Tag: Taboo phone sex

Snuff Sex on a Fall Night

Snuff sex

Nothing like a welcoming fall night with the cool crisp air and light fog to get one in the mood for snuff sex. One of the things I love about living in Texas is all of the illegals crossing the border. It makes it so easy for us to find a cute little Latino girl that no one will miss.

You know just were to go and in a matter of minutes we find a young sexy girl. I knew she was the one by how hard your cock had gotten. I got out of the car and ask her if she would like a job as my personal assistant. She is more than eager to come with us. She is thinking she is going to be living the American dream.

Little does she know what we have planned for her. We lead her into the basement telling her that this is where her room will be. Once we are in the basement the look on her faces changes from happy to concerned. I tell her what a stupid slut she is for trusting strangers as you start ripping her clothes off. You hold her as I tie her down to the bed.

Ass rape porn

I grab the camera and start filming as you shove your big hard cock into her tight puckered ass. She is screaming as you pound her tight teen ass. The louder she screams the wetter my pussy becomes. I sit back in the chair filming you with her while finger fucking myself. You clasp your hands around her throat and start squeezing as you are fucking her ass raw. She is gasping for air and her eyes are rolling back into her head. Just as you blew your hot jizz into her tight teen ass making for a super hot ass rape porn video her lips turn blue and the life drains out of her body.

A Little Bitchcraft and Murder

Killer Phone Sex

When I am having a bad day and just can’t get the anger to subside I have to work my bitchcraft and take it out on some dickhead or little brats, usually. But today it was a dumb cunt that crossed my path and i was going to be very slow and torturous with my craft. I decided to make nice and sweet to the whore I caught trying to fuck my man. I got flirty with her at the bar and lured her out back. I made out with her and slipped my razor sharp index nail into her wet snatch… what a dumb whore. I fucking finger fucked her into screaming spasms as I slit that slit up inside. Her vagina was getting the tuna tartare preparation. I wasn’t happy about just destroying her cunt like that and texted a friend inside the bar to come out back. I had him bang that cut up hole real good and send that cunt into shot as she bled out. “Fucking whore” I uttered as I slit her throat to ensure the job was done.

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torture sexI got one of the sorority girls to come over. My dealer wanted an innocent slut and I was running low on my stash. I knew with his proposal I could get exactly what I wanted.  I invited the annoying cunt over and got her fucked up and grabbed my phone and recorded her blowing my boyfriend. After a couple spiked drinks her inner slut came out. Getting her to pleasure my boyfriend was a simple task. My boyfriend is easy on the eyes and being high will shake off any nerves. The hard part was convincing her to fuck my dealer. With the fantastic footage I captured I knew she would not say no. Her reputation was everything and being in the sorority was important to her. As soon as I told her about the footage she was down to have torture sex with my dealer. I had front row seats watching her get fucked fisted and choked. It was perfect and my 8 balls were heaven.

Ass Rape Porn in a Car

ass rape pornI endured hours of ass rape porn torture from Jim. I needed money to pay the rent, so I decided to use my body to pay the bills. Daddy told me when I was young that all I was good for was sucking and fucking. College was never in my future. I have been a whore ever since I was a school girl. When I need money, I hustle my ass on the street corner with the other whores. I stand out. I am buxom, tall, blonde and clean. Guys pay good money for an hour of heaven with a no taboo whore like me. Jim didn’t want to fuck my used-up cunt, however. He paid for my ass. It wasn’t a typical pull my hair, fuck my ass kind of fuck. He sodomized my ass with various things he had in his car. He started by taking my temperature the old-fashioned way. I needed his cash, so whatever crazy shit he wanted to do was fine by me. I spoke too soon. He started finding larger items from his toolbox like a hammer and a wrench. He made me call him daddy. It reminded me of when I was a little girl living at home with daddy. I was his anal whore first. He trained me to take whatever anyone wants to put up my ass. Then something happened, that made me fight back the tears. He shoved me down on his gear shift. No lube and very forcefully, I was pushed on to the gear shift. Big round leather bulb up my ass. I was sitting on his gear shift. It was all the way up my ass. It was bigger than even a big black cock. He told me to spread my whore legs. He then fucked my bald cunt while his gear shift acted like a monster dildo in my ass. I left blood and shit on his gear shift for which he made me lick it up. It was a painful and humiliating hour, but I can pay the rent now.

My Sadistic Nightmare


Sadistic phone sex

I’ve been having these nightmares about you taking me in the middle of the night out of my bedroom. I’ve been having these dreams that turn into Nightmare about you tying me up and poking me with sharp objects. And every time that you poked me you draw blood, those dreams are intoxicating they are sometimes liberating. Whenever I wake up, and I touch my body sometimes I feel like you’re still coming for me you know that I know you’re mind, you know that I’ve seen your evils genuinely in my dream. I feel like you’re out there waiting to get me waiting to punish me and make me your necrophilia next victim. I know that you look at my ass and you see what you want to slash I see that you look at my nipples and think about biting them off. You’re out there why are you torturing me why are you tormenting my dreams taking over the way that I remember. I’m lost just somewhere in the woods I smell you, and you just smell horrible. You smell like ass and, bacon fat you are slimy, and you feel like fucked up goo. You’re disgusting that’s why you could never get a woman of your own, so you have to stalk and hunt me down like an animal. I woke up last night drenched in sweat from running from you in my dreams. Every time I hear your voice I have a nightmare your mind is so incredibly sadistic. You are a demon, you are a twisted demonic vessel sieving on Earth. Every time I hear you breathing over my helpless body I quiver, and you like it. You want to listen to me cry you love to hear the sounds of my body moaning in pain, it conjures pleasure in you. You are my sadistic nightmare

Snuff Sex Only

snuff sexSnuff sex is the best sex. That has long been my motto. Very few men fuck me and survive. I am a praying mantis. I don’t bite the head of my lover off after sex, but I often stab him through his heart or worse. Guys make the same mistake repeatedly with me even though I am clear that I want zero intimacy before or after a fuck. It isn’t necessary to me. I knew Rob was the post fucking bliss kind of guy. He was a sap, but a sap with a freak of nature cock. I just wanted his dick for 30 minutes of pleasure. Rob had a simple task. Just lay there like a dead fish and fuck. Say nothing. Don’t try to get romantic. Just fuck. He did okay for about 15 minutes, then he got handsy and opened his mouth. Sap ass shit spewed from his mouth like a volcano erupting. I reached into my night stand to grab my knife. I sliced his cock off while it was in my pussy. I just wanted his cock, nothing more, so I took it. I made myself cum with his severed penis as he laid there on my bed bleeding out and going into shock. That shut him the fuck up. I don’t know why I try to train men. Men are incapable of being trained to my liking. They can’t shut their mouths up long enough to just fuck me. I dumped old Rob in the woods to be devoured by the coyotes, but not before I made a dildo out of his severed dick. A little quick taxidermy after I came, produced a nice dildo without the annoying man attached. I do like the feel of cum inside me, but it is not worth the hassle of a dealing with a fucktard who can’t shut his mouth.

Ivy Makes You Regret Snuff Sex

Snuff sex

I had just walked in from a night out clubbing. I had kicked my shoes off and started to walk down the hallway. When out of no where I felt someone grab me from behind. You tore my shirt off of my body and then ask me what kind of whore doesn’t wear a bra. You whispered in my ear that tonight you would make your dreams of snuff sex with a white girl a reality.

I couldn’t believe that someone was attacking me the devils princess in my own home and actually believed he was going to kill me. I knew strength was on your side but you had no idea the kind of evil you were dealing with. You were totally naked. You grabbed my long black hair and told me I was going to suck your big cock. You shoved my head down towards your cock and told me to open wide.

Taboo phone sex

Oh motherfucker, you had better believe I was going to open wide and then slam my mouth shut on your big black cock. I licked my teeth right before you shoved your hard black cock into my mouth. I bit down on your big black cock with all of my bite force and started shaking my head. I could taste your blood in my mouth as you were screaming let go you fucking bitch.

My jaws had locked down on your cock like a pit bull. My teeth were ripping and shredding your big black cock. You punched me in the face trying to make me let go of your cock, but it just gave me the adrenaline needed to finish ripping your big black cock off. You laid on my floor bleeding. I spit your ripped off black cock out on the floor. I picked it up and shoved it down your throat. As you laid there crying for help, I kicked you in the stomach as hard as I could. I ask you what kind of dumb fuck thinks they can rape the devils princess.

The Ass Rape Porn of My Niece

ass rape pornAss rape porn is always more than I bargain for with BG. I don’t know his real name, but that is what every one calls him. He is a notorious drug dealer with a sadistic desire to destroy the asses of strung out women in need of a fix. I try to avoid him. He is a desperate call only. I found myself desperate. I texted him for a fix the other night, but he said my ass is all used up and he was not interested. What the fuck. I was desperate to get high and no one else will give me drugs. I made him an offer he couldn’t refuse. What if I brought him a young girl with a virgin ass? I thought that would be worth some coke. He agreed. If I brought him an ass virgin, she could be my surrogate for his torture sex needs. My husband was going to hate me, but I borrowed his niece. She is a hot teen slut. Honestly, she is a brat and a cock tease, so this was a great idea. She can earn me some drugs and maybe get her attitude cut down a bit. I told her I was taking her back to school shopping. Just a little white lie. BG was pleased with her looks, but she pitched a fit. That was easily taken care of with a ball gag. To add to his twisted desires, he wanted me to help gape her ass. We put our hands up her tight teen ass together. Gaped her wide like the Grand Canyon. She was struggling, but I was enjoying it. She is a little self-entitled bitch anyway. BG took her ass cherry as I watched and snorted lines. I am going to have some explaining to do, because that little cunt won’t keep her mouth shut. I don’t care. I got my blow.

Snuff Sex Victim Is The Sweetest Prey

It’s another movie audition and it eluded to a trash art film but I didn’t care as long as I was going to be on screen. I am a total attention whore and fixated on being the perfect female of desire. I received this letter in the mail inviting me to audition for a new kind of film that allowed the viewers of it to interact and control what was done with the stars and co-stars. It was a kind of live shot movie and this one was going to take place out in a nearby Forest. I was going to play the distressed female lost on the highway and lured into the woods where I would be chased through them. I would be running for my life with trappings set-up throughout the Forest to trap and mangle me. I really had no chance to make it and the final scene plays out where my mangled body is being fantasy raped and violated with various items. I ultimately had no chance.

Snuff sex

Torture Sex of My Girl Parts

torture sexTorture sex is what he made me endure for hours. Sexual mutilation with a sadist was not what I signed up for. I met him online and we clicked. I never told him I was a submissive whore. I didn’t want him to think less of me. I try to have normal adult relationships even though I know I don’t deserve them. He was a poser. He was friends with Master and they set me up. I had to be punished for being a cheating slut and thinking I was worthy of a man’s affection. He drugged my drink and when I woke up, I was hanging from a beam naked with my clit tied up and puffy. My master was there assisting with an evil grin on his face. I knew that look and I was in trouble. Maybe enough snuff porn trouble. He threatens to kill me all the time. Somedays, I wish he would. It was hard to hold back the tears as I knew what was coming. I saw the torture instruments. He had on a table in front of me a blow torch, various knives, a taser and clamps. The thought of a blow torch to my clit made me piss myself. “See something you like Cassandra,” Master seethed as he touched the blow torch like he was reading my mind. He knows my fears. He lit it and laughed. His accomplice thought he was just taunting me. When Master actually melted my clit away, his partner puked and passed out from the grotesque image of my mutilated girl parts. The smell of burning flesh lingers in your nostrils for days. I was in shock from the pain. I puked, but didn’t pass out, which might have saved me. In Master’s eyes, I was tougher than his failed assistant. He turned the blow torch on his balls and dick and I was just grateful the focus was no longer on me.