Tag: Taboo phone sex

My Master spoils me with revenge Snuff sex with me in charge

When I am a good Snuff sex slave, I get spoiled. My Master allows me this pleasure when I’m a good little slut, and boy do I relish it. Sometimes he has rid himself of dudes because they become a liability. A lot of the time, these guys have hurt me badly. And when I get my chance, I am sure to give them all I got!Snuff sex You see, my Master, being the wicked, magnificent devil he is, lets me play out my sickly twisted revenge fantasies on these poor schmucks. He makes me queen of the mountain, sitting on my throne of pain and pleasure. I get to sit back, devise the most wicked, unimaginable punishments for these guys, and watch as they suffer for as long as I desire.

I have snuffed out these fuckers in all kinds of ways. Their suffering turns me on so much. It feels like I am hurting my first Daddy too. He’s the one who started it all and he ruined me when I was very small. Every time I get to snuff a guy out I imagine his face during their last breath.

Watching these wretched creatures scream in agony at my hands makes me feel like I am avenging all that he put me through. The irony is just delicious and oh-so vindictive. I love being on top with my victim’s dick forced inside of me. I ride them until they are about to bust and then gouge their eyes out. Once I hear those eyes pop, I can’t control myself and soak my victim’s balls.

And of course, I do it all for Satan! I am a loyal follower and every soul I snuff out is all for him to consume. Praise be to Satan, indeed. After all, we’re just here to serve our Dark Prince, and what better way to do so than taking those who’ve wronged us as Blasphemy sex sacrifices?


Snuff Sex Gives Me Such a Thrill

snuff sexSnuff sex excites me. What can I say? I love to play with my food. Something so primal about hunting for a victim. Although I love the kill, what tuns me on the most is the chase. Recently, I started playing a new game where I kidnap someone, gender and race do not matter, and I take them to a wooded area. I give them a half hour start ahead of me to run, hide, do whatever they need to do to avoid capture. If they get away from me, they get to live. But of course, if I catch them, they will die a slow torturous death.

Friday night, I played my game with a teen hooker I picked up. A runaway girl no one would miss except for maybe her pimp. She got in the car willingly with me. Of course, she thought she might just be eating pussy or licking ass. But I had other plans for her that were far more nefarious than getting off. She was about to embark on a macabre cat and mouse game. One more akin to a snuff porn.

The Thrill of The Hunt is What I Love

She sprinted into the woods once I told her the stakes. However, I rigged the game. All sorts of traps in the woods. I am a huntress after all. After 30 minutes I took off after her.  She did give me a run for my money, but I caught her. Tied her hands behind her back and bound her ankles so I could carry her back to the kill shack.

I thought about gutting her like a pig, but I thought she would make a much better meal. Although I do not consume human flesh daily, it makes a nice treat for myself. Girl meat when fixed and prepared well, is a very succulent meal. So, I gave her a bath in butter. It is how I tenderize the meat. But she had to soak overnight before I could roast her over an open fire in the backyard.

She made a great meal. I slow cooked her over an open flame the next day. The smell of cooking girl meat intoxicates me. She filled my belly up. Plus, I still have plenty of her in the deep freezer. And if you like cannibalism phone sex, you will love the taste of this teen hooker.

Babysitter Phone Sex Gives You Access To Cute Little Girls and Boys

babysitter phone sexAlthough I am too old for babysitter phone sex, men want me to be the bad babysitter often. I guess technically as a mother I would make a good babysitter. However, I just associate babysitting with teen girls, not women in their 40s. But sometimes, a druggy whore needs to go where the money is to score. And he needed a bad babysitter to give him access to a little girl.

I thought about saying no. Very risky for me to watch his neighbor’s daughter just so he can sneak into the house and diddle her. But he could pay me more money than men pay to abuse me. So, I said fuck you to my morals. I could get money to buy coke and go home unscathed. Be nice for the focus not to be on me for once. I’m running out of my 9-lives. If he wanted to pay me to explore his rape phone sex fantasies for someone other than myself, why should I care?

So, I followed his instructions on how to get hired, and it worked. They never even checked my references or anything. I think they saw a mom and just assumed I would be safe around their precious baby girl. Jim told me what to mix to knock her out. Young girls and boys sleep heavy anyway. But a little nighttime specialty drink erases the memory, dulls the pain and knocks them out.

Sometimes, I Just Need to Say Fuck Off to My Conscious

Once I had her in bed, dead to the world, I called Jim. Told him the coast was clear. I did feel bad for the girl. And a bit worried if the parents found out their little angel got violated on my watch, but I needed coke more than some little slut needed her virginity. He did not fuck her gently either. But then as tiny as she was and has big as his cock looked, he could fuck her gently and she would still look like she just finished a gangbang rape porn.

He did not fuck her long. That tight snatch made him pop quickly. But he left me with one hell of a mess to clean up. And I did my best to wipe away DNA and virgin blood. Even washed the bed linens and iced her swollen cunt and asshole.

Parents came home, paid me, and I left to go get coke with all the money Jim paid me to assault his little neighbor girl. And the coke dulled my guilt and eased my fear of getting caught.

Cannibalism phone sex taps into my wild feral side

Cannibalism phone sex gets wild, there is no such thing as limits with me! You need a trusted accomplice to fuel your lust! I am the sultry temptress that revels in the naive trust of my eager victims. Their flesh is so delicious. I am a fantastic cook but I do love me some raw flesh.Cannibalism phone sex

Blood dripping down my chin sends a electric shock into my clit. I don’t care how taboo it is, it empowers me. The blood of a defiled virgin is my self care routine.  It’s time to unveil the depths of your  sick desires to someone who understands the complexity of a depraved hungry mind.

The victims are young with feeble little minds, no one will miss. They think I am just another pretty face. Ha! Little do they know they’re about to be our twisted meal. Oh, how I relish their screams of agony and terror, their warm, sticky blood coating my depraved body. Let me feed you their blood and flesh, your monster cock will grow wildly before your eyes.

You need a girl that won’t judge, a girl that can take action and knows exactly what you need. I am that Snuff sex accomplice. Let’s get feral Daddy, make those bald little pussy scream for mercy. You know I won’t give them any mercy.


A Sweet Surprise

Kidnapping phone sexKidnapping phone sex. I got the idea from a phone sex call, Took the little slut from a shopping mall, shoved her in my trunk kicking and screaming, got her to my place a fist to the face knocked her out cold, and a syringe full of a special sedative to keep her out for hours.Once i cleaned her soiled bottom I dressed her up in a red lacy bra and pantie set, i lubed up both her holes and stretched them out really good with butt plugs. I tasted her little bald pussy. It has a super sweet kind of taste like mango. When you arrive I lead you to my room for your surprise, a wide grin spreads across your face, your cock gets super hard as I lay next to her and fuck her pussy with a huge dildo,She seems lifeless but the bitch is still breathing for now, Come here I want to watch you fuck her little tiny pussy, your cock is covered in her juices I hear the sloshy sound as you hammer that tiny cunt, Telling me how tight her pussy is as I rub your balls from behind, a finger in your ass while you pound her split, Shooting a huge load of cum deep inside her tiny pussy, Sucking all of your jizz out of her snatch, spitting it in your mouth with a sexy snowball kiss, Want some more of that young loving, I will flip her over so you can work that asshole, I’m gonna fuck my pussy as I watch you beat that asshole up.Come on daddy lets have some fun.

Taboo Phone Sex Accomplice Explores Any Snuff Fantasy with You

taboo phone sexMen need a no taboo phone sex accomplice for their perversions. And all men have perversions. But most men never admit it. That’s why this snuff site is here. To safely explore the things that you really want to do, but you let fear of going to prison stop you. My callers get creative. But I do too. Creatively lets us get out all our pent-up aggression. And that’s good for everyone.

My last caller last night had some rape fantasies for his teen daughter and a couple of her hot friends. The dumb bitch has a public Instagram account. And that means any pervert can look at her like me. So, I told him that her and her cute friends deserved all his rape phone sex fantasies because they clearly want trouble with a public account as high school girls.

We concocted a Purge fantasy. Ever seen any of those movies? One night every year complete lawlessness occurs. You can commit even the most violent crimes without any repercussions. It’s a great concept. And likely really would curb day to day crime. So, on a day of Purge, my caller could force fuck his daughter and all her cock teasing friends and even kill them if he wanted without punishment.

Imagine All the Sick Fun We Could Have if We Had a Purge Night Every Year?

No need to hide our faces. For the night we were above the law. Of course, I helped him. Someone needed to hold the bitches down while he destroyed their cunts and assholes. At one point, I sat on the bitches’ faces to smother them and stifle their screams. Although the law did not care that he force fucked these teen sluts, his wife might. But she medicated, and went to sleep in the cellar in case someone broke in.

We planned the perfect snuff fantasy phone sex scenario. The law did not care that he assaulted four teen girls and killed them too. And his wife would discover their dead bodies after emerging from a deep sleep and assume they left the cellar at some point and someone broke in for a pure encounter. I think of everything as your partner in crime.

Castration Phone Sex Can Happen Anywhere

castration phone sexCastration phone sex is my hobby and my passion. Balls are a privilege that I can revoke at any time. Just because you have balls does not make you superior. In fact, I will argue it makes you inferior because men get too accustomed to their balls. They touch them nonstop. Men become a slave to their balls. And that makes them do stupid shit. When they do, I revoke their privileges.

If you cannot use your balls for good, you do not deserve them. And you would be surprised at how many men think they are superior to women and that their balls give them certain rights to my body. Men can be so fucking stupid. I am not a woman who believes my body your choice. However, I do believe your body, my balls if you act like an entitled fool.

Your Balls are a Privilege and I Can Revoke Your Privilege Any Time

And Jeff acted like a fool in front of me. So, I revoked his privileges. Severed his balls from his body with some extreme cock and ball torture sex.  And I did not do anything to dull his pain or slow the bleeding down. Where would be the fun in that, right?  I rarely take out my anger publicly. Safer to kill and maim in my dungeon. But this asshole followed me into the restroom at my Goth bar. He was out of place, not me. So, I knew my bar patrons and the staff would have my back.

He tried to push himself on the wrong girl. Without missing a beat, I pulled out the knife strapped to my leg when he pulled his worthless dick out of his pants. I grabbed his dick, tugged really hard, and put my knife under the balls. And with one smooth move, I severed his worthless nuggets in a dirty bathroom stall. For all I know, he bled out on the floor. If he did, he would be taken out with the trash. I am an evil phone sex bitch. Do not cross me. I will sever your balls and leave you to bleed out too.

Deny my right to breathe? Yes please. Give me Suffocation Phone Sex

So there is this really cool toy I have found recently. Great to talk about with Suffocation Phone Sex. Cause it’ll leave you breathless (see what I did there 😉 )

It’s a latex wall. Basically, this giant latex sheet drops on you, and you are against a wall with tiny holes in it. The holes are mainly used to suck the air out from under the latex sheet.

So basically, you are locked in place with the latex sheet covering your entire body. And you can’t breathe. While this sheet just locks around you, you are immobile.

Sometimes my Dom want’s to leave the suction on longer to see what I can take. Just to see if I’ll actually cross that bridge to the afterlife, only for him to pull me back.

Shit is like a drug.Suffocation Phone Sex

Kidnapping Phone Sex Scenario Left Me Bloodied and Battered

kidnapping phone sexKidnapping phone sex scenarios often seem like a page out of my own life. I get fucked up and vulnerable. And that makes me easy prey for predators. On Sunday night, I went down to the seedy part of town to score some coke. This time, I did not need to subject myself to any cruel torture to get a bag of coke. Some guys just party with me for fun. Of course, I sucked their cocks and let them fuck my ass, it was nothing hardcore or violent.

But I got wasted and could not even find where I parked my car. So, as I stumbled around in the dark looking for my car in the warehouse district, some guy grabbed me and shoved me in the trunk of his car. At some point, I passed out. When I woke up, I found myself hanging from the rafters in some dungeon basement. Naked of course.

A guy stood before me with a whip. I had no idea if he wanted to make a snuff porn with me or just beat the shit out of me. He did not kill me. But he made me wish that he did. He whipped me like a slave in the south in the 1800s. Flesh felt like it might fall off my skin. I pleaded to know who he was and why he kidnapped me, but he just smiled and evil smile and continued whipping me. Never spoke a word to me.

When I am Fucked Up I Become Easy Prey

My pleas fell on deaf ears. The more I pleaded, the rougher he got with me. So, I quickly learned to shut the fuck up. But it did not make much of a difference. Either way, he wanted to hurt me. I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Easy prey for a sadistic phone sex man. Eventually, his arm got tired of whipping me and he left the room. But he left me hanging from the rafters. Luckily, I have one skill.  I am double jointed from years of abuse. So, I got out of there while he went MIA.

Not sure how I got back to my car, but I did. And now I am tending to my broken flesh and battered body with copious amounts of coke and weed. My 9 lives will run out soon.

Rape phone sex fantasies got me what I wanted

Knowing men have Rape phone sex fantasies, I started using that to get what I wanted. Like my neighbor’s dad. I could see him liking his lips every time he looked our way. Therefore, I made sure dress a way he couldn’t resist. My little butt was out in tight shorts and young breasts visible through my shirt. After a while I could see his big cock poking out his clothes when I wasn’t around. One day he took us to the park and said he would be back to pick us up.

Rape phone sex fantasies

Because I’m different I went exploring. That’s when a masked man came behind me and pulled me deeper into the park by big bushes. I was so scared, but then he spoke. I knew to no longer be scared. it was my neighbor’s dad. it worked, “please stop I’ll do anything” I said scared. What I wanted was to get money to go to the movies. His body started to relax thinking I was really scared. “Don’t worry little whore let me have you and I’ll reward you” he said softer but sternly. I pretended to resist a bit more which made his cock poke at me even more. After ripping my panties off, you looked into my eyes. Then you said, “you’ll end up loving this one day”.

As soon as I tried to speak, you pushed my panties in my mouth. Meanwhile your cock wad being forced into my cunt. When my cherry didn’t pop, you looked into my eyes. “You’ve been used before and know what You’re made for” is what you grunted as you fucked me hard. I didn’t want to give myself away, but I planned all this to get money. Plus, after this you would want more and for me to keep a secret. as you fucked me, I let you use me and give me Torture sex. Knowing you would give me anything after this to keep getting it. You’re a sadistic fuck just like my uncle. Now I get to have what I need, and you get what you want.

Your pcock needs to abuse your cunt. All the hard fucking you were giving me by the bushes, made you forget you could get caught. You heard your daughter calling out for me and said, “tell daddy to fill you up” I spit my panties out. “Please fill me up daddy” I whimpered. The I fell the rush of all your sperm explode inside me. You quickly got up and threw money at me. After you ran off, I used my ripped panties like a tampon to catch all the dripping cum. I found your daughter and soon it was time for you to pick us up.