Tag: Taboo phone sex

Merry Fucking Christmas

I have had cramps all day, bloated and craving chocolate.

Its almost time for Auntie Flo to visit.

I thought I had more time, another day or two.

That bitch Flo showed up early and I had nothing.

Not even a piece of chocolate.

Teen rape porn

It was late at night and well it was a murder scene in my panties.

I needed some tampons and chocolate asap!

I walked a few blocks in freezing rain to circle k.

There were 3 guys in the back by the beer and the store clerk was watching them hard.

He didn’t see me steal chocolate bars or see me grab some other candy.

I had to walk by those guys and of course they were standing right in front of the tampons.

I was humiliated when one of them asked me if I was even old enough to have a bloody pussy.

I told him to fuck off and went to pay for my shit.

Sadistic phone sex

I was half way home when the pulled up on me.

He grabbed me by the back of my head and pulled me into their lifted truck.

I tried to scream and fight but I was no match for this blood hungry men.

They pulled off on a dirty road and forced their cocks inside of my bloody pussy.

They filled me up with their nasty cum loads and left me there bleeding and filled with cum.

Merry fucking Christmas to me.

Ass Rape Porn at the Mall

ass rape pornAss rape porn holiday party? Wasn’t my idea, trust me. I was at the mall doing some last minute shopping when a group of high school boys started harassing me relentlessly. They were grabbing my ass and tits, calling me names and knocking stuff out of my hands. Unruly boys. They needed a spanking. Mall security was ignoring me. Everyone was ignoring me. They were so wrapped up in their own world they didn’t see me struggling with these boys, or they just didn’t care. One of the bigger boys cornered me against an exit to an employee’s area. He pushed me through the door. His pals followed. They shoved me into a dark room. I think it was a storage area for the janitors. I started screaming but over the Christmas music and crowd chatter, no one could hear me if they were paying attention. I struggled as hard as I could, but I was out numbered. It was 6 to 1. They were big boys too; likely athletes. They shoved their fingers down my mouth joking about my cock sucking abilities. They ripped the clothes from my body. When I began to cry, I got smacked hard across the face. “Shut up twat,” one of them said before his friends rammed their cocks down my throat with such force that I puked. I hurled everywhere. That just turned them on more. My ass got shoved full of teen cock. “Bitches in school don’t give up the ass, whore,” the leader said as he plunged his hard member so deep in my ass his balls left a mark. They tagged teamed my fuck holes and took pictures of the mall whore for their Instagram accounts. I was sober too.  I was not prepared to be in a gangbang rape porn at the mall just days before Christmas. I gave up fighting; just let them use me until they grew bored. They left me alone filled with their cum smelling like a sewer in the janitor’s room. They even stole my purse to go shopping on my dime. Merry fucking Christmas to me.

Taboo Phone Sex: Dark Fantasies Come Alive

What’s so fucking great about taboo phone sex some idiots wonder…. Well let me fucking tell you! ALL that politically correct bullshit in today’s society, and how shit is flaunted all over the fucking place but to have any form of sexual reaction to it is a big fucking No No… well… this is the place you can come and play.

taboo phone sex

I’ll weave your darkest filthiest fantasy into such a mindfuck that you will cum so mother fucking hard that you drop your phone or hang up! I want to pull off a home invasion with you where we fuck the hell out of the parents before slitting their worthless throats. Then we move on to that sweet teen snatch that you have been salivating over. I will start with her and let you finish her off, and I wonder if she lives or dies?

Taboo Phone Sex – Captivity

Taboo phone sexHe came in first thing in the morning, and informed me that I was being held captive by his 4 brothers, who were the ones who fucked me before putting me into this cage. He was amused that I couldn’t remember anything, and told me that he would be the one who would be willing to let me go, if I could follow instructions. He told me to come close to the bars and let him check my cunt and ass. His fingers prodding at those tender regions hurt, but I bore it. Then, he called one of the furries over and let the furry sniff me. When it started to clean me with its tongue, I tried so hard not to be turned on, but damn I failed. My would-be savior then shoved his fingers inside of me and told me how full of his brothers’ cum I was. He made met let one lick me out as he talked me through licking and fingering the ass hole of the other furry. He even made me kiss its little dick and suck on it. He spent hours having me do various such tasks. What finally did me in, though, was when he finally fucked me, sliding fingers inside along with his cock, and made me cum. I came without permission, so he forced me to be the toilet for both the furries. I have never felt so violated.

Taboo Phone Sex Christmas: Naughty Brats Get Ass Rape Porn

taboo phone sexTaboo phone sex Christmas has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it? I love the movies Silent Night, Deadly Night and Black Christmas. Those are my kind of holiday movies. I don’t spread cheer. I spread fear. I fucking hate Christmas. Annoying brats begging for expensive toys that they will grow bored of in a month. Cunts demanding expensive jewelry from poor bastards  they have on the hook. Folks slaving in stores at ridiculous hours for minimum wage when they should be enjoying time at home sleeping and eating. All the commercialism and entitlement that comes out this time of year makes me murderous.  I had some fun with fraternal twins at the mall last night. Spoiled brats were being rude to Santa. Who the fuck is rude to Santa? I decided that that the devil’s spawn needed to be on his naughty list. I showed them just what happens to bad little boys and girls. I snatched them right up in the crowded mall. No one was paying a lick of attention but Santa. I had his blessing to do very bad things to spoiled little brats. I punched them both in the face hard enough to knock them out. Carried them over my shoulders like sleeping angels. Dumped them in the family bathroom. I stripped them naked and invited perverts in to violate their tiny fuck holes. I had a naughty little girl for the P men who enjoy baby girl pussy. I had little boy ass for the dirty priests and boy lovers. I rewarded the perverts while punishing two naughty brats. When they woke up, I told them all they were getting for Christmas was their home made ass rape porn and a lump of coal. Told them Santa would slit their little throats if they told on his naughty Elf. The brats pissed themselves in fear. Merry Fucking Christmas.  Have you been naughty or nice?

Snuff Porn Whore

snuff pornHe said I looked like a snuff porn whore. That should have been my clue. My red flag. I’m attracted to dangerous men. I felt powerless when our eyes locked at the club. I knew I was in for trouble, maybe even deadly trouble. I went into a private room with him. I don’t know why. I was afraid of him, but wildly attracted to him at the same time. He ordered me to strip for him. I did as I was ordered. I always do as I am told, even when it is detrimental to me. After I gave him a sexy dance, he put his cigarette out on my face. “You are too pretty for a whore,” he seethed. The pain was intoxicating. He punched me in the stomach so hard, I fell to the floor. I cowered in the corner like a scared animal. I was scared. He took off his belt. He beat me for what seemed like an eternity. “Why,” I asked? “Because I can, whore,” was his only reply. I was bloody, swollen and bruised. That was just the tip of the iceberg. He ushered in all the male patrons in the bar. “Free whore pussy,” he yelled before instructing the men to do whatever they wanted to me. Do you have rape phone sex fantasies? I have been force fucked all my life. I have grown to like it.  I have grown to expect it too.

rape phone sex fantasies

Read below if you wanna a new submissive whore

Snuff phone sex I would love to split a little bitch open with my master. My job would be to go out and get a little nasty slut for you, and I will get exactly what you want. How about a girl with long black hair down to the top of her ass and crystal blue eyes. She even would have nice sleek tan skin, it would be perfect for us to slice open like a Christmas ham. I know my master would be so fucking happy. We could drug her and lay her out on the table and get the saw and cut open her stomach and use her intestines as garland for around the tv. I love being bad expecaily with my fucking master,  I always want different masters!

Ass Rape Porn Bar Gangbang

ass rape pornAss rape porn is my favorite. I have always been an anal Annie. As a grown woman, I find more guys obsessed with anal torture than just a good hardcore ass fucking. I love it in the ass, but sometimes it is way more than I can handle. I went to my local corner bar for some fun Friday night. It is a total dive bar. A bar respectable women avoid, but everyone who knows me knows I am a far cry from respectable. If you are a chick in this bar, you want fucked or you want drugs. In my case, it is always both. The guys there just refer to me as the ginger whore. The moment I walk in, they buy me drinks because every regular patron there knows I cannot hold my alcohol for shit. After a few rounds of tequila, I am a gangbang rape porn star. My memory is a little sketchy about the other night, but my prolapsed ass tells me I had a good time. What I do remember is being bent over the bar while men sodomized me with beer bottles, pool sticks, cocks and fists. Pretty sure I passed out at some point, but that didn’t stop their fun. Why should it? A submissive whore doesn’t need to give consent, she is up for grabs.  I woke up in the alley behind the bar. I was appropriately dumped by the garbage bin. Trash and broken glass all around me. It was raining. I was cold and wet. Oh, and naked. My clothes likely left in the bar. I guess they couldn’t wake me come closing time, so the bartender discarded me like trash. I could feel my asshole  had popped out. That is the calling card of an anal sex whore. I live nearby, so I crawled home naked and cold.  Took a hot bath and tried to piece together the night.

gangbang rape porn

White out

snuff pornThe snow was coming down hard in her part of Oregon. Giant, driving flakes, swirling and blowing with such ferocity she could barely see the freeway. She hadn’t noticed any other traffic for quite some time, and guessed that the freeway must have been closed after she passed the ramps. “If I just keep it slow, I’ll be just fine” she told herself as she squinted into the moving shades of white.

A loud bang and she was careening to the shoulder. A set of chains had broken off a semi some time before and they popped her tire. Great, just fucking great! She got out and managed to get the trunk open, having absolutely no idea where anything was on this new car. She didn’t see the spare tire even. She had already broken down in tears when a set of headlights pulled in behind her car. A tall, kind-looking older man jumped out calling to her through the wind “Are you OK, miss?!” 

“No, I blew my tire and this is a new car, and… I’m kind of at a loss, can you help me?”

The stranger smiled warml into the snow, “Sure thing, I’ll show you how to change the tire on this, just in case you have issues down the road. Go ahead and reach in there and peel back the carpeting, you should find your spare hidden in there.”

She was shivering so very hard, having only a thin jacket on with her long suede dress. She was so not prepared for this weather. But he was right, she needed to know how to do this, so she was going to be a big girl and do as he was advising her. She leaned over deep into her trunk and was fishing around when something cold and hard hit her on the back of the head. Then everything went black.

When she came to, she was prickling cold, the wind was cutting at her naked breasts. She was laying in the snow, he was on top of her, driving his massive cock deep into her raw little cunny. Her legs bent wide and up over her head as he drove into her over, and over again. She started to scream, and he his her hard across the face. She tasted blood.

When he was done, he just left her there in the snow for dead. Exposed, freezing.

Blood steaming and flowing from her gaping holes into the snow….

Die Bitches

snuff phone sex

I think I am going to kill my next door neighbor… but first I need to plan a nice slow torture. She’s got a daughter too, so she can join as well. I’ll need a man to help me, I am not very strong but I am beyond savage. I am brutal as I know exactly what to dish out! Because it’s all happened to me. My neighbor needs to learn that she is no better than me and neither is her bratty little cunt either. They need to be torured, bloody and vicious just like those pathetic whores deserve. My friend and I will have them all tied up and helpless! I will sit on each of their faces as they scream bloody murder. Scream as their holes are fucked, as I use a knife to violate each other their pussies and assholes. Those bitches will scream through my pussy but all I will just be cumming and opening their holes wide and bloody for my friend to finish off!