A sharp object is required for those who are serious about castration and it is just not fantasy for them. A kitchen knife, a razor blade, and exacto knife…. you get the picture. Something sharp enough to cut the flesh from your body. The final thing you need is a smoldering pen. Something to cauterize the wound because there will be blood. You can even use a heated frying pan. Just something really hot to seal the wound. It would really be nice for me if you were serious about castration, as serious as I am. I can tell the difference between real pain and acting. So man up. Get some proverbially balls to lose your real balls. Castration is not for the weak, but if you are serious about home castration, I am your junk removal accomplice.

violent phone sex

violent phone sex

There was a group of three sisters and they were hot. They were short, skinny, and had huge tits. They seemed very envious of one another though. My master offered them to come to a show at a stadium that he owns. Those dumb whores got all flattered and agreed to come. They do not even know what kind of shows his stadium has. They of course show up and he tells them that because they are so hot, he wants them part of his show. They get super excited when they see there hot outfits that they get to wear. I can not help but to laugh. It’s finally show time and they walk to their spot light. As they enter the stadium the doors close behind them and they are past the point of return. Weapons are everywhere and there are huge four legged furry creatures in the corner. I am standing on the other side of the stadium, facing them. I walk up to them and I start to call them names, I immediately push the smallest sister towards one of the furry four legged huge vicious creature. She immediately gets claw marks down her body. Her flesh splits open, and blood starts running down her body. She try’s to get away, as she is shrieking. A ginormous cock pops out of the creature and starts to split her right and half. Her pussy hole gets fucked open and he rips and eats her hole body to shreds once he cums all over her. The other sisters are looking at me in disbelief. If they want to get out of this they are going to have to fight me, and even kill me. That’s what these whores get for flirting with my master. “Who’s next you dumb stupid whores?” I can not wait to beat their stupid, filthy whore asses into a bloody pulp.

Snuff Phone Sex Vampira

Snuff phone sex

These fucking urges I get sometimes will lead to some of the kinkiest sex… for me anyway! I never really know how the victim feels as his body grows cold beneath me. His hard pecker inside my soaking wet pussy as I bite his nipples with my incisor implants ad lap the blood up. I love when they go into rigor mortis with their fuckstick inside me still. Riding a hard stiff rod on a stiff is just one of those things for me. Then again I love dick, no little dick men, nah, I castrate phone sex that shit!

So, earlier I got the damned urge for a bite and that taste of sin while at the bar. I looked around for a feasible victim, when I spotted you watching me. I turn on the flirtation and your at my side buying me a drink. Your going to be my bitch from here on out and die loving it.

Torture Sex Revenge

torture sexI got wicked drunk last night. Fuck, I was high too. Some guy at a bar gave me some good blow. We were doing lines on the bar and drinking 80 proof bourbon. I’m a tall woman. I can usually hold my liquor, not last night. I woke up with a different man. And not in the way you assume. I was on some rack. Naked, tied up, with little metal clips all over my body. It was pure torture sex. My skin felt like it was on fire. The metal was piercing my flesh. There was a funnel gag in my mouth and I was drinking something rank. Well being forced to chug it actually. “How do you like my piss, Cassie,” he inquired with a snarky grin on his face. He didn’t look familiar at all.  He saw the look on my face. “Don’t remember me whore,” he seethed? I was scared. Clearly, I had pissed this guy off at some point in my life, but no clue when or where. He tried to jog my memory, but when I was not getting a clue, it just pissed him off further. He started burning my flesh with a cigar. The worst was when he put it out on my clit. I screamed in pain. He sat me up to torture my cunt. Fucked me with a burning stogie while yanking on the clips attached to my pussy. He was face to face with me; staring me dead on in the eyes.  As he was burning my thighs and clit with the cigar, it hit me. I did know him. Not by name, but in the elevator of my building. He was making sure I knew him now. He carved his name in my stomach. Billy. According to him, a whore like me has no right snubbing anyone. I will never forget him now.

taboo phone sex

Biting fetish bloody phone sex

bloody phone sex

I was sleeping in my bed at night, the moon was the only light shining through my windows in my home. I thought I was comfy and safe. The sheets were grazing along my nipples and pussy since I enjoy sleeping naked, and I felt my pussy get wet in between my legs. Not thinking that my curtains were open- I started to spread my legs and rub my pussy. I was really rubbing my pussy hard, thinking about a dick going down my throat and into all of my holes- fucking me stupid. Well I guess I was so stupid to not think anyone would see me. The sensation was shooting through me body to fuck my pussy faster. I was on the verge of cumming until I heard a cough coming through my door way. I quickly stopped what I was doing and hid under my covers. Stupid, right? Fucking myself stupid, exactly. Like the covers will do anything for me? I heard breathing above me. The covers were ripped off of my naked body and I was immediately jumped on. Before I could let out a scream he cover my mouth with his big manly hands and he started making bites all down my body. He was just a shadow to me since I could not see his face. I feel his teeth sink into my neck. He whispers in my ear that it is only going to hurt a little. I try squirming and he doesn’t let me move since he is way bigger then me. He takes a bite right on to my nipple. His teeth dig into my soft flesh around my nipple. I bite down on my teeth bracing his sharp teeth that rip my nipple right off. He does the same thing to the other one. He likes bitting, and continues down my body, ripping away with his teeth at my flesh. I feel cold blood running down the sides of my body. He doesn’t stop making bites into me. When he gets down to my pussy, he rips the skin right off of my pussy swollen pussy mound. My inner thighs get devoured with bite along with my legs, my pussy lips, and back up to my tummy and tits. I hope his bitting fetish eventually leaves some of my skin in tact.

Keisha v.s. Makayla Dirty whores Fight!

2 girl phone sex

Fighting to the death has always been something my daddy wanted to see. He wanted to watch stupid worthless whores like me taring each other apart. He wanted to see blood. He wanted to hear the hard smack as each girl hit each other with their fits. He wanted to watch a skull get crushed by bare hands of a naked whore.  Daddy always told me “one day when you get big enough you are going to earn your keep around here. If not your life will be over. Now that I’m not so little Daddy says it’s time. Time I fight to live or be fucked till I turn blue. He has been watching this big tittied nigger whore. She keeps winning and getting stronger. I have never fought anyone off me. I can’t handle her and I know that. But daddy wants to see if I I’m worthy enough to live anymore.

Evil phone sex

He says my pussy is used up and I can not make money off a worthless pussy. I try to remember that during our match. I bite that nigger bitch on her big titties. I shove two fingers into her stinky pussy. Just when I thought I had her I was going to win. That fucking nigger cunt punched me so hard in the face she broke my jaw bone. Then she sat on my face. She rode my face smothering me. I took all the energy I had and bit down on her pussy lips. She screamed and smashed her bloody pussy on my face. I was weak and couldn’t move. She had gotten her fake strap on cock on. She bent me over and jammed that big thick cock into my asshole. She started fucking my ass and choking me at the same time. I was turning blue just like my daddy said I would. 

Evil phone sex

What will you do for a Kentucky Klondike Bar ?

Accomplice phone sex

He worships me, he wants to be mine.

He will do anything for me and he has proven to be a good slave.

I have sent him out to do things for me and he has done them perfectly.

I love looking back at the photos I have taken of him fucking that little whore mouth of that ankle biting bitch.

That yappy fluff ball pissed me off.

Thanks to my evil slave and how he worships me.

He brought that fluff ball home to me.

He stuck his cock down that fucking fluff balls throat.

Making that worthless fucking living shit slowly choke on his cock.

Taboo phone sex

I hated that little fucking thing, it would shit in my yard.

I squatted over that slowly choking bitch and took a shit on its head as he choked her with his cock.

When my warm hot shit touched his cock he blew his load so fucking hard squeezing my shit in his hands and cock.

Now that I know my nasty fucking slave loves shit, I keep saving it for him.

After each shit I mold it together, making a big frozen cock made of shit.

Once I give him his order’s to get the neighbor’s offspring to me.

I can show him his Kentucky Klondike Bar made of his Mistress’s shit!

He will do what ever I fucking tell him!

Goth teen phone sex

Torture Sex for a Cheating Whore

torture sex spsTorture  sex is all a worthless whore deserves. That is what every man tells me. Last night, I heard it from a woman too. A rather cruel dominant women who found out I fucked her husband. She set a trap for me, then when I arrived made it clear she was in charge because a cheating whore too dumb to know a set up doesn’t deserve any mercy. She tossed me on the couch. She was stronger than she looked. I hear rage can do that to a person. My hands were bound behind my back; my feet restrained. I was her captive. “You took something from me bitch; now I plan on taking something from you,” she seethed. I was scared. Women can be far crueler than men, especially women scorned. She started stroking my hair. I felt sick to my stomach. When I tried to beg and plead for forgiveness because I didn’t know he was married, she smacked me then put a spider gag in my mouth. I saw the scissors. I knew she was going to take my precious long blonde locks. A woman’s beauty is so tied to her hair. She did more than that. She cut my hair, shaved my head then carved whore on my chest with the scissors. Deep too. I started bleeding. I was helpless. My whore behavior put me in this position, along with my stupidity. I should have known he was married. Most men who want to fuck me are attached in some way or another. I was crying from the pain, but she was just getting warmed up. She lit a cigarette and put it out on my nipples. She poured alcohol into my wounds. But the worse thing she did was stab my cunt with her scissors. My pussy gushed blood. I screamed in pain. “I took your beauty and your whore instrument. Maybe you will think again bitch before you steal another woman’s man,” she said as she spit in my face. She warned me about calling the cops when she let me go. I knew better. A sick twisted scorned bitch like her would kill me next time.

Daddy Almost KILLED ME!!!

snuff phone sex (3)

Most people don’t believe in magic and all that crap but I DO! You see… I think I’ve been getting on my Daddy’s nerves lately. Sure I try to stay out of his way, and never fight back no matter how badly I am being abused. It’s never enough for Daddy though he just hates me so much. He knows he could never hurt me enough, he could never treat me as I really deserve…because I deserve to be dead. So many times I’ve thought I was going to die but knew Daddy would make sure I made it alive…so he could continue to use me time and time again. This morning I woke up and it was 6am. Daddy is never ever up that early but I could hear him in the kitchen…I figured I would just go back to sleep…it was nothing right? Wrong. I awoke and Daddy had my nose pinched between his fingers, he was ordering me to open my mouth and swallow it. I figured it was his cock or cum that was about to be sliding down my throat but what I tasted was chemicals. I knew I was fucked. Daddy had finally had it!!! I choked it down and saw Daddy’s wicked smile, his pants were off and his cock was hard…he jammed his cock down my throat and all I remember was his screaming “Die you worthless cunt!” as he force fucked my mouth, and beat me senseless. I don’t even know why I am alive right now…after drinking that deadly potion.

rape phone sex fantasies (12)