Rape phone sex fantasies? Every guy harbors a few, especially for a particular women: an ex girlfriend or wife, daughter, sister, a girl who rejected him, the boss, even a former teacher. Face it, women are cock teasing bitches. We love strutting around in revealing clothes and calling you a pig when you eyeball us. We enjoy getting hot and heavy with you then right as you are ready for penetration, we change our mind. I got what was coming to me the other day according to Paul. He is this guy I met at the gym. We got hot and heavy once at my place one day a few months ago. I saw how small his package was and said I changed my mind. He was a big burly guy who takes steroids and it shrunk his junk. That was my guess. I thought he was cool with the blue balls, or as cool as you can be. Apparently, he was not cool with what I did by a longshot. He waited and plotted for months to get his revenge. I was coming out of the gym late one night and there he was waiting for me. He seemed cool. Offered to walk me to my car because there was a serial attacker on the loose. Little did I know that serial attacker was him. When we got to my car, he hit me over the head with something. I woke up bound to some contraption in an unnatural position. My ass and pussy were exposed wide and he was fucking and fisting me. “No one denies me, whore,” he yelled as he forced fucked me. He sodomized me mostly. I wanted to laugh at his tiny cock. He wasn’t really hurting me, but he was clearly in some steroid induced rage. I was afraid he would kill me. I acted like I loved his small dick and how he should have done this to me months ago. He spared my life, but now I am his sex slave. Would you have spared my life if I cock teased you? Are you man enough to take what is yours like Paul?
Tag: Taboo phone sex
Rape Phone Sex Fantasies: Are You Man Enough to Take What’s Yours?
Necrophilia phone sex
I was laying there completely dead to the world. I could see my tight body swollen and beaten and bruised. There was no denying that I couldn’t feel a single thing. I had already left my body and I watched the big man that captured me play in my blood. I was watching my lifeless pussy hole stretch open as he put all of his weight down on me.
I took his cock buried inside of my worthless pussy. He thrusted deep and hard trying to make his cock feel cook in my cunt hole. I took him ramming himself harder and deeper. My whole body moved with each hard thrust he pounded inside of my dead pussy hole. He seemed to really enjoy how I laid there lifeless.
Anal Gangbang Rape Porn on a Friday Night
Anal gangbang rape porn? I love hardcore anal, but what happened to me last night was so much more than a good hardcore ass fucking. The guys I was partying with were extreme. They didn’t just want to fuck my ass they wanted to destroy it. They completely prolapsed my asshole. It is still hanging out. My ass got sodomized with beer bottles and fists. They had no desire to fuck me. It was all about hurting me, humiliating me, even ruining me. These were frat boys. I had no idea they had such a mean streak in them. “We have tight coeds to fuck whore. We don’t need your used up old snatch,” one guy laughed as he rammed his fist up my butthole. They laughed because I was bleeding and crying from the pain. According to the fraternity president, a stupid druggy whore like me should be used to massive things in her holes. One of the pledges got his pledge paddle to use on me. It was a big piece of wood. Not the good kind of wood either. It took 4 brothers to hold me down while he rammed it in me without lubricant. Not only could I feel it tearing my asshole, I could feel the splinters in places no woman should ever have splinters. That was the final fuck that pulled my rectum out. They took turns sucking on my asshole that was dangling out of my butt. I felt so humiliated. Some of the brothers even tried to piss on my asshole like it was a bullseye. The abuse went on all night. By the time sunrise hit, my asshole looked like bloodied cauliflower hanging out and inflamed. I begged someone to take me home because I couldn’t sit, but they told me I was a stupid cunt, not a date and to call Uber if I wanted home so badly.
Knife play phone sex
He took a knife and dug the tip of it into my tit. I pleaded for him to stop and begged him to just let me go. He dragged the knife blade down my body. My blood gushed all over my skin. He worked his way down my torso to my white little pussy mound. He started rubbing my clit as he sliced my pussy mound right in half, down to my pussy lips.
I felt his shiny sharp blade puncture my pussy hole. He lifted the knife up and then violently stabbed it down on my pussy. Over and over again he gashed my pussy right open. He even rammed it at a different angle pushing it up inside my pussy like it where his dick. He got me saturated in my own blood and then took his cock out to slide it in my bloody pussy.
He pushed it in, fucking away until I was so dizzy from loosing so much blood.
Snuff Sex for Hire
Snuff sex pays the bills and then some. He was not my typical client. Guys come to me for assistance force fucking and killing, even torturing girls of all ages. When I asked to see a picture of his victim, he showed me his driver’s license. He wanted to die a horrific death at the hands of a goth goddess. He told me the sad pathetic story of his life. By the end, I wanted to kill him for free. I am no fool, I took the money. I told him he would not know when his number was up. I don’t share the plan of my kills because I enjoy the element of surprise. Five days after he paid me, I broke into his house as he was sleeping. I put a pillow over his face to wake him up. Startled him awake. He tried to take it all back. Even told me I could keep the money, but he didn’t want to go through with the plan anymore. How did I know this was just not part of the game? I tied him to the bed spread eagle before I laid out my torture sex instruments: my knife collection, a blow torch, a saw, pliers, soldering iron and a straight edge razor. If I was going to kill him, it was not going to go slow. I like pain and suffering. I duct taped his mouth so he could not scream efficiently. I made little painful cuts all over his useless body. I watched the blood trickled down and drip from his wounds. I sliced the skin off his testicles and pulled them out for shits and giggles before sawing his dick off. I castrate lots of men for fun and for profit. Never sawed off a dick before. Bastard passed out, so I stuffed his severed dick down his throat and made him give himself head. That woke him up quickly! I tortured him for hours before I plunged a knife in his belly and disemboweled him. I masturbated as he died in front of me. It was hot. I wish more guys paid me to do what they are too weak to do to themselves. Killing losers is fun.
Tight Asshole
Hit me master please. I’ve been a little bad bitch, I’m sorry I just deserve for you to hit me. Please Master James I just want your big fat cock in my tight little asshole. Please Master I want that big dick so bad. Ill be your good little bitch slave. I will hold your shaft at its base and start licking the tip playing with your cum rubbing your dick full of cum on my lips as if it were lip gloss. While I cup your balls with my other hand and give you a little massage. Slowly stick my finger up your ass. Then you grab me and turn me around and stick that big fat dick up my ass. You tare my ass apart every single time. My eyes just get all watery. I still love your big dick in my asshole, Thank You Master for fucking me in my tight asshole.
Snuff Sex Whore Needs A Beat Down and Fuck
I’m such a worthless cunt I was telling the bartender at the strip club after I finished my set and grabbing a drink. I went on to tell him about the last Master I had, had really fucked me up. I was roughed up nightly and penetrated with various furry friend castrated and taxidermied schlongs. Most of them were super long and I swear that he punctured something as I get these shooting pains. It’s just not something I can go into a Doctor’s office and try explaining that story. I was pissing blood for a while even and just don’t know what to do. I mean I can’t even fuck without excruciating pain.
That was when his eyes suddenly lit up, he came around the bar so fucking quickly and yanked me out of the barstool telling me the stools weren’t for worthless cunts. He shoved my front up against the bar and yanked my panties down and thrust a long fat nigger cock in my cunt making me scream out in pain. As I screamed he shot me full of salty spunk causing me to go into severe shock.
Ass Rape Porn
Ass rape porn is what I deserve. I knew my step son was not happy with me. He was spending the weekend with us and I went through all his blow. It was a risk I was willing to take. I knew it was a big risk too because his mood only goes from sadistic to more sadistic. To try to defuse his ire, I greeted him ass up with his favorite belt next to me. Not his favorite belt to wear, but his favorite belt to beat me with. “What have you done now whore,” he asked? Before I could get it all out, he took an educated guess knowing what an addict I am. He picked up the belt and started wailing on my ass and back. I felt like a slave being lynched for looking at a white woman twice. The first hit drew blood. The belt buckle hit my flesh just right. I felt blood run down my back as I struggled to fight back the tears. I can’t cry with my stepson. It makes him want to hurt me more. He saw the glimmer of tears in my eyes. He gave me an evil smile and said, “You know your pain makes my dick twitch, bitch” as he laid another one on me. He gave me what felt like another 50 lashes. My skin was split open on my ass and my back. Blood poured down me, puddling on the floor underneath me. I was clearly going to need medical attention. Before I could call a doctor, he had to fuck my ass. He was too turned on seeing what damage he had done to my body to think about getting me to a doctor. He fucked. My ass using my own blood as lube. My stepson is a twisted fuck. Are you that sick too?
Killer Phone Sex Fantasies: Don’t Prank a Sadistic
Do you have killer phone sex fantasies? We all have someone we want to slaughter. I have people I encounter daily that drive me to murder. I had this caller last week. I use the term caller loosely because he never paid for a call. He kept calling me baby and honey and saying stupid things like show me your tits baby and suck my cock. Do I looked like the kind of girl who wants to be called baby? Fuck no. So, let me iterate my stance. I am not your baby, honey or any cutesy name. I am only your mistress, your accomplice or your sadistic bitch. This little loser found out that I mean business. It’s called caller ID dumb fuck. He was not far from me, so I paid him a visit. It was worth the road trip to see his expression when I was standing over him with a big fat knife. He knew who I was. I was rather disappointed when I saw him. From his bravado on the phone, I honestly expected a grown ass man. He was a broke ass college boy who was goofing around on the phone. I hate broke guys. He was pleading with me to go. He apologized repeatedly. When he started talking about jacking off to me daily, I decided to castrate him. I know he is barely legal, but he was showing signs of being a sexual predator as a college boy. Most serial killers begin with antics like him. It was my duty to make sure he did not procreate in the future. He needed to learn respect for women. I was doing a good deed by taking his balls. Its those balls that make guys unruly. Young men are slaves to their cock and balls. One clean cut and his balls were in my back pocket. The youngest balls I have ever taken, but it was well deserved. I left him a bloody mess but I am confident I took away the cause of his bad behavior. Need some castration phone sex?
Torture Sex
Sometimes when I am getting fucked, it feels like torture sex. Seriously, some men really enjoy tearing up my fuck holes. I was a drunken whore over the weekend. No surprise. Look at me, right? I was at my favorite watering hole. I was looking to score some weed. I scored more than that. I found out the hard way that going up to a stranger and asking if they have any pot to sell is not cool. One of his henchmen dragged me into the bathroom. I thought we just had to be out of the open to do the buy. The only thing I got in the bathroom was gang banged. Five men surrounded me. They forced me to strip naked. They claimed they had to check me for wires. Part of the checking process included fisting my cunt. Never had anything that thick crammed in my cunt before. Damn, the pain was intense. I tried to explain I just wanted some weed. I was not down to fuck, not like this at least. “Think we care what a stupid bimbo wants,” one of them yelled at me. I knew I was about to be violated. Violated in a dirty, dingy bathroom. Was not the first time; certainly, it would not be the last. I got some weed, but I also got doused in cum and gaped open. Such is the life of a subby whore.