Tag: Taboo phone sex

Bloody phone sex kissing fetish

bloody phone sex

I am hanging out at my home and my door rings. I am super excited because I think it is a package I have been waiting for! When I open the door a very tall man barges right in, knocking me to the ground. He locks the door behind him and ties me up. He puts duck tape around my wrist and gets me completely naked. He tells me that he has been watching me for some time now.

He tells me that I better cooperate and if I do not, he will do very bad things to me. “I have been fantasizing about your lips for some time now.” He tells me that and asked me for some kissing. I figure, if it makes me stay alive then I will do anything. I start kissing his lips and I see him growing hard through his pants. I stop for a brief second and he slaps me across my face! “Do not stop you bitch.” I go back to kissing hi lips and kissing all over his body. He says how much he loves my lips.

He traces them with my fingers. He finally grabs them and takes his knife out. “I want you to kiss me for a life time, I want your lips forever.” I start to panic as he is sawing my lips off. I can not do anything since his might over powers me. He has a kissing fetish. He proclaims I am going to die, but my lips will live on, kissing every inch of him.

Snuff Porn Fantasies

snuff pornSnuff porn is so popular. It is a dark fetish for so many folks. Even women have snuff fantasies. Some women are really cruel mistresses who love to kill blonde bimbos like me.  I answered an ad on the Back Pages for a threesome. It sounded like a hot scenario. I saw pictures of the couple, very handsome. They just wanted a subbie playmate. I fit that bill. When I arrived, I knew something was off. This was no normal couple. More like Bonnie and Clyde or some other deranged killer duo in history. I could see the madness in their eyes. Hers primarily. Her soul was black. I sat down and she spit in my face, then poured her hot cup of coffee on my tits. She scalded my boobs and laughed. Flat out laughed as I cried in pain. I attempted to flee for the door, but he grabbed me. He restrained me while she kicked me repeatedly for hours. I was semi conscious when I got a reprieve.  I heard them laughing in the other room. Blood covered my face. I was choking on blood and vomit. I was dizzy. Everything was blurry, but I tried to crawl to the door to escape. I thought I had my freedom. My bloodied hand was on the knob, when something sharp pierced through my ass. The pain was beyond imagine. It came out my mouth and pinned me to the door. I was speared. Spit roasted like a pig. I couldn’t breathe or move. Like road kill, I was waiting to die. Die at the hands of two strangers I thought wanted to fuck a submissive whore. My blue eyes looked at the man for some sort of answer as to why me. He knew that look. He patted my head and said, “Because you are a stupid  whore who hooks up with strangers. The only good whore is a dead whore.”

Snuff Porn Sunday Funday

snuff pornSnuff porn Sunday? Has a nice ring to it doesn’t it? Personally, on Sunday’s I love to go hunting for little ones in church. Something about seeing those sweet young things in their Sunday best makes my cunt twitch. I can see them at the altar in cute dresses all angelic looking. I close my eyes and I see a much different image. Little girls covered in blood like the evil Shining twin girls. Only the girls in my mind are dismembered and covered in cum. Your cum perhaps? I’m a pretty bold killer. I will snatch a little whore up in public. We can take her to an empty part of the church or even back to your place and violate her in very bad ways. I can stab her cunt for you. Her warm bloody eviscerated cunnie will feel so amazing on your cock.. I can cut off her little boobie bumps and feed them to the wildlife. I can prolapse her ass with my knife or your cock. I will watch as you fuck every hole on her body. You can fuck her eyes out. Fuck her ears until she hears you cumming. Fuck her nose and make her smell your cum. Of course you can skull fuck the little bitch. You can fuck her belly button until you penetrate flesh. Stab her in the gut with your cock. You can fuck her virgin cunt and ass with your cock and anything else you may have laying around. And don’t forget her tiniest hole. Her little pee hole. Your cock would ruin a little urethra. Stretch it all the fuck out. Talk about making a little whore scream. After you fuck every hole in her body, we can torture her with knives and other fun items. Want to be my accomplice for some wicked hot taboo phone sex fun? No such thing as too young with me.

Snuff porn

snuff porn

I woke up in the middle of night because I heard a strange noise coming from the bathroom in the living room area of the house. I locked my door and called a friend to comfort me while I tried to figure out if I was hearing things or if indeed there was some intruder. I grabbed my bat and my phone and I made my way through  the house looking for evidence of some thing out of the ordinary. I ran to the light switch since I felt like that would help me feel less helpless instead of navigating in the dark.
As I flipped the light switch and turned around there was blood all over the walls with the words your next. Just as I was about to scream I was struck in the head. I awakened in my kitchen with the walls covered in plastic and for the most part everything was covered in plastic .I then saw a figure he was wearing a gas mask and what appeared to be a hazmat suit. He shined this really bright light over my face and began talking into this recorder. I couldn’t understand him since it was some foreign language.
I tried to beg him to let me go but he wouldn’t respond to anything I was saying. I felt him pulling some chains and I felt my body being lifted upside down. I felt like a cow at a slaughter house. When I looked down at the ground I Saw a huge bucket. I begged and pleaded for the individual to spear my life but instead he sang loudly where he then slit my throat with this very sharp knife. I tired to scream but couldn’t since I was suffocating on my blood as it flowed out like a waterfall.
I felt my body going cold and my mind racing trying to find a way to escape and survive. The stranger then began slashing me with a knife cutting and ripping into my flesh snipping and cutting. I saw him gutting me pulling out my intestines then my stomach until finally he got to my heart. I knew I was dead and no longer alive but I could still feel and see everything. In my mind I was screaming looking for an escape but all i could do was stare as this same individual began cutting me in half with a chain saw. I saw my body mutilated and chopped up into pieces.
That looked similar to what I would purchase at a local meat market. I guess the secret in the meat was me.

For Michelle – the Sissy Faggot Cock Sucking Whore.

Fantasy phone sex

Michelle called me last night. She had to get something off her chest and I could not help myself but laugh at her the entire time.. Michelle was not her real name.. She was once a he  but that all changed the night he had a sleepover with one of his friend when he was younger. He had no idea that his friend and her mother were going to turn him into a cock sucking, cum eating sissy faggot.. When he told me how the girl and her mother stole his clothes while he was showering leaving nothing but a very very girlie once piece bathing suit. They told him he put his clothes in a puddle of water.. but I knew before he even said anything that he was going to forced to be their bitch! He put on the bathing suit because his soon to be new mommy told him too. He walked out to find them all in swim suits and they told him how pretty she looked! That is when it started.. The powered herbs in bathing suit started shrink his cock.. It was black magic, They worshiped Satin and all evil things he stood for. That’s why they took a good red blooded straight american boy with a tiny cock and turned him into a sissy faggot whore who loves to choke on thick cocks for the rest of his pathetic life. He is a cock sucker for life now!! 

Not-So-Happy Trails

torture phone sex marleyWell, I am finally almost to the mountains. I keep hoping that someone will pick me up. This trek is more grueling than I had realized. I went into the store here in the town I’ve stopped in for supplies, and there was a man in the back. He tried not to be noticed, but I noticed him. It’s hard not to notice when someone is scoping you out like they’re a predator and you’re the prey. I could feel his eyes moving along with every step I took and every item I grabbed. I got the bare necessities and skipped out pretty quickly. The strange thing was, it felt like his eyes were following me the entire rest of the day, even now. I feel like his eyes are on me, and my skin is crawling. I may go take a bath in the lake. It was crystal clear earlier, and so still. I want to wash this icky feeling right off of my body.

To whom it may concern,

I have been hearing odd noises, like a person trying to be quiet while systematically stalking me through the woods. I first noticed it while I was bathing in the lake. If anyone should come across this diary and I am not with it, you can bet your ass that something has happened to me

Fulfilling Rape Phone Sex Fantasies

rape phone sex fantasiesI love fulfilling rape phone sex fantasies. This morning I got to be a little black cock cheating whore who got taught a lesson. I left my ex boyfriend for this big black bull who likes to rough me up. It is okay. I don’t mind him man handling because he has a 13 inch cock. Women will do anything for a cock that big. That is why so many chicks stay with assholes and wife beaters. They have a big dicks. They are only weak for huge cock. Well my ex heard my current boyfriend put me in the hospital. He showed up trying to get me back. He was pretty shocked that I chose to stay with a man who made me black and blue. I had to dish out some tough love. “You are pathetic. You have  a little dick. Leroy is more of a man than you could ever hope to be. Now leave,” I yelled at him. I was sure that being humiliating on my porch like that would make him leave. He snapped. He started calling me a Nigger loving whore. Told me I likely have a diseased cunt. I didn’t know who he was anymore. I yelled at him to take his tiny dick off my porch. Fucking fool. Yell all he wants; that is not what makes a man. Every woman knows that cock size is what separates the boys from the men. The moment I started taunting him nonstop about his tiny dick he lost it. Pulled out a knife and stabbed me in the stomach. I fell to the ground. He pulled his cock out and fucked my ass as I laid their bleeding out. He picked up the knife and stabbed me more. This time in my whore bags.  He came in me as I took my last breath.  He taught this black cock cheating whore her final lesson.

Dungeon and Dragons

taboo phone sex

I answered an ad on craigslist, I really thought he meant he wanted someone to be a part of his gaming group for dungeon’s and dragons – I guess that also shows me really what a stupid whore I am. I should have known honestly, how could I ever be so stupid? Cuz when I showed up it was no board game. It was literally a dungeon… and dragons was code for big black cock. I had zero chance once I arrived. I am barely over 100lbs! He scooped me up and before I knew it I was chained to the wall, spread wide and beyond exposed. All these guys came in, laughing at me and calling me all sorts of names. I struggled against my binds but it was useless, they were already beating on me. I was getting bloody and raw, and they hadn’t even started fucking me yet. Before I knew it all my holes were getting stretched open…my pussy was being forced to take 2 cocks and I was trying to suck all the dick I could fit in my mouth. They continued to beat me down, and pass me around. I was chained up and helpless, I knew no one could hear me scream or cry. This was dungeon and dragons – taboo phone sex edition.

This Snuff Porn Bitch is a No Taboo Phone Sex Toilet Slave Too

snuff pornSnuff porn is very popular for me. Lots of men want me to star in their Dead Production. Many men loathe a read headed slut. I’m stupid. I’m a total addict who does anything for coke. My callers know this. The men in my life know this. I’m abused on and off the phone. I don’t mind though. I know I was born to be a submissive whore.  I get a lot of rape fantasies and hardcore snuff, but a few get very nasty with how I die. I have one caller who wants me to be his very young daughter. I am older than he is, but it is fun to pretend to be that young again. Even as young girl I am consumed with bad thoughts. I want my dad to do very bad things to me like starve me until I am nothing but skin and bones. I want to be his toilet slave. And not just his slave either. I want to be a slave to the big barnyard creatures out back. I beg to roll around in their excrement despite flies and maggots. I live on a diet of piss and shit from the 2 and 4 legged members of the house. Eventually, a 4 legged monster’s cock splits me in two and I die slowly and painfully in a heaping pile of shit. But I enjoy my demise because it is fitting for a stupid fucking toilet whore to die in a vat of animal dung. Maybe extreme bathroom play isn’t your thing. I share this hot fantasy so you understand just how much of a no taboo phone sex whore I am. Nothing is too sick or too depraved for me. Unlike some girls in this business, being a coke head submissive slut is not an act, but a way of life.

Blasphemy Phone Sex with a Taboo Phone Sex Bitch

blasphemy phone sexBlasphemy phone sex is hotter than hell. Do I look religious to you? Fuck no. When I was a young girl I did very bad things in church. My parents forced me to go to Catholic church, but I had the soul of Satan even then. No innocence in me ever. I remember the time that I got my family barred for life from their church. The priest, who was likely diddling little boys, was droning on and on about asking for God’s forgiveness. Forgiveness for what? I was not yet the castrating, brat killing, murderous sadistic bitch I am today. I had nothing to ask forgiveness for. He was talking about how Christ died for our sins. I was a young school girl what the fuck sins did I have yet? Made me want to commit some since I was already a fucking sinner. So, I grabbed my mother’s  cross, went up to the alter for communion. I turned around, sat on the alter and fucked my cunt in front on the congregation with my mom’s cross. The gasps turned me on. The look of shock on everyone’s face was priceless. Just a little squirt and I was saying fuck God and Jesus as I ravaged my fuck holes with a holy cross. I think they thought I was possessed by the devil. Maybe I was. Maybe I still am. My parents pretty much disowned me after that. They were forced to provide for me, but I never got a hug or an I love you ever again. They tried to commit me several times, but I outsmarted the doctors. I turned the tables on my folks, made it look like I was  just a troubled girl because I was the product of abuse and parental neglect. I was put in foster care and allowed to flourish into the evil sick blasphemous bitch I am today. Fuck God, Fuck Jesus and fuck the sanctimonious church.  It is much more fun to be a brat of Satan than a brat of fucking God. Us taboo phone sex sluts have way more fun than those innocent girl next door types.

taboo phone sex