Tag: Taboo phone sex

Killer Phone Sex Fantasies

killer phone sexHe had a killer phone sex fantasy. As a submissive whore, I love catering to your darkest desires and fantasies. He has long gotten hard at the idea of having a captive sex slave in his basement. He has a wife and brats. He lives the idyllic suburban life. Nice house, nice job, nice family. All that bores him; but his family, his community, would never understand his need to punish and subjugate women. He kidnapped me hitchhiking. In his mind, I was nothing more than a dirty blonde bimbo no one would miss. He tossed me into this dark and damp room. I was chained to a stake in the ground. There was no light, except for his flash light. He told me scream all I want, no one would hear me. This was some cellar beneath the basement no one in the family knew existed but him. I screamed, but he didn’t flinch. This was not the first time a woman had been held here. I was alone in the dark; I was cold, scared and hungry. I had no idea how long I had been on that concrete slab, chained up like a wild animal. He came downstairs with some food in a dog bowl. It was dog food. I could eat it or starve he said. I didn’t eat it. I was hopeful I could get away. He pulled his cock out and sodomized me for what felt like an eternity, then he left. I cried and screamed alone in the dark, but he was right. His family above had no idea that their perfect husband and father had a woman imprisoned below them. He came back a few more times and force fucked me some more. I had a pot to piss and shit in. Dog food to eat. He told me to be grateful I was still alive. No, this is not living. I hope I die.

Bloody Phone Sex Sacrifice

bloody phone sexBloody phone sex makes my cunt wet. Red is my favorite color. Blood is my favorite taste. I practice witchcraft. I come from a long line of deviant witches. I am no Charmed witch, however. I am more the burned at the stake kind of witch. I have a ritual every full moon. I kidnap a young teen slut. The cock teasing thinks her shit don’t think kind of hot teen slut.  The kind of young slut you would die to fuck. Melissa was my latest victim of my blood ritual. I spotted her at the mall being a mean girl. Cock teasing dirty old men, shop lifting from stores, acting like a total bitch. The world will be better without her. I lured her away from her bitch pack with the promise of a role in a horror film. I have a kill shack off the beaten path for my sacrifices. In the basement is where I hone my craft and sacrifice girls to my Pagan Gods. I bathed her, so she would smell fresh and clean, not like some teen whore mall rat. She hung above me naked. I drank some wine, masturbated and had some blasphemy sex with Satan while I taunted her. My long blade next to me teased her flesh. I could smell her fear; I could hear her cries. She knew this was no movie role. She knew she was going to die. I assured her that since she was a blood sacrifice for Satan and his Pagan gods, she would be reborn in hell for eternity. After my ritual chants were complete, I sunk into the tub beneath her, reached my long blade out and sliced her clear down the middle of her young body. I gutted her like a pig. Her blood and entrails fell over me like a tidal wave. I came masturbating in her blood while watching the life go out of her. Hail Satan. Thank you for the gift of this once vibrant hot teen slut.


Taboo phone sex

I could hear you in there with them.  Those little voices just begging to be set free.  We would eventually set them free but not in the way they were thinking.  I heard a loud slap, then whimpering as you disciplined them.  You see, they didn’t know that I can hear everything they say when they think we are not around.  The things that were said, tisk tisk.  Such language coming from those little mouths.  Terrible.  I would let them know that there is a hole in the wall under one of the strips of wall paper, but why spoil the fun?

When you came by I told you all about what I had heard.  They couldn’t hear us of course because I could always just replace the opening with the piece of wall that is missing.  Just pop it back in and Bob’s Your Uncle.  You were getting mad, I was glad you were.  I wanted you as pissed off as you could get.  This was your time to show me what you had learned from me.  You wanted me to take  you to my side of the darkness, and I had, but now it was time for you to fly on your own little birdie.

You took your shirt off, stripped down to your boxers and went into their room.  There were three of them in there, when you opened the door I could smell them.  That is the only bad thing about keeping things … the smell.  We had to really work on that room before we began your training to make sure those smells stayed inside with them along with their screams.  Sound proofing is a must in situations like this.

I could hear the three of them scurrying around like little mice trying to get away from you.  I was watching by the hole in the wall, I knew this would be the last time we used this room for awhile so I punched through the poster.  One of them looked at me as you were twisting her neck around by her matted hair, I said, “peek a boo” and smiled.  The fear in her eyes, the pain that shown in her face was exquisite. I handed you your belt through the opening and you took to lashing all of them.

After a little while I came into join you.  The pure violence that you unleashed upon them was one of the proudest moments of my life.  The very last one was rocking in the corner, we needed to put her out of her misery.  Her mind was broken, never to be fixed.  We were saving her really.  Deep down I knew she didn’t want to go through life medicated and scared.  I held her against me as you plunged your dick into her, I wrenched her neck to the side, you were grunting away, tearing up her insides with each thrust. When you were almost there I sliced into that soft buttery flesh of her neck. You orgasmed as the spray covered your body.  You had been baptized. I smiled up at you, and you down at me.

You have learned well Jedi, now go forth and do your worst.

Snuff Porn for Cash

snuff pornSnuff porn until Christmas. That is my fate. I need money for gifts and coke. My husband gave me money to Christmas shop, but I put it up my nose. Now, I have no more blow and no money to buy gifts or coke. A friend told me about auditions at this new underground seedy club. It is a place where men pay lots of money to do whatever they want to women. Torture, force fuck, bondage, toilet play… all the things most women won’t do. She needed money too, so my friend and I went together. The women waiting to get in were junkies and bimbos. Most of them looked rode hard put away wet. I am a coke whore, but I look classy, well at least compared to a strung-out heroin whore in need of a fix. There was a man deciding on who got in. The pay was $500 cash. When the guy got to us, he gave us a wad of cash and ushered us in. I guess we had the look he wanted. Once we were inside, we were on an auction block. Men bid on us. I went for $10,000. Suddenly, my little $500 felt like pocket change.  I could hear screams, smell blood and I heard what sounded like a chainsaw. This was like something straight out of a Hostel movie. I was either not going to live, or wish I was dead afterwards. The man who bought me, never spoke to me. I guess he didn’t want to personalize me. I had to think quick because I saw the hammer, big knives and other torture sex devices. I was not going to live. He started stabbing me. Swallow but painful jabs because he was unsure he wanted to kill me. He paid to snuff me, but in a moment of hesitation, I got away. I ran through a maze of dead women. I grabbed my friend and got the hell out. We were both bloody and bruised. It was a near death experience. Somehow, I think if you paid to torture me, you wouldn’t hesitate.

Taboo Phone Sex Whore and Bad Bitch

taboo phone sexAs a taboo phone sex whore, I need to be ready for anything. The men in my life are unpredictable. They love to hurt me, abuse me, and force fuck me. I have been double dipping in masters. I have an evening master and a day master. I thought I was sly and could get away with it. It all blew up in my face this weekend. I got busted. One master was at my house when the other made a surprise visit. They weren’t mad at each other, they were mad at the lying skank, which was me. I tried to smooth talk my way out of it saying I am a worthless whore who always needs two men to keep me in line. They ganged up on me. I was tossed into my basement where most of the hardcore BDSM equipment is kept. I was kicked, whipped, spit on and fucked. Did I mention it was for hours? They went Clockwork Orange on me and kicked me like a soccer ball. I was bloodied and bruised when the fucking starting. My eyes were swollen shut. “Not so pretty now are you whore,” one of them yelled at me as he slapped my face hard. They watch way too much ass rape porn because they were sodomizing me with both their cocks at the same time. My asshole tore, and I could feel hot sticky blood dripping down my ass. They left me tied up all weekend. When they returned yesterday to release me, they double penetrated my ass again. I’m still prolapsed and sore, but ready to serve you master.

Christmas Castration Phone Sex Season

castration phone sexCastration phone sex Christmas has begun. The weekend after Thanksgiving, I begin my once a day Castration ritual. It is my way of giving back to society. My special brand of charity helps prevent fucktards from reproducing and in the Me Too era, it empowers women because I am castrating sexual predators too. Don’t know how to use your testicles? Well, then you should not have them. I traveled to another city over the weekend to stalk Damien. Seems he has been living up to his name. He is a privileged college boy who likes to drug coeds then assault them. My guess is his daddy’s money and high-powered lawyer has kept him out of prison even though there have been 12 complaints about the bastard. I decided he needed a charity castration. Neither the law nor the school is going to protect the coeds, so I took matters into my own hands.

I dressed less threatening to lure him. We met at a bar, he spiked my drink when he thought I was not looking, but I am smarter than him and I switched our drinks. He was shocked to wake up tied up naked to my hotel bed. I listed his offenses, gave him a chance to rebut but the little prick was unrepentant.  If he had a least shown some remorse or made up a fake apology, I would have used a castration band and a clean blade. He was a piece of shit, so he was treated worse than cattle. I didn’t even let him do a shot of whiskey. I just used the jagged, rusty blade to chop off his balls. He bled like a stuck pig and cried like a little bitch. I just smiled as I looked at him bleeding out. “Apologize now prick and I will cauterize the wound,” I seethed. Now, I got a fake ass apology, but it saved his life. I took the bottom of a hot pan and sealed the wound. He won’t force his cock inside anyone ever again. Fuck, he won’t have a hard-on ever again. Damien gave me my first set of holiday balls.

Bloody Bondage Phone Sex

bondage phone sexBondage phone sex is seldom uneventful with me. When I agree to fetish modeling shoots it is not with reputable photographers. I am a coke whore. That leads me to poor decisions with bad men. When Antonio tied me up and hung me from a beam for the photo shoot, I wasn’t thinking about anything other the money I was making for coke. Once he cut the bottom of my feet and let them drip blood on his cock, I knew I was in trouble once again. I was strung up with my legs restrained and pulled to the sides. He fucked me in the position with his bloodied dick. My own blood was used as lube for him to force fuck my pussy. I was screaming for him to stop, but while his dick was still in my cunt, he stuck a knife in my ass. I let out a blood curdling scream as I felt the sharp blade penetrate my anus. It was cutting through my anal wall. He just laughed and called me a dumb coke whore. My blood was dripping on the floor I was suspended above from both my ass and the soles of my feet. He started slashing my boobs too. My blood was running down my stomach and legs, dripping all over the floor. He just kept fucking me and reminding me of all the coke I would soon have. Although I wanted to get high so badly, all I could think about was if I was going to survive long enough to get high.


Taboo phone sex

Isn’t it cute how they think they can get away?  The hope is strong, and they can almost see the end of their torture.  Almost.  They must think us stupid.  To think that once they broke their binds they can just run? That’s what is wrong with prey, they do not think, they react, that is what makes the Predator have the edge.

There she was, running though the woods, us walking behind her.  I had my pet with me, he was pulling so hard at his chain, I lean down to whisper in his ear, “спокойный”, which is Russian for “calm”.  He immediately stops barking.  However, now and then I will give him the command to bark just to keep the prey on their toes.

We can now hear them, crashing though the leaves.  I smile to myself.  Both you and I know a secret.  The last time you went in to fill her bowl you purposefully left the bolt undone.  It did take her longer than we thought for her to figure that out.  Once she was out of the underground hut, she was off like a shot.  She didn’t even notice us standing a few feet away.

We both looked at each other and chuckled and shook our heads.  She tried so hard, her legs were pumping like mad, but she wasn’t going to get away.  You see both you and I made sure nobody could get off the property.  We heard her hit the barbwire … hard.  Then the crying for help.  Nobody could hear her except for us so we just continued to walk.

Once we could see her, I left my pet go, he ran toward her full tilt, she was screaming, writhing in the wire which just made her get more entangled.  When we reach her my pet is a few inches from her face, growling.  The look of pure fear on her face makes me wet.  You and I fuck quickly before untangling her and returning her to her home. Silly bitch thought she would escape. Pathetic.

Violent Phone Sex Fantasies

violent phone sexViolent phone sex fantasies consume me. They always have. I need hardcore snuff and torture porn to get off. I can’t watch vanilla shit. It does nothing for me. I was watching this gory horror film with a guy friend of mine last night and I think I shocked him when I started playing with my cunt. This girl was getting butchered and dismembered and I had my fingers up my cunt like a deviant pervert. This guy friend is a fuck buddy. He is not one of my masters. He likes me and has no desire to hurt me which is why he is just a fuck buddy. I use him for his cock and his fingers. He can finger my ass and pussy at the same time, giving me a hard orgasm. I had him do his magic while I rubbed my clit. He doesn’t like snuff movies as much as me, but he likes me, and he will do anything for me. I got nasty. I cut myself, so my blood dripped on his chest and cock. He had no idea I was such a nasty freak. When he saw my blood, his dick got rock hard. I think he even shocked himself. We used my dripping blood as lube as we fucked our brains out. He didn’t dismember or butcher me, but he fucked me like he wanted to and that is a start.

Snuff Humiliation

Taboo phone sex

I haven’t been doing well in school. My grades are bad, and I’ve been getting a lot of detention. My daddy spanks me every time he gets a phone call from the school but apparently, I needed to, “be taught a real lesson.” When my principle called about catching me fucking a boy after school in the stairwell, Daddy became furious. He dragged me down to the basement by my hair. My scalp and body was on fire from being dragged on the stares and cold concrete.

He then ordered me to strip naked. He set up a camera, told me he was going to bring some people who can teach me a lesson and left me in the cold dark basement. I stood for hours shivering. When the door opened, my daddy and a few strange men walked in. They had tools and chains with them. “Clearly you’re not good enough for school. The only thing you’re good for now is to be our little fuck toy,” one mad said.

Big wet tears dripped down my face. They had me stand front and center for the camera. Daddy said they ran a live stream so that everyone would know how much of a skank I was. Daddy took out a long leather whip and began lashing me as hard as he could. I screeched in pain. My skin went from red to split open with every lash. Snot dripped down my face as I begged for him to stop. But him and his friends just laughed.

Daddy and all of his friends cut and whipped at my skin until I was various shades of black, purple and red. Then he ordered the men to live out their twisted rape fantasies me until my cunnie and rosebud bled. They did this for days. Every day I was forced to fuck strangers until I couldn’t move. My dad always kept the camera rolling for his viewers. More and more they want to see more horrific things. What do you think they’ll do next?