Ready to recount my cannibalism phone sex tale? Ahh, but you have the homemade video to watch. Does it make your dick hard everytime you see your wifes’ throat sliced and her guts cut out? Chopped up and put through the meat grinder flavored with so many good smelling spices that your drool for a taste of her flesh cooked to perfection. What about those cute daughters? How I had them pumped full of Nigger cum and hung them so those pretty necks just snapped ever so quickly! Them the wood fire roasting teen bodies like little piggies! Bahaha. I loved how I made you watch every moment and filmed your arousal! I am a demented dark soul who wants to do you in next. I want to cut every digit and limb slowly as we watch the snuff porn we made over and over. I want to feed you and fatten you up with your family flesh baby. Makes me so hot to know how evil I am how much more can you take dear!
Tag: Taboo phone sex
Ass Rape Porn with a Couple Dykes and a Monster Dildo
Ass rape porn is what I was born for it seems. I guess I look like a woman who wants to be ass assaulted. I was at a fetish club checking things out. I was looking for coke. I figured I could hook up with a guy or a couple and do some coke. If I was a good whore, maybe I could take home a goody bag. I didn’t hook up with a guy. I became the eye candy for a lesbian couple. They said they would hook me up if I played with them for a couple hours. I thought I had lucked out because they were women. I was wrong. These two ladies were as sadistic as any man I have ever encountered. They said they would not be happy until they shredded my ass. They didn’t care that this was a club were no blood was permitted. They had one of the biggest dildo’s I have ever seen. If this was attached to a man, it would be a monster. Over a foot long and about as wide as the bottom of a wine bottle. Two black cocks in my ass would still be smaller than this monster sized dildo. I told them to forget about it. I wanted no part of their wicked ass games. They strapped me down, laughed and said I had no choice. Without warning or lubrication, one of the bitches rammed the dildo up my ass. I let out a shriek that could be heard all over the club. Instead of coming to my rescue, they gathered around to watch my ass torture sex. I could feel my ass gaping. I could feel my ass stretching to the point it was bleeding. Onlookers cheered the dykes on. Told them to ruin my ass. By the time they were done, I was a bloody prolapsed mess. I got no coke either. Note to self, never play with women.
Do Tread On Her
Upscale society bitches really piss me off to no end. I abhor every damn thing about them. It isn’t the fact that they have money, it is the fact that they are so damn idiotic. That much stupidity packed into such a small space is mind boggling. I don’t care if they have companies, I don’t care if they are a CEO, bitches with that much money have no idea how the real world works, even if they came from dirt poor families, they forget. Most of these flesh puppets never even have to work, they are born into a world where nothing matters to them but themselves. Not that I give a shit for others either, but it is different with them.
If I could, I would take one of those cunts to a secluded place, and keep them there. Every day I would do something a little more violent, although to them breaking a fucking nail would be the worst possible thing that could ever happen. I can just imagine me standing over them, them begging, pleading, offering me money, blah blah blah. I don’t need that shit, I can make my own money. Me spitting into their face then taking a nice long piss into their mouth, before kicking them in their head to make them shut the fuck up.
After a very long time of playing with them, starving them, violating every orifice I could with what ever I could find, leaving pretty bruises all over their once flawless skin, I would begin the life ending act. Would I use a knife? No. Would I hang them from meat hooks before gutting them? No. What I would do is stomp them to death. I would start at the very bottom. Break those toes beneath the weight of my foot, crack the knee, watch the patella disintegrate before my eyes while they scream in pain. I am pretty sure the little shit would pass out at this point, so I would drink, watch some netflix, and wait until they regain consciousness, then get back to it.
I know that by the time I reach their sternum that they will have figured out that I was working my way up their useless body and that they would soon be just some floppy dead cunt tossed into a lake somewhere. I might even prolong the agony. I usually don’t like begging, I hate it actually, but to hear them beg for their shallow lives right before I crush their skull in could actually be fun. Then after they were crushed, broken, bruised and of course dead, I just might have to take some time to play with my magnificent pussy a few times before dumping them like the true pieces of trash they are.
My Cannibalism Phone Sex Desires
Do you have cannibalism phone sex fantasies? I do. I think I would make a tasty meal. I am thick and juicy. Nice round rump, thick thighs. My fantasy is that you kidnap me. Maybe I am hitchhiking or perhaps you spot me at a bar or at the mall and think I look delicious. I have no clue about your plans to consume my flesh. When you start talking about how thick and juicy I am, it goes over my head. I think you just like a woman with meat on her bones. You know more cush for the push. You spike my drink, which makes me very sleepy. The next thing I know, I am naked, and you are rubbing my body with olive oil. I think it is some type of makeshift lube for your cock, but you ae putting it all over my body. And it its mixed with some seasonings that smell strong and good. I see the big pot of boiling water and I wonder what is for dinner. Honestly, I am still clueless that I am dinner until you carry me over to the pot. I see the chopped up veggies in the pot. It is not until you submerge me in the hot seasoned water, that I understand I was kidnapped to feed you. It makes my pussy wet to know you will consume my flesh. I hope you find me delectable down to the bone. Eating my flesh would make a hot snuff porn.
Green Eyed Monster
“Jealousy, that dragon which slays love under the pretense of keeping it alive.” ~ Havelock Ellis
I very much enjoy seeing jealous feelings in others. I myself do not get jealous, there is nothing for me to be jealous of, I don’t like people enough to be jealous of them. However, when that ‘green eyed monster’ rears it’s head in others, oh, how spectacular it can be. Watching as people spiral down, seeing the depression set in, the obsession, the crazy, the whole delicious thing. Granted, not all people fall all the way, but there is always that one, that one that goes above and beyond all others. How is it that you can supposedly love someone so much that you kill them because they no longer love you? That is fucking hilarious!
Knowing that right now there are men and women out there who are plotting the death of someone that they state they love so much that they can’t be without them. I’m crazy, I admit that, but those that I am speaking of are in a league all their own. Perhaps I don’t understand it because I don’t love. Let me rephrase that, I do not love people, I have never loved anyone, never will. I think I am incapable of it which is fine. I am not missing anything. If I want to get fucked I go and get fucked, but other than that I really don’t want to be with someone day in and day out. That would be horrid. Anyway, let us get back to it.
The best part of this whole jealousy thing is, that only one of the two know what is going to happen. There is the jealous one, and the one who has moved on. Can you imagine how shocked they will be when they find themselves in danger? Maybe it will be a simple gun shot right to the head. Or perhaps some torture will be involved, dismemberment, evisceration, skinning, and so on and so forth. All because the person you loved, no longer loves you. Just once, I would really like to take part in one of these killings. I wouldn’t want to get involved, but I sure as hell would want to watch. I want to see that dragon take it’s victim by the throat and bite down.
By the way, killing someone with a gun is a pussy move. If you are going to kill someone, put some flair into it for christ sake. It might be the only chance you ever have of taking a life, so make it your opus.
Gangbang Rape Porn Wasn’t What I Wanted
I went into the adult book store last night. I was meeting this guy who was going to sell me some coke. I wanted drugs not a gangbang rape porn. I was set up. The folks in the store had been informed that a ginger milf was coming in looking for some hardcore action. They were paid to abuse my fuck holes. In the store were four men and two women. They all had hate in their eyes. I didn’t know if it was a ginger thing or if they were told to hurt me like they hated me. One of the guys put a collar around my neck and yanked the chain so hard I fell. He was leading me to the back room. There were more folks waiting to pass me around like candy. The women were fisting my ass and cunt. Then men were skull fucking me and slapping me around like a piece of meat. I was screaming for them to stop, but that just egged them on. By the time they were done with the torture sex of my fuck holes, I was bleeding, and my ass had prolapsed. All I wanted to do was get high, but I got gangbanged instead.
We made snuff movies
We made snuff movies last night and I loved it! I had this pathetic little bitch boy named Francis as the star of my movie, he was so terrified! This man came there thinking he would be the star of my movie in a different way, he thought that he would be helping me kill someone else, can you believe that shit? As if I’d let a man named Francis kill anyone! That is such a girl name don’t you think? I mean clearly his mother set him up for a life of ridicule when she named him that. Anyway, he was dressed in jeans and a button up white shirt looking like a bitch already when he walked in so I just grabbed him and forced him over to a pole where I tied him with his hands above his head. He was crying at that point, begging me to know why he was there but all I could do was laugh. I pointed to the audience and told him that they were all there to see me kill a little bitch named Francis, that he didn’t deserve to live with a wimpy name like that. And then I beat him to death while he cried, it was so fun!!
Your Transformation into a Eunuch
Your mistress and I are dear friends. She sent you to me to turn you into a eunuch for her. She knows how much I enjoy performing male castration. It is a form of torture that gives me such pleasure. You arrive at my place looking nervous. I have you sign an agreement. I look at you and give you a wicked little laugh. You didn’t even read what you signed, but it doesn’t matter. You have just made a pact with the devil’s princess and there is no turning back. I lead you into my basement where I tie you spread eagle to a table. I then use rope to restrain you more across your stomach and thighs. I make a special hot pepper soup to use as a disinfectant. I pour the hot pepper soup all over your cock and balls. Hearing you scream only makes my pussy wetter. As you lay there in pain, I take out my lighter and start running the fire over my carpenter knife. Once it is extremely hot I reach down and grab your cock and balls I saw them off. You pass out from the pain. I sear your wound shut with my knife getting a high off of the smell of your burning skin. You awaken to me and your mistress enjoying ourselves in front of you. As I French kiss your mistress and she fucks my hot wet cunt with your bloody cock, we just laugh at the fact that you will no longer know sexual pleasure.
Beat Me The Fuck Up
I need torture I woke up craving a good fucking beating. All the works including punches and kicks. I love the smell of my blood and the feel of it making its way down my flesh. and let us not forget the fucking great feeling of welts forming on my body. And I know exactly where to go to get such great attention. For a few years now I have a friend that I met over the internet and he loves to beat the shit out of women. When we realized we were only living streets away from each other we hooked up right away and still hook up to this day. Yeah, we fuck but that is an afterthought. I usually get a good hour to an hour and half of a good brutal beating.
Snuff Sex Sentence
I was sentenced to snuff sex as my punishment. I faced a trial and a jury and was sentenced to a painful death, a public painful death. My crime? I was a judge who took bribes and sentenced women to prison and death for things they did not do. According to my executioner B, my death was a long time coming. In a public forum, I was on a platform in my judicial robe. That soon came off me. I was stripped of any shred of decency and power I thought I possessed. I was smug at first, but my executioner smacked the smugness off my face. Once I was stripped naked in front of a large audience cheering my death, I felt the shame my victims must have felt. My executioner made it clear that I was going to die in pain. My death would speedy, but it hinged on one thing, my orgasm. I was injected with microscopic robots that would trigger a massive heart attack the moment I came. When I heard that, I fought some more, but soon I was tied down and spread eagle. The microscopic killers had already invaded my bloodstream. My executioner just had to ensure my orgasm. In front of thousands of people, I was naked, spread eagle and getting fucked by a large fuck machine. Despite my fear and humiliation, it was a biological clock ticking to my death. Under my judicial robe, was a kinky pain slut who no matter how hard she tried, she could not hold back an orgasm, not even under such grave circumstances. I let out a huge moan as I came my final time. My body stiffened up and my heart felt like it was being squeezed so hard it could pop. That was it, I was dead. Just like that, executioner B gave me my comeuppance. What is your dark fantasy phone sex death sentence for me?