Tag: Taboo phone sex

Bloody Phone Sex Halloween

bloody phone sexBloody phone sex fun is in order for Halloween. At the stroke of midnight, I packed up my knife collection and went hunting for little ghosts and goblins. I got lucky that a house in the next country was having a party. There were adults and littles ones dressed up. I was the party crasher. Dressed like Michael Myers, I stormed in the house with my hands armed with big butcher knifes. I move faster than Michael Myers. I started slashing away at flesh. Old flesh and tender flesh. The younger ones bleed faster and their blood smells sweeter. Bodies were hitting the floor fast. Blood was pooling round my feet. The smell of fear and death is intoxicating to me. I tortured women in front of their husbands. I dismembered little ones in front of their parents.  I fed the family dogs a nice steak to keep them away. I am not a total psychopath. I didn’t harm the pets. It is humans I find annoying, not animals. It was hard to believe that one short bitch could kill 12 people so easily. It’s all in the element of surprise. They were not thinking they would be slaughtered like snuff porn stars in their own home. They were likely intoxicated too which would have slowed their reactions. Sure, I was channeling all my bad ass serial killer energy, but it was super easy to slaughter a group of folks at a time. Normally, I am a spree killer versus a mass killer. A kill multiple folks over the course of a night instead of a group of people at once. I have a taste for it now. I left no DNA. In costume, I blended in with the other party goers in town. I woke up this morning, turned on the news and heard about a mass slaying in a house thought to be drug related. I started masturbating knowing no one will ever link me to this random mass murder in a suburban home on Halloween night.

Whips and Clamps

Snuff phone sexI disobeyed you again today, Master. I don’t know when I’ll learn my lesson. I don’t know when I’ll learn to not fuck with you, Master. I need to obey you in all things. I’m just a dumb worthless cunt who is only half decent at being your cum dumpster slut and fuck toy. I deserved the punishment you gave me today. You ripped off my clothes and pushed me down onto my hands and knees. You spread my knees apart. You tied me up real tight using a white rope. Then, you put clamps and weights on my pussy. You got out your most painful whip and whipped me over and over again for 2 hours. My pussy is so swollen and I have whelps and cuts all across my pussy, ass and thighs. I won’t be able to sit down for days, maybe even weeks. Then when you rammed your cock in me, after I was swollen up and beaten, without any lube at all, it hurt so bad. I’ll try to be better, Master.


Anal Torture Sex Punishment

torture sexTorture sex is what you get when call a woman an ugly bitch. This cunt came into the strip club and insulted me when I was on stage. The cunt had no room to talk. I called her a fugly bitch and suggested she go troll somewhere else. Big Al kicked her out of the club. She was watching for me as I left and jumped me as I went to my car. She hit me over the head with something that knocked me out. I woke up at her place. Her and a few of her friends decided to fuck me up. They were kicking me in the stomach. That was what woke me up. A bunch of ugly bitches had me tied up, stripped nude and bound on the floor. The position I was in highlighted my ass. It was exposed for a reason. I soon new the reason was to be an ass rape porn star. The bitch that heckled me at the club had the stick to a mop in her hand. It wasn’t thick, but it was fucking long. She dipped the rounded end in some Biofreeze then rammed it up my ass. Oh, my fucking gosh that hurt. My ass was on fire. It felt like I got stung by bees in my ass. That was nothing, however, compared to that stick up my ass. It was tearing through me so deeply I thought it might come out my mouth. It felt like I was shishkebabed. I think my ass is ruined. I take a lot of cock in my ass, but I have never had anything that deep penetrate my butthole. I am still sore and bleeding. I better watch out who I call ugly. I bet you could fuck my prolapsed ass back inside me.

Pimped Out

Gangbang rape porn


Daddy needed some extra cash this week to pay bills and fund his alcohol addiction. He got the money together by pimping me out to anyone who wanted me. For just a few bucks, he let any guy fuck me however they wanted. They could beat me, force fuck all of my holes, or use me as a toilet. I was powerless to stop them and struggling or trying to get away was futile. Six of his friends paid for a night with me for $100 and a case of beer. They choked me, beat me, and brutally fucked all of my holes until I was bleeding and begging for them to stop. The harder I struggled though, the more they enjoyed it. It was like a cat toying with a mouse, the fight is what made it fun. Eventually I was so tired and in pain that I gave up and went limp while they took turns using me as their cum dumpster. They contorted and manipulated my body like a fuck doll. Eventually they lost interest once they had cummed a few times. Then they put out their cigarettes on my nipples and clit and pissed on me before leaving me lying on the floor covered in blood, sweat, semen, and piss. 

Piggy Pain Whore

Taboo phone sex

Master has been training my holes to enjoy pain. He pushes my limits every day, but I know one day he will become bored and finish me off. My body is broke and stretched, but he still finds ways to get my piggy whore cunt twitching with intense pain and euphoric agony. Today he tied me to a chair with scratchy tight rope. It dug into my raw skin and I could feel my flesh fusing to the twine. My breasts ached in anguish as he ferociously smacked and whipped at them. I could barely even sob or whimper because of the ball gag in my mouth but I could already feel my pussy tightening with pleasure. My piggy slave cunt began to trickle as he took hold of my nipple piercings with a pair of pliers. My eyes began to watery as he pulled harder and harder on my bars and suddenly, with a hard yank, he tore it out. I screamed in agony as my breast began to squirt hot blood. My swollen clit began to pound and tremble with pleasure as the pain pulsated throughout my body. Little by little I am becoming his little pain whore. How would you train me to be your little whore?

Ass Rape Porn

ass rape pornAss rape porn is more vicious with women. I double crossed this bitch by fucking her man. It was just sex. I needed coke and he had some, but he wasn’t giving it to me for free. Nothing in life is free, right? She found me and what she did to me was not pretty. She drugged me when I was going into my house. I never made it inside. I woke up in some damp basement tied spread eagle with a pissed off bitch standing over me. She gave me the not fucking married men speech as she fisted my ass. Dry fisting hurts, especially when the bitch fisting you has a large hand and lots of rings on her fingers. She wasn’t going to be satisfied until my ass was ruined. I thought her fist fucking hurt, but that was nothing compared to the baseball bat she used on me next. I could feel the splinters going into my anal wall. She fucked my ass harder than a man would with his dick. She was tweaking. Being high as a kite made her more sadistic. She didn’t think she was damaging me enough, so she shoved both fists up my ass at the same time. I didn’t think my ass would go that wide. Well, it didn’t. She tore my asshole. I felt blood running out my ass. I was screaming in pain. He hands were covered in shit and blood. She just laughed and told me she was going to ensure I couldn’t fuck anyone’s husband ever again.


Happy Hunt-o-ween

Snuff phone sex

Man oh man if I could actually go hunting with any of these amazing miscreants I would be so fucking happy.  You and I, together, telling them what to do and who to do it to.  We could have a whole god damn slaughter farm, and when is the best time for bringing lambs to slaughter? Halloween.  Those little fuckers are running around and they are easy pickings.  Parents get distracted, pushing strollers, or talking to other adults, and the next thing you know their little shit is long gone.  Only to be seen again when they are dug up from a shallow grave.

I can just see it.  You and I, walking hand in hand between the stalls we have set up for the night.  Listening to the bones crunching, the screaming, the hyperventilating, the begging, and just seeing the fear on all their little faces.  So many implements of pain would be used, we could just fuck in every single stall as we watch.  How fucking hot would that be??? Oh it would be amazingly hot! 

Hell, we could even join in.  Make our own marks on those little fuck toys.  Me spreading open those legs, or ass cheeks, you dipping your cock in blood to make it slick, then feeling them shudder as  you fuck them until they either pass out, or you split them in half with your massive dick.  I would be smiling the whole time, for me it would be fucking romantic!

Here is hoping your Halloween turns into a wonderful night for hunting the treats that you desire.  If you happen to actually capture the prey you always wanted, makes sure you let me know so I can share in your joy and revel in their pain. 

Happy Hunt-o-ween from your favorite fucked in the head bitch goddess, Indigo. 

Not Going Anywhere

Snuff phone sex


Aww.  She thought we were going to let her go.  She is so cute yet so fucking stupid.  Those big eyes, with big tears, asking for her Mommy.  Poor little thing.  So trusting, so young and so ready to leave.  We did tell her if that if she was a good girl and did every thing we asked that we would let her go.  You knew we were lying, I knew we were lying, but she actually thought we were telling the truth.  Ooops.

All those pretty purple, yellow and red spots marking her skin.  The huge bruise on her cheek, her split lip, her torn up cunt, she withstood it all just because of hope.  It is amazing what one can go through if you only have that one single thing.  She must of been imaging being in her Mommy’s arms, safe and warm.  She clung to that imagine, and she lasted.

Now she is standing by the door, waiting to leave.  Should you tell her, or should I? Better yet, why don’t we pretend to call her Dear Dear Mommy, you hand her the phone, and I will be on the other end.  I want you to watch her face as I tell her that she can’t come home because I didn’t love her anymore, that I never wanted her, she had been a mistake and her Daddy and I are so much more happier without her.  I bet she cries again.  Then we will start the whole process over again, but this time her hope will be gone so I wonder what she will do and how she will react.  Our very own little scientific study.

I think that is exactly what we will do, first destroy her little heart, then destroy what ever is left over of her hope and flesh.

Babysitter Phone Sex and P Pimp

babysitter phone sexI am a very bad babysitter phone sex bitch. I was asked to take my neighbor’s brats trick or treating. Why? I don’t know. I don’t like brats. I don’t like my neighbors. I almost said no, but then I saw an opportunity. An opportunity to make lots of money.  I looked up the address of all the registered perverts in town. Thanks to some law, they must register, so opportunists like me know where to find them. I altered the girls’ costumes to make them look like slutty little whores. Then, I went knocking from door to door to each registered perverts’ home.  I offered them a sweet young treat for a money trick in my pocket. I wanted cold hard cash for the pleasure of some young pussy. These perverts were in P heaven. I drugged the neighbor girls. In case they remembered anything, I told them this is what little girls need to do to get the best candy. These little sluts racked up quite a lot of big bills for me and candy for them. I had future teen rape porn stars in my charge. I even had one pervert ask to go to the ATM to get more cash. We waited in his house while he went to the 7-11. He paid the most, but then he did get to diddle two young girls in their pussies and asses. My little charges were walking funny by the time I got them home. I washed away the DNA in their fuck holes, gave them a Benadryl bedtime cocktail and put them to bed. Their parents came home, paid me and I went home to count my money. I like being a P pimp. How much would you pay to get your dick into the tiniest little fuck holes?


Snuff phone sexI had been chained to the table for at least 36 hours at this point. I was tired, hungry, dehydrated, and I could feel a mix of blood and semen running down my naked thighs to my feet and the cold concrete floor. My ankles were chained to the table legs, spreading them wide apart. I lost track at around 200 of how many times I had my holes raped over and over again. I don’t know who was doing this or why, just that I think I will be used here until I die, like the cum dumpster I am. This is all I’m worth. A whore and cum dumpster for whomever desires it. My ass had been taken so many times and so deeply, I know something had to have ripped. I’m not sure, but I think they used a chair leg to sodomize me. The duct tape on my mouth was burning from my salty tears running down into the adhesive. Will you use me too?