Tag: Taboo phone sex

Gothic Phone Sex – Sadistic Shower

Gothic phone sexI wasn’t sure how long they were going to give me to shower, so I stripped down quickly, giving myself only a quick look in the mirror before stepping into the stall. I let myself have a few minutes to feel the water pouring over me, since it had been days since I’d had an actual bath or shower. Then, I took the soap and shampoo they’d given me, and I scrubbed up as quickly as I could manage. Still, I wasn’t quick enough. He came in just as I was rinsing my hair off, suds still washing off my body. He yanked me around by my hair, smacking my head into the wall as he forced his way in behind me. He muttered and grumbled at me as his hands scrubbed hard at my scalp. He grabbed the rag I’d used and washed my entire body, paying close attention to my nipples, pussy, and ass. His hands slid that cloth so quickly and roughly that it left a trail of irritated skin wherever it went. The soapy rag was forced up into my cunt and ass hole, leaving me feeling like my private areas were being eaten by fire ants, but they were definitely clean. By the time he was done with me, I was red from head to to, and he dragged me out by my hair. He dried me off himself, telling me that I would take too much valuable time if he let me finish alone. I had no idea what he had in store for me, but I was scared to death…

Taboo Phone Sex: What are Your Dark Fantasies?

taboo phone sexTaboo phone sex fantasies are my specialty. I am the girl of your dark fantasies. The one that never says no, even to the things that other women would say no too. I was partying with Josh over the weekend. I met him in a fetish chat room online. He drove to my city and we got a no tell motel to meet. He had some great blow. I didn’t realize it was cut with some sort of hallucinogenic. Acid has never been my thing. He had it planned. We had talked about our dark fantasies. One of mine was to have my ass brutalized until it prolapsed. I am a pain slut. I’ve had lots of rough anal sex in my life, but my ass has never been ruined. Josh did his best to ruin my ass. It’s always been his dark desire to ruin a girl’s pretty little butthole. He handcuffed me, collared me too. Pushed me down on the dingy carpet so my ass was exposed. He had a special baseball bat for the occasion. It had barbed wire around it. He spanked me with it first. The drugs dulled the pain, but it still hurt to the point I puked. When he rammed it up my asshole, I passed out. The pain was worse than 4 cocks in my ass at once. He was shredding my hole. I cried when he slapped me back awake. When I opened my eyes, he was holding the bat in front of me. It was dripping with blood and flesh, my blood and flesh. It was like something out of The Walking Dead. This was beyond what an ass rape porn star would endure. I needed medical help. He left the motel with me bleeding and shitting myself on the floor of the motel. His last words to me, “Be careful who you tell your deepest secrets too, Cassandra.” Ain’t that the truth.

Torture sex

Torture sex Torture sex is becoming the only sex I get to participate in lately. I was coming home from class and walking into my student apartment, I knew my master wasn’t expecting me so I was sure I was going to have a day to myself after class. I thought wrong, as soon as I got in there were 3 guys I have never seen before. They tackled me down and told me they were ordered to fuck the shit out of me. Since I have plenty of rape fantasies I was already dripping wet instantly. I got them all hovering over me and tying me up on the bedpost and they were so hard just looking at my little tight body, They decided to have a party with my body. I had one of them pounding my mouth while the other two made their wait to my pussy and tight ass, I could feel all three just getting exactly what they wanted, They knew what they wanted and they were sure getting it from me.

Sis And Me Looking Together

Evil phone sexMy sister and I decided to go out looking for some pervert peeps to get a hold of us. Fingers crossed we will get beaten and possibly killed we hoped. We have the same fetish. We both want to be used, beaten tortured and then killed. Hopefully we get gutted with a knife. We made ourselves slutty as hell wearing no underwear or bra. Short ass skirt and low cut blouse. We got “picked up” by this creepy looking dude. We thought maybe he would be the one to snuff us out. Well we did not get snuffed out but we did we get used, abused, and sent home. Two out of four is not bad I guess. Do not get me wrong we still enjoyed the night. And I am not complaining. I guess I will have to wait a bit longer for my happily ever after.

Fantasy phone sex with Stephanie

Fantasy phone sexDo you wanna use me like a little fuck doll? I would love for you to use me however you would want master, you can make me bleed and scream as you abuse me. I like feeling that pain until I have to bust out screaming. You can use any hole however hard you want, do you think I’m not serious? I am the best pain slut on this site so call me and let me show you how a real good girl acts towards her master. I love being degraded and abused at the same time, whatever will get daddy off you an do to me. I have no limits so you can do whatever goes on inside your brain to me. I will be a good little fuck doll I promise.

Snuff phone sex

 snuff phone sexI was at a club and finally got done doing my stage time. I went to the back to freshen up and maybe pack my stuff up for the night. I was all alone since the girls were all in the front giving dances and preforming. I heard a mans voice behind me so I quickly turned around. I was still ass naked from my performance.

I told him he could not be back there. I was thinking he may just leave and say it was a mistake that he was back here. Instead, he pushed my body up against my dressing room vanity and forced my legs apart. His hand went over my mouth to muffle my shrieks. He entered inside of me with his swollen cock and began to fuck the shit out of my cunt.

He whispered into my ear how I was a little dirty slut just asking for this. He was giving me what I wanted. I tried to plead through the cracks of his hands to let me go but he was not budging. When he finally used me as the cum rag he intended, I thought he was going to be on his way. He took me by my hair and led me out the back to his car.

He demanded that I get in and took out a sharp blade. I decided in that moment to try and sprint off. I did not even stand a chance. He grabbed me and made a slice from my neck down to my tits. I gushed blood down my torso. He told me he wanted to keep me alive a little longer and that I need to be patient to act stupid like that.

I submitted to him and just got in the car. I have no idea where he plans on taking to me, or worse- what he plans on doing to me.


Domination Phone Sex: I’m a Human Dog

domination phone sexDomination phone sex is what I crave. I need a strong man for some slave training. I got more than I bargained for with Master Teddy. I answered an ad for a fetish model. Although, I am not super model pretty, I am no stranger to bondage modeling. The add called for a woman willing to be subjugated for a series of photos. I have done it before with no pay, so why not for fun money, right? When I arrived at the address that was texted to me, the set looked authentic. Turns out it looked authentic, because it was a real life dungeon. I was trapped. If I got out, it would not be because they let me go. It would be because I escaped, which I did. I think they underestimated this coke whore. I was collared, chained and thrown in a pen with other women. Food and water was on the floor in dishes with our names on it. We were being treated like dogs. It was a human dog fighting ring. We were the bait dogs. I watched a round in fear. I watched a waif of a girl be thrown into the bull pen with the hounds from hell. Within minutes there was nothing left of her but blood and a pile of bodily tissue and crushed bones. My head was held up so I was forced to see the carnage. I had been stripped down into my bra and panties, but no one searched me. I have a pierced clit with a long needle through my labia. When no one was looking, I yanked it out. When I was being walked to the bull pen, I stabbed the eye of the cunt leading me to my death. I ran like a bat out of hell. I escaped through a small basement window.  I ran to the cops, but no one believed a strung out whore like me. They thought I was on an acid trip.

Taboo Phone Sex Bitch

taboo phone sexI think it is very clear from my site, my pictures and my blogs that I am a taboo phone sex slut. A dominant, sadistic one at that. Yet, day after day, I get dipshits contacting me who are so dumb, I wonder if they know how to breathe. You don’t IM me on yahoo messenger saying you are going to force fuck me. I have chopped off men’s balls for far less. You also don’t call me to talk dirty before paying. You especially don’t get to call me baby and ask me what size my tits are for free. In fact, even after you pay, you don’t call me baby or talk about my tits. I don’t do typical sex calls. I am not the girl for the girlfriend experience. Call me baby, attempt to force yourself on me, talk about spraying your seed on my face is what gets you castrated. It is also what gets you starring in my own ass rape porn. I know we have a president who thinks he can grab women by the pussy. His stupidity is contagious. I was at the supermarket late one night last week. I encountered this punk on a skateboard who started in on the baby talk. He didn’t like me telling him to get lost before I popped a cap in his skater boi ass. He jumped me when I went to my car. Stupid boy. He thought a chick like me would be unarmed and unable to defend herself. He thought he could overpower me with brute strength. I pack my own heat. So, I couldn’t really pop a cap in his ass. I could cut his cock and his balls off. I waited until he had his family jewels out. I played the woman in peril only until I had him where I needed him. Let’s just say he was shocked when I sliced his balls off; mortified when I took his dick too. I left him there bleeding out on the black top. You will get the same treatment if you forget I am a sadistic and an accomplice, not your baby or your whore.

He Made An Snuff Porn Of Me

Snuff porn I had set up a rape fantasy thru one of my BDSM websites. He said his name was Mark but we all make up fake names. He was suppose to come thru my window at night and we were gonna have a rape fantasy role playing going on. He said he wanted to do a Ass rape porn. So I knew he was bringing a camera. I was perfectly ok with this idea. Made me very wet just thinking of this being filmed and hitting the internet. For all to see. I felt like it took me forever to fall asleep that night. But I finally did. The next thing I remember is being woken up to a heavy man laying on top of me. Cause I like the fight and struggle that is what I did. I was quickly overcome and my pussy started to ache. He was bitch slapping me and cuffed my wrists to the bedpost. I saw that he took out knife. The blade cold as he held it to my throat. I gasped as knife play was not mentioned in our conversation. But regardless I was very turned on by all this. He took the knife and nicked at my throat I screamed as I was not expecting that. He bitched slapped me even harder for my screaming and yelled at me “shut the fuck up you stupid bitch!” I cum right there on the spot. His alpha male persona making me craving more. He saw that I was cumming and cumming hard. He laughed and said he knew he picked up the right skank for the job. After he got done setting up the camera, he walked back over to me and sat on the bed. Taking the knife holding it to my tit and said. My dear little cunt. Not only am I gonna have Torture sex with you, but then I am gonna kill you and make you the star of a Snuff movies. I was taken back by his words this was not what we discussed. I was getting ready to open my mouth and say something. But before I could get the words out he took the knife and stabbed it into my chest. I gasped but could not scream. It was a piercing pain that shot right in my heart.
As I took my last breath I had my final orgasm. To bad I was not gonna see my Snuff porn that I was the star of.

Die you nasty preggo whore!

Snuff sex

I recently had an opportunity to live out a long time fantasy, watch a really pregnant chick get fucked and fucked hard.
My guy friend wants a small human to use as it grows, so we are going to fuck the bitch until she pops it out and he can take it and she can rot or something. He took her to his dungeon, it’s not much of a “dungeon” more like a damp dark basement with some rusty knives and items for torture, a table, and a bed. Definitely not all that impressive unless you are a pregnant chick being hauled down there against your will.
We got her down there and I took a seat so I could watch the whole show and masturbate while my fantasy unfolded. First, he tied her down to a chair and started slapping her tits very hard. She kept pulling away so he tied her tighter and put a pillow behind her back so her tits had no choice but to be sticking out. He slapped them harder and harder and soon milk was spraying out and down her big pregnant belly. “Finally,” he said smirking. He grabbed a cane and put 3 very hard and loud cracks on her stomach, and she started to scream. “Ah yes, that is music to my ears, bitch.” He said to her as she choked back tears. Each impact started to show across her huge swollen belly. He walked over to his wall of weird crap and grabbed what looked like a roll of bagels, just to give you an idea of how big this thing was. It wasn’t a roll of bagels obviously, it was the widest fucking dildo I have ever seen. He untied the pregger and grabbed her arm throwing her onto the bed. He cuffed her arms behind her back and tied her legs to the bedposts so she was wide open. With no mercy, he started to ram that huge dildo up her pussy. She screamed and cried out “I’m going to go into labor.” That urged him on all that much more. Ramming and ramming the huge dildo into her pussy. He perched himself on the edge of the bed, put his knee on the end of the dildo and slammed his knee against it ramming it into her pussy way too far. You could see the pain come over her face. “Die you nasty preggo whore!” I sat in the corner, my pussy so wet from watching him beat the fuck out of her. Suddenly her stomach ruptured like an alien from the middle of her. Blood, guts and all the contents of her stomach splashed out onto the floor.