Tag: Taboo phone sex

Taboo Phone Sex Babysitter Abducting Brats

I love to kill brats and taboo phone sex with me is all about the abducting and fantasy raping their tight bodies. My pussy throbs for some hard fucking when I am drawing the life out of some fucking brat. I swear seeing their little faces turn blue while their eyes roll in the back of their head is a total turn on. I love grinding my cunt on their little mouths while my cunt is bloody with menstrual fluid.

The feel of little necks breaking beneath my hands, their last breath caressing my cunt, and their little bodies going cold is all just a build up to my ultimate orgasm. One of my favorite things is slashing their necks and getting the warm sticky blood all over my body. I want us to cover ourselves in the virginal blood and fuck, I want you to fuck their dead little cadavers ad ejaculate in their ripped up and torn cunts.

Taboo Phone Sex

Lesbian Ass Rape Porn

ass rape pornI was hired for an ass rape porn. I didn’t know the details. I was being paid in coke so I didn’t care. I assumed I was getting a hardcore ass fucking by a gang of men, which is pretty much standard in my world. I was surprised when I arrived at the address I was given to discover another woman there too. We chatted for a bit and assumed the male talent would be arriving soon. The only male to arrive was the director. He brought with him a big bag of sex toys. Monster sized sex toys. Our instructions were simple. He wanted us to use toys on each other’s assholes. The one who could prolapse an asshole first would win an extra ounce of coke. That was high motivation for two strung out whores. I put her in a wrestling hold and slammed a big fat dildo up her ass. It was the size of a Python and I did my best to cram the entire thing up her asshole so I could yank it out. She got me off balance and shoved a similar looking dildo up my ass. We had each other in a scissor hold fucking each other’s assholes, but since we are seasoned ass whores, dildos were not going to cut it. I pulled out the dildo I rammed up her butt and replaced it with my fist. I grabbed her ass from the inside with my long red finger nails and pulled her ass inside out. She tried to do the same to me, but I halted her by twisting her anus and digging my nails into her prolapsed ass deep. She let out a scream. I was declared the winner. It wasn’t personal. I am just a coke whore who will do anything for her next high.

Torture sex

 torture sex

 I never realized how badly my holes need to be ripped open. I invited a really good guy over whom I thought would be a really good fuck. As soon as I answered the door he came right in, slamming the door behind us. He pushed me up against the wall face first and started to strip my skirt right off of me. I was totally not expecting this, well like this.

He pushed his cock into my dry ass, pumping himself inside of me ripping my ass right open. He was biting my neck hard enough to draw blood down my back. He snatched me by my hair and, his cock still in my ass and lead me to the floor. He started beating my ass with his fist, leaving the imprints of his hands all over.

I could not help but to puke all over the floor as he ass fucked me hard. I know he is not even finished yet torturing my holes.

Let me be your main course

Snuff phone sexHave you ever wanted to find a little slut and carve her up like a thanksgiving turkey? I think that I am the perfect meal for you baby, I want you to take your time and make sure I come out perfect. I want you to shove vegetables up my pussy and lather me up with a nice mix with oil and spices to make my skin nice and crispy. You can either put me in the oven or you can make chicken noodle(girl) soup. Mhm, does that sound good? I have the perfect amount of body fat that will slice like butter when I am fully cooked. You definalty have to put a apple in my mouth and cover the delicate places with tin foil. If you want a good meal than call me.

Snuff Sex in the Mall

snuff sexSnuff sex turn you on? Guys always get rough with me when fucking. I like it though. I have never been the kind of girl you make love too. I am the kind of girl you fuck. Men know this. They enjoy fucking a bimbo because they know a bimbo does whatever they want. I was at the mall last night shopping. I picked up a fan club. Some men I assumed were looking at all the young talent running about if you know what I mean. They got cock teased by jail bait, so decided to take out their sexual frustrations with me. I was down for a gangbang rape porn in the bathroom of the food court. I was high, drunk and horny. Sure, I was way too old for their tastes, but any port in a storm, right? They said they wanted to tie me up for fun. That should have been my red flag. I am a stupid bimbo whore so of course I said yes. They fucked me aggressively. I am used to rag doll fucking, but this was violent fucking. Two or three dicks in a hole at once. A few fists too. Strangulation, suffocation, cutting, punching sex.  My head was slammed up against the wall of the bathroom so hard, I lost consciousness. I woke up in a pool of blood and cum. A janitor found me. No clue how long I had been out, but the mall was closed. I guess those guys got really worked up that they couldn’t fuck jail bait pussy and took it out on me. If they had only asked, I am sure I could have lured a sweet young thing away for them to play with being a female. If you are a P man, you just need a submissive whore accomplice.

Castration Phone Sex: The Best Part is What I Do with Your Nuts Afterwards

castration phone sex Castration phone sex is hands down the sickest fun I can have on the phone. I love telling losers exactly what I am going to do to their testicles. My pussy gets wet at the graphic detail. Every loser who calls me for this specialty is different. I never remove two guys’ junk the same way. Where is the fun in that for me? Variety is the spice of life. I enjoyed telling a loser last night after I removed his balls with a castration band and a rusty saw, that I was going to deep fry his nuts and eat them. My spin on Rocky Mountain oysters. As he laid there in pain, bleeding all over the place, I was deep frying his nuts in olive oil and scallions. They ended up looking like fried perogies, just a lot smaller. Not quite as tasty either. Sat down across from him and ate his balls. I’m not a savage. Of course, I offered him some too. He tried to politely refuse, so I forced a few bites down his throat. Your host offers you something to eat, you eat it, even if it is your own balls. How do you think I will remove your nuts? I will let you in on a little secret. The best part is not removing your balls; it is what I do with them afterwards.

Taboo Phone Sex with Blair

taboo phone sexTaboo phone sex is a submissive fuck toy’s specialty. Submissive whores don’t get vanilla calls. We don’t have vanilla lives. This guy I hooked up with last night for some coke got rough with me. He was not a drug dealer. He just buys a lot for himself to share with others. He did share with me, but for a price. My ass. Men love fucking my ass hard. In fact, this guy was enjoying my ass so much, he invited a few friends over to share my tight ass with him. The feeling of 3 cocks in your ass is not one of accomplishment as much as it is about pain. It hurts like fuck to get gaped and stretched. They ruined my ass. They found it amusing to strangle me as they ass fucked me. I would pass out, then a cock would ram my ass back and I was back awake. Passing out made the fucking more intense. My ass was so sore, I put some coke on my rosebud. Bad idea. My skin was torn open from the ass fucking, so I absorbed the coke into my body. I was a fucking machine. I started begging he boys to fuck my ass harder and faster. I am paying for it today. Even an ass rape porn star can get ass fucked too hard. I am sitting on an inner tube smoking weed for the pain. My asshole is prolapsed, but I bet you are hard thinking of my pain and shame.

The next big score

I have a crazy ass ex who would always make me commit these robberies with him. We would break into houses and steal all of the things that would get some money to get our next fix. My ex really loved it when the houses were still occupied when we got in there. He loved to have me tie up the woman so he could carry out his rape fantasies. He would have me tie the husbands up and make them watch if him fuck the shit out of the woman in the house if the men were home.

Torture sex

He would have me hold down the lil ones of the house and he would do horrible things to the, He would carry out rape and fuck fantasies to his pleasure, while I had to watch, participate and help. At first it would bother me, but as time went on I learned to like it and eventually I started to get wet at the thought of our next big score.

Execution by Torture Sex and Humiliation

torture sex

Torture sex death and humiliation is what I was sentenced to for my crime of disobedience. The judge ordered my death immediate and public. My executioner was into extreme pain and degradation. Before we even left the courtroom, he had me stripped naked and in shackles. I was escorted to a room. The room where I would soon die. There was a variety of people watching in awe as I was spanked repeatedly. My body was exposed and prodded. Nipple clamps were attached to my tits. My cunt was whipped. My legs were spread wide and I was tortured with a menacing vibrator. When I got wet, I was mocked for being a pain slut. I was tied to a post and whipped and tortured while strangers gawked and cheered for my death. I tried to beg for forgiveness for my insolence, but my fate was already sealed. My executioner was having too much fun torturing my female parts. I liked the pain, but I was afraid to die. I didn’t want to die.  I denied that I liked the pain, but my wet cunt told a different tale. My executioner informed me that I would die a painful death when I orgasmed. I tried not to cum. But the pain was too intense. I am a pain slut after all. I died cumming, naked, exposed, being tortured in my ass and my pussy while strangers masturbated and cheered my death.  If only I had met my executioner under different circumstances….

Snuff porn

snuff porn

I thought it was kind of weird that my neighbor would invite me over for dinner, especially since he is married. I arrived at his place with a simple cake that I purchased at a local grocery store and just stood there at the door until someone arrived at the door. Once the door opened I was greeted by not only him but his wife as well. I followed them to the kitchen while I engaged in small talk. Once I arrived at the table I was given some tea. It tasted kind of funny , with in moments I began to feel light headed. I felt my body go numb then I suddenly feel on the ground. My neighbors began dragging me into the bathroom. All I could do was watch as they lifted me into a bathtub full of ice . My thoughts were racing wondering what was going to happen to me. The two left me in the bath tub for what felt like an eternity. Once my neighbors returned they arrived in scrubs, surgical gloves and a tool box. I tried to lift my body up but this drug I was on only left me paralyzed. I could do nothing but watch as they began cutting open my chest . The ice began to turn red as my blood began to gush out. The smell of metal and blood began to food the bathroom. I saw my neighbors slicing away at me cutting into my body with scaples. I heard them yelling at one another, they kept saying things like ” we don’t have to do this Jack, we can wait to see if the treatment works, this is someone we know, we cant hurt her like this”. Then he replied “we have no choice its either I die and you never see me again or we kill this bitch take her organs with us and I survive another twenty years, together……” I couldn’t believe that I was set up the way I was. I watched as they began pulling out my intestines, they carefully began cutting out my kidneys and liver. I slowly began to fade in and out until I bled out in the bath tub never to be seen again. My body was drained of all its blood frozen then tossed into a barrel of hydrochloric acid. My remains became nothing but mush.