Tag: Taboo phone sex

Rape Phone Sex Fantasies with a Blonde Whore

rape phone sex fantasiesDo you have rape phone sex fantasies? If you do, I have a story for you. I got stood up for a date last night. I was dressed up too. I was told we were going to a swank restaurant then to a fancy fundraiser so I should be dressed accordingly. I may be a blonde bimbo, but I can clean up for the right occasion. I tried texting and calling after I had been sitting for an hour waiting to be picked up. I didn’t want to change clothes quit yet. I looked so pretty; I looked almost regal. I fixed a glass of wine and looked for a movie to watch on cable. After about 4 glasses, I was sloshed. My dog started barking. I figured he was going crazy over the neighbor’s pups like usual, so I ignored him. I should have listened; he was trying to warn me of an intruder. Before I could get to my cell phone to call 911, the masked man had me pinned against the wall. He ripped my pretty clothes off as he pressed his cock against my ass. He slammed me down against a table so he could force his cock inside my ass. As he squeezed my neck, he whispered in my ear, “You didn’t think you were going to get the royal treatment tonight, did you whore?” He used his strong hand to turn my head just to spit in my face. He let out a roaring laugh at my expense. “Whores like you don’t get treated like princesses,” he said as he anally assaulted me. I knew it was too good too be true.  Blonde bimbos like me don’t get wined and dined; we get fucked and used. After he came in my ass, he fisted my cunt. He left as quietly as he arrived, leaving me in a pool of cum.

home invasion phone sex

Mutilation phone sex

mutilation phone sex

I met up with this very kinky guy that wanted to fuck me, and I of course  was very excited since he was very adventurous.  When I say adventurous I mean tying me up to the bed. Having no control of my legs and hands, as he licked me up and down my pussy. I cried out loud in a joking manner to stop, which made him even more aroused.

He pulled out a vibrator and began pushing it down my clit as he licked up all of my pussy juices. The vibration hurt since he was applying a lot of pressure but it felt incredible at the same time. I couldn’t help but squirt all over the place. The very kinky guy must of gotten upset for some reason and began pulling out a knife.

I began to scream telling him to get away. I tried to push him away but I couldn’t. My hands and my legs were tied and all I could do was watch him cut into my labia with his very sharp knife. His knife began to carve into my flesh cutting through my tissue like a steak. Blood began to pour out all over the place, I just felt a sharp burning pain where my labia was.

I looked down in horror as I watched him gouge out my clit with the knife. Slashing and cutting and stabbing . I just watched as he mutilated  my pussy. I wept and begged him to stop but there was nothing that I could do. He laughed as he held my labia in his hands. He pulled out his bloody knife and placed it on my throat.

I screamed as he gouged it into my esophagus . Blood began to spray all over the place in a pulse like fashion. He made a perfect hole in my throat and placed the labia on my throat. His cock began fucking my throat through the hole and the labia. Going so deep that he was literally poking the back. He kept fucking my throat harder and harder faster and faster.

I could feel his nuts slapping my neck and the warm blood gushing out. He fucked me until he came inside of my throat. He got off stared at me gasping for air since I was drowning in my blood and whispered “ who squirted now?” He left shortly after covered in blood and naked into the night never to return.  

Lesbian Ass Rape Porn

ass rape pornAss rape porn is sort of my specialty. I get fucked up and beg for folks to tear my ass up, literally. When I am sober, I never want anything up my ass, but when I am high on coke, I can’t get enough of anything in my pink stretched out asshole. I was doing lines of coke Friday night with some chicks I know. One of them is a dealer. I need to get drugs from her sometimes because she lets me exchange sex for coke. Usually, I just eat her pussy, maybe toss her salad. Not this time. She was fucked up and feeling rather sadistic. She wanted to fist my ass and my cunt. She wanted to fist me when I was sober though. She wouldn’t let me do a line first. “I want to experience fisting through your eyes, whore,” she laughed. I sat on her office desk, legs spread wide. I took a deep breath and braced myself for the pain. She rammed her fist up my ass full force. Ouch. I mean wow. No wonder I am not an anal sex whore when sober. She had an evil laugh as she fisted me until my ass was a bloody mess. Swollen and prolapsed. I would not be walking normal in the morning.  Fuck, I would not be walking normal for a week. When she pulled her bloody, shitty fist out, I thought she was done experimenting. Nope. She called in her friends for some fisting fun at my expense, but not before she made me lick her fist clean. Humiliating and gross. In the end, I got my coke and the sadistic lesbians had some fun with my ass. I may not shit right for awhile, but I am a taboo phone sex whore for a reason.

I found him the perfect one

taboo phone sexI found him the perfect little bitch, she was small and delicate and very, very innocent. Poor girl had never even seen a man’s cock before, can you believe that? Well she definitely saw plenty of them once I got her back to my place! She was terrified and crying but I forced her to undress in front of a room full of horny men, all of them were very eager to get a piece of her young tender flesh. They were shoving each other to get to her and when I signaled them to start, they attacked her like starving beasts! They shoved cocks in every fuck hole, she was screaming and crying and begging them to stop but they were too far gone to stop until they tore her to pieces! She got literally fucked to death… and I made a lot of money in the process, what could be better than that?

Snuff Sex: You Can’t Outsmart a Sadistic Bitch

snuff sex

Snuff sex is the best sex. I picked this guy up at this Steam Punk bar I go to often. He wasn’t really a goth or Steam Punk guy. He just had a thing for goth bitches like me. I wasn’t going to marry him. He just looked like a good fuck. Had money too from the way he was dressed and the gold Amex card he used for his tab. He bought me drinks all night. He was an out of town business man. Married of course. He took his ring off to hit on me, but I saw the tan line still. Nothing much gets by me. Again, his marital status didn’t matter to me. I was fucking him, not marrying him. His hotel was nice. One of those ritzy sky rise places downtown. I felt like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman, but I wasn’t a hooker. All eyes were on the Goth girl as she walked in on the arm of older, wealthy frequent flyer. All the staff knew his name. We get to his room and he pours me some Absinthe. The kind that is illegal in the US because of its potency. Something was up. My gut was going off, but I wanted to see it through. I scanned the hotel room. It was clear from little things his wife was on this trip with him. Threesome? I started acting drunk. I figured if I acted out inebriated, his true intentions might come out. They did.

He wanted me to kill his wife. In fact, if I didn’t kill her, he would kill her make it look like I did it. He paraded me through the hotel lobby like a show pony. Everyone would remember the Goth girl at the Carlton. My finger prints were on the glass. He was smart, just not smart enough.  I fucked him so his DNA would be inside of me; slipped him a roofie in his drink, waited for him to pass out, then I used his phone to text his wife. Waited for her to come back to the room. She wasn’t happy to see me, but I had her cheating, contract killer hiring husband tied up spread eagle. I explained his plot to her. It’s her money he likes to spend, so I made a deal with her. I castrated her sorry excuse for a husband so he couldn’t cheat on her anymore. In fact, she helped me. She would be my alibi if he tried to go to the cops.  She would divorce him and share with the police his murder for hire scheme should he try any bullshit again. I cut his balls off with so much joy. Used a rusty blade. Let him bleed enough to scare the fuck out of him, then cauterized the wound. I left her his worthless balls so she could keep them in her purse. Never mess with a sadistic bitch or a wealthy wife.

Snuff phone sex

snuff phone sex

I was in the tiniest cage ever all cramped up hanging from the ceiling. My naked body was shaking and falling through the little crevices. I waited until the man who owns me lowered me down and began to piss all over me letting my skin absorb his warm stinky piss. After his piss dried into my skin he would take me out of my cage.

I was so sore I could not even get up and move very well, but it didn’t matter since he would push my body down in a matter of seconds so he could take every hole of mine. He ripped me open for the billionth time. Stuffing himself inside of me and choking my neck. He took a knife to my body and stabbed me repetitively over and over again.

He finally blew his load and shoved me back into the cage so I could starve and wait until the next time he wanted to use me.

Taboo Phone Sex Whore

taboo phone sexTaboo phone sex is all I know. My life mirrors that of a taboo submissive whore, so I understand the kinky desires of men. My callers are not the only ones with dark desires. Many of the men I meet on the BDSM circuit have dark desires too. Henry seemed like a normal man. Well, he seemed normal for a dominant man. When I arrived at his house, we were not alone. There were several other women there, along with a bunch of men. When I asked, what was going on, I got slapped, restrained and gagged. It was clear this was a slave auction. I have heard about these things. Guys bid on whores for things like gangbang rape porn, even snuff. The highest bidder on a whore wins her the night. They go off into a room, maybe the girl comes out alive, maybe she doesn’t. I was hoping that the guy who won me wouldn’t be a sick bastard. He was rough, but he didn’t seem into snuff. I was tied up still. He had no interest in unbinding me. As he skull fucked me, I heard blood curdling screams from other rooms. I felt grateful that at worst, my ass would prolapse and I might puke on a cock. After being skull fucked until I indeed puked, I got sodomized. First by his cock, then his fist and finally a baseball bat. My ass was swollen and bloody, like a pacifier, it hung on the outside. I was battered and sore, but I know a gift when I get one. He let me live. Other girls at that auction were not so lucky. It could have easily been me screaming for my life. As I crawled out of the room, I got a foot to the back of my head. “Not so quick, whore. Did I say you were through yet,” the guy who brought me there said. I knew it was too good to be true.

Snuff Sex With a Useless Whore

So your looking to take some sexual aggression out on a worthless whore are you? I’m just the prey, bait, or submissive whore that you desire. My big fake tits are always the target for a lot of torture as in my ass and cunt. I’m always falling into situations beyond my control and end up being left for dead or in the E.R. after some stranger finds me and takes their use of me first, even in my tattered fucked up form.

Snuff Sex

Let me be your fuck doll for all your twisted desires to be acted out upon. My mere existence is as a useless whore and always in need of some form of rape phone sex fantasies to be acted out on me to really make me come.

Snuff Sex Blair

snuff sexSnuff sex Saturday night is how I now remember this past Saturday. I was partying with some guys I met at some hole in the wall bar. I was drunk and high of course. I have no relocation of how I got from the bar to the graveyard. One of the guys thought because it was a full moon it would be cool to fuck amongst the dead. I was getting my ass nailed bent over an old Civil War tombstone, when some guys approached us. At first, we thought the police or security guards. Apparently grave robbers still exist. Dead bodies are used to smuggle drugs across state lines. They look for the fresh grave, snatch the body then take it over to Mexico to be “buried.” I only knew this info because they tied us up and I understand Spanish. They thought they could kills us, have very fresh bodies to use as drug mules. They were going to kill us, until one of my cohorts offered up me as a dirty sex mule in exchange for their lives. They fucked my ass like I was an ass rape porn star to see if my ass was tight. Can’t have their smack falling out of my ass. I got slammed in the ass with a dead body next too me and many more under me. I was afraid they would kill me, so I said I would help them smuggle anything up my ass. They fisted me too with the arm of the corpse. I had a dead limb up my ass, but I knew if I complained I would be dead. I was drunk, not stupid. I like the thought of being a drug mule, actually; a live one though. I’m a druggy whore, so shoving smack up my ass might get me even fucking higher. They took my driver’s license and branded my ass so I belong to some grave robbing drug cartel now. I can’t wait to start smuggling coke and smack across state lines; but something tells me my world is about to change.

I’ve been feeling really nasty!

taboo phone sexI’ve been really feeling nasty lately. I want to fuck some people up and make it DIRTY. I want BLOOD, gore, and filth. I want to cum over and over again remembering the screaming of the neighborhood brats as I torture them all to death. I know their crack head parents will let me watch them, they will let anyone watch their little brats just to get some time alone to smoke some. As soon as they are in my hold I will go to work. Doing what I do best, slowly having them trust me just to tie their little bodies wide to play a game. Whatever they have done to them, the other one gets. Their cries and screams as I break little fingers, cut their soft delicate skin and us random objects to widen their tiny virgin holes make me want to cum. I want to suffocate these cunts in my pussy juices. They turn me on the most when they cry, but I’ll cum as soon as I see no life in their eyes.